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Sky Moonflow

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Everything posted by Sky Moonflow

  1. [CENTER]Wait[/CENTER] I wait for you But you don't come I worry about you But you never know I wish on many stars I cry without any tears I wait You never come I hope You never hear me I wish You don't know it I pray You never recieve it I wait night and day I will wait forever Till at last You come back to me [CENTER]End of the Dream[/CENTER] Now the sun is slowly fading, And the moonlight starts to gleem, Fondest wishes masquerading As a pointless, endless dream And it's there along the skyline As I search for where you are That I feel those wishes combine To a shining sliver star. Am I all alone in darkness, am I all alone in pain? Is there no one left to guide me through this dark city of rain? Oh, no, I know you're near me; feel our fingers intertwine But the wish that brings us here, is it ours or only mine? If you need me, when you need me I will be here for you always Let me hold you, let me save you From the shattered windows, and the empty hallways. Now the sun is quickly sinking Casting shadows in the sand And a stray machine is thinking That she'd like to hold your hand Could I stop running long enough To kiss your lips again? Would that free my conscience of It's heavy shroud of pain? For I'm all alone in the darkness, where no frozen bond can break And I fear this nightmare is the one from which I'll never wake In the chains of the destroyer I fear I'll not be set free Or is can this wish within my heart bring you here to me? Are you near me, can you hear me As my voice grows to a scream? Do not despair, I will be there Close by your side at the end of the dream. SkySky
  2. Lucida looked at everyone. "Why are we fighting!!" she yelled. Everyone looked at her because of her sudden outburst. "We should be helping each other!" she cried For some reason she started crying. She threw down her backpack and ran off. She coulden't take this anymore. "Luci-" yelled Matt. But he was too late. Lucida was gone.
  3. Lucida looked up. "Where's Church?" Lucida asked. When no one gave her an answer she took off looking for Church. "Church!" she called into the barren wasteland. No answer still. "Where did Church go. Was she in trouble. Was she hurt." Lucida thought. Lucida climbed upon a dusty hill and spotted something close by. Was it Church? Lucida took off in that direction worried. SkySky
  4. Lucida sighed. This wasen't going well. She pulled out her drawing supplies and drawing pad and got to work. If she was going to survive with these people she'll have to keep her cool. Lucida looked up from her drawing and watched Church for a while. If she didn't do something soon she was going to go nuts. Lucida returned to her drawing and finished then placed it back in her backpack. She stood up and dusted off her pants. "So what do we do now?" she asked herself. Lucida started to walk away. She needed time to thing and time to get away from these people. Sky Sky
  5. Name: Lucida J. Blossom Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance:[student] Blackish-brownish hair, Dark blue eyes, Blue jeans with a dragon on the right pantleg, Black T-shirt with a chinese dragon on it(red). Purplish nail polish. Short black boots, Close to 5"3. A dragon with fairy wings necklace. Suplies: matches,rubberbands, some string, drawing pad, drawing suplies, paint and paintbrushes, small knife, digital handheld map, 2 black pens. Bio: Was forced to go on this trip by her parents. Usually the silent type. But talks only when nesscary. Is very skilled in drawing. Says that the orb on her necklace holds her pretector. Sky Moonflow Oh and I can't exactly post much cause I can't get into otakuboards through my computer at home. So I can only do this at school. So excuse me if i don't post much cause I only got like 40 minutes on the computer each day at school.
  6. [SIZE=1]This will be my last ever game for after this is over or it get no replies I have to leave. My computer time is limited so let's begin.[/SIZE] It's the year 4592. Vrtual Reality is a hit. Currently there are 200393 games for VR. The newest one called "DreamWebb" has been sent to 7 kids for a trial run. "DreamWebb" is a game that allows you to be anything you want. You can bring to life your most favorite dreams. So pick your charcter and let's go. Info I need RW-real world DW-dreamwebb name(real world)- Name (dreamwebb)- Age (real world)- Age(Dreamwebb)- Gender (real world)- Gender (Dreemwebb)- Appearance (real world)- Appearance(dreamwebb)- Location(real world)- This is me Name (RW)- Himiko Akazumi Name (DW)- Lu Age(RW)- 15 Age(DW)-Unknown Gender (RW)-Female Gender(DW)-Female App. (RW) Reddishorange hair, sapphire eyes, clothes depends on moods. App. (DW)- White Hair, Glass Clear eyes, Red shirt that covers her knees and has slits on the sides. blue pants that don't cover her ankles. No shoes Location (RW)- Kobe, Japan Let's Go!! Sky Moonflow
  7. [QUOTE] [B]Race:[/B] Could I be a different race? [/QUOTE] Shure.....just keep it simple.. Signups are closed.. and it will start in three days. Kitty-Lee
  8. Ok..this might be my last rpg ever made. -Young Girls Voice- It's the year 8324, in the middle of a robotic war. Not many people will survive. Please prevent another war from starting in the future. Listen, the way to prevent this is.....Who are you?! NO! NO! Let me go!!! -static- Currently it is the year 8492. A new robotic war is brewing. YOu have replayed that tape dozen of times. But yet you can't find the meaning of it. A few days later you recive another tape. -Young Girls Voice-Time is all we need. But not---yelling--static- It has no clear connection to the last tape. But his time an adress is on it. Will you go and try to prevent the past from repeating itself or wil you allow this world to be destroyed. The futrue depends on your decision. -Info needed- Name Age (13-53) Gender Appearance Weapons Race (Android,Human,Demon) Extra Itmes this will be me Name-Ali Istamaru Age-24 Gender-Female Appearance-Pale green eyes,white shoulder lenghth hair, no shoes, white pants, black shirt, black belt tied around the waist. Weapons-long pole with a curved blade on the end Race-Possibly the last human Extra Items- A necklace holding a clear stone on it. Have fun [COLOR=teal]~KittyLee~[/COLOR]
  9. This might not be long but... My favorite book is called "An Angel's Cry" It's a good book cause it tells about this girls struggle to regain her life after a diagonis of lung cancer. Now this might sound strange..but I kinda knew how that girl felt. Well anyways. It really taugth me something I don't think I'll forget. It is a good book cause It makes you feel like you are the girl in the story. Ok my other favorite book is "Third Star At Night" Its my other favorite because it tell bout a child who has lost all of its' family. It seems confusing cause the book is written like the narrator in inside the childs head. Well the child grows up in dowtown New York. The child has no clue what it is doing there and where it's parents are. It reflects on my life sometimes. And my final favorite is "Black and White" It tells of two girls one white named Niame Willcox. And a black girl named Zoe Narvasa. They don't know each other. But it tells each of their storys. It tells about how they saw life. How they acted and how they where treated. It's back when black people where like aliens to white people. So It kinda teaches something. I guess. Well that's it. Kitty Lee
  10. Nice. Well hope for more comments soon. Kitty Lee
  11. Lonlyness Lonlyness is black and white It sounds like someone crying It tastes bitter And smell like a rotton apple It looks like an endless pit It makes you feel like you don't belong ----------------------------------------------------------------- Like Me It's so dark I can't see a thing I can't feel a living soul I'm alone All I see is a flower petal It slowly fades away Leaveing me to stay A white rose appears It seems frozen in time It dosen't fall It dosen't rise It dosen't grow tall It dosen't die It just sits there It's like me just alone So..completly...alone -------------------------------------------------- Tears won't go away Pain will forever stay Tired of pretending Can't live like this anymore Have to find a way To fight my sorrow And live my life But still hanging on by a thread Death staring me in the face Trying to take me any chance it gets Standing strong Never to give in Never to fall ------------------------ Well that's all I have "Take the pain of the world and put it in a ball. Then you will find true lonlyness" -The one called Sky Moonflow
  12. Wow....OK well mage is a race. 1)StickFairy-Katriel Yamini-approved 2)animangademon-Treylura Jesting-approved 3)DemonicElf-Ein Ridley-approved 4)BlackSkull-Leon Kai-approved 5) 6)Sky Moonflow-Lucien Trique-approved =^.^= meow
  13. Among The Stars Not many people beleived me when I said that one day the world would stop turing and fall into an internal Chaos. But out there...is a ray of hope! Out there is some people who can save us from this fate. But a question remains..will they here my cry? "Help us! We need someone out there...we will die..if not saved from this terrible fate. If anyone can here this cry, please! help us! I fear that we may not last long. I beg of you to please help us. Some of us...diserve not this terrible fate! someone...please...help....." A question remains. Will you answer this cry for help. Or will you just ignore it. The choice is yours. But remember that cry... And that letter...... Dear whomever, I ask of not much. I need help. This is our last chance to survive. So please help us! Tli Isakana Will you help. The choice is up to you. What I need. Name (first and last) Race (Elf/wanderer/Mage/Swords person) AGe (13-45) Appearance Gender Weapons (Limit of 4) Bio (10 to 100 words or more) This will be me Name-Lucien Trique Race-Wanderer Age-13 Appearance-Light green eyes, Black w/ red tips hair/ Black pants, red shirt,Black cloak,no shoes Gender-Female Weapons-Long pole with a blade on the end Bio-Lucien was abandoed by her parents. So she has lived a hard life. But somehow...she has survived..even..with..one arm..
  14. Ok I just like to add that I'll give further detalis when I get all the signups. There is some suprises I"m working on right now.
  15. This will be my last string of RPG's. Cardimina Agelcia........ This was a peaceful place. Every year the people of this village choose 5 young kids to leave the village and come back once they have found Queen Alica's Dimond. None have come back. Let's hope that we can make it... This is what I need Name Race Age Gender Item Weapon Appearance Here are the races Hinju-They are a silent batch of people. They tend to keep to themselves. (2) Obwain-They travel solo. But they can work together if they want. They aren't very found of the Hinju's.(2) Deamon-They don't act very nice. But they tend to work very well with the Obwian. And like the Obwian they dispise Hinju's.(1) This is me. Name:Reiana Race:Hinju Age: 17 Gender:Female Item:Paint and Paint brushes Weapon:Balck Staff with a crystal Star on top. Appearance:Short black hair. Dark blue cloak, Black skirt,Black Shirt,Balck sandels,CrystalBlue Eyes,5"7,Black Gloves Have Fun-Sky Sky
  16. Name:Trifa Akazuma Age:18 Description:Silver hair, black eyes, Black shirt and skirt. Black gloves. Black boots. Black bandana covering her mouth. Bio: Trifa lost her whole family 5 years ago. She pulled herself into beleiving that the dark holds more promises than the light. So she has been liveing close to the darkness all her life. Element:Darkness Weapon: Black staff with an black orb floating above it.
  17. Bounty hunters: 1.Iyasu-DigitalPunk 2.Kurigara-Akki Korosiya 3.Slade-Sacitario PeaceMakers: 1.Meara Caitrin Sinead-erinzyger 2.Sergia Pauleta-Wondershot Forest Dwelers 1.Ivirne Kiros-T man 2.Ki Toki-Ohkami Desert Walkers 1.K.C. Mohagan-Sky Moonflow 2.Kitty Ukazuri-dbzanimegrl17 3.Sether Daskar-Dragon Warrior ----------------------------------- [I]K.C....Kathy Calina Mohagan! WAKE UP![/I] K.C. woke up suddenly. K.C: Well that was weird.
  18. Name: Julieana Vencroft Age: (aYokano 7th grade is age 12-14!Me was in 7th grade last year!) 13 Description:Black Hair, Emerald Green eyes(is going blind in left eye), White t-shirt with a strange symbol on it, Blue Jeans, Red and Orange tennis shoes, 5"4, 98lbs, very scrony(skinny). Bio: Julieana is a small girl. Some say she is malnuroished. But she isn't. She had to repeat 7th grade because she had to many sick days last year when she was 12. She dosen't have many friends but that dosen't bother her. Schdule: Items: Green notebook. Black pens and pencials. Blue bookbag. Books.
  19. Name: Clo Riverwin Mavrick/Reploid:Mavrick Male/Female: Female Main attack: Sano Shien Slash Secondary attack: Asuken Tri Cannon Counter attack: Teardrop Gem Apperince: Clo has long white hair stick out from under her helmet. Blue and Green amor all over her body except face. Wears black visor over face. Short Bio: Clo is shy. She does not know why she became a Mavrick. But since she can't change what has happened she deals with it. But she gets hurt in the process...
  20. Name: C.A. Hreie Age: 15 Gender: Female Class: Dolphin Appearance: Light Light Blue skin with white underside. pure blue eyes. Light gray hair. Blind in left eye. Dark blue gem in the middle of her forhead. Bio: C.A. has just reffered to herself by her inentionals since she was about 6. Her full name is Carol Angela Hreie. But no one has called her Carol since her parents died when she was 6. When she was 7 she got hit in the eye with an arrow and so she is blind in her left eye. She is of the dolphin race. But even though her race is thought to be gental they will fight for what the beleive is right. She speaks when she feels like it is nesscary..but that is not often. She is reffered to as "Cold-At-Heart" people used CAH her inotials to make that line...cold.. Weapon- A special type of bow and arrows.
  21. Current Status Bounty hunters: 1.Iyasu-DigitalPunk 2.Kurigara-Akki Korosiya 3.Slade-Sacitario PeaceMakers: 1.Meara Caitrin Sinead-erinzyger 2.Sergia Pauleta-Wondershot Forest Dwelers 1.Ivirne Kiros-T man 2.Ki Toki-Ohkami Desert Walkers 1.K.C. Mohagan-Sky Moonflow 2.Kitty Ukazuri-dbzanimegrl17 3.Sether Daskar-Dragon Warrior Ok well I won't be here for about 5 days. But when I do come back I promise I will start this so now. This signup is closed! Thanks to all who have joined! -Sky
  22. Ok..well I'm starting this RPG cause I got a few days to be online..but not much. So I"ll start this anyhow. This has been nagging at the back of my mind all weekend. [I]Dimond Star. It was once a butiful world. But after many wars and loss of food....well..it's not butiful anymore. Well There are bounty hunters and peacemakers...some forset dwellers and desert walkers. Well what are you...[/I] Bounty Hunters- A batch of people that would do almost anything for a quick quilixon (that what Dimiond Stariens call money.(need 3) Peace Makers- They try to keep the bounty hunters from killing...sometimes uncessful (need 2) Forest Dwellers- These people live in the forests. They are trying to protect thier home from being destroyed. Travel often (need 2) Desert Walkers- These people travel alot. The stay away from bounty hunters..because all desert walkers have a bounty on their heads. (need 3) Bounty Hunter sign up Name AGe Appearance Weapon Peacke Maker signup Name AGe Appearance Item Forest Dweller signup Name AGe Appearance Weapon Desert Walkers signup Name AGe Appearance Bounty price (no more than 1,000,000,000,000) Weapon This will be me. Desert Walker. Name: K.C. Mohagan Age: 24 Appearance: Light grey eyes, Red hair, blue gloves, white shirt and black pants no shoes. dark green tinted sunglasses. Bounty price: 900,889,933,260 Weapon: Hunters knife. small pistol.
  23. Name: Vana Osireo Age: 18 Weapon: A small hunter's knife. Appearance: Vana has dark tinted goggle over her eyes,Blue spikey hair,Red gloves,Blue jeans,A t-shirt with letterings saying "Let All Darkness Rise!" Dark Blue jacket. Black boots. Bio: Vana started wearing her goggles at the age of 10. She had ran from home since she was 12. Apperently her parents hated her. Vana has a small boat in which she travels across rivers.And small bodies of water. She carries her hunter knife in case she runs into trouble.
  24. Name: Gyu Natru Age:21 Weapon: Asurk Blade (a sword that has the imprint of a Asurk(dragon) on one side of it. It's not very long and it's almost hollow.) Armor: Head, Bandana; Body, padded leather; Arms, Black leather gloves; Legs, thin leather. Blood type: O
  25. Kentia looked around..she jumped off her land scooter. Kentia: I could have swore I saw something. Kentia turned pale but not because of a spur...She looked up and something was looking at her... Kentia: Who who are you.... Aruto: My name is Aruto. Kentia looked around. She was alone. But where did this person came from. Kentia: Where did you come from.... Aruto: I've always been here Kentia. Kentia: How...how did you know my name..and what did you mean you have always been here... Aruto: I've known you for a long time. Ever since you where five.. Kentia: I was five when I got this chip in my head..... Aruto: Exactly. I'm that voice you hear when you have a spur.. Kentia: Are you...you... Aruto: Yes. I'm the chip in your head. This is my image....
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