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Sky Moonflow

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Everything posted by Sky Moonflow

  1. Kaze sat up suddenly and was on a island. There was a stone in her hand. Kaze: Where am I? Kaze looked around but no-one was there. ????: Hello. Kaze looked around. Kaze: Who was that? ??: Me look down in your hand. Kaze looked down at the crystal in her hand. Kaze: Ya can talk? ???: Yeah. But I can do more.... A bright light flased and the crystal floated and a boy appeared. He had the same blue hair and smokey gray eyes. He looked just like her excet he was a boy. ??: I'm Kyle Kaze: Kaze. Where are we? Kyle: We are in Zarcaida. Kaze stood up and nodded she looked over a hill and saw some people. She walked towards the people. Kaze: Hey down there!! Kaze jogged down and stood infront of four people. Kaze: Hey I'm Kaze and this is Kyle. Sakura: I'm Sakura and this is Jace. Jazz: I'm Jazz and this is Blaze. Sakura: Let me guess Kyle is your emreald? Kaze: Yea.
  2. Didn't expect this one to get this many sign ups this fast...I'll accept two more people...But I've started this in Adventure Arena. just don't get tangled in those Puppet Strings... :bluesweat:
  3. [SIZE=1]One day a few kids recived a letter. They didn't know who it was. But they thought it was worth trying to find out who sent the letter. Dear whomever, I feel like a puppett. Someone else is pulling the strings. No control, can't do what I want. I feel like I've started falling and can't stop. I'll hit the bottom and keep falling. I have no past to remember. I spent my whole life in shadows. What few memories I do have are fadeing. Never have I felt so lost. I know I'll stop flling. Even if I fall to far. I'll climp back up again. Who sent the letter? Why did they send the letter? And where are they? That are all the questions the kids have asked. When you showed the letter to your parents they said it was blank. Why coulden't they see the letter? This truely is strange...[/SIZE] Ku Nasatu looked over the letter over and over again. It made no sence that her parents couldent's see the letter but she could. Ku: This is all strange. Ku stood up from her desk. She grabed her gloves and slipped them on. She then grabbed her bracelet and put it on her right wrist. She pulled her bandana over her hair. She went outside and sat on her front porch.
  4. Name: Kaze Age: 16 Power: Wind Emerald Color: Pale Blue Special Skill: Flight Weapon: Wind Bow and Arrow
  5. Kentia woke up lying on a tree branch. Kentia: I must have fallen asleep in the park...oh well my parents won't worry. Kentia cloes her eyes, opens them again trying to ajust to the sunlight. She stands up and jumps down from the tree branch and walks out of the park. Kentia: Got to get my land scooter.. Kentia arrived home and grabbed her land scooter and took off. She was going somewhere but she really didn't know.
  6. One day a few kids recived a letter. They didn't know who it was. But they thought it was worth trying to find out who sent the letter. [SIZE=1]Dear whomever, I feel like a puppett. Someone else is pulling the strings. No control, can't do what I want. I feel like I've started falling and can't stop. I'll hit the bottom and keep falling. I have no past to remember. I spent my whole life in shadows. What few memories I do have are fadeing. Never have I felt so lost. I know I'll stop flling. Even if I fall to far. I'll climp back up again. [/SIZE] Who sent the letter? Why did they send the letter? And where are they? That are all the questions the kids have asked. When you showed the letter to your parents they said it was blank. Why coulden't they see the letter? This truely is strange... But who got the letters..... Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Special Item: This is me Name: Ku Nasatu Age:13 Gender: Female Appearance: Ku has firey red hair, sea green eyes, blue jeans, red t-shirt, blue tennis shoes, red bandana, black gloves with the fingers cut off of them. Special Item: A bracelet with red,blue,green,black,red,orange,yellow,white gems on it.
  7. Kentia turned somewhat pale. Kentia: No not another spur! Not again! Kentia held her hands to the side of her head. She tried not to yell. Kentia fell to the ground in pain. She was trying so hard not to scream she was hurting herself even more. Kentia closed her eyes as tears streamed down her face. After a while the spur stopped. Kentia opened her eyes. Kentia: It has stopped.... Kentia closed her eyes again. She stood up and looked around hopeing noone saw her.
  8. Kentia walked along the sidewalk. She was alone out here. Well alone for now. Kentia: I hope I don't have another Spur. Kentia walked to the park she heard someone talking. She looked around a tree and saw someone. She had to keep silent so the person woulden't see her.
  9. Ok I got it started finally.
  10. [SIZE=1]The Shadow People...that's what they call us. We are the rejects of society. The rats in the garbage. We are the ones that people hate. They experminted on us. The messed with our minds. In the year 2414 scientist experminted on some childern. They installed computerized chips into the brains of the childern. But something went wrong with the project. But the childern where released. They where sent back to their familes. The scientist thought the childern would not rember anything. But they where wrong. It's now the year 2418. It has been four years after the experiment. There has been a computer virus going around. With the computerized chips in the mind of the childern they are not safe from the virus. Will the childern find a way to excape the virus or will they be infected....Who knows[/SIZE] Kentia Nasatu sat on her windowsill looking out into the dead of the night. She had had 9 spurs this day...But the night was calm she wouldn't have any spurs tonight. Kentia looked down into the tree below her window. Kentia: I'm going outside... Kentia pulled her gloves and shoes on. She jumped out of the window and grabbed a branch of the tree before she hit the ground. She pulled herself up and looked out towards the road...
  11. [SIZE=1]Letter from Lucia McGrav Dear Maria, Hello my dear daughter. This is your mother. I have finaly found the time to send you a letter after these 6 long years. I'm so sorry I left without a word. But life back there was to dull for me. So I left. I'm sorry I left you with your worthless father. But I had to get away. I hope you are safe.I won't be back ever again. So you are left with your father. How old are you 8 or 9. Oh my I have forgotten my own daughters age. Well I bid you farewell. Your Mother, Lucia This letter dated back as far as 700 years ago. In 1998. It is now 2698. Maria McGrav is long gone. But it seems her mother is not. Sightings of Lucia McGrav have been reported. Why is she still here? That's what some people are trying to find out. Only a few people have sighted Lucia McGrav. But two of those people have remained silent. But the others have decided to find out why she is still here. They have volentered to take a trip back to 1998 to find out what happened. Even the ones who choose to remain silent decided to help out. So I guess it's time to sleep.[/SIZE] Cacey Marien sat on the cliffs edge. She had just seen a real live ghost. With her fasantanation in paranormal studies..she never really though she come across a real ghost. Cacey: I never though I would come across a real ghost. Cacey stood up and grabbed her sandels. She had to get back to her home.
  12. I'm starting this today.....I also have to start another RPG.......so I'll get on this right away
  13. Kaotamon: You know we would travel faster if you got on my back. Tallie: Ok... Tallie got one Kaotamon's back. Kaotamon took off across the feild. Tallie: I didn't know you could run this fast. Kaotamon: What you want me to go slower. Tallie: No this speed is fine. Tallie held on the Kaotamon's back as her digimon went on acroos the feild.
  14. I'll start this in two days. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LosingFaith [/i] [B]I stated that it was for my character's background. And I do hope he doesn't mind. :) [/B][/QUOTE] ^_^! Well I don't mind. But I would appericate it if noone mistaked me for a boy............
  15. I'm sorry I didn't start this yesterday. But I was haveing computer troubles. computerized voice* DIGIMON DIGITAL DISASTER WELCOME. Hello new digidestens. You few kids will help us return our world back to the way it was. Now a e-mail is being sent to all of you. Please read it and help us. Thank You. You turn down your volume on your computer. That was weird. A voice just started when you were on the computer. You went to check your e-mail and saw a e-mail from someone named DigiDiae. Digidestened, Hello my name is DigiDiae. We need your help. In we I mean me and the Digimon. I am known as the White Angel. I leave you this message. My friends, I come to you today to tell you what you need to know to save our world. Long ago ancient powers we sealed within the digieggs of the souls. But one was stolen and it was born. So now there are only nine digieggs of the souls left. You each will receive one. I ask of you to please return all the souls back to the tempel. For if you run out of time.....you might never live again. You must succeed, or are world is shurely doomed..... The nine souls: Wind Water Fire Thunder Earth Steel Ice Wizard(Spirit) and Plant You are now somewhat scared yet you want to help......but some of you are in this for more that helping.... stats. Wind- Artimus (DJ. Tatum) Thunder- Mark Crydee (the The Boy) Ice- Sakura (Ohkami) Water- Saffire (KiaraStarr) Earth- Seifer Crosscar (BlackSkull) Wizard (spirit)- Tallie ([Me]Sky Moonflow) Fire- Hope (Blanko) Steel- Meteo Dragoon (Dj Professor DM) Plant- Saina (dayday) Dark- Ben (Ben) Tallie looked around. She had just replied to an e-mail. And she got sucked into the computer. Tallie looked around and saw something in the bushes. Tallie: Hello is anyone there. ?????: Who who are you. Tallie: My names Tallie. What's yours Kaotamon: I'm Kaotamon. *walks out from the bushes* Tallie: Well Kaotamon nice to meet you. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ok well have fun.
  16. Vampire. I move silently I move swiftly Moveing thoughout the night Showing no fright Entering the house upon the hill Moveing in shadows Towards the room where he lays I lick my lips hungerly I slowly pull him from the bed Touching his lips ever so tenderly I perice the skin on his neck And let the sweet red elixer flow upon my lips He flinches as he feels slight pain But luckily he dose not wake When I have finished I remove my mouth Wipeing the red elixer from his neck I lay him back in bed I open the window and take my leave I move swiftly into the night I leave only one mark Those two small holes on the neck Will you be next...
  17. Ok the sign ups are closed...I've was going for seven people (including me) and I've got the other six. We'll start in two days. Well happy ghost sightings.....
  18. Name: Asirito (Made Up) Age: 20 Race: Human (achully an ancient princess) Anime: Tenchi Appearance: Asirito stands about 5"8. Her hair is black, smokey gray eyes. She wears a dark blue skirt and shirt, black boots. She has a necklace that has a blue stone in the middle. Bio: Asirito was an anchient princess. Though she had no memory of this. She had tried to kill Ayeaka once. She also tried to Ryoko twice. And Tenchi once. Extra: She has a flute.
  19. Hiya folks. I'm back. I've gotten another idea for an RPG. [I]The Shadow People...that's what they call us. We are the rejects of society. The rats in the garbage. We are the ones that people hate. They experminted on us. The messed with our minds.[/I] In the year 2414 scientist experminted on some childern. They installed computerized chips into the brains of the childern. But something went wrong with the project. But the childern where released. They where sent back to their familes. The scientist thought the childern would not rember anything. But they where wrong. It's now the year 2418. It has been four years after the experiment. There has been a computer virus going around. With the computerized chips in the mind of the childern they are not safe from the virus. Will the childern find a way to excape the virus or will they be infected....Who knows... Ok this is what I need for an signup. Name (first and last) Age (8-15) Gender Appearance Bio This be me Name: Kentia Nasatu Age: 9 Gender: Female Appearance: Short lgiht brown hair, green eyes, red t-shirt, blue shorts, red shoes, Navy Blue gloves with the fingers cut off of them. Bio: When Kentia was 5 she was tooken from her home and she got the chip installed into her mind. Sometimes during the days she has short moments in which she her chip starts to go haywire. During that time she feels extreme pain. Those spurs have been happening more and more since the virus has started. "Will I fall victum to this virus..." -Kentia
  20. Ok well.....since noone has signed up for the plant.......I guess someone can join later....I'll start this RPG tomorrow.......or Monday..
  21. Name: Isabell (Isa for short.) Age: 13 Gender: Female Digimon: Anrenimon Digimon Attacks: Rainbow Arrow, Healing Wind, Angel's Tear. Your Appearance: Jet Black hair(some of her bangs are covering her right eye). Light Green eyes. White shorts. Blue t-shirt. Light blue gloves. green shoes.(She is blind in her right eye) Digimons Appearance: Anrenimon has yellowish eyes. She has a white mask that covers her face. She has light blue angel wings.She has white armor covering her arms legs and her back. She has a bow on her back for her rainbow arrow. Power: Light Bio: Isabell had just got in from track practice. She at first thought the e-mail was a prank. She didn't delete it. When she checked her e-mail again there was another one. She soon decied it was real and replied. She was pulled into the computer into the digital world. Thus she met Anrenimon.
  22. Kallie sat the last pie on the edge of the window. She rubbed her sore paws together. She walked out of the kitchen and saw her little sister comeing towards her. Kallie: Hello sister. She grabbed her sister when she came close to her. Kallie: I thought you where with Rip and the other dibbuns. Her sister shook her head no. Kallie smiled. She put her sister down. Kallie: Well let's go see what Rip and the other dibbuns are doing....
  23. Part one Name: Suka Kind of Charcter: Sword Master Weapon: A sword that is about two and a half feet. It has a dragon on the middle of the sword. Charcter Description: Suka stands about 5"8. She has short black hair with blue streaks. Dark Blue eyes. Black skirt. Blue shirt. Has two blue lines on both side of her face. Personality: Generly happy. She never will give up on anything. She always manages to make the best out of a bad sitiuation. But sometimes even this girl have to give up and face what she has to. Though she is never seems to cry. She does sometimes. She dosen't amit defeat easily. Part two Name: Tallie Hasiien Age: 17 Description: Long firey red hair. Light green eyes. About 5"7. Black shorts. White t-shirt. Blue tennis shoes. Bio: Tallie plays the world for fun. She uses most of her time drawing and writing. Her charcter came from her favorite drawing. When she isn't drawing or writing she is playing the world. Tallie transformed into her online charcter when she was keeping a friend from getting hurt. Personality: Same as in the world. Part three: (Ok I'm just decided to do one) Sora
  24. Ryue looked up to the endelss blue sky. She looked down across the endless ground. The Dragonloards were out there somewhere. She looked backwards. She was completly alone. She was safe for a while. Ryue: Endless sky and ground. Up high down low. I watch in amazement from this cliff hanging in the air. Ryue closed her eyes. She stood up and picked up her longblade sword. She should get back home. She had another training session before all this started.
  25. Name: Misera Lucieta Age: 7 Gender: Female Type: Wind Spirit Eveloutins: Human: Windarymon Beast: Asudinarymon Description: Light brown hair. Pale green eyes. Blue t-shirt that has a fairy on it. Green shorts. Blue-Green sandels. Glasses. Bio: Misera arrived at Trailmon Station by an e-mail left on her computer. She traced the message to it's orginal location and jumped on the train not knowing where she was going. Color of D-Tector: Light Green and white.
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