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Sky Moonflow

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Everything posted by Sky Moonflow

  1. Malli packed her things. It was moring so she had to get on the move. As she was packing up she looked down at a town not far from her camp site. Malli: I wonder if anyone is there. Malli grabbed her staff and pushed her hair out of her eyes. She got on her way... ~~~~~~ Sorry for the short post but I'm leaving in a few.
  2. Well here is the current stats. Wind- Artimus (DJ. Tatum) Thunder- Mark Crydee (the The Boy) Ice- Sakura (Ohkami) Water- Saffire (KiaraStarr) Earth- Seifer Crosscar (BlackSkull) Wizard (spirit)- Tallie ([Me]Sky Moonflow) Fire- Hope (Blanko) Steel- Meteo Dragoon (Dj Professor DM) Plant- Saina (dayday) Dark- Ben (Ben)
  3. Name: Amy Age: 14 Sex: Female Description: Dark Brown hair. Smokey Gray eyes. White t-shirt and Blue pants. Blue tennis shoes. Blue tinted sunglasses. Bio: Amy was a friend of Sakura's (hope you don't mind though). Amy was achually very friendly and always willing to help her friends. She may be only able to use the magic Cure but she can do more that that. She sometimes uses her staff as a pole. Even though it does little to no damage. She seems a perfect match for her stone. She is always willing to help. And with her friends beside her she can do anthing. Weapon: A small metal staff. Magic: Cure Burning Stone: Friendship Amy-"My friends are my power......and thus I will forever help them.."
  4. Well I'm starting my new poem thread. So keep on looking for new poems. [U]Fragments[/U] [COLOR=royalblue]A hiju is a hiju until the day he dies Leon Kai. Be careful now. A gaurdian is a gaurdian until the day we die CelestialRenamon. Watch your back. A halen is a halen until the day she dies Makho. I can't help you. I'm hurt I'm hurt but my spirit is stronger than ever D-Master. My old friend, be wise. Light upon light, day upon day, just show me the way, to end this pain Rei Alllei. You don't mean what you say. Never understand the person trapped inside Faloe. Don't get to hopeful. Where did she go? Sire. Don't ask that anymore. Into the darkness she fell Ashie. Please be silent. Just to find the light Gienny. You may be right. So many doors Taiae. Be careful of what you wish for. Which is real, witch is fake lil wolf. We may never know. Ruin one life insted of two lives lil amy. You are young yet wise. Which will she choose? Luna G. Please leave me be. Just wake up.... For this is me. These words run through my thoughts I can't continue to ignore them I must say them But to who I really don't know -Sky Angel[/COLOR]
  5. This is my first Digimon RPG *computerized voice* DIGIMON DIGITAL DISASTER WELCOME. Hello new digidestens. You few kids will help us return our world back to the way it was. Now a e-mail is being sent to all of you. Please read it and help us. Thank You. You turn down your volume on your computer. That was weird. A voice just started when you were on the computer. You went to check your e-mail and saw a e-mail from someone named DigiDiae. [I]Digidestened, Hello my name is DigiDiae. We need your help. In we I mean me and the Digimon. I am known as the White Angel. I leave you this message. My friends, I come to you today to tell you what you need to know to save our world. Long ago ancient powers we sealed within the digieggs of the souls. But one was stolen and it was born. So now there are only nine digieggs of the souls left. You each will receive one. I ask of you to please return all the souls back to the tempel. For if you run out of time.....you might never live again. You must succeed, or are world is shurely doomed..... The nine souls: Wind Water Fire Thunder Earth Steel Ice Wizard(Spirit) and Plant You are now somewhat scared yet you want to help......but some of you are in this for more that helping....[/I] ~Log in Sheet~ Name: Age: Gender: Digimon: (make up one)Digimon Attacks: (it's alredy a Mega...it can bio merge)Biomerge name: Biomerge Attack: Appearance: Soul: Bio: Wind- Thunder- Ice- Water- Earth- Wizard(spirit)-Tallie (Me) Fire- Steel- Plant- This is me Name: Tallie Age:14 Gender: Female Digimon: Kaotamon; Digimon Attacks: White Wing Blade and Starlight beam; Biomerge name: Akrastoumon; Biomerge Attack: Moon Light Cannon and White flame Appearance: Blue shorts and sandels. White t-shirt. Light brown hair. SeaGreen eyes. Blue tinted sunglasses Soul: Wizard(spirit) Bio: Tallie was a very kind child. She loved to help anyone. So when she got this e-mail she gladly accepted. And upon doing so she got the soul Wizard(spirit). She really didn't know why she had this one. But she didn't complain. When she met her digimon Kaotamon she was glad. Kaotamon was very shy but Tallie was dertermined to get her from being shy. ~~~~~ I forgot to add this. This is the tenth digiegg of soul...This is the one that is destroying the digital world. Name: Gender: Digimon: Digimon Attacks: Biomerge Digimon: Biomerge Attack: Appearance: Soul: Dark Bio: -Demon Sky Angel
  6. Sere was finally away from Kyte. She really didn't want to fight. She looked down to see Xaphania and Uriel. Two unhappy angels. Sere: Why do they waste their time with all this. Why now when something much larger is comeing. Sere jumped off the cliff she was on. Going dangerousily close to Xaphania and Uriel.
  7. Name: Ryue Mirissen Race: True Human Age: 17 Weapon: LongBlade Sword. Appearance: Ryue is about 5"9. She wears black pants and a white shirt. She wears blues tennis shoes. Her hair is fiery red. Her eyes are classified as a "Wild Blue". Short Bio: Ryue really had no intention to hate the dragonloards. But her parents hated them. During training she "purposly" missed the targets. Ryue loved the freedom they used to have. But the dragonloards might not have that freedom anymore. She is one who is ment to hate the dragonloards. But refuses to hurt any of them.....
  8. Name: Alyssa Maraien Callsign: ?? (I'm takeing some guess at this but do you mean a stone of some type..if not please inform me) Age: 19 Sex: Female Height: 5"4 Build: Very bony. A little to skinny. A person who is not beleived to be anything except a street rat. Attire: Black shirt that goes past knees. Nothing to flashy. No fancey namebrands. Blue pants that are hanging loosely. brown sandels. Abilities: Very easy to "burn up". She is not the ordinary piro. Her fire is black. And seems more frozen than buring. Her fire is hard to put out. She controls all things linked to fire. Biography: Alyssa was born to non-mutant parents. Alyssa never really knew of all this. But if she did no one knew. She kept to herself alot. Well she only played baseball with other kids. She went to pitch but when she threw the ball a black fire suddenly engulfed the ball and went right through the bat and the catchers glove. Thus leaving a hole in the hand. She was terribly scared and ran off. As she sat on the windowsill in her room. She heard her parents downstairs talking to some people. She looked down and saw a few goverment officals kill her parents. They saw her and instantly came to her room. She was tooken to a reaserch facality. They installed version It really had no effect on her. So they beleived that it was a failure. And thus let her on the streets. Where she wondered around till she saw someone named Logan.... "Anyone up for a game of baseball...I'll pitch." -TearDrop Sky
  9. Hi! It's me again. I'm here with another one of my senceless RPG's. :) Letter from Lucia McGrav [I]Dear Maria, Hello my dear daughter. This is your mother. I have finaly found the time to send you a letter after these 6 long years. I'm so sorry I left without a word. But life back there was to dull for me. So I left. I'm sorry I left you with your worthless father. But I had to get away. I hope you are safe.I won't be back ever again. So you are left with your father. How old are you 8 or 9. Oh my I have forgotten my own daughters age. Well I bid you farewell. Your Mother, Lucia[/I] This letter dated back as far as 700 years ago. In 1998. It is now 2698. Maria McGrav is long gone. But it seems her mother is not. Sightings of Lucia McGrav have been reported. Why is she still here? That's what some people are trying to find out. Only a few people have sighted Lucia McGrav. But two of those people have remained silent. But the others have decided to find out why she is still here. They have volentered to take a trip back to 1998 to find out what happened. Even the ones who choose to remain silent decided to help out. So I guess it's time to sleep. This is what I need. Name: (First and Last) Age: (13 to 29) Gender: Bio: Place of Sighting (they all have to be different) : Appearance: This is me. Name: Cacey Marien Age: 21 Gender: Female Bio: Cacey was always instered in paranormal studies. She was consided the freky kid at her school. She never really had friends. But when she saw the ghost of Lucia McGrav she was really freaked. Cacey's parents were not very found of her intrest in paranormal studies. They tried to preswade her to more normal things. But for Cacey this was normal. Place of Sighting: The Cliff Top at the old church. Appearance: Light brown hair. SeaGreen eyes. She stands about 5"8. She wears black shorts and a blue shirt. She wears white sandels. She also has a necklace with a blue gem in the middle. -Sky
  10. New sign up Master of Elemental Digimion Name: Alica Gender: Female Age: 15 Appearance: About 5"8. She has Fiery Red hair. Her eyes are pale blue. She wears a blue t-shirt. She wears green shorts and blue sandels. Bio: Alica had just moved to a new home. So that ment she had to start all over again. Well that woulden't be hard for her. She was a computer geek as people called her. Alica had hardly any friends at her old home. Her only friends were all the way in South America. And she could only reach them by computer. On of her friends had stopped talking to her. So she only had one left but that friend was starting to talk to her less and less. So she was becomeing more alone than ever. She has not came down from her room ever since they moved. Her parents figured that she was lonely and needed space. But her so called "space" ended up leaving her in her room all day long for about three mounths. Her parents didn't bother her. She came down when she got hungary then she went back up to her room. Her parents were starting to get worried. But then one day she got an e-mail enviting het to something called the digital world. She opened the e-mail and was brought in. She didn't have to think about being alone ever again.
  11. Sky Moonflow


    Sister ~~~~~~~~ Name: Kallie Speices: Squirll Gender: Female Bio: Kallie and her little sister were not very familar with Redwall but they made it there home anyways. Kallie was not very strong in strenth. But she was strong in the protection of the Dibbins. She prefers the job of caring for the dibbins. But she does help in the kitchen sometimes. She may not be that wise but she knows what she needs to. She is young and spirited. Playful and kind. Kallie is a caring little young squirll. Her sister is also a sweet little squrill. Kallie and her sisters parents went missing for sometime and still haven't returned. But they don't let that trouble them anymore. Description: She is a smokey gray color. Hazel eyes. She usually has on a grass hat and apron.
  12. Anamaria turned and looked at Chiruri. ???: You watch it. Chiruri: You are the one who bumped into me. ???: Foolish. Chiruri: What's your name. I'm Chiruri. ???: My name is Anamaria or Ana. Chiruri: Well Ana- Before Chiruri could finish Anamaria left... -TearDrop Sky
  13. Anamaria pulled her coat on. She pulled her gloves over her hands. Before she got the other glove on she looked at the cross scars on her palm. She quickly pulled the glove over her hand. Ana: Stupid. Why don't I just forget it. She closed her eyes. She had been sleeping for hours. But she was still tired. She shook her head and picked up her sword and put it across her back. She heard people talking somewhere. She turned and left. -TearDrop Sky
  14. Reei heard sounds form the forest. She was starting to get scared. Reei: It's probly not safe to go in now. Reei started to go home. Then she rembered something her mother said. Reei: Running away is never an option. Reei turned and kept to the forest. If she was going she was going. She wound though underbrush. She moved as fast as she could so she could figure out what was happening.... -TearDrop Sky
  15. Name: Kikiro Mitruze Gender: Female Age: 14 Good/Bad: Neutral Muntant name: Kpsy (pronuced Ke-si) Appearance: Long black cloak. Black hair. Red eyes. Black boots. Her shirt and pants are covered by the cloak. Red gloves. Red tinted goggles. Mutant Power: K-Psy...take a guess. If you guesses Psycic poweres. Than you got it right. This means....ability to read minds, able to move objects with mind, ability of telepathy. Bio: Kikiro mainly kept to herself for over 12 years. Her parents died when she was only 6. They say her parents purposly died because she would never talk to them. The reason she stopped talking to them was because she was caught in a house fire because of her father. Her father had spilled gas one day in the main room and dropped a cigreet there. And it caught fire. Her mother could not find her because her dad locked her in her room because she broke his trophy. So she was caught in the fire. And suffered sever burns to her body. But the amazing thing was she survived......... Personality: Very silent. Keeps to herself alot. She appericates no mortals because of what happened when she was 6. She hardly talks. But she only talks to someone noone can can see. -TearDrop Sky
  16. Reei picked up her flute and stuck it in her pocket. Reei:Just a few more minutes till I get to the Koikiri Forest. Reei stood up and started walking again. Her feet were sore. And she longed for a swim. But she wanted to see this forest, then she would go back to her home. Reei: I wonder if I can really make it. If my mother was still alive she would have me under lock and key by now. Reei continued to walk to the forest. But before she got there she saw a dark shadow covering the sky.... -TearDrop Sky
  17. NO!!! Not another failing RPG!!!! Why me!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sere quickly moves avoiding Kyte again. She continues to fly east. East to where it is safe........ -Fallin- Kao took off flying. She had to find Sere.........
  18. Evil or Hero...In between Name: Anamaria (Ana for short):Aiane the black assasin. Age: 15 Race:Hunter/assasin/ninja Weapon: A lot of small daggers. A long blade sword. Description: Anamaria wears a black coat tht goes down to her ankels. Only her shirt is seen when she has the coat on. Her shirt is black. Her hair is black and her eyes are pure black. She wears black boots. She also wears black gloves. Bio: Anamaria never really knew her parents. All she knew of them was that they were killed by and assasin. Anamaria had faced all the difficulties of growing up alone. She makes her money but her bounties. She refuses to use guns. She has learned to kill or be killed. Both good and evil have tryed to get her bounty. But none has succeded. And none has ever returned. Anamaria has thus earned her name Aiane the Black Assasin. She uses her spped to finish her assasination.... -TearDrop Sky
  19. Sky's Sign up Chartcer name: Ally (hope someone has heard of the game "Legend of the Time Creators") Reason for choosing Chartcer: She is my favorite person. She is mostly quiet and reserved. So you can't tell if she is good or evil. My knowladge of this Chartcer: I know all about Ally. I know her birthdate. Her clothing. Her skin tone. Her attitude. And even her First scene in the game and what she said....
  20. [COLOR=crimson]You walk away from me You must hate me I do not walk away from you I don't hate you I scream you name You don't hear me I yell an yell But no reply still I cry letting my tears fall down Everything spinning around I wish you woluld come back But evryting goes black Within this poem of free will Lies a message unsaid Standing forevr still I call out you name once again But still nothing I call once more Then you are forever gone [/color] -Sky
  21. Name: Reei Age:14 Description: Blue skirt and shirt. no shoes. Blue hair. Light blue eyes. Weapons: A small pole. But she mainly uses majic. Race: (I forgot what Ruto's race was) Parent: Ruto Extra Item: A small wooden flute.
  22. Sky Moonflow


    Nie sighed... Nie: I'm sorry but I must leave.... Chaos: Seeya. Nie walked off. She didn't really have to leave but....she needed to explore this place a little more....
  23. Ok this is probly dumb....... But I have been wondering the for a while now.....:rolleyes: ......do people really beleive in Wiccans and Witches......Light and Dark majic............
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]NeverEnding[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Someone now please help me Don't leave me Please o please Just come back to me I want to finish this stroy[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]Callie awoke "That was weird." said Callie She looked up from her bed. It was still dark. But where had that voice come from. The voice was childlike. But it was so sad. And full of tears. Callie shook her head. She must have been amanging things. She soon fell back to sleep.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Let me live Let me die Let me see Let me hear Let me be free Help me please[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]Callie awoke around 6:30am. It was still early. She walked to her dresser and grabbed her skirt and shirt. She pulled them on. She tiptowed down th stairs. Pulling on her sandles as she went. At the bottom of the stairs she opened the door and went out. She hopped on her bike and left. She soon arrived at the park. It was now dawn. "Such weird dreams." said Callie to noone. she picked a small flower and tossed it into the air. After a bit she dozed off. [/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Please answer me Come and follow me Don't leave me be I can't stand it.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]-Sky[/COLOR]
  25. Miru stood by a tree and closed her eyes... "I must serch for help.....Here goes.......Please all who can hear this.....this message goes to the good of heart...this is Yallren, ruler of the SpiderClan Region.....I have been taken captive by Dredus....a very powerful deamon who seeks to rule the land. He has now sent out a massive army of powerful deamons and mindless zombies to take over the coloines and region one by one. I need your help! We all need your help...The clans..The coloines..Please help us...bring peace back to the land..you must defeat Dredus...but be warned...he is more powerful than most of you out there....please keep this in mind...he has 4 forms.....each one more stronger than the last...please...hurry..." Miru opned her eyes. She coulden't be dreaming. Or could she......
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