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Crimson Angel

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About Crimson Angel

  • Birthday 08/05/1989

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  • Biography
    I'm an anime and video game fanatic. Nuff said.

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  1. That happened to me once when I was reading Fullmetal Alchemist manga. There was a chapter that pretty much broke my heart and I had to leave the computer for a bit. Good thing it didn't just end there, though, or I would've started yelling.
  2. I just recently got into Bleach too. I've only read the first two volumes, but I absolutely love it. Ichigo's such an awesome character, too. I haven't seen the anime, but I've seen a Bleach AMV and it looks nice.
  3. Right now I'm reading several series at the same time. I guess I'll list them in how much I've read: Hellsing Trigun Yu-Gi-Oh! DN Angel Digimon Tamers Evangelion Fushigi Yuugi Gundam Wing (well, not really... more like Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz and Episode Zero... so not the actual series...) I also really want to read Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, and Priest. Don't seem to have enough money though...
  4. [quote name='maladjusted][color=firebrick'] Um...Remus and Lupin are the same person. ^_^ Sorry, I had to say something. I think you meant Siruis & Lupin, which is the second-favorite HP slash.[/color][/quote] Whoops, heheh, yeah I meant Remus x Sirius. I'm such a dork. :sweat: You know, I usually base my "favorite" pairings off canon, because it makes a lot of sense. But, then, if I go around yelling "Harry and Draco!" I'm not exactly following canon, right? My logic is screwed up. I think it's because some fanon pairings are so cute that, in my mind, they should become canon. Yeah, right, Rowling's going to write a novelette about Harry and Draco's secret love life, and Adult Swim is going to air new Gundam Wing episodes developing Heero and Duo/Trowa and Quatre relationships. Hah, I wish. XD
  5. [quote name='Adora']But then there is the WRONGNESS which appears sometimes, and I want to scrub from my eyes. Like Cid x Vincent. Wtf was with that? I never understood it at all. Couples which are really wrong like that - straight, gay and otherwise- weird me out, and aren't good fandom.[/quote] I know what you mean! I only got converted to shounen-ai/shoujo-ai recently, so I don't think I've seen every possible pairing, but some of the ones I [I]have[/I] seen are a little...bizzare. Alucard x Anderson from Hellsing? No way. They hate each other's guts. Harry x Snape? ...Please no. My friend mentioned Fred x George once. :nope: Personally, my favorite couples are probably Heero x Duo, Remus x Sirius, and Mirielle x Kirika (from Noir). I think it's really cute. :D
  6. I started watching anime when I was in 4th grade... and it was Pokemon! Man I almost miss watching that. I remember waking up at 6:30 in the morning to watch it when it came on at 7. Some kids at school got me watching it, they were always bringing the cards. That's when I officially converted to anime fangirl-ism, and I converted my cousin too. :D
  7. I've had my share of experience with obsessions. Gah, the whole list would take hours. But I'm currently obsessed with Cowboy Bebop, namely *cough*Spike*cough*. Several others are Digimon, Inuyasha, Vivi from FFIX, Red from FFVII, and, when I was younger, Pokemon. Yes, I'm weird. But I'm probably not as weird as my cousin. One mention of Matt from Digimon and she goes bonkers. It's plain scary.
  8. Name: Crimson Angel Favorite Character: Spike Favorite Session: Jammin With Edward Favorite Song: Blue
  9. My favorite villain? Definitely Sephiroth. He kicks serious butt, and he's psycho. He's got a nice sword, too. Another is probably Alex, from Golden Sun. Don't ask why. And, finally, there's Lynx from Chrono Cross. *shrugs* I like cats. *points to signature with Red XIII as the only subject*
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