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Yami Bakura

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About Yami Bakura

  • Birthday 09/27/1986

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  1. Bandit Joeykuba: Great Inu-Yasha impression :remember Miroku try to flirt with princes that was actually a Giant Mantis:
  2. Never heard of It Sounds Japenese. What set does it come in?
  3. Can you repeat that,but without all the grammatical errors please. Then maybe I can help.
  4. Note how he meant to say card's that COUNTER SPECIFIC CARDS...
  5. It may be a little late but here it is. P5- Premium Pack 5 KA- Structure Deck Kaiba PS-Pharoh's Servent MR- Magic Ruler. Sorry domon but this is Magic Ruler, Metal Raider's is ME CA- Curse of Anubis MA-Mythological Age TB-Thousand Eyes Bible LN- Labyrinth of Nightmare
  6. :Tea walk's in the room: Tea: I'll just leave you to alone. Joey: IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! TRISTAN WAS PRACTICING HIS NEW WRESTLING MOVE! Tea: Wrestling. .Right. . .
  7. Tea: Uh What are you guys staring at?..OMG I HAVE A ZIT DON'T I!!! Gang: -.-;; Women and thier faces...
  8. Get some staples yourself Like Raigeki and Heavy storm the new harpies feather duster would go perfect but then again Griffon wings are gonna start spredding like a wild fire.
  9. Kaiba: Twice.. Getting kidnapped in his own virtual reality game. and against pegusis he got his soul taken away Mokuba:ALOT! 5 Times in duelist kingdom. First two were in the tower where he had his soul 3rd was against ghost kaiba 4th when his soul was taken. Oh yes and 5 In the Virtual reality game where they mistake him as The princess. Total 7
  10. I'll work on it or at least try to..
  11. I think it's Gearfried The Iron Night...
  12. Sorry but Sangan has now been restricted to 1 per deck.
  13. Well I'm not great with Magic/Traps so I'll just work on yout monsters. Level 7's Blue-Eyes White Dragon Wingweaver Dark Magician Sanga of the Thunder _______________________ Whoa there buddy with All those I'm surprised you can even win a duel No offence of course. You sould really only have 1-2 7 Monster's or Higher. Get Rid of Sanga it's not worth it same with Dark Magician. Replace DM with another Summoned Skull. Wingweaver is fine but you can possibly do better. __________________________________ Level 6's Summoned Skull x2 ________________________________ This is good as it is you can add another skull but it's optional. Level 4's/Lower Neo the Magic Swordsman x2 7 Colored Fish x2 Harpie's Brother x2 Battle Ox La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Girochin Kuwagata~Definatly Rid of this. Darkfire Soldier #2 Trap Master~ You can try replacing this for a Magic or Trap Hayabusa Knight Princess of Tsurugi Amazon Archer~You don't really need this I'd Say lose it. Wall of Illusion 4-starred Ladybug of Doom Man-Eater Bug So I'll work on the M/t Later
  14. Let's all end the confusion of teh Tyrant Dragon shall we? This is one of my Favourite Japanese Cards and thank god it's coming out in english. [IMG]http://store4.yimg.com/I/abctoy4me_1741_25673888.jpg[/IMG] ..Yes that is the Great Tyrant Dragon... While your opponent has monsters on the field, this monster can attack twice during your Combat Phase. Negate and destroy trap cards targetting this monster. In order to Special Summon this card from your graveyard, you must sacrifice one of your Dragon-Type monsters on the field. A great addition to any dueling deck. Attack 2900 Defense 2500
  15. I would love to see that the great thing about toons is that they can attack directly very early in the game and there special summoned. Kick *** indeed.
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