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Everything posted by Sui Generis
My coming out party and you're all invited!
Sui Generis replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KittyLynn [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=dodgerblue]How are family members taking it? Have you told them yet? I'm sure you'll be fine if you haven't. -Kitten Always be here for you.[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]They took it really badly, but its ok. I mean I would move out and leave the house but I can't only 15 so I'm kinda stuck here. It doesn't really matter though.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=indigo]Alright first off I want to thank Charles for the inspiration for this wonderful thread title....^^ Hm...might as well just go out and say it plain and simple, always easier that way. Anyways, yeah I'm gay. I know I put a thread up here a while ago stating I was bi. I told ya'all I was bi because I was still like kinda in denial of being gay I guess. For some reason afraid of being who I was. I don't quite understand why I did so, but I did. I guess I was afraid of making that jump, even though that jump really was never made...I just always was. So in a sense I lied to you, sorry for that. I realized a while ago that I was 100%, full-fledge, color of the rainbow, gay. I haven't told anyone untill maybe a week ago. I'll always give credit to TN for being my role model, even when I didn't talk to him. I also want to thank Shy. I've talked to him recently and he's been a huge help! Anyways you guys are basically my safe home. The home away from my crappy home. You guys ARE my family in every aspect of the word family except for blood. I figured I owed you guys enough to tell ya'all that I'm gay. I don't know I'm sure some of you expected this, heh. As I said I just wanted to tell ya'all that I was truly gay, I hope it doesn't affect the way you guys look at me, but if it does, I'm sorry.[/COLOR]
Writing It's time I started doing this
Sui Generis replied to Jesus Chicken's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=indigo]Hm...to be honest I have mixed feelings on it....I liked it partially and I didn't like it at the same time. I personally don't like the ending yet I really don't quite understand the poem so I can't judge it fully. Its a nie poem though...keep working on it. Of course thats meh stupid opinion, so oh wells...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=indigo]K.K.C I just wanted to say don't blame yourself for Sephiroth leaving. It is impossible for a group of humans to interact daily without there being arguments here and there. Since Sephiroth has been around her longer than most of these members I assume that he knows that by now. Or atleast I thought he did. There is no reason for you to apalogize for his leaving.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I must agree with Semjaza. I mean Sephiroth has been one of the most highly respected members of OB, mainly for his maturity. I don't think that could be him. But if it is....damn he really is immature. I don't think someone should get so huffy puffy over alittle dispute. Hell Harry and I had tons of 'em but I never hated the guy o.O. Personally if that is the real Sephers. I think you are being rash and immature. I know its your decision and I can't change it for you, but I actually find it pathetic that you are leaving for such a insignificant thing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I would like to think I would fight for all that is honorable. I would/do fight for the innocent. That includes just standing up to a bully when he's making fun of osme kid. I don't know, thats what I fight for. And no you arn't an idiot ;)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Nine Inch Nails are amazing in meh opinion. I love them to death. Although my favorite song by them isn't really by them. Its by A Perfect Circle....its Judith (Nine Inch Nails Remix)....So in other words we have NIN doing the music and the lead singer of APC singing the song. Its meh favorite song of all time![/COLOR]
Ok I'm not going to argue on religions (Yes I know its one of my hobbies :-p) I'm just going to say one thing. Its only my belief so I'm not saying anyone else here is wrong for defending their religion, BUT..... I personally think religions were created for each individual person. No one religion in my opinion can fully cover every person on this Earth. We all need different things added to our lives and I think thats why there are so many religions out there. Religions provide that safety, comfort, mystery, whatever to life that we so desire. I honestly don't think there is one right religion, religion itself can't be right or wrong in my opinion. I guess what I'm trying to say through all this babble is, do what is comfortable to you. Choose the religion that fits your needs the most. I know this kinda goes against the Christian faith, and sounds kinda of selfish in some ways, I'm not trying to count out any possibilities so again sorry. But yeah, to each their own. So go with the religion you want to! (I'm kinda discourage, we've had some mature debates on this thread, but when someone says no debating, thats what I'd expect from this place. Kinda shocks me. Oh well)
[color=indigo]Personally I think that her not talking to you could mean one of two things.... A) She likes you and is too shy to admit it or B) She doesn't like that you like her in that way and is trying to distance herself from.... But I couldn't tell you which one it was just because I don't know her. I mean its not a lost cause. Just try to keep talking to her. I'm sure things will work out eventually. Man the way things are going we will need to just open up a Relationship Advice Forum and have like the "Love Police" or something. Must be the love time of the year....blech[/color]
[COLOR=indigo]I'm not really the big romantic type, I've always felt stupid with doing anything considered Romantic for some reason. Although I think its sooooooo cute when people do things romantic heh. Why don't you write her a poem and put rose petals all around the edge of the paper?! I don't know. The best of both worlds?![/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I'm in no way trying to be rude, I think that have people ask questions is the only way you truly find stuff out. Why do you think its proper for the guy to ask the girl out. I mean I could get in this huge debate about it, but thats not the subject and I don't feel like it now anyways lol. But I mean what does it matter? If the feelings are mutual why should you care about having to ask him out? Why should you care anyways? I don't understand. This may be because I am a guy, but oh wells I'm honestly curiouse. And don't just say becuase thats the way it is, because that isn't a good reason. If that was the reason to everything Earth would've already gone to **** worse than it already has ;).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Don't get me around I respect the whole "perfectness and correctness" of the guy asking the girl out. However, I think its not always the guys job to ask the girl out. If the girl likes the guy then the girl should ask him out as well. I honestly think you should ask him out if you think he is the "perfect guy." Thats my opinion. Theres no sense in just waiting around and letting life take control of it, because we know what can happen then...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I'm currently trying to find a way to Summerfest I live in the mid-west as well. You'd be surpised at how hard it is to get to Summer Fest....Yikes....lol Oh wells. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]I'm not sure how'd it run on OB but the places I've been to that have ran this I haven't been impressed with. I'm not sure if my hatred towards the RPG hack is because of the shoddy quality of the boards they were on or the RPG hack itself. I personally don't really care for it, its kinda of pointless in my opinion. I may very well be wrong, and I am no mod or admin so I can't tell you yes or no on the subject, but I am merely stating my opinion. I think it'd be a waste of space...*shrugs*[/COLOR]
[color=indigo]I'd have to say I have three things that I really enjoy about the net. 1)Otaku Boards. Its helped me grow alot maturity wise. I know that sounds stupid but it has. Also it has always been my escape from everything. I remember when I was grounded from the net for like 3 months. I couldn't stop thinking about OB and what was going on and wishing I could get on and talk to you people. 2) The people. I have met the greatest people on-line. People I would trust my life with. I know its corny as well, but my greatest friends are the ones I've met via the net. 3) The sense of security and confidence I have on the net. I mean in real life I'm scared to voice my opinion for my age and being 5'5 hurt me in the aspect that many people think I'm just a teenager ranting about how its un-fair. I have stuff to say and on the net I can. I guess that'd also go under the category of OB..[/color]
[COLOR=indigo]Personally I think the mods/admins do a great job. I have been here since V1 and no offense to any earlier staff, but I have to say this is the most well put together and well performing staff I have seen yet. The mods are more sociable with the members, its more of a friendly enviroment and they get the job done. I don't see any evidence of how these mods are "too strict". Strictness must be implied in a job when trying to have rules followed. They have the perfect mix going in my opinion. I know its not really nice and all but I figure if you don't like the mods here you can go some where else. There are tons of forums on the net that have places where you can say whatever you want and it doesn't matter. The question is do you sacrafice the good of many for the pleasure of few. History has shown that, the theory of doing that does not work. Otaku Boards is no different, the good of many comes in front of the select few who feel the desire to spam. The only thing I can think of is some of the mods could be a bit nicer to newbs who make a mistake and post a intro trhead. I think I only saw one case where I thought it could have been handeled better but hey just thought I'd mention it. Anyways all in all thumbs up people you guys are doing great![/COLOR]
[color=indigo]I'm with Semjaza. Ignorance would be welcoming although if someone showed me what the hell was going on I'd prolly wanna join up in the fight....(i'm like that what can I say) But its pretty much un-realistic to think we are living in the matrix, because if we were there would have never been a "Matrix-Reloaded" I'm pretty sure some agents would have came and killed the writers of the movie by now ;)[/color]
Firstly I would like to throw Crimson Spider into jail for being a closed minded bigot, and make sure CS never saw the light of day again....Respect goes to ZERO. That post by you was moranic, self-centered, egotistical, and ****ing prejudice. Personally I find it extremely offensive and I'm pretty sure you don't give a flying **** anyways. It pisses me off when people like you think you are always right and that anything aginst you is wrong. So we wouldn't be a democracy if you were ellected basically. Oh and I didn't quote you. Then I'd legalize lesbian/gay marriages. I would make the Pledge of Alleigance less contraversial so I wouldn't have to listen to people whine. I would put "In Freedom We Trust" on our currency." I would highly discourage/ban book burnings because book burnings are against our freedom of speach and such, even though they are practicing it. Confusing no? I would make it easier for out-of-country adoptions. I would lower taxes for single-parents and would establish a section in the IRS and FBI to make sure that the proclaimed single-parents were infact single parents. I'd do many other smaller things but those would be some of the main ones.
[color=indigo]... That poem actually made me cry. Something I haven't done for a while.... Hm...I had a great-grandma die of Alzheimers in May and I haven't really be able to cope with it I guess you could say, but this for some reason helps. I don't know..... It seems people help each other without realizing it, thanks. Anyways its a good poem. Its very true in many ways....I watched my great grandma transform into a soul looking for the forgotten memories locked in her mind.....You described it well.... -Bryan [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidargh [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]Well to whomever's reading this, this is an opinion driven thread so I will respect all of your views. Well where do I begin? Lately I've been feeling like a piece of my heart is missing. I do not mean that this links to that love-struck feeling or anything, just I feel that whenever something pours into my heart, it just drips back out again. Personally I'm starting to believe that an emotion you treasure so dearly can drift apart from you and no matter how hard you try, you cannot reach it as a rapid of criticism will hinder you deeply. Basically I'm stating that because I am receiving such pitiful harm from people, (Not physically, James you will understand what I'm on about) that it is affecting me and causing me to feel week. I don't know what I do, but I'm just losing emotion after emotion now and it's tearing me apart, but i know I can somewhat regroup all the parts of me again. I was just wondering if you've ever felt like this and what you do. For me, I focus and gain strength to finally counter it.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]First off hang in there. I've been in the same sitatuin ask gold_angewomon or Shuan or Blanko. Anyways I went through that phase for almost a year. It was full of emotions that I didn't realize were there till now. I mean I would walk around emotionless and then that night feel lonely and depressed. So of course there are some emotions, but the emotions that we hold dear were missing. Love, Respect, Happyness, Fulfillment. All of those that we expierence on any given day without really realizing it. The best thing I did was talk to those closest to me. Sure it took a year to draw out of the phase, but I'm positive it woulda taken a hell of a lot more time if they wern't there for me. And yes as Bishie said a new suprise in your life always helps. Maybe not as drastic as moving countries, but I'm sure you get the point. But if you ever need to talk I'm sure any of us would be willing to help. I'm here as well so if you just need someone to spill your guts to just hook me up on AIm or something. I hope you get better. Just don't think like I did and think that sense there is no emotion there is no meaning of being a live. I was wrong there, there are many reasons to being a live. You just have to discover them. I'm sure if you do that as well some of these emotions should come back to you ;)[/COLOR]
Rammstein is a unique group period. Their look, their songs, their sound. I think are all unique in their ways. I mean there are bands similar to them, but I don't think I could find one in that area that compares to Rammstein. As for Rammstein being "german hate music." It very well could be I don't really know, but why don't they take the time and listen to American songs as well. Lol. Just dig deep enough and you'll find worse crap here in America so I don't think they could really be considered "German hate Music" in my mind atleast. That is of course if what I just said made any sense at all. Oh and personally I think MSI has better songs than "I hate Jimmy Page." But again thats my opinion. I agree with you on Molotov they are a very interesting and talented band. Of course most people don't know of 'em, but hey its all good they're good and thats all that matters. Although they sound like a rap/rock mix its kinda funny. I enjoy listening to them though. Kind of a Spanish Mindless Self Indulgence lol.
I've had the sleeping, trip, jump in the air thing happen occasionaly. A more occuring one is sorta like that though. I sleep with my legs curled in, almost like I'm in a ball, and I'll be dreaming that I'm walking or something or jumping, and then my legs will extend fully out really suddenly and I'll be wide awake. Its a very weird feeling. Although the most occuring on is if I'm sitting on a coach or bed and me kness are bent and kinds spread my legs will have small little spasms where like my legs come closer to gether. Its quiet odd.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Japanese pop isn't all that much better. I agree, Ayumi Hamasaki is one of my favorites as well, but there's [i]so much[/i] crap out there. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with what you are saying, but every genre has their plain waste of space bands in there. Although J-Pop has alot of ....just blech....I enjoy some of it, and enough of it to list it ya know? American Pop I can't stand....its just too whiney for my taste, and its not neccessarily about how well you can sing.... Of course I don't understand the lyrics for J-Pop so they could be whining as much as A-Pop but I wouldn't know ;)....Oh wells thats me for ya!
I'ma gonna have to agree with Semjaza on the whole music debate. Music is in the eye of the beholder just as is any other form of art out there. To some its beautiful to some its grotesque and to others its just boring. Thats art. The many shades of humans. -------------------------------- [b]What genre do you listen to?[/b] I listen to just about everything except for rap, pop and country. (Japanese Pop is not included in pop, I am talking about American pop. Blech) Oh and don't get me started on why I hate rap.... [b]What are your favorite bands?[/b] Godsmack, Kittie, Ayumi Hamasaki, Trapt, Disturbed, DROWNING POOL, and Malice Mizer. [b]Why do you like them?[/b] [i]Malice Mizer:[/i] Hm...well courtesy of TN of course, but the music is really beautiful in my opinion. Its a mix of both worlds, and I like that. They are one of my favorite bands at the moment and I hope some day I could get one of their CD's. *HINT HINT Birthday or Christmas present *HINT HINT* I love the use of all their instruments it flows together as one, not one really sticks out more than another. [i]Ayumi Hamasaki[/i] I know she isn't a band, but her first album was just fun. I loved listen to it and still do. Its just fun to listen to. Many don't think of techno/dancy stuff as music, but she has a voice on her as well. She's an amazing singer! [i]Drowning Pool[/i] This is more of a lyrical content band. He was a talented singer, but their songs always struck home on me. They always seemed to be putting into words I've tried years to do. I've always loved them. They are my favorite band and I hate the fact that I will only get to have one CD....[b]RIP![/b] [i]Kittie[/i]: Ok its not often at all you see a girl band as popular as Kittie. So that tells you something right there if you look at popularity stats that is. They are a great band in my opinion. I like the instrumentals but what suprised me the most is the girls singing ability. Yelling then going back to singing and stuff. I thought she was quite talented. [i]Godsmack, Trapt, and Disturbed[/i] There is no real reason I like any of these three as my favorite, just for some reason I love these bands. Disturbed I've always loved their music, and he can sing well. Trapt a new comer on my list is not bad at all and I can stand them enough to listen to the whole CD through. Godsmack although as limited of what I've heard I do like them enough to say they are on the list.
Ajeh and Juu....hm...sadly enough I could see them hooking up... Sara and Justin! I don't know but for some reason I could see them together. I know I'm odd. Ken and Sere. I don't know if they even talk but they remind me of each other so much lol. And for me? Welp no matter, its been denied. o.O