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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Hm...Quick start slow finish lol:therock:
  2. It is hard to describe...Its almost like techno..I can send you a song if you want...
  3. Hey thanks!!:excited: Maybe they will have something!!!!:excited: :excited:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]So...you're making it huh...? Cool, what/who are ya gonna be? And is this for that Otaku hallowen dress contest someone has put in they're sig?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I am just going as a fighter..No this isn't for the otaku board contest..whatever it is...I just thought it would be fun to do...have a home made one.. I am also going to carrie a small sword in my sheath
  5. Does anyone even know what Trance Metal is??
  6. Sorry if this would be spam, but I can't find any Trance Metal downloads! Does anyone know where to find them? If so could ya help a poor guy out here, and give the site to me?:mrt:
  7. Name: Galio Magic: Fire Weapon: Double edged sword Dragon: Kalborn Magic: Ice Color: Blue and White Side: Gaia
  8. Well its gonna look funky....It is gonna be a muscle shirt....then chain mail over it (got that already, more like made it) and then a black leather jacket. And then my pants are gonna be just black leather...w/ small bendable metal on the inside. With boots... (next years halloween)
  9. I am trying to make a whole suit...I already have my gloves, belt, and "amulet" (fake ruby :-D"
  10. Glad to see you too!! No sorry didn't hit me nearly hard enough *knees her in the face, then punches her in the stomach*
  11. I had to change mine cuz my GENE one wouldn't show up..I don't know whats up...
  12. 5- My worst failure is any failure at all, I feal any failure is as bad as the next. If you quite you are just saying that you are helpless... Or atleast thats how I see it......
  13. Congrats!! Don't you love being the center of the attention!! Lol!! I know how ya feel....6th grade ROMEO baby!!! YEAH!!!:excited: :excited: ANyway CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK!!!:excited: :excited:
  14. I love C&H!! I only have two of their books, but I have read each atleast 20 times no joke! I love how he protrays a 6 year old's life. One of my favorite ones, is when He says he will write and autobiography, and Hobbes goes but your only six, and then he goes I only have on piece of paper! I also like all of his camping ones!
  15. *flys and punches Vegeta...sending him flying..* *floats* Sights can be decieving....:smirk: *sizes up kool aid..* Hm...I need a worthy opponet..lets go kool!!! *lands*
  16. I play Magic the Gathering...I wanna start play D&D but I can only find one other person to play w/ me, and learn how to play....
  17. 1. Failure is not when you don't succeed its when you don't succeed and quite! 2. Yes. 3. Kick my self in the ***...and get back on my feet...and work on it... 4. Yes, I have been in a state of depression (thats what your asking right?
  18. I ment this one / \|v|fy||/:|\ki//| our teachers use the other ones...and I learned o_0 from final flash..
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][SIZE=1]If there was a televised execution, would you watch it? Why? Because you 'want to see justice served,' or because you find some sick pleasure in watching people die? On the other hand, perhaps you wouldn't watch it. Why not? Food for thought, that's all... [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I wouldn't watch it...any death caused by another human being is sick...I would probably throw up..
  20. Hm..Yes what the heck was that last one..o_O thats my fav..
  21. Yeah and Puddle of Mudd Kansas and Missouri!! I came from Missouri...Belton Missouri to be exact... What do you play? I am learning to play the drums...WE could start a band ...lol...
  22. I envy you Kizu. I know that sounds really weird, but I love storms, ecspicially sever. I have been caught in straight line wind before, what a rush!!! The closest a tornadoe came to my house is, it almost formed in my tiny backyard...it was SOOO kewl!! I watched it!! Then I ran downstairs after it got about half-way. It stopped for some reason no one knows :shrugs:. ANyway I love all storms I play in sever storms, I love watching the lightning, the wind is harmony, and the thunder is the precussion..
  23. I love Katanas and samuri swords!! I am saving up to get them!! *drools* I want it soo bad, but with my luck it will be gone by the time I buy it. I have alot of little japanese fighting knives tho...don't know what they are called...well I guess I should say daggers.
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