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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. I agree with Vegeta, if you give them a death sentence it is just ending their already crappy lives, so they might as well send a love letter to the judge. I think life in prison is a much harsher sentence, because who knows they could be: beaten up, rapped, or die a slow and painful death. I mean with the death penalty they get to die without a thought of what they did, but being in prison all your life, you are sure to think of what made you get in there. I think we should totally get rid of the death sentence and just use life in prison, just not as often as we do. Although if we have a terriost we can toture em first:demon: :naughty: .
  2. I live in the great ol' american west....AKA KANSAS (boring as hell) USA... Well its not really the west but the colonist thought so :therock:
  3. *gets distraced by Gotens* *Gets hit by one of shibi's kamehameha's* *goes flying into a rock*
  4. Personally I am torn apart on this question...I personally think it is wrong, well most of me atleast. But then you have to think of those people...that get raped...or they may die if they deliver the baby...There is just too many complications to honsostly make a fair decision..I say un-less you were raped or your life is threatened...abortion should be illegal...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]These things can be hard on a kid...but so can a lot of things. I know kids who have grown out of abusive family situations to be wonderful people, because they [i][b]wanted[/i][/b] to get on with their life. You can't dwell in the past forever...if you live your life in fear of what happened in the [i]past[/i] then you're never going to be happy. Stop thinking about these things as such a big deal (even though I know they [i]are[/i], and that they have affected you very deeply) but eventually you will start to become happier. You can only spend so much time worrying about problems. The greater percentage of your life has to be spent in happiness. Some food for thought (especially for you, sweet morning dew!) :babble:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hm...I know this is like from the first page and everything but I haven't checked this in a while.... Hm..I agree w/ her...I grew up w/ an abusive father well atleast till I was about 11...But I think if anything I will be a better parent...Cause I know that even the kids have feelings..anyway...I am also much happier than most people..I just choose to block that out and live my life as tho it never happened...
  6. Hm...I must have been really stupid or something...I didn't even learn what oral sex was till about the middle of six grade...No...I think any type of sex is not right till...you are atleast 16.... Rough sex..>i don't know haven't had either....
  7. YAY!! FAST FAST FAST!! God no offense I hated that other server...even w/ DSL it was going slower than a snail!! Oh well now it goes "WICKED FAST!!" :D
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Why waste your time with a site on the internet when there is so much more to life?! I will never figure some people out...>_
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] lol, that post made me laugh my butt off.... yeah, I went to malta last, and it wasn't that recently I got back, it was about...just over a month ago.... [/B][/QUOTE] A month jeez man you gotta get out more!! I hate you!! God I get maybe a trip a year, and my exotic vacation consist of Mississippi...or Texas:rolleyes: Thats what my family would call exotic...I hate you you lucky son of a donkey!! Lol !! Have fun man!!
  10. *smacks all the blast away* Thats the best you can do:smirk: ?! *Shoots a masinco at him*
  11. *flys into a cliff, from the shot in his back, just barely missing the explosion* *gets up slowly wipping off the blood on his lip* THats it!! *powers up the auroma around him changes to a yellow, hair goes completly spicked up, and eyes turn green* HAHAA lets go!! *Flys straight shibatku, then disappears and reappears behind him, punching him in the head, sending him towards the ground and shoots a blast making him go straight into the ground making a huge crater* Gotta go to bed sorry be on tomorrow..possibly at 5:30 am central time..
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]This is a series of Questions. 1. Do you have a sexually transmitted desiesed? 2. Do you know anyone with a Sexually Transmitted desiese? 3. Are you a virgin? 4. If not, how many times have you had sex? 5. If you are then when do you plan on having sex? 6. How old do you think a person should be to have sex? 7. Do you think its right for preteens to have sex if they love each other? 8. Have you ever got anyone pregnant, gotten pregnant? 9. What would you do if you found out you was pregnant or your partner was pregnant. 10. What would you do if you found out you had a desiese? [/B][/QUOTE] 1.Yes my dad, wait that doesn't count..um..NO 2. NO, not that I know of atleast... I3.Yes 4N/A 5. Hm..Probably when I get married, unless I honost to god [SIZE=3][/I] [U][][B]Love[/B] [/I] [/U] [/SIZE] 6.atleast 16 7.No you can't expierence true love at my age....two...Your body just isn't ready. 8.Nope 9. I would take up responsibility for my child, and be its father. 10. I don't know that would suck..
  13. That doesn't seem to fair you two vs epoc, me and epoc will take you two on!! Lets go! *gets in a fighting stance* *runs and attempts to punch shibatku* BTW that 10 min rule isn't fair considering he might be asleep or something...
  14. :eek: Hey now not in the area!! *flys into the rock* *gets up dazed* *runs at epoc*
  15. *gets up coughing up blood* Heh..Good one:smirk: *jumps on epoc's shoulders and kicks him in the back of the head, and flips off jumping on him shoving him into the ground*
  16. *punches Night square in the back* Thats what you get for being distracted..*knees him in the face*
  17. *a mysteriouse man walks in* Heh...I don't need to throw my cape off...*starts running towards Night* AAAHHHH!!!
  18. then the guy gets up and attacks barney, and kills him. All the little kids attack the person.
  19. Hey could you give me something too..
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Amen to that....[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I THIRD THAT!! tHOSE THINGS ARE PURE [COLOR=red]EVIL!!![/COLOR] :flaming:
  21. D@mn Chris! You lucky dog!!! All my teachers stay in the middle and watch you..I tried that once.....I just got able to get on the stupid comps at the schoool!! Ugh I hate you!!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Yep, Linkin Park, Sum41, Blink182, P.O.D, and Incubus all rock the house. Who's with me? [/B][/QUOTE] YEAH ROCK ON!! But don't forget AC/DC and Ozzy
  23. Yeah come to think about it I always thought God was so much older....Lol
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