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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. I used to be hooked on it, now I go on every once and a while..
  2. I say he really likes you! I mean [I][B]Really[/B] [/I]. But on the case of getting rid of him, go out w/ somoene else, or just tell him flat out that you are not interested, and get the hell away from you.
  3. I have attempted to, but I suck..I can;t olly mischieflink has tried to show me, but I am hopeless...
  4. AHHH!! Don't draw attention to the rest of us...I mean them..Uh oh...
  5. Interesting....Its only them I swear!! Only them!! Yes only them noone else...
  6. where did you find it??I wanna find more songs...
  7. I love this song!! I don't really care if she is a one hit wonder..this is one of my favs!!
  8. What I think are the weird ones, is where you dream you get cut, and you wake up and you are bleeding were you got cut in your dream. I also had the ones where they hurt un contralbly for about 2 weeks this summer then they stopped for no reason..
  9. I am afraid of dying of suffacation, or dying alone and forgotten
  10. It would be kewl, but you post one every day, and that would take up way to much space...
  11. Hey how do you smith anyways? Would therre be anything I would have to get for you to smith me some decent armor?
  12. Yeah I play I am only like level 16 I am a newb...My sn is Leon Kennedy
  13. Too many things...Mainly just make up stories, in my head....I also day dream of the weekends..and an occasional naughty thought..:devil: ...Oh and also Football alot of football..
  14. Yes I believe in love at first sight..I have had it;)
  15. I say metallica..I also think Led Zepllin. (spelling)?
  16. Hm..I am going through the same thing. My parents are pretty much forcing me to be christian. But I can't act like myself in church, I feal like a robot. I belive in Christ and everything, I just don't believe in some of the ideals they have. And my parents force it down my throat, that doesn't help..
  17. Hm..Well does she have children?? If so you can say they are the reason for living. Or you could bring up her hopes dreams and goals.
  18. You better be talking about me;) Um..anywayz..Never pick up a guy that bases everything on looks, you will go no where, and always make sure he is kind at heart, not just on the outside. One of my best friends (thats a girl) was having trouble cause she kept picking up guys on looks alone, she was burned way to many times. Just stay w/ the sweet ones like me;) WEll ok not me but still:p
  19. unfortunatly that is our world. Everyone is so steryotypical..they just find security in thinking that one race is better than another:rolleyes: Unfortunatly contrary to popular beliefe it hasn't gotten that much better in the years...
  20. Hmm...I have way to many to count...alot of em are freaky cuz they come true!! Oh well...They are cool tho cuz they give you something to think about during schoool!!
  21. Well it is 1:15 me and my friend decided to make a site :p Its for all the mischief makers at heart!! Go to [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/realm2/mischief/index.html]CLICK ME!![/URL] and keep going cuz it will be keep being updated w/ more ideas. ALl suggestions welcome!! And you can't forget mischief night coming!! Well anywayz just tell me what you think bout the site..It will be worked on everyday..
  22. My name is Bryan "Tony" :rolleyes: Don't ask
  23. Hmm....13 male...Ugh I hate puberty also!! The worst is when your voice cracks..UGH!! I hate it!! OH well..
  24. Hm..None of you probably know her considering she doesn't POST very much!! :flaming: Lol but I know kireikage...We go to the same school! She cool!
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