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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. I doubt anyone here wants you to leave, but if you must. Farewell and good luck in your future!!
  2. Well the line up sounds cool , execpt for one tiny thing.................I DON"T HAVE CABLE/SATELITE!!!!!!!! Ugh shoot me!! I love the 08th ms team!! IT really good
  3. ....one word Woah:eek: :eek: :eek: Those are some intense pics! Oh and to the people who jump on her, leave her alone she experienced this, and she was just showing a pic, of what really happened!!
  4. Hmm this probably isn't the exact quote [COLOR=blue]Everytime you open your mouth you prove to be an idiot!! - Vegeta[/COLOR]
  5. Hmm...Weakdays 4-5....Weekend..about 3 hours total!!:p I definatly am not sleeping enough for a 13 year old...But last night I went to bed at 8 and woke up at 7:30...that felt good:D
  6. Oh man there was NO spam what so ever...and then Big Papa Hump came...Along came the religion of spam...Lol..'Tis the old days I miss!
  7. I don't know! My g/f needs to figure that out!! Yeah you know who you are!!
  8. HOw bout this one... I laugh in the face of death...then turn around and run like hell!!!!!-Me
  9. It feels pretty pathetic, when newbies have more than you do...Yeah I remember those days, kinda funny to think about it..and now we have newbs that have been here for like a week and have 500 post...:rolleyes:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]But just one person....? I can't make up my mind... I've got a list of six or seven.... [/B][/QUOTE] Go ahead list em!!Oh yeah also you!! You cool!!
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]i know its a little early but i just had to post these questions up cuz i might forget them as time passes by. heres survey number 2: 1. Would you rather let DBZ characters or Gundam characters exist??? 2. You're a sniper. Would you rather take out a foot soldier or an officer??? 3. Your defense line is being heavily bombarded. Would you surrender or fight to the last man?? 4. There is a miliatry draft going on in your town. Would you sign up or injure yourself on purpose so you cant go??? 5. You just inherited $1 billion dollars. 1/4 of that money will go to taxes. Would you spend the last 3/4 on charity or spend it like crazy??? The choice is once again yours................ [/B][/QUOTE 1..Gundam so if they went crazy they could be killed.... 2.Officer, because it may cause panick 3. Fight to the death, better to die honorably, than to live disgracefully. 4. Sign up...Only for my country!! 5.Charity, even tho I am not the richest person out there, there are alot of people doing worse than me!!
  12. Yep i was under a dif name..tho..Fogot it heh..The good ol' days!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]j33z, 7h15 wh0l3 7h1n9 w45 ju57 4 j0k3. d0n'7 74k3 17 50 53|210u5ly!! j00 9uy5 4nd 91|2l5 4r3 ju57 j34l0u5 7h47 j00 c4n'7 5p34k L33T. l0053n up 4 b1t. Fl45h 0wnz j00... o.O [/B][/QUOTE] I got the last part!!!! Flash does not own me!!!
  14. Killermon!! Hey sup man!! Long time no see!! Whats up! Well enjoy your stay....You should make more avatars the old ones ruled!:wigout:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]actually now that I think about it, I probably wouldn't take anyone, I am angry at a lot of people at the moment.... [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: :eek: Woah what happened?? Oh well... Yeah I would also say Sephiroth (friend) and Galaxy Girl ( She shares the same opinions..)
  16. Hm...I would choose Kireeikage:blush: , just cause she is the only girl I know in real life.... Transtic (on friendship) because I think we share a lot of the same opinions, and it would be interesting to see if he was the same in real life!
  17. Yet another post that was here before the changes..Lol..I know I shouldn't but I am...:devil: Anyway if you had to Spend the rest of your life w/ a person from the boards who would it be....:blush:
  18. See I am special I never have gone over the limit since I have been here!! Lol!! Yeah long sigs. annoy me! They make the pages longer to load up and they arn't that important some times, just spam spam and more spam..
  19. Congrates...Only like 900 till I am there..lol:rolleyes: Well congratulations!!
  20. I am gonna get a FF6 Shadow Warrior Yeah I think that is what it is called
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Why the hell do we call it soccer... and why do we call football football.... we use our hands in it more often than feet.... Americans make no sense... [/B][/QUOTE] Thats the great land of the free for ya... More like the land w/o minds..Lol...I think we just wanted to be different so we named it soccer, and football..football...Oh well
  22. Personally I think that TN had the right to jump onto Master O Bean's case, you directly said something, that could be taken as a dis, or a threat. Will2X, in his case we shouldn't have been suprised, I see what he was saying but I also think that he could have put it in a way that wasn't incoherent. I think that TN responded as correctly as you did your post, if you think TN shouldn't have jumped at you, then you shouldn't have posted that post at that time. Immaturity, is the loss of timing and not being able to say what you think in a reasonable manner. Maturity, is the ability to say what you think in a reasonable manner at the right time! So basically yes we are all immature at times, but that beggining post was just immature and directed at TN and was made to be offensive...And I think also that James did the right thing on banning SSJGOTEN. If you think it was unjistified, then just go to Altron's board and talk to him there, don't fill up our boards complaining about what happened! W/ the topic of people leaving, it happens, we had that happen before the change and we will continue having it! So just live w/ it. I am sure you can stay connected w/ AIM or something. And also Will2X I will have to agree w/ TN again, that you are very good at sterotyping, and should learn to hold your tongue till it is your turn!! That is my 7 cents!!
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