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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I have my cell phone with me wherever I go. However I put it on vibrate when I'm in quiet places (ie: Class or whenever it's nessisary) I don't talk on it alot usually. It's there simply for the reason I might need it. I'm glad I've had it on a few occations. Cell phones aren't always the annoying things everyone makes them to be, some people abuse them. But hey, America isn't as bad as some countries. I vbelieve in Switzerland, NO ONE has a home phone and 99% of the people there have mobile phones. Imagine what thats like if you think it's bad here. [/B][/QUOTE] How would they get internet over there?! Lol ...sorry I haven't had a blonde moment in a while.... Mobile phones don't bother me that much, I mean people carry them around for a reason. When I had mine it was constantly on vibrate when I was in somewhere where it is expected to be quiet. The biggest annoyance I had was the library. You'd have mobile phones ringing like crazy, it was quite annoyin ecspecially when you had to study for exams and stuff.
  2. [COLOR=indigo]My school system doesn't take very many field trips anymore. I guess it causes to much concern or something. My 6th grade year had to have been the best school trip we had. The whole 6th grade went to a camp called Wild Wood and stayed there the whole week Monday-Friday. It was an absolute blast! There was team competitions and stuff like that. I think highschool should do that, its a nice stress reliever... But yeah sadly our class was the last class to ever do it. Apparently it costed to much or something.[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XeEmO [/i] [B]Well i'm just about to go to bed so I thought I might as well ask. Personally I like to read, and then lay on my side with my eyes closed until I fall asleep. I might turn on the tv and listen to it a bit while i'm in bed. If i'm having a hard time sleeping then i'll just try not to move and think about a place that i've been. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=indigo]Hm I'm sorta like you Personally I love to read before I go to bed....but I always have music playing and I must have a fan blowing in my face. I can't stand still air when I am sleeping, it makes me hot. So yeah, I also just sit there and listen to the music and play the lyrics in my head over and over and over again untill I can't stand it then I fall asleep. Or I start to think about stuff...Whatever pops into my mind really...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=indigo]Mine would be.... [b]Sinner[/b] by [b]Drowning Pool[/b] Bend me shape me misdirect me It's all the same to me Look at all this useless talk You look at me but you don't see Understand I'm a sinner Don't corner me Don't lecture me Raise your hands you're a sinner Is this everything you wanted find another dream You never hear a word I say So pray I'm a sinner Look at all these people in front of me Look at all these people in front of me:how Short an' sweet....its a kick *** song...[/COLOR]
  5. Who was your first kiss? [COLOR=indigo]Boy: Evan McKenna Girl: N/A[/COLOR] How old were you? [color=indigo] 14...It was in November...[/color] How was it? [color=indigo] Absolutely amazing...It was so cute!! ^.^ Oh god it was perfect!!!! *goes on and on about the kiss* Oh and...it wasN'T (damn typos) just a little peck on the lips ^.^[/color] What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc) [color=indigo] It was about 2 in the morning, we snuck out to go walking like we always do when he spends the night. We love to walk around at night together and we were on a hill looking at the stars and then he rolled over on top of me, and said some really sweet stuff, and I'll let the rest go to your imagination...[/color] What was your Worst/Best Kiss? [color=Indigo] Best kiss was that time....my first kiss.....my only kiss O.o[/color]
  6. Hybrid Theory was a good CD but over all every single one of LP's CD's are great! They are all different which makes them awesome in their own ways... I'd have to say though the best song in my opinion was My December. I know thats on Reanimation which many don't like, but I thought it was the best Hybrid Theory over all was probably the best CD but Meterora and Reanimation have my favorite songs on it. So its pretty much evened out!
  7. We could have those like signs that scroll across messages and put them on our backs!! So we have our avatars and names on the front and our siggy running on the back! That'd be soo cool....*dreams* I'd just be another face in the crowd, but hey being a face in an OB crowd...now thats somethin!
  8. I personally think it'd be awesome, I have so many people on here I want to meet and that'd be the perfect opportunity to meet all of those that have changed my life in some regards... I think it would be slightly different than OB of course. The depressing topics I think would go down and the happy ones would go up. Because I mean 9/10 depressing topics have to do with something someone else did, but if Animerica would be anything like the Boards where everyone is family, there would be a lot less fighting between citizens in my opinion. Sure debates would run WILD but not as much fighting. Besides that we'd all be able to basically have our own ideal jobs just for the simple fact that there arn't millions of other people to compete with! I think it'd be awesome if it ever happened... So I would go there!
  9. You have embarked on a journey that I know you will conquer with glory. Heh... In lame man's terms... You'll be a great mother, I know it. My thoughts are with you, I hope everything goes well! I am so happy for you! Having a baby is one of the most beautiful gifts of life! It is the creation of life! Woo....lucky...
  10. I'm with you on this one. I think its a great show when someone's looking for metal. Some of the crap is kinda "what the hell is this crap" but most of it like you said is cool. Although they advertised that Julia would be shackled to the stages on Friday, and I never once saw that, I'm disappointed ;). Yeah I like how she interviews the bands and crap lets you know whats going on through their head. Their Stone Sour interview was awesome I think, anyways yeah in my personal opinion its probably one of my favorite shows out right now, just cuz its heavy metal lol. "If you have metal stuck in your cranium, then your ready for uranium!"
  11. [img]http://www.members.aol.com/shadowedcloudx/drunk[/img] Mother: Look kids this is what lies ahead....When you turn 21 you shall officially come into adulthood and the first thing you will do as a responsible adult is got flat *** drunk!
  12. Aragorn: Look for the last time....[i]I'm[/i] the king of Gondor [i]you're[/i] the pretty boy! Legolas: Pretty boy?! Why I oughta!!! Gimme the sword!! I'll show you how pretty I can be!!! Frodo: They never stop do they? Arwien (sp): Never....
  13. [i]Cy stood in the shadows quietly. He watched as people passed not noticing him. He found it humurouse how someone his size could simply disappear in the shadows forever. He shurgged the thought off and waited for darkness to over come the city. Slowly the street lights came on and the street began to clear. Finally after it cleared completely Cy took a step out onto the street. He checked both ways then continued walking. Human interaction was the last thing he wanted now a'days. They never understood him, they were all afaid of him, or thats what he thought. He knelt down looked down into a puddle. He watched as he own relfection stared at him. What was he looking at? Himself? What was he? That question always plagued him. He didn't feel like he belonged, he never had. He shook his head silently in thought. He stood back up slowly and scowled for a second. He then stepped into the puddle and continued walking. The feeling of cold water seeping into his socks was all too familiar to him, it iddn't really bug him anymore. He continued to walk followed by the silent squishing of water in his shoes. He stopped and silently listened for any rucus, any sign of life. He stood there surveying his surroundings. Suddenly the scent of sulfur started flowing through his nostrils. It danced through him and made him twing slightly. He always hated that smell, it always ment death and destruction. Yet for some reason he was always drawn to it. Instinctively he started towards the suflur. He continued as the smell got stronger and stronger. He turned out of an alley onto another street and saw a building, or what was left of it. The building looked fairly normal except for one thing, the roof. The roof was now a tangled mess of iron and concrete. Debris scatted the side walk next to the building. It was obviously a new explosion, the debris wasn't even removed yet. He walked slowly towards the building. He wasn't quite sure why, but he wanted to know what was inside. He walked up to the entrance walk way and looked at the ground. There was a small cigarette bud on the ground. Cy looked at it for a moment. It was new. Someone was in the building. He sighed for a moment. Not knowing why he continued on, surely if he was caught the police would think he did it. Thats the way police were now a'days. There was no place in the world for a wonderer like Cy, except jail. Thats what police thought. He shook the idea out of his head and walked up to the door. It was un-locked confirming his belief that someone else had entered the building recently. He silently opened the door and slid in the darkened building.[/i]
  14. I agree that 13 episodes is really too short, ecspecially when dealing with a subject such as Alexander the Greath. The show itself had its ups and downs. I loved it when I first saw it and couldn't stop watching it. (This saying 4 episodes) But the thing that bugged me was once I saw an episode I could never go back and watch it again, it was a first impressionable interest. So the first time I saw everything I loved it, after that it was just boring. The futuristic aspect brought some interesting questions to mind, and I actually enjoyed that factor. I liked the animation, of course I'm more for the GW style of animation but hey to him his own right? I'd watch Reign through once, but I don't think I coudl do it again for the life of me. So yeah, it was good once. Twice....no. Thrice shoot me. Off Topic: Is it just me or does Madonna's song [i]American Life[/i] sound just like Reign's opening theme in a couple of spots?
  15. Personally I just think its about seeing the characters you love in every aspect possible. Humans like to fantasize and its just apart of it. Plus the fact that many of the people here pointed out. The more guys the better. For girls, I'm not saying everyone girl digs it but some do. Thats like saying every guy likes lesbians in a sexual way and is turned on by it. Its not true ;). Anyways contrary to popular belief it still is art, and all art should be respected to a limit. So it really doesn't bother me, besides I think its cute!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]That took a long time, lol. I wonder what you thought of me before :p The problem with mOBSCENE is that is sounds like something off Holy Wood. If I didn't know any better, I'd think it came out before too. [/B][/QUOTE] Well I didn't say I didn't like you, people've got to earn my respect its not given out! :p. Yeah I said the same thing when I first heard it and they said it was new. I could've sworn I've heard it before, it may have been a re-make or something I don't know, but I know what you mean about that, and I agree!
  17. [b]Name[/b]: Harley Yavamashi [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Description[/b]: Harley is a rather small person. He is 5'10 and has an atheletic build. He weighs 163 pounds. He has a martial artist's build. He has 3 inch spiked hair from which he dyes ocassionally. The tips of his hair are jet black. (Dyed) His eyes almost seem silver. They are really icy blue, but many people refer to them as silver. He wears a white shirt with a tiger on the back. He wears black slacks, and has plain black shoes. He has a tatoo on the front side of his left shoulder. The tatoo is a symbol, but not even Harley knows what it is. He also has a necklace. On the necklace has the word "Aurora." His one time fianee. [b]Bio[/b]: Harley studied at a dojo to learn martial arts. While sparring one of his peers he broke his leg in an attempt to do a move. Un-known to him the sensai had made a deal with the contraversial staff producing ESPM. They paid him money in return for one of his students. When Harley broke his leg they found this to be the perfect situation. The sensai pretended to call the hospital, but instead called the lead doctor. He sent an "ambulance" over and loaded Harley into the ambulance. Harley was immediatly sedated so he wouldn't remember a thing. They implanted the ESPM with out any problems. After doing so they set his leg. When Harley awoke the next morning he was in a hospital strapped to an IV and had his leg elevated. They told him that an infection had occured while they were fixing his leg, and that they had to monitor him to make sure he was ok. He stayed in the hospital for two more days and showed no irregular signs. Harley was then kicked out of the dojo after they discovered his new power. He couldn't control it at first and ended up injuring his own sensai. The sensai's students threw him out and he wondered around looking for a new job. For years he joined an under ground tournement where he fought for money. He won several of the tournements. During his spare time he trained his body and mind, also training his new power. He would train it every day and learned to control it with ease. He soon became wondering the country looking for more people like him. Everywhere he went strange people followed. Many would follow him for weeks then disappear. He didn't understand what was happening. He had to find out. One day while searching around he met someone, like him. It was a girl. The two become close and soon Harley proposed to her. She accepted and they moved in with ear other. On the day before their wedding she disappeared without warning and without a trace. The day before that she had mention a name...Tjaden. From then on Harley dedicated his life to search for this mysteriouse man, and get the answers he was looking for. [b]Ability[/b]: Telekenesis
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally Posted By: Dan L[/i] I love what you said up there "If you look at Earth everything has been placed there for a reason". Tell me this, since when did Evolution have any form of reasoning? It doesn't. Evolution by principle is a purely random process. It doesn't know where it's going or where it wants to go. There is no plan of action, things just end up where they end up. Things don't fall into place, but they fall where they fall and if it's in a decent place it stays. The sheer fact that everything on this planet has a purpose, whether it be the distance from the sun, the rotation speed, the fact that we have water, and a whole load of things we need, could not have come about by evolution alone. There's far more arguments against non-theistic (atheist) evolution, but I'll go into them if anyone asks. Now the point is that everything points towards a creator of some sort, some kind of supreme being that follows, and even creates, order and reason in the natural world. Pretty much every religion which believes in a creator believes in an afterlife or reincarnation of some sort. Therefore it pretty much follows reason that there is one, if any one of those is right. If none of them are right then well.. I hope eternal nothingness is appealing to you..[/QUOTE] Ah but you are saying that I believe in Evolution. This is a completely different topic, but it seems the thread is taking that direction or atleast in response to your post.... The thought that we as humans know what happened however long ago the univers, Earth, everything was created is assuming way too much. The possibilities are endless. To say that we in our maybe....thousand years of scientifically studying it know exactly what happened is just the opposite of what we've tried to do, its un-scientific. The odds are that the true way everything came together is still a mysteriouse. There is so much out there, magic could exist. Things we haven't even comprehended yet exist out there, so why should we know everything now? If you look up at the stars its endless no? I mean for all we know a giant machine from some far off alien race MADE our world and packed up and left after making everything needed. I'm not saying its true, but its possible. Everything is possible, to count everything out saying ONE thing is IT is just ignorant. Thats what we are as humans. We are an ignorant species. The Earth is young, so therefor everything on it is. So any young thing is ignorant to the world around it untill taught by something else. Sure nature lets it see some of its beauty, but a lot has to be taught by its parents. I don't know if any of this makes sense or not, and if it doesn't I'm sorry. For all I know there is a god. It may very well be GOD. We may very well have a Heaven and Hell. We may very well be the middel bridge between. This could be Hell. This could be Heaven. We don't know, and I don't think no human will ever know until death. So untill then keep wondering.... Evolution... Evolution itself makes no sense to me. Evolution is a long process and it contradicts other scientific facts out there. Of course thats stating that these "Scientific Facts" are correct. Its to messy for my taste, as you said random. The selecton of what it becomes isn't really random it has one goal. When a species evolves theres one reason and only one. Survival. Thats what Evolution is about, survival of the fittest. You know the whole Darwin thing. I think everything does evolve, but thats not what started it. Something started has an end, and evolution is forever going. Everything ages, everything expires, and everything changes. Thats evolution. So saying it started the world wouldn't make sense, because it would evolve from nothing. Nothing in essance can't evolve into something, you must have a (very small or large) substance to start the evolution. Evolution comes from the Theory of the Big Bang, well what doesn't make sense there is the whole what started the bang. Well yes I know thats commonly a theolgical argument against the Big Bang theory but its a valid point. Scientists argue to theologions that something had to start Earth, and it simply couldn't come from nothing. Well I believe (MY PERSONAL OPINION) if two arguments can fight each other with the same question then neither is complete nor correct. That is my belief... On the Evolution vs. Creationism thing. Studying your surroundings prooves that everything evolves, thats a fact. I mean ever Theologians believe that species evolve, just not that, thats what started it all. But if everything else evolves, why haven't we? Sure our brains may have grown bigger, but every species known to man has made a physical appearance change. They have grown something, or made something that has increased their survival rate. Humans to my knowledge haven't done that. I may be wrong, but it doesn't make sense that humans would be the perfect being needing no change from the start. Everything has to have a rough draft. Obviously a creationist could argue that humans just haven't been threatened with survival. That we've never had something above us in the food chain. And thats possible, but even in nature the top of the food chain still evolves. Things still happen to increase their survival, to make them stronger, more dominant, so their prey can't become completely immune to them. Both of them as I've said don't really make sense to me, both can be canceled out by their own arguments. Which is non-sensical to me. Of course I could be completely wrong, I could be looking at this in too much of a "this has to be sensable" thing. Everything could be non-sensible, after all sense is something humans created. So I really don't know whats out there, and where it came from. All I know is it is out there, and I'm here. So untill that time I have to leave I'm going to enjoy my stay, and not worry about it. Heaven, Hell, the after life. All are mysteriouse that will only be solved at the end (or the beginning if you wanna look at it that way) of a person's journey. When that day comes I'm sure I may have to swallow some of these words, I'm sure everyone will. Oh and also I didn't say I wanted a deep dark nothingness when I die. And who said it'd be a deep dark nothingness. It could very well be just like your sleeping, and you never wake up. We could just live in our dreams after we die. Yet that wouldn't be possible scientifically because the brain is dead without blood and blood stops when you die. ALso the brains stops when you die so yeah thats pretty much out of the question. If we are looking at it schientifcally but hey like I've many times we'll never know. The thought of an after life I think is a human creation. Just like fantasy. I think its a wish that when we go away, we still some how are here. Still some how stay connected with the ones that we truly cherish. Its only human nature to be scared of nothing in itself, and to be scared of loosing everything that you've faught for, worked for, and recieved in your life. The ending of your life is the end of a magnificent piece of work that has finally finished. When you die you finish you're last project. You created a personality, you developed, you shared it with others, and you left your mark on society. I think humans just don't want to be forgotten, and to go to the after life would some how give people a sense of meaning, that humans themselves were high enough to live after death. To show that they are strong, and to show that no matter what we will survive. To survive the essance of nature. Humans are apart of nature after all! So thats my thoughts, everyone's arguments are valid in my opinion, everyone here is right. Because they believe their own thing. *Steps off his soap box* Again if any of that didn't make sense.....sorry. Also if I offend someone I had no intention to and I am sorry... I'm sure I lost some respect with this post from some of you probably, but I said what I felt so hey thats all I can do ^.^;;
  19. There was a 1,300 vote margin between the two. I'm sure more than a milion people voted, I don't know the exact number though Personally I think Clay should've won, thats my opinion. I know bickering isn't gonna change a thing. And besides does it really matter who one? In the end they both win! They both get the record labels, and they both have a CD coming out. So in my mind they both won. So yipee! Congrats on both of them. I think everyone was looking at American Idol and pointing every finger they could at it, simply because it is the biggest thing going on right now. I mean lets face it nothing that fascinating is going on right now, except the new bombings and such and this would be a way to take away from that. I don't think American Idol was rigged in anyway, its stupid how people make all these judgements and quite frankly its annoying. I didn't really like Ruben that much. He had a great voice no doubt, but his voice had no character. It failed quite often too, not that noticeably but it still did. Clay's voice is/was absolutely amazing. It is so BIG. Its not loud though. He has more talent then Ruben did, but Ruben had the personality ya know? Plus he does have some talent! So like Simon said about those two being in the finals.... "From the start I said American Idol was about either talent or image. This year was talent and America I think you chose right." Those two were the best. So lets just be happy for 'em both!
  20. [i]"We'd like to think that we're just helping the mixed-species relationships out there. Its not a bad thing! Keep up! Sure some of the animals don't understand, but its worth it. My husband, that handsom little fur ball, is as good as any dog would be!"[/i] Mrs. Twinkle when asked about her contraversial relationship with super model Mr.Twinkle.
  21. Mitch I know you, you are a great kid...In my eyes beautiful. Whats up? Anyways...Mitch break outta your shell and answer this question. Don't answer the text book answer, thats not what I'm looking for. Thats not what YOU are looking for. Answer with your heart, all of us have one! Thats what this topic is about. I personally believe once someone can truly identify what they believe as beautiful then the world around them becomes a little bit more.....well beautiful. I don't know. I think everyone needs to think of such things, thats why I made this thread. I wanted to see what people thought of beauty, and if people have ever really thought of it. I thank the people who have already tried, and hey keep posting. Mitch I'd be interested in seeing your answer.....if you ever answer...
  22. [img]http://www.shineget.com/toad.gif[/img] [color=indigo ]Character Name: Toad Character Personality: Quiet and shy, he'll do anything to lend a friend a helping hand. He races for the thrill of racing. He loves the feel of the wind in his face and can't stop seeing Bowser spin out from a banana peel. Naturally he has an agressive tendacy to drop more items near Bowser than any other racer. He also seems to attempt to not get in Mario and Luigi's way. Despite his small appearance Toad is very determined when he wants something, and getting a victory on the tracks wouldn't be out of his grasps. He lives by one motto...."Size doesn't matter!" Home: Mushroom Kingdom Other: Yes his name is Toad. No he is not a Toad! Get it? Got it? Good![/color]
  23. The wonders of announcements...:rolleyes: If you look just above your thread there is a thread that has announcements and is entitled "Name Changing Open." Anyways what you do is Pm this guy named Charles and say what you want your new name to be, you better hurry becuase it closes once May is over! Also to avoid this dry not using dates in your name ;) Just a friendly suggestion!
  24. I'd prolly have a lot more money for a couple of seconds the go on a rampage and spend it on some non-sensical item that really didn't work, but it looked [I]so[/I] cool on TV or something like that. O.o Yeah I'd miss anime. I don't watch much TV and I only watch anime on TV so yeah....TV wouldn't be in my vocabulary. I'd probably go to bed a lot earlier, wouldn't be staying up to watch Trigun. I'd have an empty drawer... I'd probably see the day more...and I'd be on here 10x more... ...scary. Losing anime would just be....un healthy...
  25. The words I hate are.... quit, quiet, quite I get those things confused all the time wheN I'm trying to spell 'em.... Also beauty and beautiful but I actually made a thread for that one....oops....>.<
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