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Everything posted by Sui Generis
The whole thing is I don't think its the video games at all like I've said. I mean if you litsen to Barney are you going to go hug someone. I mean lets be realistic. Sure with an ity bity kid who wathces him EVERY day maybe, but I mean thats also with the parents help and the fact that other kids are doing it. These studies seem to leave out one important factor. Peer pressure. Kids see their dad shooting some deer and they think "Hey thats cool." Kids watch how much attention a murder gets on TV and they think "Hey I could be on TV!" Now I'm not saying these factors make a kid go on a rampage and kill everyone they know. Smashing a fly would have more of a violent affect on a kid then playing Halo where you run around and kill [I]ALIENS[/I] . I mean sure they could have humans killing humans restricted to where the kid would have to be a proven teen or something. I think the kid should have to be there for a teen rating for him to get the game, that'd HELP solve the problems of little kids getting games they're not supposed to get. Also who makes a decision in your life. Do you or your parents decide to eat cereal? Do you or your parents decide to drink the milk instead of the orange juice? You make your own choices even as a kid, thats why kids get in so much trouble. They make choices while they are still un-educated. Its not the parents fault entirely. Sure they can stress non-violence as much as they want, but its the kid's choice to load the gun and cock it then aim and shoot. The parent isn't in the kids mind, they can't tell what exactly he or she is going to do. Saying its completely the parents fault is like saying its the coaches fault that I struck out. Its the teachers fault I flunked. In some cases its true, sure a parent might give the kid the gun and load it for him/her BUT he/she is the one that has to pull the trigger. I mean but face it that scenerio isn't likely. I don't think blaming it on one specific thing is going to get us anywhere, I think its a combination of hundreds if not thousands of things. Where animals in all reality and if you haven't noticed this is a violent world, animals are violent. Its only NATURAL that we'd be violent. *shrugs* Food for thought
I've been thinking recently and I was wondering. What makes someone beautiful, in your mind. Here in Kansas there is a huge difference between beaufitul and hot. People are called beautiful all the times for their looks, yet other things are called beautiful. It seems that beauty isn't just for human beings, which would be odd if beauty was refering to looks. I mean a baby being born is beautiful to most parents, and well its obviouse that a birth isn't exactly what I'd want to see in the morning after breakfast. Ya know? To me it just doesn't seem to be the looks ya know. Beautiful isn't hot. I mean if you think about it. When you go out and see a picture perfect sun rise, with the fog on the mountain and the smell in the air is almost sweet. Many people say thats beautiful. Well why is it? Is it because of the view, or is it that breath taking feeling you get when you see it. Suddenly you and nature are one, is that beauty? The sense of pride and joy knowing you're alive, is that beauty? Is beautiful just another word, or does it have an underlying meaning, does it hold a sort of prescence when giving to someone. Its just that you don't hear a lot of people say beautiful, well as much as you hear cute, sexy, hot, you get the idea. I mean sure theres rap songs about beautiful people, Marilyn Manson's song of course, and thousands of songs about beauty, but has any of them really defined beauty? Does beauty really have a definition? Is it looks? Or is it something else about the person (or thing) that makes them beautiful. I guess through all this mindless and pointless babbling what I'm trying to ask is: What is beautiful to you? Deep down in your own heart what do you think is beautiful, how do you use it?
What do you guys think of it? Be honest, I can take criticism!
Skateboarding, Agreesive, Snowboarding, etc.
Sui Generis replied to Epitome's topic in General Discussion
I snowboard and in-line. I love in-lining, I'm ok at it, I can't count the many injuries and cuts I've gotten from it though. I started snowboarding last year, broke my nose first day out, but hey its fun! -
[b]Kuiju Master[/b] Name: Takyote "Raava" Yurimio Age:15 Sex:Male Bio: While growing up Raava, as all his friends and enemies called him, heard tales of a day when wiccans were laughed at. A time when aliens were mocked and robots where merely building cars. What were cars? Cars were ancient history. He laughed at all these stories, except one. A story of one wiccan, the first wiccan to summon a demon, and show the world. Wicca was for real. He grew up deteremined to be just like that women. In every aspect except one, he was a guy. That didn't stop him though, the morals behind her stories affected him as well. He followed these and soon summoned his own demon as well. He became close friends with his demon, often forgetting daily chores, school, and meals to spend time with his demon. They both trained hard. The rumors of the tournement were swirling, and he was going to win. No...THEY were going to win. Desc: [URL=http://mac.syste.ms/art/0201_ayaw/ayaw_2001.jpg]Tayote "Raava" Yurimio[/URL] Race: Wiccan [b]Demon[/b]: Name: Kazan Age: Was summoned when Takyote was 8 Sex: Female Desc: [b]SEE ATACHMENT[/b] (THE ONE ON THE LEFT....duh lol) Race: Demon Close Range Attacks: Punches, Kicks, Long Range Attacks: De-rail, Ice, Vengence Abilities: Can communicate with Takyote through mind. Speed, Flight, Seduce
Pesonally, I've always thought Brian Warner was brilliant. If you listen to his interviews and such you can realize that he is such a deep man, and he isn't just spewing anti-christ, suicidal, drug abusive bull ****. I saw him on Uranium on MuchMusic (now Fuse). They were interviewing him. I thought that he did an excellent job explaining why he named some of his songs and such. Marilyn Manson the band has to be one of my faovrite bands. They are so original in my opinion, and the videos are normally really awesome. mOBSCENE although I could swear I've heard before it released for some reason. Oh well. I personally can't wait to get the CD. Although the problem is my mom is a basic Christian and she thinks Marilyn Manson is the devil, almost literally. Well I'm not going to get into that. But yes I love Marilyn Manson, and Semjaza you've gained my respect. Lol. If that matters heh.
[B]Fallen Angel[/B] [I]Name[/I] Cy Strain [I]Appearance[/I] See attachment [I]Bio/History[/I] Cy grew up with his parents in a small house just outside of a huge city. He spent much of his time out doors traveling to and from the city. He gained friends and allys through gangs in the city. Despite his rough up-bringing he had certain "pure" values to him. Honor and honesty were major aspects in his up-bringing. His parents were rather poor, and his father jumped from job to job. His mom was his inspiration through many time. He had no respect for his dad who would come home drunk and would throw Cy around every once in a while. Cy used this as an excuse to get stronger. In his spare time he constanly trained himself to get stronger and smarter. His desire to help his mother got him in trouble several times. He did what he was good at, and often stole money from people to help support his mother. When he was 16 he was sent to JV for attempting to rob a house. He was involved in many gang fights and continued to train. He got stronger to hide all his insecurites and what he thought to be weakness. Despite all his gang fights he never killed anyone. He graduated college with a 3.8 grade average and traveled around looking for what he was ment to do. He always thought he had a purpose, he knew he did, but he wasn't sure what it was. [I]Personality[/I] He is quiet to most and can be thought of as mean, harsh and rude. He trys to put off a tough first impression. He is loyal to his friends, but is constantly moving. He always feels like something is pulling him places.
I watch an hour a day at max....I like watching Rurouni Kenshin and Trigun and thats about it..... The TV is always on though because its in the family room. I don't really care for TV
Yeah see thats what I think. I f we are going to think of a Heaven and Hell....I think Heaven is the after life and Hell is....well right now! ^.^.... But I don't believe in either so its all good! ^.^
A drunken Scott's version of Golf.....FOUR!!!
Like DeathKnight said there is no definite way to know, untill well....you're dead. I don't know if you think about it the concept is rather interesting. An after life, I don't know. If you look at Earth everything has been placed there for a reason, and everything is sensible to a means. The thought of an after life is not sensible. It has no definite benifit to anything besides oneself. If there is an after life I doubt there is such a thing as Heaven and Hell. That is just like any other child's tale (on a different level) making sure we do what is right to a human's standard. Does that make sense?
Ok the whole thing that really makes no sense is.... They are trying to limit the games kids play, yet the violence on TV is getting more and more so. I mean there is rarely a time where a kid can't turn on the TV and see somebody's brain getting blown out of their skull or something. Its the parents decision on what to expose their children to. I don't think the government should be able to decide how they want the parents to raise their children. This is a democracy not a totalitarian or communistic government. I'm against it, but naturally I am. I'm a 15 year old who loves video games and I'd be affected so its obviouse how I would be against it.
What element are you based on personality?
Sui Generis replied to klinanime1's topic in General Discussion
I've had people tell me I'm a mix between Earth, Fire, Water, and Ether....so thats what I am! *swetadrops* Great answer I know... -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Agatio [/i] [B]Ok, heres the story, one of my friends was accused of starting a rumor about two girls making out on my bus...but when the rumor started he was in Vegas and came back and everyone was talking sh*t about him. Now, the two girls are getting everyone to kick his a*s on Monday. Even the girls boyfriend, who is huge by the way, is going to beat him up. What should I do, help him in the fight, tell the priciple or a teacher, what. Can anyone help me out PLEASE. [/B][/QUOTE] It all sounds insanely immature to me. Even the fight itself. Congratulations....You stooped to their level. Fighting isn't the answer to everything. Sometimes walking away takes more of a man than just fighting. It was your choice and you succeeded...congrats.
Actually it happened to one of my friends (girl) a couple years ago. The answer to the reason people (your friends in this case) are stupid enough to get in cars with older boys is..... You're (me included) are young and for some ungodly reason we think you're invincible and can't get hurt. I don't mean to be harsh I hope your friends learned their lessons. You have to be aware. Life isn't full of Lolly Pops and Teddy Bears un fortunatly. It doesn't have to be bad though, life shouldn't be filled with Paranoia....but they should be more aware.... I wouldn't tell their parents, thats a decision they will have to make. This is their mess you can stand on the side lines and root for 'em. But it'd be best if they suited this out themselves.... -Bryan
I'd prefer them playing Gundam Wing to death again. Atleast the characters had some nice characteristics to them ya know? I'm used to CN doing this by now so it doesn't bug me that much. Just wait till Zeta comes out then we'll all be happy for a year.....then it'll play over and over and over again then we'll get sick of it as well... ^.^ Gotta love American attempts at getting Anime!
My last day is Friday....You'd think we'd have a party or something.....but nooo here's our schedule.... Monday: Normal classes..... Teusday: 8th period finals 7th period finals Wednesday: 6th period finals 5th period finals Thursday: 4th period finals Friday: 2nd period finals 1st period finals We don't have a third period final (its our seminar) aka home room. Our seniors (grade 12) left already so the emotional side of things has already ended so party!
Zelda: (Thinking) [i]OOhhh.....so [b]THIS[/b] is why there was a sign on the cake that said...."Danger may cause mental scars...."[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The stage is set for Link's next adventure....Escape From Transvestite Island.....
Hm...Steiner got banned...so I'm guessing I can ask one.... If I can't then forget this post...heh.... Question: [i]Name two of the three vehicles the Covenant AI will be able to fly/drive/man in Halo 2[/i]
The most recent game I have finished was Mech Assualt. Personally I was really disappointed (and am talking to the mag editors about it lol). It left alot to be wanted. The graphics were amazing I'll admit that (besides the buildings) but I mean...it just....wasn't as good as expected..... My opinion....
Don't kill me.....but... X-Box Magazine also stated another RARE game....(they didn't mention Conker: Live and Uncute) The game was PERFECT DARK ZERO. I don't have screen shots or anything. Are they correct or not? Its rumored to be the second of the RARE games to come out. Grabbed by Ghoulies being the first...and Kameo being the third. Sorry if I'm over stepping my boundries.
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=389078[/IMG] [b]Yellow[/b]: The colors RED the colors!!! [i]New M&M's garunteed to taste 100% better and to look 200% colory![/i] ------------------------------- When being plain just wasn't enough..... ------------------------------------------ [b]Red[/b]: Oh dude I'm so high.... [b]Yellow[/b]: Weee!! [b]Red[/b]: You know why did that one rapper dude name himself after candy? [b]Yellow[/b]: WEEE [b]Red[/b]: I mean why the (*$ would someone wanna be a ($ing M&M.... [b]Yellow[/b]: Weeee!! [b]Red[/b]: His music sucks anyways....*takes another puff* What was I talking about?? *looks over to Yellow* [b]Yellow[/b]: WEEEEEE!!!! [b]Red[/b]: *shrugs* Weee!!!
[COLOR=darkblue]Phsyically... I'd have to say my eyes. I'm a big eye person. I can get lost in peoples eyes. My eyes change colors during the seasons. They go from green to icy blue. Also when I'm mad they get icy blue. I love my eyes lol...Sorry Personality... I guess the ability to put others in front of myself and listen to their problems. Its not hard at all for me. In fact I have a trouble of not doing it. People say I do it too much, but hey I like helping people out. Ya know? I also supposedly give "beautiful and great" advice. So go me![/COLOR]
Alright...I gotta tell you guys.....almost all of these made me laugh.... but I had to choose so.... [b]The winner[/b] Shinobi: [i]Who can resist a mock of Steve Irwin....[/i] [b]Runner Up[/b] Cyke: [i]Its so true....I loved this one, but sorry I'm a sucker for the mock of Steve Irwin.....[/i]
Sorry I didn't post one because I wasn't sure how long I should wait for Machina to post one... I guess since he hasn't posted one I will.... Good luck on this.....*grins* [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=386673[/IMG]