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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Reward is not harsh at all. Its like saying I play baseball for fun. Fun would not be harsh. So neither is Reward. I think that it is true, most if not all acts or done on the incentive of a reward. Although the reward doesn't have to be selfish as others have said. The reward could be simple to see the smile on the homeless person's face when you give them something. Or that little kids toothless smile when you give her her first barbie or something. Although I think parenthood is the one time when most people truly are selfless. The rewards doing their actions are not rewards for them, but for their child. They make them go to school. Not to make the parents smart but to make the kids smart. So they can grow up and get a good job, to be able to support their family. They give them moral back up to make sure that they treat their kids right. Parenting in itself is a selfless act. I don't really think their is a reward that benifits the parents in this. Except for maybe when they're adults (MAYBE) they can step back and admire the good person and think they helped him/her on the way. If that didn't make any sense at all sorry. Tried to state my opinion. In other words this Altruism only exists in one point in life, and thats parenting. Thats my belief anyways.
  2. Curiosity [i]baked[/i] the cat....
  3. [b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be? [color=darkblue]Hm...I don't really have anything that I can think of at the moment. ShyGuy's feature sounds interesting but there isn't anything that sticks out that I like NEED to have. Ya know? [/color] If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [color=darkblue] I'm with them, I think it'd be cool to have an Otaku History forum.[/color] Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? [/b](ie: closer fan art links, contests, etc)[b] [color=darkblue] Yeah I think it'd be cooler, plus I think it'd make theOtaku.com seem more friendlier than it already is. Ya know what I mean? More fan based. But thats just my opinion on it.[/color] Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards? [color-darkblue] Erm. I'm not sure. I mean it'd have its advantages and disadvantages. If we do I'd say be very selective with whom you affiliate with. (I'm sure you would anyways, but ya know better safe than sorry.)[/color] Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? [/b](ie: shared moderators, scheduled chat events etc)[b] [color=darkblue] I think some of the same mod's should be there. Also have some members from the boards earn their way to mod the chat. (Just like modding the forum) I also think that some of the people that just visit the chat should be able to mod the chat.[/color] Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] (ie: do you feel that we need more spam control or less? Or are we just right?)[b] [color=darkblue] Yes. The effort of the mods and admins is great! I think the members do their job for the most part.[/color] If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way? [b][color=darkblue]YES YES YES!!!![/b][/color] Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins? [color=darkblue] Higher quality[/color] Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? [/b](if you had to choose only one option)[b] [color=darkblue] Anime/Gaming [/color] Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] (in other words, do you seek out Mods/Category Mods to help you when you are unsure of a rule or something like that)[b] [color=darkblue] When I need to....[/color] Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? [/b](such as language restrictions, conflict resolution between members, strict blocking of sexual imagery, etc... - this question is aimed primarily at parents and members over 15 years) [color=darkblue] I am 15 so I'll still answer. I personally think you guys do a great job...[/color] The benner idea....kicks as....BUTT! [b]EDIT:[/b] Sorry James I'll edit that now...
  4. I like Smallville its a pretty cool show. I'm not a HUGE fan though. I never am home or have the TV when its on. I don't know. Its something to watch when you are bored...
  5. (Kinda like Transtic) Woah there buck-o! This was NOT in the contract! Yeah its obviouse whats going on...we all know ;)
  6. I with Jamvis I feel very few would cry if I died. I feel like I only have a few good friends. But hey maybe I'm blind. Don't give up Jamvis. Thats the worst thing you could do. Keep fighting. You'll meet some people that are true friends. True friends are worth a thousand one-time "friends".
  7. Hey if you ever see a Brandon Ritter tell him Bryan says Hi and tell him my friggin screen names! Lol.... Me? I wanna get a job. There is so much stuff I want. Train model set...drums/bass.....alot of things I want that my 'rents won't pay for. So I'll play on a baseball team that only plays 12 games then work the rest of the summer....Plan just to kick back and relax. For the first time since I started being a freshman...
  8. I agree with you WinterMute. It happened to me once in a tournement. I had played the kid several times that year and he told me after our close battle (I came out the victor by 2 life points) that he had built that deck to beat my deck and it center around going against my usual strategies. It was awesome to know that you were recognized for your playing abilities. Anyways my favorite deck of all time I let some one borrow and they've had it for aobut a month now. Its a combination of a sliver/sorcery/counter deck. I'm not sure how but I mixed that all in a 60 card deck. It is un-beaten so far.... 48-0 (Tourney games only) Alright sorry enough bragging.... And by the way attacking is a strategy in its own. You must figure out when to attack...when to use the creature's abilities. And there are many Green decks (mainly) that are centered plainly on attacking. No enchantments nor any other kinds of tricks. Although these style decks are normally thought of as newbie decks, but can actaully prove to be very powerful..
  9. Dog: You know....I'm glad those dogs could do it in that one movie... Mom dog: Babe hunny.... Dog: Yes I know I am a babe....but this is going too far! Mom Dog: Babe hunny.... Dog: I KNOW ALREADY!! Can't you see I'm no pig, I'm a babe! Mom: No *points to one of the pigs* Thats Babe. Dog: WHAT?! Mom: The movie was Babe...and we have a son named Babe! Dog: We have a son?
  10. Actually sliver decks are amazing for just that reason. Every one thinks they're out dated and so you sneak up on 'em and ope you win the game! What I ment by cycle is. Do you think every one pretty much has their own strategy. Or does like everyone in a certain area have the same basic strategy? Like a West Coast strategy or something...
  11. Don't double post ;) Does anyone use a sliver deck anymore. I remember the golden days where those things ruled as gods. Yet I never had one and still would win. Now I use 'em and I rule the land. Lol.... Do you think the styles of magic go in a cycle? Or is it just completely random?
  12. Albert Einstein could boggle the mind with answers for even the most outrageouse questions, but he couldn't answer the simplest question. [b]WHO THE HELL TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS!!!???[/b]
  13. Oh by the way Arikel there is a red card that does x damage to all creatures without flying and each player. Its Earthquake. Although a great Direct Damage card is Lava Burst. It costs the same as fireball and has an un-believably awesome advantage. It can't be counter or re-directed. My friend has a red deck and I have a black and blue deck. That card kills me 90% of the time that he wins. I had a deck like that WinterMute....I was told it was illegal in every tourney I went to....it was quiet irratating....
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WickedThought [/i] [B]Jason is where I'm gettin it, you can thank me for that champion by the way;) I also plan for a destroy land instant damage deck with some indigo eggs just got to be patient and bye singles some time^_^ Does any one like the idea of huge creature decks. Like green decks with scaled worms and bests to totally overwhelm your opponent. I like the idea alot but can't seem to make a really good one:(. got any suggestions... I have Crush of worms, Blanch wood armours, Gias embrace's and alot of worms and mana producing elves to bulk this deck up. Any fun bigger creatures that can crush people that you know of? Hey also I'm looking for token producing methods of winning and overwhelming your opponent does any one know a combo for this? of any color?:cool: [/B][/QUOTE] Some good cards would be Ancient Silverback. It costs 6 its a 6/5 and costs one forest to regenerate. Another would be Gang of Elk. Its a 5/4 (if I remember correctly) but when Gang of Elk is blocked Gang of Elk gets +2/+2. Also Spore Colony its a 4/4 but you may remove a counter from him and give a +1/+1 counter on any creature.... Squirrels are great token creatures. They can make some killer combos. My friend has an amazing squirrel deck and uses many tokens. I'll try and get a hold of it soon if I do I'll tell you some of the cards.... Personally I am not a huge creature fan. I'm more of a sorcery/counter type of person. The most creatures I have in decks now is about 5-6.
  15. People argue that you have the right to protect yourself right. Well if guns were illegal you wouldn't need a gun to protect yourself from another gun. I think its a hopeless cause though. Humans have proven that every time a weapon has come to the end of its life (however that happens) a new, better, faster, more deadly one comes out. Thats my personal opinion. I think they're as horrible as anythign else, but are they going to leave even if we ban them? Nope...
  16. Dog: Wheres the cream filling? Cat: *Smiling evily* In the bun! *The dog jumps at the bun only to fall asleep looking for the filling* Cat: Buhahahah! Now I've got him! Finally an end to that pesky dog, and the beginning of makign MILLIONS!
  17. "When I was young I was known as Timmy....Timmy the booger eater. I remember in 5th grade my teacher told me I would accomplish nothing with picking my nose. Well this is to her.... WHAT NOW BIATCH!!!!"
  18. Personally I think you should combine the blue black into one deck. Make black a destroy creature/land and force discard (IE: Stupor). The blue obviously counters. When you get the right cards with these two colors it can be....insanely funny to watch your opponents face...
  19. I really wish you could read some of my other stuff. I actually agree with you, I personally didn't like the poem...Thanks for the straight-forwardness...
  20. Well its been forever since I have posted any of my poetry on here. Its been almost 7 months O.o.....Anyways I wrote this poem when I got bored in English a week ago. Its ok but I want others opinions on it. Comments and Criticism needed! [b]Back Up[/b] Back up, You've knocked me down! Back up, You've made me frown! You pushed and pulled fighting me Blindly kicking you'll never see Back up, You've torn me apart! Back up, You've ripped my heart! You've haunted me every day Screaming, not listening, to what I say. Back up, You've broken my will! Back up, You've made me ill! You've taken away my only dream Knocking me off life's little beam. Back up, You've tried it all! Back up, You've made me fall...... So yeah thats it....
  21. Ok this is to all those people who insist on calling Bush a dictator. Do you not realize that after the attacks of September 11th, 2001 President Bush was granted total control by the Congress for as long as he needed it. Yet he didn't use it, he could use it right now. He never once did something without talking to the congress or house of reps. If he truly was a dictator he woulda use that for his advantage and did some seriouse damage. Including attacking Iraq since everyone thinks all he wants is oil.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B]Thats because of the sanctions and embargoes that have been placed on Iraq by the U.S. and the U.N. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes but its Saddam's fault. He was given the opportunity to life those sanctions by doing certain things. He didn't do them so the punishment was thousands of his people starving to death. The U.N and the U.S have giving him plenty of opportunities to help his people out, but Saddam refuses. Its almost as he wants them to suffer. (What a concept) So I don't think it'd be right to place the blame of his people suffering on another country. Not sure if you were trying to or not.
  23. My dad just gave me an article he found and I thought I'd share it. Its a pro-war article. This has some disturbing content so if you have an easy stomach don't read this... Anything that has "Strong Content" above it is a paragraph that contains some sick things. Again if you can't stand it or are too young PLEASE do not read. [b]"See Men Shredded, Then Say You Don't Back War" By: Ann Clwyd[/b] [b]Strong Content![/b] [i] "There was a machine designed for shredding plastic. Men were dropped into it and we were again made to watch. Sometiems they went in head first and died quickly. Sometimes they went in feet first and died screaming. It was horrible. I saw 30 people die like this. Their remains would be placed in plastic bags and we were told they would be used as fish food...on one occasion, I saw Qusay [Suddam's youngest song] personally supervise these murders." This is one of the many witness statements that were taken by researches from Indict- the organisation I chair-- to provice ecidence for legal cases against specific Iraqi individuals for war crimes, crimes again humanity, and genocide. This account was taken in the past two week.[/i] [b]STRONG CONTENT!![/b] [i] Another witness told us about practices in the security services towards women: "Women were suspended by their hair as their families watched; men were forced to watch as their wivers were raped...women were suspended by their legs while they were menstrauting until their periiods were over, a procedure designed to cause humiliaion.." The accounts Indict has heard over the past six years are disgusting and horrifying. Our task is not merely passively to record what we are told but to challenge it as well, so that the evidence we produce is of the highest quality. All witnesses swear that their statements are true and sign them. For these humanitarian reasons alone, it is essential to liberate the people of Iraq from the regime of Saddam. The 17 UN resolutions passed 1991 on Iraq include REsolution 688, which calls for an end to repression of Iraqi civilians. It has been ignored. Torture, executiong, and ehtnic-clensing are everyday life in Saddam's Iraq.[/i] [b]Mild Content[/b] [i] For more than 20 years, senior Iraqi officials have committed genocide, war crimes, and crimes agains humantiy. This list includes far more than gassing 5,000 in Halabja and other villages in 1988. It includes serial war crimes during the Iran-Iraq wa; the genocidal Anfal campaign against the Iraqi Kurds in 1987-88; the invasion of Kuwait and the killing of more than 1,000 Kuwaiti civilians; the violent suppression, which I witnessed, of the 1991 Kurdish uprising that led to 30,000 or more civilian deaths; the draining of the Southern Marshes during the 1990's, which ethnically cleansed thousands of Shias; and the summary execustions of thousands of political opponents. Many Iraqis wonder why the world applauded the military intervention that eventually rescued the Cambodians from Pol Pot and the Ugandans from Idi Amin when these took place without the UN help. They ask why the world has ignored the crimes against them. All these crimes have been recorded in detail by the UN, the US, Kuwaiti, British, Iranian and other Governements and groups such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty and Indict. Yet the Security Council has failed to set up a war crimes tribunal on Iraq because of opposition from France, china and Russia. As a result, no Iraqi official has ever been indicted for some of the worst crimes in the 20th century. I have said incessantly that I would have prefferred such a tribunal to war. But the time of offering Saddam incentives and more time is over. I do not have a monopoly on wisdom or morality. But I know one thing. This evil, fascist regime must come to an end. With or without the help of the SecuritY Council, and with or without the backing of the Labour Party in the House of Commons tonight.[/i] You can take what you want from this article, I just found the evidence over whelming. I was personally barely supporting the war, but now after reading this article I feel differently. If a man with so much hate is allowed to lead a country, and an army, there are endless possibilities to what he will do. We need to stop this evil phsycotic dictator, and his entire regime.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B]Can i just note that iwas at a rally today, and that we(the protesters) were exercising our right to free speech, while people drive by flipping us off. Whos being rude here? [/B][/QUOTE] Them flipping you off is considered them expressing their opinion, and is the same as you protesting. Sure the context is a bit different but its pretty much the same. And this isn't to you I'm just wondering. Why do protestors always try to play role of a victim? I'm truly curiouse about that...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I don't mean to jump off topic here, but thats not intirely true. The Pearl Harbour one is obviously, for it's been stated by FDR himself. But the Lucitania, contrary to belief, was not the reason we got into WWI. That would be credit to Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by the Germans. Thats what sank the Lucitania, and tons of other ships delivering supplies to Britian and France. It wasn't the Lucitania itself, it was the act of continual Unrestricted Submarine Warfare after the Germans had stated they would stop. Ironically, it happened right after Wilson was reelected (on the platform of keeping us out of the war none-the-less) [/B][/QUOTE] Honestly I thought that was implyed in the Lucitania part of it.... Again I'm sorry.... Next time I'll make sure to cover every aspect of it...
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