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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]If the sinking of the Lusitania what got the US involved in WWI, why didn't we enter the war till 1917?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I guess I should've worded my post differently. I'm sorry. It wasn't what caused us to go, but it was a huge spur in the direction. It was one of the reasons they started talking about going to war. I apologize for worded my post in correctly.... Thats true Justin. Although the government has come out and said that its not gonna be as quick as the expected, so who knows whats going on....
[b]Food For Thought:[/b] There have been two wars where American citizens have given a majority support for.... 1) World War 1 and 2) World War 2 The thing is America calls themselves Democratic, yet really its a mix of Democracy and Legalism. America is a very selfish country, and they don't want to do anything unless it directly affects them. [b]Examples[/b] A) Lucitania B) Pearl Harbor Ironically these two are what got America involved in the World Wars. Other wise I doubt that they would've had so much support! Everyone seems to think Bush has something to gain from this. What if he doesn't? What if he truly is trying to help someone? Is that a bad thing? Is that an un-believable concept. Its not for oil. Don't you think if it was for Oil it would've happened along time ago. Possibly [b]before[/b] the terriost attacks? I think Bush is truly trying to help. I'm not saying if I think what he is doing is right/wrong. His heart is in the right place. That is my belief. I'm sick of people suspecting everything Bush does. He's the presdient. He's trying as hard as he can! Trust him for once! [b]Legalism:[/b] Started in early China it was a fairly popular way of life for a bit. It stated that people should act out of self-interest. People shouldn't re-act unless there was a reward/punishment. It also stated that the best governemtn was the one with the fewest rules. (does not imply to America)
Just a thought...not trying to put down your ideals in any way, because I myself hate war for the very same reasons, but for the sake of debating. Don't these things happen anyways. In America thousands of babies are killed each day before they are born. Hundreds of people die each day from being murdered. Hunger goes on. This war is going to try and stop this things in Iraq. This war is attempting to make Iraq more safe for its people. I'm not going to even start on the whole "its only for the oil" for it gets me way to emotional. This war is trying to save people from worse fates then we can imagine. Thats what I believe.... Harry you can post your opinion without flaming and name calling, please attempt to do so.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Orien_Xel [/i] [B][color=blue]Why? Why should we just shut up and be little sheep? Because we might demoriliaze some troops? We care about the troops just as much as you do! We don't want them to get hurt! We don't want anyone to die! We do not just [b]HAVE[/b] to accept it! We can stand up and say "No, we do not want this war!". That is our right, and we will do so. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Alright then why are you against this war? Why are you against any war? I'm not saying accept it. I'm not saying give up your views. (Sorry if it came across like that) I'm just saying support your troops that are giving up their lives for you freedom. You may not think this will have anything to do with your freedom, well guess what THEY do. Are you going to dis-regard their feelings just because you think its stupid? They are stating their opinion in the ultimate way. I think you should support them just as much as your support someone on OB that may have a different opinion than you...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by enigma [/i] [B][COLOR=blue][I]Many people say that there should be a war, and to those of you that do, consider this. It is very easy to say 'GO TO WAR', but when you, your family or your friends are the people who are out in the front lines, in a situation that is kill or be killed, with the chance of harming innocents, and possibly coming back home, IF you come back home, completely insane from seeing horror after horror. Consider that, then we'll see what your thought is.[/COLOR][/I] [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think they are many people out there that WANT to go to war. War is an evil beast. It can do horrible things to you, but thats a chance you have to take. The people who protect our country volunteered to do so. With the job they have under taken they must except all possibilities. If the possibility of war was to greusome for them, they certainly would not have joined. I myself despise war. War is fascinating though. I mean it makes you wonder. What makes millions of humans turn against each other in an death-match to see who wins. Its like a large scale gladiator contest some times. Answer this question. Honestly. Do you not think that Bush has thought about this? Do you not think that he will be the one tossing and turning at night knowing he sent Americans to their deaths. What about Tony Blair. Who supports us in the war and is possibly sending over 40.000 Brittish troops? Sometimes in life things have to be done, that you don't want. The war is happening we have to accept it. If everyone is so anti-war because of al the lives that will be lost then I have an idea. How about you be quiet. How about you support your loved ones over there. The more you guys shout about how they are doing this for nothing, the more demoralized they get. I'm sure it'd be easier to fight for a country thats supporting you, then for one that even your own brother is saying the war is stupid. Take the time to think about that. Try to support the war, even if you are anti-war. If not for Bush, but for your loved ones over there.... Like we've said war is a greusome thing. It may very will traumatize the people that are going to war. Why make it harder on them by saying what they are doing means nothing? That them dying means nothing. *steps off his soap box quietly*
I've got a question. This is just food for thought. What did these years of peace get us. (1992-2001(2)) Thousands of dead bodies in one block. Isreal and Palenstine. Its not Bush! He's just another human being. Its us, humans. We as humans have an agressive nature. We're greedy. We're flawed. Stop blaming ONE man for the flaws of MAN KIND! Watch Endless Waltz sometime. I think that it explains it well. I'm sorry I'm getting sick of people complaining about Bush. Yeah Clinton was so great! Uh huh. Yeah well we can't judge the two. Clinton didn't have to deal with a terriost attack. Clinton only prolonged the Isreal/Palenstine conflict (which made it worse.) And Clinton only gave North Korea money, encouraging them to keep threatening us. Stop complaining people. Go to somewhere else if you really don't like it here in America. I know this doesn't apply to your Psyco. I'm sorry if I am sounding rude, I'm just getting tired of it. Does anyone really like war? Do you think Bush is sitting there right now going, "Yay war! Thousands of people are going to die, I can't wait!" I doubt it! War is an entity itself. It strikes when ITS ready not us. Besides Bush didn't start this. The terriosts did. People say Bush is just cleaning up what his father started. Well guess what he was provoked. Which in the court would just be considered self-defense!
Gokents I've respected you for a long time, but settle down. With a topic like this you've got to be able to seperate emotions before you post. Posting with your emotions on something so strong as this can offend very many people. As in this case I know it offended atleast one. I agree with you. It is a complicated issue. You really do need to know alot to adaquitly (Sp) debate on this issue, but thats awful hard when you have so much propaganda floating around now a'days. I don't think two countries are getting the same story. I think that we truly don't know everything he hasn't/has done. Everyone who is even thinking about posting needs to settle down. I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a mod/admin I'm not trying to just stating the facts. I haven't decided on this war yet. I do not feel as strongly against Bush as you do Gokents, in fact I think that we need to support him. Unless you think/know you could (potentially) hold millions of peoples lives in your hand EVERY day then you need to support him. Being the president takes so much out of you. It literally shortens your life. Have you seen how much he has aged. Have you seen how much passion he puts into his work. He make look like an idiot but he's trying. I don't think its as easy as we think it is. I don't think any US citizen (not gov. workers) can know how truly complicated this issue is. People are going to die, thats true. But how many would die before. How many wouldn't? We don't know. Its a stab in the dark really, trying to stop the future before it happens. That seems to be what the US trys to do. Stop the future, before it comes to be.
[i]Takyote finished his meal. He bowed to the ground once more thanking nature for providing him a meal. He took the rabits bones and stuffed them in a pouch inside his garment. Once he arrived to a river he would throw the bones in. Takyote looked around studying his surroundings then began to move. He walked slowly making sure not to make noise. He didn't want to draw any attention, a wanderer like himself never did. The weather was nice. THe earth had blessed him with the early rain. It made the weather cooler, and the air seem sweet. Takyote continued walking, completely content, and intent on his surroundings. As he walked he finally saw a stream. There was a mountain beyound the stream. He smiled and continued to it. Once he arrived he bowed to it. He then took the rabit's bones out of his pouch. He held them in his hand and muttered a prayer in japanese. He bowed again and dropped them in the stream. The splashes made from the bones were small, but the noise of them seemed to fill the woods. He then looked up at the mountain. HE needed the exercise. He smiled and walked to the mountain base. As he began climbing he saw two figures talking. He studied them carefully. Were they demons? He couldn't tell. He'd have to get closer. Takyote spent the rest of the day slowly climbing towards the two talking people. Using all his wit he made sure he wasn't noticable at all times. Takyote finally got close enough to hear them. What he heard suprised him. They were talking about the stones...He had heard of these stones. The old lady had called them the Shihoka Nanu. He stayed in his position and continued to listen to their conversation[/i] OOC: Thats right I made up the name, oh well....
Are you male or female? [COLOR=darkblue]Male[/COLOR] How long has your longest relationship lasted? [color=darkblue]1 year[/color] What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in? [color=darkblue] Some girl talking to my girlfriend saying tons of crap about me that wasn't true and then her hating me. Also lost some friends for a while.....Some of you remember it...[/color] What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate? [color=darkblue] [b]GUY:[/b] Security (to make up for the lack of mine), sensuality, thoughtful, caring, willing to pay attention to the slightest detail, and romantic. [b]GIRL:[/b] Inteligent, understand. NOT DITSY. Caring, trust worthy. Special.[/color] what is your pet peve about the people you date? [color=darkblue] [b]Girls:[/b] Ditsy or Gossip [b]Guys[/b]: Shovanistic[/color] Have you ever used a pick up line? [color=darkblue] No[/color] -if so, did it work? [color=darlblue] N/A[/color] Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? [color=darkblue] Yes[/color] -if so, did it work? [color=darkblue] Yes I'm a sucker for 'em...[/color] Guys only What do you think women want? [color=darkblue] stability, open-mindness, caring, thoughtful, and romantic.[/color] In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? [color=darkblue] Really don't get what I'm trying to answer in this question. Behavior of what? Total? UHm....they behave like women. Sweet, soft, stern. *shrugs*[/color]
I try to, I can ollie decently. I can grind pretty well. Can't do flip tricks for some reason though.. Skateboarding isn't my thing though, I'm an inliner.
Its really up to you. Try and combine them. If you ReAlLy are interested in movies then make that your career, and keep computers as your hobby. Personally I think you've already answered the question for yourself. You said yourself it was only a hobby. So I'd say go with movies. Although how long have your been interested in films. Because that would suck if it also turned out to be a hobby. Ack sorry pessimist. Look don't be afraid to take the step. Go ahead! You never know till you're there! (If I didn't make sense sorry, didn't go to sleep. Up all night. Stupid Micah....)
OOC: Just introducing character I know its late but oh wellz.... [i]A water droplit slowly rolled on the surface of a leaf. It slowly made its way across the leaf and began to hang over the edge. More water gathered with it. The small droplit was now larger and weighing down the leaf. Finally the droplit seperated itself from the leaf. It fell slowly. Reaching its destination it hit the water making the small puddle of water ripple. The ripples slowly fanned out and slowly began to fade as they got bigger. A figure knelt down a grabbed the leaf. The leaf had water held on it. The man slowly cupped the leaf then brought it to his lips. He drank slowly thankful for the water. After finishing the water he slowly let the leaf go. As he stood up he took a moment to bow to the leaf. He was greatful for what the leaf had given him. Takyote continued walking past the leaf. He ducked as a branch passed him. He walked camly through the forest. He didn't make a sound as he walked. He watched the droplets roll of the trees and hit the ground. It was peaceful. The steady sound of the droplets hitting the ground. The forest was at its best after it rained. Takyote smiled. This was one thing humans could never take away from him. The forest. He came to a small clearing and nodded. He sat down quietly crossing his legs. He closed his eyes and sat there thinking, absorbing his surroundings. Smelling everything, tasting everything, feeling everything, and hearing everything. He let all his senses loose. Once you had your sight under control your other sense could flourish. His ears picked up as a small rabit came into the clearing. It hoped slowly into the clearing. It paused several times looking everywhere making sure no predetors were near. It continued hoping as though it never saw Takyote. The rabit came two feet from Takyote. Takyote's arm shot out, and quickly grasped the rabit. Being completely still was a key to survival. The rabit squirmed for a second the settled down knowing what its fate would be. Takyote bowed his head towards the rabit:[/i] "Thank you....." [i]The rabit looked at him as if understanding. He set the rabit down. The rabit looked up at him, but stayed there waiting for what was to come of him. Takyote slowly drew his sword and in a clean motion cut the rabits head off. He made sure the rabit suffered no pain what so ever. He then began to build a fire with his variouse surroundings and soon had the rabit roasting on the fire. He kept his sense aware of the forest making sure to never let his gaurd down.[/i]
This is a pic of my character, I just found it and couldnt' attach it in my other post when I tried to edit it so here it is!
Name: Takyote (TaKa-YoTeh) Race: Human Age: 15 Weapon: Baseyote [Bas-eh-yo-te](Sword) Weapon Description: Completely black blade, it has silver engravings running up the blade. The handel is made of a white leather. Skill: (if its ok) Telekenesis. (minor) Ex: Pushing enemy back.. Bio: Takyote was always a fighter. He would get in fights with school boys at young ages, and didn't agree with anyone. He became short and cold to everyone. The one thing he felt connected with was nature. One day while walking in the forest he ran across an old women. He treated her like any other person. Only talking when needed. A wolf attacked and he defended the old women. To thank him, she gave him a location. She told him to go there. After he went there he found Baseyote. His sword. He continued to work with his sword and practiced with it. It soon gave him control over a looming power he had. Telekensis. This sword helped him concentrate his power and use it to his advantage. He soon became very attached to the sword, and never went out with out it. Discription: He wears an entirely black suit that covers his whole body. He wears his sheath under his garment but allows the sword handel to stick out just enough for him to grab it at any time. Side: Good (he will act like a jerk sometimes but he's a good guy)
I'm with Ken here. God. We think of God as some huge thing floating in the skys watching our lives, and making them what they are. Humans like to feel like stuff they are involved in have control. Thats what I think most religions are for. Just to feel safe in life, to feel protected. Its hard to say. Its been pretty weird lately. You think about this and then you realize, what makes someone think there is a God. What makes someone think there isn't? I mean when you look in the stars what do you see? Do you think like the Greeks? Is this truly heaven to you? Do you see a mass of gases like a scientist, or are you just amazed at something so beautiful? There are so many reasons people believe or don't believe. I think God is what you make of it. God may be here for a purpose. But God isn't phsycial, God isn't spiritual. God is what we want. Our highest good. Our one role model to look up to. God is the meaning of Ultimate Being. But God isn't a being. God is our imaginations. God is the one thing we strive to be. The one goal every human strives to be sometime in their life is: God. Thats my thought on it. As for the theories. I don't think either are right. We've only been on this Earth so long, and we've only thought about it for even less than that. What makes us think we've already got the answer? I don't think we do. Yet I can't say that I myself have a theory, because I don't. [b]Edit:[/b] I hope my whole God speal made sense, I tried to get it out into words...
I love history. My main areas are: Ancient, Snipers, and Midevil! Those are my favorite types! I love snipers!!! SNIPERS!!!
[COLOR=darkblue]Really? They sold like zilch here in Kansas. Go figure....well thanks anyways...I'll get them ASAP. But seriously there was one song and then ever since then no AAF....Oh well....Their loss....my gain![/COLOR]
[color=darkblue]I'm not much of an expert on all this army/navy/marines/air force stuff but don't give up hope. I'm sure if you try hard enough you can still get into it. Besides why do you wanna be in the air force? To fly? If so you can still fly in the Navy, just not the big bad *** planes...The smaller ones which would be the ones I would wanna fly.... [b]Edit:[/b] Thanks Elite I was thinking of another plane, but now I forgot the name...*walks around wiht "IDIOT" Stamped on his head*[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]Does anyone like them? I know they only had one hit, and are considered a one hit wonder, but I've listened to them lately and I've found that I love them honestly. I'm going out pretty soon to get their CD. I was just wondering if anyone out there enjoyed listening to them, besides their one hit??[/COLOR]
[i]CK and Jason walked next to eachother. They never let themselves be touched by the light. Both of them couldn't stand the light. They had their reasons. CK felt exposed in the light, Jason couldn't steal anythign in the light. They both joked about how they would dodge left and right while walking to make sure they had that extra covering of darkness. They continued walking and CK looked up. "37th and Veran Ave." He watched it pass. He wasn't in their territory. CK didn't worry about it, they had a small area to cross. Possibly two blocks. While they were walking CK looked up at the sky and smiled. He loved the stars. CK began to open his mouth when he heard a noise. The two kids crouched immediatly listening for the noise again. There was a struggle or something going on. A guy and a girl. CK looked at Jason. Jason nodded, he knew what CK wanted, to check it out. The two slowly made their way towards the sound. The turned a corner and saw a girl being tugged off a fire escape latter.[/i] "Get off of me you bastard!" [i]She tried to kick at him as she shouted this. CK watched as the guy continued to tug at her. He took his fist and punched her in the back quickly in an attempt to make her shut up. CK stood up, then Jason did as well. They slowly walked over towards the girl. The guy was so intent on dragging her down that he didn't notice the two new arrivals. Jason tapped his shoulder. The kid turned around and Jason met the kids face with a fist. The kid stumbled back and CK landed a knee into the kids stomach. The kid fell to the ground coughing. CK grinned at Jason. Jason walked over to the kid.[/i] "Didn't your mom tell you never to hit a girl....That'll teach ya..." [i]CK laughed as Jason said that. Jason started to walk off, CK stood there for a second longer then spat at the kid. He then jogged off to join Jason. The two began walking off ignoring the girl completely, completely intent on getting back home, and eating their apples.[/i]
[COLOR=darkblue]These are all strangely disturbing in their own way.... Well there are 27% of other people out there who think just like me. Scary. I'm a minority!! ^.^! Those are great....*pauses for a moment* That is exactly why I shall never visit New York!...Unless I get hungry ;). Nah but thats just hilariouse. I thought only kids bit eachother....my god.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]The thing I love about in my life....hm.... Either writing or baseball. Both of them seem to take my mind off of everything I love 'em. Although baseball can be alittle stressful (ecspecially now during try outs). Its probably my favorite thing in my life, I absolutely love the sport. It has a major sentimental meaning to me. I mean even the smell of the dirt means something to me. I guess you could say I'm completely obsessed with baseball, and you'd be right too. Heh. I love baseball its my way of getting away. Writting. Its a newer form of escape. Mainly for the winter when I can't play baseball. I started writing last year, and people said I had some talent so I've just continued to write. I love writing it helps me explain my own feelings, even the ones I myself truly don't understand. I know that sounds weird but I'm sure some of you understand what I'm saying. Writing can transport you into a totally different world which is one of the many reasons I love to write. Oh and yes I consider OtakuBoards under this category, because I write all the time in this place. I love it here. Thanks guys! But yeah, those are my favorite things in my life. Baseball and a pencil with some paper. Heh...The simple pleasures in life ;) Question: Blase? What does that mean? *wishes he could do the little accent mark above the e.*[/COLOR]
He's just stating what many Americans have thought. He's making a contraversial thread thats all. I don't find it offensive, yet I'm not Christian so I really can't say anything...I'll shut up. The difference between the Turks and the Christian (Crusading wise) was: A)Turks would allow the slaves to move up in society B) TUrks would not kill someone who did not convert... C)Turks left the people alone allowing themselves to rule themselves.... D)They did not steal land from the peasantry for their own people... True there were thigns the Turks did that were as bad. Its not a religion its the humanity. Like Lady_M stated!
Actually he has a point here. Well sorta. Also Islamic is not a waring religion. This is one of those things that ticks me off more than anything else! Islam teaches peace! These people that did this were not islamic! That were arabic! There is a difference! If you actually look at the Ka'bal you'll see that it teaches peace! You'll notice that it only states that you are allowed to defend yourself. If "Alla" was watching them he would clearly see what they did wasn't defense! Even if they are Islamic they are not fulfilling the Islamic religion! I could say I'm catholic and go aroudn killing everyone in the world. I just wouldn't be fulfilling the Catholic religion. A true Islamic is no where near agressive! I don't think we'd be nose buried in books, we'd still have our own choice, and I'm sure after a couple hundreds of years we would learn that it wasn't right to force someone. These also were not acting out true Christian religion. If we are going to go into this type of discussion. Might as well also list America on the list of in need of Apologizing. We raped, tortured and killed Native Americans. We enslaved African Americans. And we destroyed our enviroment. So who really has the apologizing to do.