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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [i]Rev stood there quietly for a moment lining up his shot. He bent down and placed his head almost on top of the cue. It was almost as if he was looking through a gun's scope. He judged the shot again, and moved the cue back and forth slowly. He then hit the cue ball, the cue ball hit the eight ball which began to roll and then landed in the corner pocket. Rev grinned. Finally. He began picking the balls out of the pockets for another game when he notcied Yorko. He slightly jumped...[/i] Rev: Jesus christ you scared me.....Didn't see you.... [i]Yorko smiled lightly then went back to looking at her book. It ment something to her, he knew that. He looked at her for a moment. He sighed and sat for a moment. He got an idea then began to talk.[/i] Rev: Wanna play a game? Its not that hard, if you've got a good shot with a gun, you're a safe bet to be a pool shark. Come on its not that hard. [i]Rev smiled warmly and offered a pool (cue) stick.[/i]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B][list=1] [*][b]Mindless Self Indulgence[/b] - Thank God [*][b]Mindless Self Indulgence[/b] - Bitches (U-Ziq Remix) [*][b]Mindless Self Indulgence[/b] - Golden Eye (Juggalo Remix) [*][b]Mindless Self Indulgence[/b] - Diabolical [*][b]Mindless Self Indulgence[/b] - Boomin' [*][b]Eminem[/b] - Sing for the Moment [*][b]Rage against the machine[/b] - Wake up [*][b]Beastie Boys Vs. RATM[/b] - (Zero PaniK Remix) [*][b]Butthole Surfers[/b] - Pepper [*][b]Armand Van Helden[/b] - Koochy [*][b]Slipknot[/b] - Heretic Anthem [*][b]System of a Down[/b] - Bubbles [*][b]System of a Down[/b] - Peephole [*][b]Red Hot Chilli Peppers[/b] - Can't Stop [*][b]Elemeno P[/b] - Fast times in Tahoe [/list=1] And that's roughly an hour of music, give or take. [/B][/QUOTE] Mindless Self Indulgence is a great band, totally forgot about them. Nice!
  3. What did the fish say when he ran into a concrete wall? [spoiler]Damn ;)[/spoiler] A man walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him with a weird look. The man laughs and points to the 10 inch pionists on his shoulder. The bartender nods confused. The man hands him a lamp and says, "If you rub this lamp then wish for something it will come true!" The bartender being bored agreed to it and rubbed the lamp. "I was to have a million dollars!" Suddenly a million docks swarmed into the place. After they all left trashing the place completely, the bartender looked at the man angrely. "I thought you said my wish would be granted!" The man looked at him then slowly said, "And you think I asked for a ten inch pianist." The man slowly looked down then back up. Don't Read Unless You're A Bit Older!: [spoiler]The man asked for a 10 inch penis[/spoiler] Wrist Cutter that was nice...harsh but nice!
  4. What I ment by "all of them" was all of the ones that jarjarblinks mentioned. I also like Ayumi Hamasaki. I don't think thats JRock, but she's awesome. Amuro Namie's first album was also good. Her second is to popish for my preference.
  5. Transtic hasn't posted yet....amazing! Transtic Nerve is insanely into them, well atleast he used to be, he hasn't talked about them much. I still remember the nude Gackt photos....*drools at the thought* Yeah but thanks to TN I got into Malice Mizer and Gackt....and from there I just kept getting into it, so yeah I'm into all of them!
  6. [i]Smiles. Rev gripped her fore arm. He stood there for a moment then pulled her closer. He gave her a hug.[/i] "I'm sorry about Wufei...." [i]He whispered softly in her ear. He looked at her again and blushed slightly. He then walked over to Duo.[/i] "Hey....I guess....I...lost control. I'm sorry. A Gundam pilot doesn't lose control of his feelings, thats the most dangerouse thing. I could've been killed. It was wreckless and stupid." [i]He looked down at the ground and sighed. Duo looked at him and laughed. He rubbed his hair. Rev pulled away from Duo's hand. Duo laughed softly.[/i] Duo: "You're like me, no one touches your hair." [i]Rev nodded and laughed. He looked over at Qautre.[/i] "Oh geez! Name's Rev, pilot of Lalaith. Nice to meet you." Qautre: "So I've heard..." [i]Rev smiled, and nodded. He slowly began walking to the rec room to relax and think. He needed to play pool, that took his mind off of everything.[/i]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][font=arial][color=red]I got to thinking about this last night and was wondering how many of you guys have done any on-stage acting (ya know, the theatrical kind). If you have, please list any productions you've done... "You Can't Take It With You" (1999) --Mac (Man 3) "The Great Pandemonium" (2001) --Jarred Nusthorpe "The Wizard of Oz" (2001) --Tin Woodsman "Little Women" (2002) --Mr. March "Last Stop 'til Christmas" (2002) --Greysuit We're also doing "Snow White" and "The Toys Are Alive!" later this year, but no clue who I'll be there yet... --Chris[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde" (2003) Jeckyl "Romeo and Juliet" (2000) Romeo " Don't Drink The Water" (2001) Add on.. "Bye Bye Birdie" (2002) Annoying little brother ;) and smaller ones in Elementary...
  8. Its good, for some reason it reminds me of a play write or screen play for some reason. Go figure o.O. Still good...
  9. [b]Bodies[/b] was majorly over played I'll agree to that, although their other songs I think are still great! Its nice to go back and listen to [b]Bodies[/b] every once in a while, so ya know its all good. ^.^
  10. [list=1] [*]Kittie- Brackish [*]Metallica- Where Ever I May Roam [*]Drowning Pool- SInner [*]Slipknot- Wait and Bleed [*]Orgy- Stitches [*]Bryan Adams- Summer of '69 [*]Taproot- Poem [*]Drowning Pool- Bodies [*]Mudvayne- Not Falling [*]Mudvayne- End of All Things [*]Disturbed- The Game [*]Disturbed- Violent Fetish [*]System of A Down- Prison Song [/list=1] Hm...they'd prolly be edited soon...
  11. OOC: YOu've just been shot twice....freaking super man ;) [i]Rev flew to the side as a beam went flying by. He grinned and shot his rifle, killing another scorpio. SUddenly Yorko's face popped up. He continued fighting and listened to her. A beam hit his aries in the arm. He cursed. What she was saying, it was true. But could he stop now? He didn't want to. He sighed.[/i] Rev: Rev to L1 base...Rev to L1 base....I'll be returning shortly.... [i]He sighed again. He lowered his shoulder and charged at one last scorpio. As it dropped its rifle he picked it up. An aries with two blaster rifles. Deadly combination. Rev grinned and put in his boosters. He began flying straight up and continued to onslaught the group with his rifles. As he got out of their range he let the rifles drop. He maxed his acceleration and began flying towards the L1 colony....He wanted to fight, but it wasn't right...[/i]
  12. [i]Duo walked over to Rev and put his hand on Rev's shoulder.[/i] Duo: You know you won't be able to leave when they do. With the arms gone its going to take atleast two days to fix. [i]Rev sat for a moment, trying to control his anger. His knuckles were white as he clenched his wrench. Blood slowly ran from his palms, where his finger nails had dug into the skin. Rev sat there for a moment. He turned to Duo with a tear running down his cheek. Duo stepped back. One thing Rev never did was cry. No matter what. He'd never cried. Duo was suprised. Rev's eyes burned with hatred and fury. He looked at Duo.[/i] Rev: They're going to die...no matter what. They are going to die. [i]Rev stood up slowly still clenching his fist. He thre his wrench at his Gundam. He turned to Duo again.[/i] Rev: We have an aries here right? Duo: Yes but don't you even think abou- [i]Rev ran towards the Aries's hanger. He was going now![/i]
  13. 1) Books. Tey leave so much to your imagination. Yet still answer most of your questions, leaving you wanting more. 2) Count of Monte Cristo. I loved the movie, but it was so far from the book. The book was a master piece. Definatly my favorite of all time. 3) N/A None? 4) None really I always thought the books were better...
  14. "Come back here!" [i]A rather plump man ran screaming. The sweat trickled down his face. Whiping his face to keep the sweat from getting into his eyes. Finally he began to slow down breathing hard. He was out of breath, and out of shape. He knew it to. He shook his fist slowly and in a last desperate attempt shouted.[/i] "Come back..." [i]The figure he was chasing disappeared into the shadows. The man sighed knowing he'd lost this time. He slowly trudged the four blocks to his store.[/i] "Nice Job." [i]A kid, seeming to be around the age of 18, stepped out of the shadows. He looked at the panting kid and smiled. The kid, known as CK, handed an apple and twenty bucks to the other figure.[/i] "There ya go Jason! That guy didn't look like he'd last more than a block. To think he ran that much for two apples and forty bucks. Sheesh." [i]The panting kid smirked. Jason laughed. The two continued into the shadows laughing and talking about the days events.[/i]
  15. [i]Ril woke up slowly. His eyes transfixed infront of him. He was on his side. Straight ahead of him was a rock, pointed straight up. He blinked. The events that had just happened seemed to be a dream. He fumbled through his memory trying to grasp what just happened. Winter....Wheres Winter? His mind raced. He slowly stood up trying to ignore the pain. He grunted from the effort it took. The world swayed back and forth as he tried to take a step. He stumbled and grabbed a rock next to him for balance.[/i] "Winter.....Winter?" [i]No answer. He continued walking slowly. Taking one step, then another, then leaning on a rock. He took this slow pace looking for Winter. He continued to say her name. Finally he saw a body laying in the rocks. He studied the body. It was Winter. She looked like she was in bad shape. Either dead, or out cold. Ril prayed for the second as he slowly made his way to her. He knelt down and layed his hand on her stomach when he reached her. Her stomach rose up then fell down slowly. She was alive. He sighed in relief then winced at the pain. He put his back against a rock. He lifted Winter's head and set it in his lap. A rock never made a comfortable pillow. He didn't know what to do, he'd have to wait for her to come to.[/i]
  16. If you are in desire straights I think you'll be able to do it. I mean do you cook. When you look at the ingrediants by themselves, or combined together (before cooked) it looks absolutely wretched, but I mean at the end it usually ends up tasting good. I'm not saying if you came over and sliced me up right now and started eating me that I'd be Yummy, but you know what I mean.
  17. I don't know if I'm a late bloomer yet. All the guys at my school are 5'6 or taller, with the exception of two kids who are TINY. I'm 5'2 and have to look up at everyone. At the begginning of last year I was 4'8 if that tells you anything. I don't know if that means I bloomed but still need to or what. I'm supposed to be 6 foot.
  18. I've been told by my friends that I remind them of a White Tigher. I don't know if this is mearly because it is purely my favorite animal ever. They say its because: 1) I'm rare so are white tigers.... 2) Illusive... 3) If I see something I want...I can pounce suddenly... 4) I suprise them with what I say (Sorta like coming out of a bush and pouncing) 5) I can say alot without saying anything at all... Thats what they say...good reasons or not I don't know... I'd be interested to see what people here thought of me...
  19. [i]Rev studied Yorko again. She was worried, or trouble, or both. She always seemed that way. He shook his head.[/i] Rev: Stop lying... Yorko: What? Rev: You always say your OK, but you never are. Thats obviouse. Besides one of my friends has already torn my suit to shreds. I don't need someone I care for lying to me to! [i]Rev sighed and shruged. He shouldn't have opened his mouth. He looked at her for another moment, then began walking out of the door. He reached the door and looked back again. He rubbed the back of his head and sighed. Shaking his head he walked out of the room closing the door behind him. He almost slipped back there, and he knew it. He had to be more careful. Emotions were fine, revealing them was not fine. He continued walking down the hall thinking. He was getting anxiouse. He wanted to go back down to Earth, but it was going to take even more time now. He walked to his hanger where Lalaith stood proudly, but wounded. He smiled, in spite of the damage, it was still a beauty. He climbed up a flight of stairs and walked over to a ledge next to one of the broken arms. He sighed and looked at it. He began to work on the arm quickly.[/i] Duo: Whats wrong? Rev: What? Duo: Whenever you work that hard on your Gundam somethings wrong. Rev: Nothing is...wrong. [i]Rev continued to work on his Gundam with out looking towards Duo. Duo stood there for a second looking at Rev. Rev felt his eyes on his back and he felt ashamed. He'd yelled at his friend. He sighed and continued working, harder than before.[/i]
  20. I've heard of them. I don't know anything about them, what type of music, or if they are good. But I have heard of them if that is any consolation?
  21. I loved Reading Rainbow!!! I'll miss Mr. Rogers....that was a great show....good memories. One of the last true GOOD kids shows...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyke [/i] [B][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]FACT: I've never met a bi guy.[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] Right here buddy! Don't try to make rash judgements. Think it out. Use what Lady M gave you. TN does a good job at explaining it. If you can honestly say you'd be able to marry a guy and live with him, then you may very well be bi. Don't over pronounce that you are without knowing for sure. Have fun with life. Don't worry about it, don't let it drag you down.
  23. [i]Rev ran up to Duo. His face showed a huge as he saw his old friend. He stuck his hand out and the two shook hands firmly. Rev smiled again.[/i] Duo: "Long time no see. Heard alot about whats been going on. Nice job by the way." Rev: "Thanks. These guys are good. Fancy the way I met Vince over there." Duo: "Yeah, luck..." [i]Rev shrugged. He looked turned his head to look at Yorko for a minute. She looked depressed. Wufei wasn't there. Heero walked up to her. He could here the dicussion. Rev paused for a moment more than looked back at Duo, who by now was smiling.[/i] Rev: "WHAT?" [i]Duo looked at him again and shook his head. He laughed. Rev eyed him, then turned to his Gundam.[/i] Rev: "Hm...I don't see much that could be done..." Duo: "Well I took the liberty of modifying it a bit. I took off a little armor, to increase the speed. Also I added another mounted machine gun on both your shoulders. So technically you're gonna be slowed down abit, but I think you can handel it. The reaction time has lowered, so reactions are quicker, speed slowed. I think it'll be a well balanced piece of equipment." Rev: "You did a great job....Thanks again." [i]Rev stuck out his hand again and shook Duo's hand. He looked over at Yorko again.[/i] Duo: "Go ahead..." [i]Duo laughed. Rev scowled then walked towards Yorko.[/i] Rev: "Heard the old stubborn goat is proud of you, congrats." [i]He smiled as Yorko's head snapped so she faced his direction.[/i]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]My mom has to do some interview thingy for a bible study class she's in. She has to ask people who don't go to church: 1.) What thoughts or words come to mind when someone says, "Church" 2.) Give two reasons why you don't go to church 3.) What qualities do you think a church needs to be a "good" church? I'd greatly appreciate it if just one of you answered these. My mom is pretty desperate... (It's kinda scaring me) [/B][/QUOTE] 1) I'm not sure. Boredom. Judgement. 2) Everyone is so mean at the churches we go to. They judge you automatically. If you say you arn't Christian or whatever even if you are intersted in it, they automatically judge you. If you arn't the perfect little kid you arn't accepted... B) The Youth Group. I don't feel accepted at all. I'm an outcast at the youth group. I mean I dress like a "goth" and so everyone thinks I'm a satanist. I hate it... 3) Unity. Caring. Good youth group! (I've finally found a good church though, and I started going to it. Although I can only go maybe twice a month if I'm lucky)
  25. Hm.... 5 feet. Is that considered big or not? I have a 5 foot ego! Its easily bendable, and breakable. Wow I thought I was down to Earth. I just thought a cube floatin in the air would be cool! ^.^ Lets see I have friends of all types, and we lean on each other. Black...So I see my love as dark? And we are moving forward... Thats cool..
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