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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]If you loved them so much, you'd know that their Frontman was named Dave Williams. [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry for being on a suger high and brain dead. O.o Sheesh someone's touchy.... Anyway...Just curiouse did anyone ever find out why he died. I could never find out how.
  2. I might as well try it.... The cube: Its floating in the air. Its made of a strang material, its like a bendable glass. The glass has a tealish tent to it, and then the middle is completly black. It is about 5 feet in every direction. Ladder is of wood. The ladder is leaning against it. Its a black horse. I don't know any names of horses so sorry. Its infront of the cube.
  3. Personally I like it. I love the color scheme. It blends well together in my opinion. I think it actually suits you. Amazingly enough. The text I think was a good idea... Easily better than anything I could ever do in even my abstractest of dreams..Very good...
  4. I was thinking today and I thought of something. It seems like Otaku Boards has matured, I mean thread wise. We have so many threads now of more mature topics ranging from pregnancy, suicide, or even homosexuality. Instead of the old stuff, such as snowboarding and such. Am I the only one that thinks this? And I was thinking even more about it and I thought of something else. I know its scary I'm thinking. But do you think that its a reflection on the World today? I mean has the world had more problems rise up on these issues or not? Or is it just the people here are growing up and facing these problems, and trusting Otaku Boards to help with these problems. Or could it just be both? I know this is kind of an odd thread, but it just struck me. I mean we've had so many depression threads and such. What do you think the cause is?
  5. Pesonally they are probably one of if not my favorite bands of all time. I was devastated when good ol' singer died, but I think it helped them actualy. I mean media wise. Unfortunatly. I love them so much. I mean they are a great band, what do you people think of them?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Are you sure she wasn't on some other type of plant that may have made her hallucinate? [/B][/QUOTE] I'm actually going with what he said. I think that either she was smoking, or just trying to get some attention. Also Harry, that was spam you realize that? Just telling ya man. Try and edit it with atleast something you think about this thread O.o
  7. Name: CK Age: 14 Place of Interest on the Street: (Not sure what you mean but) Alleys...dark corners... Background: CK has been on the streets as long as he can remember. He's always been called CK. He doesn't know his real name and accepts CK as his real name. He's a tough kid, brought up on the streets and used to violence. However, he prefers a dark corner at night and a clear place to gaze at the stars than anything else. He has aspirations to write, but doesn't think he'll make it. He has no parents that he knows of. Instead he relys on the local kid gang. The leader Jason took him under his wing, and CK considers him his older brother. Jason, CK, and the rest of the gang (2 kids) go around town looking out for eachother and just trying to survive. CK is rather shy and puts out a tough guy imgae when needed to be. He doesn't let his aspirations or anything out, fearing he'll be seen as a "softy". The only person that truly knows him is Jason. Appearance: Blank black T-shirt. Icy blue eyes. Rough looking blonde hair. Pair of baggy skater black pants. (He found). Pair of torn up tennis shoes. He only has this one outfit.
  8. Best wishes! Hope you have lots of fun! We'll miss ya here! See ya when you come back, and I'm looking forward to those pictures!
  9. OOC: Love the banner DuoMax ---------------- [i]Rev looked out the window again smiling then turned towards Yorko. He sat there thinking for a moment then nodded.[/i] Rev: The colonies are great. Its amazing they stay up. They're a great copy of Earth. Its alittle rough around the edges and you better watch yourself, but once you've established yourself its a pretty cool place. I love the colonies. I grew up on them so I guess you really can't expect anything else. I think you'll like it, you seem tough enough to handle yourself. [i]Suddenly a light buzzing sound ran through the ship.[/i] [b]Attention. We will be landing on the L1 Colony in approximatly 15 minutes.[/b] [i]Rev looked outside and smiled as he saw the colony. It looked like a hunk of metal from the outside, but it hid some beautiful things. Rev nodded towards Yorko. He pointed to the colony, and smiled.[/i] Rev: Thats it! I know it doesn't look like much now, but wait untill we land. Life is much more fast paced her, but don't worry. Just stay relaxed and you'll be able to watch everyone fly by. [i]He smiled and went to the back of the ship to check on his Gundam.[/i]
  10. I'm with Delian honestly. I mean I know I've had the girls that I've liked forever only like me when I had an interest or was dating someone else. I mean its not cool either. My suggestion is which do you care about most. Heck be like Ross from friends. Make a list of pro's and con's of each.
  11. I know what you mean, just my small little sense of humor. Kinda like yours, except not as funny.... I agree with ya by the way...
  12. Depends. I mean I'm totally non-confrantational in real life. I mean I know it would be hard for me to not lie, but I'd try.... I don't like lieing... Now if it was to someone else to get them out of trouble, then I'd have no problem with it ;)
  13. Sui Generis


    I agree with Vegitto4 abunch of new fans of that type of music are popping up. Personally I love Mudvayne, always have and always will. I don't have any of their CD's (at the moment). Will have them very soon (friends burning them as we speak.) So yeah I love them. Not Falling is a great song. All of them are great songs in their own way. So I love Mudvayne, and I want more!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]blah... it's completely rude to burp and even more rude to fart in front of people... When I burp, It's always silent. You never hear it. you can control it... just like you can with farts... you can control those as well and if you can't, get up and leave the room. i really don't want to smell or hear that while I'm eating, or minding my own business. [/B][/QUOTE] My thoughts exactly... You can control if you have to burp, atleast cover your mouth with a napkin or something. I hate those people who broadcast their burps and let them rip as loudly as possible. Its not exactly disgusting just rude. And farting. I don't wanna smell that, I'm sorry. Bodily functions, yes. But you don't go and relieve yourself right infront of someone do you? Or in their face? Or on their table?
  15. Oh boy don't bring up religion TN someone will pounce on it ;)... Don't try and eat Harry, jesus christ people. Atleast in this thread (and I've re-read others and this goes for them to) he [b]IS[/b] trying to make people think. He's putting out contraversial issues so we can think about them and express them. So more power to ya Harry! But yeah the whole is canabalism moral or not, its really up to each individual. Some ways I say yes, some ways I say no. I'm in the middle right now. So yeah. And yes I agree it makes no sense to me that catholics can (symbolically) drink the blood of "christ" yet its not canabalism, but hey thats just me. *shrugs*
  16. Revenge... Revenge is a guilty pleasure for most people. I mean whats better than teaching people a lesson. Showing them what they did to you! Hurting them as much as they hurt you! Well guess what taking revenge on someone hurts you too. People see that and they know you are weak. Even if you've got the "connections" it makes you look even worse. Why put yourself through something that in the end just makes you look worse? I don't understand it. When I see someone trying to take revenge on someone else, I don't see the normal kind, caring person they are. I see a person full of malice and hatred, someone noone wants to be around. Its a huge turn off if you will to me. Revenge is the act of hatred, the act of jealousy, and the act of resentment. The point of revenge is stupid, becuase after you've taken revenge then they have to get revenge. Its an endless cycle of hatred....if you want to be apart of that go ahead.
  17. Yeah that makes sense, you'd think I'd remember that. Oi vey I'm smart.... Anyways thanks for the time to repond!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Gee you recover quickly, anyways, i would rather die from hunger than eat a friend, plus eating a human is just ****ing sick!!! I mean come on that is just nasty! Sure that used to happen a lot in other countries but thats why you do something called HUNTING! There is bound to be animals running around the desert, like snakes, lizards etc. Also you could dig for water, it isn't that hard to find. I'm sorry but cannibilism is just sick. OOC: Pardon my language. [/B][/QUOTE] Do you know A) How crafty and hard to see those animals are.... B) Small they are.. C) How deadly they can be? Its really not as simple as it sounds, and if digging for water was that simple, don't you think they'd already have made huge water holes everywhere? That would only make sense.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Why would it be wrong if they don't consent though?? You're only doing it to survive, there's no hatred or malice. [/B][/QUOTE] Good point... But then it'd only be murder. Not a hate murder. Killng someone is still ending their life even if they were gonna die anyways. Thats my opinion....
  20. In that case with their consent yes. I mean as long as you don't murder them its fine. Its kinda gross and sad to think about it, but if they say yes. Then its ok....
  21. Morally...yes. I mean if they ARE dead, as gross as it sounds. Yes its fine. I mean it would be wrong for you just to starve yourself to death when you have ample food. (Btw: Welcome back)
  22. [i]Diuri watched her slowly. He still didn't trust this at all. There was something still wrong. He began thinking. It isn't right...he thought it several times.[/i] Diuri: "Hold it!" [i]He slowly walked to the pool. He studied it for a moment. He closed his eyes and his mouth began moving.[/i] Diuri: "Darlis veolji terram." [i]There was a ripple in the water. It got bigger and bigger. Slowly a beautiful figure came out of the water. It looked at the two travelers. She looked at them. She said nothing, but both knew it was ok to take the water. Li slowly bent down and filled the container. Diuri watched her, barely standing. Li took the container and began walking away. Diuri looked at the figure again. He studied her for a moment then nodded.[/i] Diuri: "Aytid vawerf" [i]The figure nodded back at him and sunk back into the water. Diuri's head was spinning. He began walking back with her Li slowly, trailing far behind her.[/i]
  23. Yeah that makes sense. Its just you never know when something might "pop" up that costs alot of money. You know what I mean? I don't know like a ticket. Or something. Who knows. I mean go ahead and use the money, its an ify question. It all depends on your luck. I'm taking that you are a senior? If you arn't then I'd definatly say save it, becuase there'd always be next year if you were a Junior or Soph or whatever.
  24. Explain the problem with the date. Leave out the blank check. Hold onto the check untill you REALLY need it, trust me you will. And then use it. Go bum more money off someone else!
  25. I've done alot of the stupid things like Treton, but I think one of my stupidest was... My friend and I went skating. His a boarder and I'm an inliner. So we go to a church close to his house that has nice curbs that you can get some really good air off of. Well I got a huge start, because I was gonna attempt a 360 Helli Grab. Well I got enough air and I pulled it off, except one problem. I had to much speed. When I landed I had about 2 seconds. After those two seconds I went flying into the side of a car, and flipped over it. Amazingly I wasn't hurt that badly at all, only thing was a couple of bruises and such. I got up and laughed insanely. It was hilariouse....got it all on tape.
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