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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Ok I know this is gonna be an odd question. On the PM's is there anyway to possibly say that you can't send two PM's in 60 seconds to the same person. I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I can type two decently long PM's (Atleast 60 words) in a minute, and its very annoying to have to sit there an wait. I know its pretty trivial, and probably its not that big of a deal, but is that possible?
[i]Diuri's mind was flying around. His stomach flipped several times. He didn't feel well. How did he know what to say? What did he say? Why had it drained so much out of him to say it? He felt the wind blow. It sent a shiver up his spine. That must be the way to go. He sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought. He looked up at Li and they both nodded, agreeing to go in the direction of the wind. The two set off towards their new direction not saying a word to eachother. Diuri was scared of himself now. What else could he do that he didn't know....[/i]
Yeah I like G Gundam. Its an interesting GUndam series and its a good one. But I have to point out that in Gundam Wing the pilots were not whimps! SO HA! Sorry I always have to be right ;)
[i]Rev looked at her frowning. It was obviouse that something was wrong. The problem was he didn't want to pry. She might get mad. He couldn't have that happen. He hated when people where mad at him, ecspecially her. He sighed and looked out the window. He thought it'd be best if he left her to her own thoughts. He watched the stars. They were everywhere. He smiled. Earth and Space. Completely oppostie, but equally beautiful.[/i] Rev: Its beatiful isn't it? Yorko: What? Oh space. Yeah I guess... [i]Rev looked over at Yorko again and smiled. He turned back to the window and continued to look out at the stars. He decided he'd leave her alone untill they reached the colony. That'd give her enough time.[/i]
[COLOR=indigo]Life can repeat, and life can take some un-expected turns. Life is like that. Sometimes you'll be in a stretch of nothingness. Where nothing is happening. There is no excitement in your life and you're basically repeating yourself. Then there is the time when everything is happening. Where it seems life is passing you by. Where everything is happening at one time, and possibly is over whelming. THen there is also the middle. The time where things occur, but you still have time for yourself. The time to relax and recouperate (sp?). I personally think we as humans need all three. I may be wrong. Right now I'm on the third one. I have a busy life right now, but I'm able to relax, calm down, and do something un-expected. Also if you are on the first one and you want to change it, you have the choice. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Do something random. I mean do something you've always wanted to do but never have. It could be as simple as getting up at 2 o'clock in the morning and taking a brisk jog. I did that and it helped me alot. I mean there is all sorts of things you can do, its just up to you to do them. [/COLOR]
Aurora is a good name! *cough* *hint* Sorry I love that name...I know I'm a freak.... Anyways. EEEEEEEEEE!! DEB'S having a baby! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! I know you'll make a great mom, for the kid. You gotta tell us if its a boy or girl...atleast when you know! ^.^!!! Glad to hear your family is taking it well! That should make the labor and all that [i]fun[/i] stuff easier. Anyways congrats again, I hope everything goes perfect!!! BABY DEB!!!!
Writing If Your Happy And You Know It, Bomb Iraq
Sui Generis replied to Corey's topic in Creative Works
*looks at it* *blinks* *bursts out laughing* *dog jumps and looks at him like he's crazy* Thats great man! I love it! Very crafty indeed! You my man are a genius! *walks away singing it* -
How have you been a jerk. I don't see where all these people who are yelling at you are coming from. The way I read the thread is: "My friends are saying they like stuff that they don't so they can do more stuff with me. I don't want this, I like my friends for who they are. Diversity is what makes this world go round. How can I tell them this?" Well you get the point I'm trying to make. Oh and Wrist Cutter maybe Key made this thread to ask for help. Maybe Key wanted to keep the friendships and so Key is making sure that he/she (Sorry) doesn't offend people. I don't think its wrong that he/she posted this, I mean atleast Key is comfortable with the boards and is asking for our help. You're better to get out of a sitaution in a better position when you have help. I don't know how I can help you out though, I mean some people just don't have any confidence and feel they have to fit a certain image. Maybe they're afraid that if they don't like something, and you REALLY like it, they might lose your friendship. However two-face people. There are two types of two-face people really. A) People who pretend to be your friend because they want to be popular. B) People who say things about people, but are too afraid to confront them, so when they see them they act nice. The first people I want to shoot. I wish people would understand that popularity isn't that important. IT doesn't last into college even. Once you hit college from Highschool, you're gonna know no one. So then whats gonna happen to all those people who thought you were great? They'll be somewhere else. Its just pointless in my opinion. Although I don't know if that argument is valid, considering I'm a freshman in highschool and never expierenced college. O.o The second people I feel bad for. They're just scared. I mean they arn't trying to dirrectly hurt anyone, they're just trying to spread the peace most of the time. But hey we all could go for a little confrontation everyonce in a while. Well thats my opinion on the subject
The one from my sig is one of my favorite quotes... I also love that quote that DOK said from Signs...thats a great scene... Mel: I'm insane with anger! Pheonix: I see you, I'm gonna kick your ****ing *** *****! Mel: I'm getting madder! You better leave! Pheonix: I see you, better run faster *****! Time to die! Mel: *makes some funky noise* I'm gonna get ya! Pheonix: I'm coming for you mother ****er! *then points to DOK's post* Oh man that was hilariouse!
Erm I already tried the whole "PM youself how you feel about what they are doing to you" thing. It didn't work. O.o. Anyways I'm 14 (15 on March, 15) Deb. The thing is my dad just doesn't see how much it annoys me. He doesn't have common sense. He doesn't understand that certain people feel certain things. I mean don't get me wrong my dad is a GENIUS when it comes to logical things. But when it comes to feelings....erm....flunks. Anyways, I'm about to do the Mail thing, I'm really sick of this all, and I'm running out of options.
Did anyone else see it, I think it was on last night. The best and worst of American Idol? It was hilariouse with what Simon said! "They don't belong in Hollywood." Girl: "What?" "YOU don't belong in Hollywood." You know what he was talking about ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue] And he didn't kill himself! It was a conspiracy orchestrated by Courtney Love! Well, maybe. I won't go into all the evidence. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] She deserves to die! Grr....She killed him! There was so much evidence! Grrr!!! Anyways I miss the guy, he was great. I have all their CD's! anyways....I can't believe you didn't know who Kurt Cobain was DA...Oh well..... I wish he was alive...
You know Duo they're gonna say that its us that ourselves that way. They'll say the devil created sin and we gave in to it. God didn't create it. Thats what they'll say and I disagree with it completely. If it isn't natural then why do dogs and other animals "conduct homosexual activites." I'm pretty sure animals can't sin, so how could it be a sin for a human? Does that make sense?
My high is baseball. I know that sounds weird, but when I'm playing baseball I'm immediatly in a good mood. I know its weird, but hey thats my high.
I dun't really mind the cold, it gives me my second favorite hobby. Snow boarding. But the spring and summer give me my favorite hobby. [size=4][b][i]BASEBALL[/size][/b][/i] So in other words...bring on the warmth..
I agree with Mith. I mean seeing someone die, ecspecially at a young age can be very truamatizing. So I agree with Mith. Although its scary to think, things can happen so fast, and you have no control over them.
Knowing CN they'll probably put the un-edited versions on aldut swim. Well if they don't they're idiots. I can't stand Toonami just for the fact how kiddish they make all the anime they play look. I don't know its just....blech. I'd prefer the swearing, blood, and crap than hearing "Blast It" every two seconds in Gundam Wing.... Anyways I'll still watch it! I'm interested, I've heard good things about Zeta...
1) I think he's uh...uhm....Candian! Uhm no....I'd say Russian. I'm not sure though.... 2) I don't think he uses it anymore, I mean after years of that sucker being up, the hair HAS to be trained. Besides if he can tame a lion, he can tame his own hair right? 3) Can't help you there....not sure. What music you looking for?
Its a risk you'd have to take. What happens if you decide not to get them and so you don't take that extra time to get the wheel chair done, and then you go outside. Getting in your car you start to drive home. Suddenly a drunken 18 rig driver swirves into your lane heading straight for you. Both of your cars are moving to fast for you to react and the rig hits you killing you instanly and mutilating your car. Then in that case the wheel chair would've saved your life. I know its a wild example, but you get the point. Personally I would TRY to stay in the wheel chair, but I love baseball so much I wouldn't be able to do it.
Like good ol' Shinobi said I wish I could've seen this earlier, but oh well. All I gotta say is Wow. I knew you were a good writer, that much has been obviouse, but this blows away my expextations. I honest to god love it. Its a great poem. I'm normally not a fan of poems that don't rhyme, but this one is one of those few exceptions that I'll have to say are so much better with out the rhyme. Keep up the good work.
Being gay is classified by taking apart of those homosexual acts. People are gay. ***** find guys attractive, that makes me gay. ***** finds girls attractive, that makes her a lesbian. I find both equally attractive, that makes me bi. Whether you want to believe it or not, people are gay. Animals are even gay, as this thread has already established. I don't understand how someone could take part of those "homosexual acts" without being gay. As long as money isn't involved, I mean. I guess if you could point out how, I could see your point of view, but right now thats where I stand, from my expierence.
I take back what I said. You're correct Gotenks. I know we haven't gotten along well, but if this is true (and I do believe you). I'm so deeply sorry. The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult losses to bear. Be it sibling, love, or friend. My thoughts go out to you and may the best come out of it. Whatever that may be. Keep on living though, life is a preciouse gift only taken away by death itself. Death hasnt' come for you yet, it'll come in time. Don't hurry it along. It has a schedule ;)
(This is kinda ironic considering Harry's post.) Well I had just got done throwing the ball (baseball) around with some friends and was in the car talking to my mom. We stopped at a stop light, and I didn't take a second thought about it. I was just set on one thing, getting home and taking a shower. Ok well obviously I stunk, I'd been sweating for over a half an hour. We talked about everything in general. Then there was a loud noise. Its hard to describe it was a mixture of breaking glass, a baseball bat hitting as car, and screeching brakes. To find out what the hell was going on I looked in my rear view mirror, just in time to see the car that started the whole mess fly over and roll next to our car. I don't remember much of what was happened. Although I remember saying something in the course of these events, before the chain reaction reached us. "Uh.....mom...." Blinking I couldn't believe my eyes, but it wasn't over. That black van had been five cars away. The noise kept repeating and I watched, helplessly as the cars continued to ram into one another. I looked at the space between our van and the car behind us and grimaced. From the time that car got hit, we'd probably be hit in no time flat. I held onto the handle that was on the passenger door and braced for impact. I watched as the chain-reaction came closer and closer. That impact that I braced for never happened. I blinked in amazement as the car behind us missed us by centimeters. Luckily her tires weren't straight, the impact sent her sliding into the other lane. My mom panicking jumped out of the car immediatly rushing to the back of the pack, the first car to be hit, and see if anyone was fine. I sat there for a moment, waiting for my mind to register the events that just had happened. I watched in bewilderment as the guy in the flipped van got out without a scratch. There was glass everywhere, his front was completely totalled. I opened my door slowly and got out. Our door missed his car by about a foot. I couldn't believe it. We were lucky. One car missing us by around feet to our right and another missing us by maybe an inch to our left. I looked around, there were tires, gasoline, and pieces of cars everywhere. Everyone involved was hysterically. I watched the scene bewilered. Everyone was running around frantically, paying no attention to the guy that started this whole thing. I watched him walk around for a while in a daze, then walked over to him slowly. I had the sinking suspicion that he was drunk but it didn't matter. I waited untill we locked eyes and I asked him if he was ok. He didn't say anything, but nodded slowly. I smiled at him, and let him go back to roaming aimlessly with his thoughts. I just got home from this accident, and I've been thinking about it ever since it happened. Its amazing. How something could be taken away so quickly. I could've been in one of the other cars, looking out my window, without a care, and then being crunched between two cars. There weren't any really seriouse injuries, there was blood on a couple windshields which was just eerie. I never got to see all that happened, but I saw enough. Cops and paramedics swarmed the place within 10 minutes of the wreck. I'm not sure why I posted this, just wondering if anyone else has expierenced something like this. Has anyone else been so lucky? Or has anyone ever just witnessed an accident. They happen so suddenly. Its amazing. (OH and Harry. I know we haven't exactly got a long, but if your thread was seriouse, my condolenses! I'm truly sorry..)
Thanks for the help ya'all... I was grounded for both reasons Blanko. So yeah uhm... I tried to explain it to them, but all they say is "IF you can put it on the interenet then why won't you let us read it?" They won't believe whatever I say...oh well
Rev: Nothing funny? No fun... [i]He smirked and nodded towards Yorko. His sensors flashed red. His cockpit began to shake violently. Lalaith fell to the ground from the impact of the hit.[/i] Rev: Crap! What was that?! That couldn't have been one shot! [i]Rev looked in the direction of where the blast had come from. He saw four scorpios holding a gun. His eyes grew huge. It was a new cannon. He cursed and got off the ground immediatly. He had to take those Mobile Dolls out and quick! He quickly thrusted towards his new enemies. He zig-zagged towards them. The cannon began glowing bright red. Suddenly a huge beam went flying by Rev. He sighed. It missed him barely. He grinned as he was in striking distance. He drew his scythe and swung cutting straight through the first doll.[/i] Rev: "Hey guess what....53...." [i]He swung again cutting the doll's partner straight through.[/i] Rev: "54...55...56...And I've got a new toy...." [i]Lalaith bent down and picked up the new cannon. It struggled under the weight of the cannon. It had to way atleast 5 times a normal mobile suit. He grimaced and aimed it at Janek. He wasn't going to let his friend be in danger. The cannon began to slowly glow red and Rev took aim.[/i]