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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. All three pictures are ten times better what I could do in my dreams. So they are all great! *Reads Kenji's posts. Bursts out laughing* I like the second one the best personally...Its original and originality goes along way in my book. Plus I like the hair. It almost reminded me of Trunks' hair but the two little hairs in her face are cool...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]But yet, my argument would also most like be the true way for some. First thing that comes to most peoples mind(well to mine I know) is run. What do you do in a scary situation? Lots run without thinking, they just pick up and run. But yes, no on knows what they would actually do. [/B][/QUOTE] See I'm the opposite. When I'm afraid or backed into a corner I fight back. I hate being backed into corners so I fight back. But I may very well have ran, I don't know. And yes alot of people would instinctively run. Its nothing against them, its their instincts.
  3. I'd love to be a famouse writer, although I doubt have the talent to do so. I also want to be a famouse Pro Baseball Player, well atleast play one inning in the big league, but yet again I doubt I have the talent to do it also... But a man can dream...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Ouch. That would...well, that would be bad. Legally, you're a minor, blah blah blah. But, yeah. That's wrong. Do you feel comfortable confronting him about it? If you think there's a chance it would help, that would be the best way to go. If not, the only thing I can suggest is deleting your history and logging out of any sites that you frequent. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I've told him yet he keeps continuing to do it. He says that if I'm on the internet my "privacy isn't safe anyways, so what difference does it make." He doesn't understand though....*shrugs* Harry he didn't pay for it all...
  5. Truly noone knows what they would do, and that is a very valid point. I'm not going to even attempt your name, sorry. But that also goes against your argument. We don't know what we would do. Some of us may have a spark of courage and run over to the man, no doubt maybe saving them. Some of us on here who think we'd stay may very well run. We've never been faced with the situation that seriouse, so we don't know. So what you said is valid, and I agree to you to some respect. What I posted in my first post was just idealy. I mean you never know, you the one who said he'd run, may become a doctor and see this happen. Without thinking about it you may immediatly try to help him feeling an obligation because of your practice. What the future holds for us is a mystery, and untill we reach it we have no clue how anything will go! :)
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by black cat [/i] [B]my situation is skateboarding. I used to live by a skatepark but i moved to aurora(in indiana) nowhere close to a skatepark so i spend most of my time on the computer [/B][/QUOTE] I know its not legal in a lot of places but you can still skate on the street ya know? Or in parking lots. Just a suggestion.... Btw: Welcome to Otaku Boards!
  7. Ok well this has been bugging me for a while so I'm going to ask your opinions on it. Ok well. My dad can watch EVERYTHING I do on the interenet. And I mean I don't have a problem with it to a certain extent. I mean if he goes to the sites to see if its porn or something I understand, but if its obvious that it deals with MY personal life do you think its right for him to READ whats in there? I mean an example would be my private messages. He reads my private messages. It annoys the heck out of me. Its my personal life, heck the name even says its PRIVATE so what gives him the right to dig through my life like that? Thats just an example. I know I'm a teenager and I probably will judge my parents harder than anyone else, so I wanted your opinions on this. Is it right for him to dig through my personal life as long as its on the internet?
  8. Well I have HUGE asperations of going somewhere with my baseball abilities, but sometimes this costs alot of money. You probably know that, and my family isn't exactly doing great right now, so me playing baseball is actually being questioned. So at the moment my dream is still alive, but its threatened...
  9. My reaction would be drop to my chest. The closer I am to the ground, the harder I am to see, the harder I am to shoot. Thats my whole thinking behind it. But how could you NOT help the man? He's a fellow human, and if the sniper was going to shoot again if you got in your car, and you were his target, you'd still be dead. So I don't think running would help. Also you actually could be able to tell where the bullet came from if you were watching the guy when he fell. Which direction did he fall. Thats almost a dead give away. If I had a cell phone I would immediatly dial 911 I can't believe people didn't....Its not hard to hit 3 numbers on a cell phone, possibly 4 if you have to turn the thing on.
  10. Accident yes. Worth jail time yes. I'm not saying they don't deserve to be in jail. Noone changes in personality? Thats like saying noone changes their taste buds....thats not true. I've change in my time being here. Everyone matures. Not physically, but also mentally. If you bitched out someone at school that was your friend you feel bad about it later no? Then the guilt rises and you apologize becoming friends again. In a good case scenario...Well why don't these people get their chance to apologize? Because their crime was worse, I don't think thats right. But I respect your opinion, because thats only my opinion.....
  11. (James or any mod if you don't want me to put this here, just tell me I will PM Jenni instead, but I thought the debate took this course so I'm gonna write it in here.) How could you say that people don't change? Thats such a over-the-line stereotype. If noone change what would our life be. It would be nothing. The same old stuff, over and over again. What is puberty? Everyone changes in puberty. Everyone changes every single day of their lives. Be it a big change or a small change. Everyone changes. And yes some people don't change, and those people are the pathetic ones in human society. Ok well not the people who don't change, but the people who make no effort to change things that are at fault with them. Not appearances but stereotypes they make or something. Do you get what I am saying? It can be an accident. People protecting their property from robbers have been sent to prison. They didn't MEAN to kill them, it was kill or be killed. Isn't that what war is. We have the right to protect ourselves, so in some cases it may not be an accident but sadly we don't have a choice. I'm not saying that people didn't mean to murder people. You understand what I am saying hopefully. I think they should have a year of full time monitored time, then another year of spontaneouse monitoring. If they show NO absolutely NO signs of not feeling guilt or anything then they should be free. If they are planning on something else...throw 'em back.
  12. Hey man no problem....I mean atleast she'll think its cute! Good luck man!
  13. Guns themselves I hate.... I agree with what Mitch said. Even though *cough* Lost Prophet *cough* thought it was stupid, I thought it was true.... [i]finishes reading what TN said.[/i] ITS SO TRUE!!:laugh: I mean you could be walking along one day and that very gun could kill you, without you knowing it...It just proves that death can come anywhere anytime...
  14. She wasn't trying to hurt you directly. I would've had an Anti-Valentines day party as well if I wasn't sick. Don't take it that she doesn't like you. Also I know this sounds weird but are the roses ruined? If they arn't take them over to her! Say something like: "I guess you couldn't come, and I know its not Valentines day but here is the suprise I was talking about"... and give her the roses. She probably just thought you were trying to get her to come, not that you ment anything romantic by it. But thats just a guess. My regards!
  15. I don't know, I'm not as confident as you guys are about the whole war. We thought we were going to sweep Vietnam, yet our casualties were un-believable. Same went with NK in the Korean war. We went in as the "American Badass" expecting to seep it yet we still got our butts handed to us. I think we need to be more cautiouse this time. NK could strike us, I have no doubt of that. Whether or not they will, that is up to debate. The question is, what do we have they want? And The Harlequin is right. What if they only have say...lets just give an example....eight bombs. But with these eight bombs they strike... 1) The White House 2) The Pentagon 3) Ney York 4) L.A 5) Miami 6) Virginia 7) Camp David 8) Wherever the senate and house of reps. meets. What if they took out our top leaders....and several hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in our most desnly populated cities. With 8 nukes they could...in theory put US out of business.
  16. That sounds really interesting... And the fact that he interviewed Marilyn Manson....even more intersting, that man is one brilliant man... Well both of them...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Then don't be such a nazi. [/B][/QUOTE] That right there will get you banned real quick like O.o Anyways I mean if you think about it your hearts in the good place, and if it was possible for EVERYONE to have a job it'd be great, I just don't think its possible. And forcing people to work, in my mind just isn't right. But oh well.
  18. Oh yeah that sucks...:rolleyes: :therock: Thats great dude....Thats your basics?! Thats like my best thing I could ever do! O.O
  19. This is going to be more of a moral debate but oh well... I don't know about you, but from where I am from people are taught to allow others to have second chances. Look it may have been a mistake in life. And guess what INNOCENT people are in jail RIGHT now for things they didn't do. Everyone deserves a second chance. EVERYONE! Even the sick bastard who murdered my friend. Everyone can change, and everyone is entitled to that chance to change!
  20. Personally this thread has started to make me sick! I mean I know everyone has their own opinions, and they are entitled to them. But I'm sorry this thread has seriously sickened me. I'm glad that there are people out there....James and TN that will stick up for their morals, and thank god they do, but I can't believe that someone could so BLATENLY say that they are a homophobiac. I find that extremely offensive sense I am Bi. I mean YES tons of people in this thread have stuck up for their morals, and mine as well, but the thought of the amount of people who are so against the whole idea. I mean....it makes me sick.... I thought OtakuBoards was an extremely accepting place, but now I see that even here has its acceptions. I hope the people who have said what they have said will think about it. Maybe some day they will realize that what they say affects people.... I know I've said It makes me sick in 3 different ways, but thats all I can think of. It truly does, no other ways to describe it. I'm done now...
  21. *Looks around. Sees a cow. Sweatdrops. Watches as dust swirls. Anime fall as he sees tumble weed go by in front of him.* Lets see as far as I know I'm the ONLY person from Kansas. Well I know there WAS one person from Kansas, but not sure if they still go here..*shrugs* And yes, Todo and I [b]ARE[/b] in Kansas! I swear the next person who says that to me.....:modrod: :bash:
  22. Thanks! Hope you get better to. But yeah at one time almost half of our school was out so its pretty bad here. Around 550 out of 1358 were gone.....Thats alot.
  23. This year I've missed I think 8 days total because I've been sick. Thats a huge number for me. Speaking of which I was sick today and yesterday and din't go to school. What a coincidence.
  24. I've never seen any of your work, but thats awesome. If thats an indication to how good you are, then you definatly are a very good artist. Nice job!
  25. I have it. I love it so much. Its my safe haven in my world. I have a couple I guess you could say. The one I use the most is like a fantasy one. I know it sounds weird, but its like I tell a story in my head, and I have new adventures each time. I know it sounds just like alittle kid, but an imagination never hurt anyone. Whos in it. Uhm...actually alot of people from this board. Heh I'm a rogue/archer dude. Its cool.
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