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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]That is the most ill-informed, ridiculous, offensive tripe that I've ever read in my life. How dare you say that it's not natural because your *** is an "exit only" hole. I could sit here and tell you about all the [i]straight[/i] couples that do that, but I won't. Get your damn brain out of the gutter for a second. Why does this discussion always have to degenerate into a physical description of sexual acts? That's got nothing to do with it! Your concept that all guys would be gay and all girls would be gay if it were natural is, put frankly, ridiculous. That's like saying that we'd all have black skin if it were natural. Do you see how utterly [i]stupid[/i] and inflammatory that kind of comment is? Your entire argument here is based on prejudice and absolute rudeness. You've not even attempted to provide any facts whatsoever; your insane tyrade about genitalia and pointless logic only [i]proves[/i] that you have no interest in the biology or the emotion involved -- you're simply thinking of it in terms of intercourse and such. This thread is not even about intercourse or sex. It's about the way homosexuals are viewed. I recommend that you read the initial post before you spout off like that again. Furthermore, I'd like to remind you that NOBODY began talking about specific sexual practices until you started spilling rubbish in your post. Isn't it funny that ignorant people who are hateful use specific sexual references to advance their cause? That's like casting doubt on a particular race because a certain number of them drive a car -- driving a car isn't natural, it's synthetic. Is driving a car horrible, too? You have no right to judge what people do in their bedroom. And you have [i]absolutely[/i] no right to suggest that just because someone does something that you dislike, that they themselves (and their very emotions) are unnatural. I can't believe that you have the nerve to actually try and tell people that their feelings of compassion and love are unnatural -- if you and your wife had oral sex, how would you view me if I told you "that's not natural, you can't make babies that way"? Man...just get your mind [i]away[/i] from your crotch and use whatever brain power exists to make some logical judgements here. How can anyone make comments like that and expect to retain even a shred of dignity? I think people can just your post for themselves...but I recommend that you don't post anything that offensive [i]again[/i]. I can tell you that at the very least, that single post has utterly killed any respect I have ever had for you as a person. And I've never said that to anyone before.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I just gained so much respect for you James. I know I've had alot for you before, but some how its been raised to a new standard. That post, it made me smile. Don't ask me how, but it did! I totally agree with you, on what you said. The whole homosexual thing makes me upset. Why does it matter. Whats it anyones business whether I kiss a guy or a girl. The only person who has the right to know this is myself and the person I kissed. I don't agree with anyone that discriminate. But thats just my oppinion.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]AHHHHH NO!!!!!!! It's not natural. Sorry if I start contridicting myself, but i'm hyper so i am slightly flipping out over small things. Simple, yet slightly vulgar if you want to take it that way explanation. Your *** is an exit only hole. Plain and simple. Also, the girls parts, which i dont feel like typing for i fear abuse from mods**dodges mod rod** is supposed to have a biological part inserted only and certain times, not one made from plastic!!!!! So it's not natural. if it was natural, all guys would be gay all girls would be gay. We aren't, therefore, it's not. We were not made for that. [/B][/QUOTE] What I met was that guys falling in love with each other is as natural as a guy falling in love with a girl. Homosexuality has been around as long as heterosexuality, so how could it NOT be natural? And if other species do it, I don't see how it can't be natural. It may not be reproductively naturally, but its still natural!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Did I ever said it was right? Of course not. The program will be payed by half of the welfare budget. [/B][/QUOTE] Did you say it? Directly no. But by using it as an excuse and saying "Well it already happens anyways" you are saying that it doesn't bother you. So do you think its right. The way you said it, it sounded like you did. Welfare. Doesn't that go to people who need it? What would happen, where would this welfare come from. If I'm not mistaken (Which chances are I am) but isn't welfare slowly becoming swamped and running low on money. There are people out there RIGHT now who need that welfare. I don't think its for us to decide where that welfare is used.
Ok I'm gonna try and get my thoughts out. I know how scary it is. Ok personally I don't really understand it to much, two girls never a turn on for me. I think that straight guys find it "Hot" or whatever when two girls get on eachother because its two girls. They find one girl attractive, and then they get two. More is better. In todays society (sp?) More is better. So why not like two girls, instead of one? I'm not sure if that made sense, and thats just a guess really. Discrimination? I see it/get it all the time. I mean one for a bi/lesbian would be when a guy asks you to kiss another girl. I'm not saying you're bi/lesbian Lady_M. Thats just a common one I see. They already get turned on by it and they think that all lesbians/bis will be up and willingly to kiss someone. They don't think that a kiss might mean something to someone. Another one (A classic) is in the showers/ locker room. Ok guys seem to be major homophobes. I mean its amazing how many times I'll go into the shower and EVERYONE leaves the showers. I mean I can understand that they might be un-comfortable about me being in there, but A)I don't find ANY of them attrractive... B)They don't have to make such a big deal about it C)They don't have to talk about me when I'm getting out of the shower and D)They could just tell me that they are un-comfortable and I'd be glad to wait for them to finish. Simple as that. I think all in all the stereotype with bi/lesbians is they are just that more kinky. They think that all of them just want sex. This probably has alot to do with the pornography out today. I'm not sure. Although I've been told when I've kissed a guy before that it was a "major turn on to the other girls." So I wouldn't really just limit this to lesbians. It happens with the guys to, of course thats just from my expierences. I just think that "HLA" has been inflated by the media. I personally think its sick. Two girls having sex is as intimate as a boy and a girl having sex. And like you said its not really a choice. Its nature. So on the contrary to what JCBaggee said. It is completely natural! Did any of that make sense? *shrugs*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]What do you mean, that's already happening. Ever hear of migrant workers or the people that work at the meat factories? How do you learn how to read write when your parents don't know how to either? Face it, if you're poor you're most likely not educated either. I went to school with these kids. I live Houston and we get out fair share of border crossers. The kids come with their parents and they know very little english and don't know how to read or write in spanish that well either. They will either stay here for the rest of their life going to schools and learn decent english, but that's only if they stay here. Others will go off somewhere else looking for work. [/B][/QUOTE] Just because its already happening doesn't mean its right. People are murdered, so are we gonna keep doing it, just because people already do it? Thats a stupid reason to do anything. I'll admit some to half of immagrants don't have an education, but Kansas gets its fair share of immagrants. There is a 20% white population where I live. So do you really think I don't know anything about immagrants? Immagrants isn't even the main reason this thread was started, so lets put our little argument on hold, for the sake of the thread. This is about homeless people, not immagrants. If you wanna continue PM me....
Oh ok. So you're proposing that we take advantage of these people, just because their country may not be as rich as us. Of course thats how it is, I mean you save money right? I mean everythings ok as long as you save money. Even if we basically descriminate them for a few extra bucks in our pockets.:rolleyes: I don't know about the world? You're the one who is stereotyping. Just because they are improvished doesn't mean they don't know anything. You can be educated without going to school. Half of the things we learn that we really need are from home. We can learn to read, write, add, subtract, even care for people at our homes. What makes you the all knowing? What makes you the one who knows everything about the world?! Well?!
There is also no way that none of them are educated. Its a gross and stupid stereotype to say that they all arn't educated. Thats a shovanistic and pig headed point of view.... Anyways... Drone work? Do you expect people to do this pointless work for low wages? You can't make these people work. Ecspecially for crappy wages! They deserve the same money as everyone else!
I'm kinda with Cyke here. Sure it may be harder but it can happen. Love is love. If you truly love the person then its gonna work out no matter what. The thing is. Even in short distance relationships someone else could "Catch your eye." There is a thing called comitment in a relationship and thats what you gotta have. In a long or short distance relationship. You must have commitment and trust. So if those two things are present its possible that it could work out.
Yeah that is how I am for the most part. I have always loved literature and have written for almost as long as I can remember. But there are a few people that have influenced my writing styles. Edgar Allen Poe: I loved his writing, and I still do. I think he was a BRILLIANT author and I've read tons of his work. I normally use a style like his when I'm writing stories of a more morbid manor. Shakespear: I love Shakespear. Poe and Shakespear are my two favorite author/play write/ whatever of all time. They both have a unique style that set them apart. I've read his books, and tried to use a technique that he uses alot. So basically when I write stories I try to twist the two together. Its not like I write "Oh thou evil hath burned a hole in my heart." but I use his writing technique. Do you get what I'm saying? Anyways my poems, those are completely me. However I love Robert Frost.
There are only so many of these "low-paying jobs." Jobs are limited. We don't have all the jobs we need. So even if every homeless person agreed to work, finding them all a job would take a life time. Its just impossible, I hate to say that word, but it is. And yes even the "mexicans who cross over the border" have an education. They have qualifications to work. Alot of them actually go to school and live in a house. Unlike a homesless person who could've been homeless their whole life so they wouldn't know how to count to 20. I just think you are over simplifying the problem.
I'm not sure if this goes here or in the Lounge. I'm guessing since it mainly has to do with Literature and Poetry then it would go here, but I may be wrong. Who inspired you to write? How has this person affected your writing style? This person could be a famouse writer, or it could be your next door neighbor. I've always wondered what made people write, and what made them write the way they did.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i] [B]While that is true, this maybe his only valid point, if you want work you can find it. Somepeople are just too picky about what kind of work. [/B][/QUOTE] While what you are saying is theoretically possible its not always possible. It depends on so many things. What if the inteviewer is not feeling good that day and decides to blow it off? There are so many things that go into getting a job, sometimes people can't find jobs. And you can't just get any ol' job. You need some qualifications for almost every single job.
Well I just heard of them today. And its kind of a funny way it happened. I bought a shirt that said "Flaw" on it bcause I thought it looked cool, and well I went to a friends church today and someone came up to me and started talking about Flaw. So then I decided to check it out, and I love them. Its great. Ayways have you ever heard of it and if so what do you think of them?
Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowblading.
Sui Generis replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
I love snowboarding. Although its a lot harder than it looks. I don't have any good hills around here. I live in Kansas. Flat as far as the eye can see. I normally go to Colorado to snowboard. Last time I went I broke my nose cool huh? -
Breaking Up: Advice Needed Desperately! (please read)
Sui Generis replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue] How could I have been such a fool & a failure? How could I have not seen what he was really like? Or maybe I did see & didn't want to admit it to myself because I thought he was my soul mate.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You weren't a fool and a failure. People hide things. You can't always dig deep enough to un-leash them. Sometimes the only way to completely know a person is to live with them. Look love does weird things to people. They make you see different things, they make you feel weeiiirrrddd things, and they make [b]YOU[/b] act differently. Don't ever think that it was your fault that you didn't see that he was a spineless *******. My mom didn't see that in my real dad, but I have never, not even for a second, blamed her for what he did to me. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Not know about? just because you went insane doesn't mean I don't know anything about homeless. If we had work programs, your friend would have gotten his tumor removed, but he was allowed to die on the streets because there was none. The drug addicts could be in a controlled environment and the runaways could be in a safe environment instead of just hoping they don't get murdered. I don't know what most of you think I'm saying here, I'm saying that all the homeless people go to some little camp type place where they'll get room and board and there they will have things to work on and do so they can earn some money. [/B][/QUOTE] Well ok that sounds much different than what you sayed at the beginning. I must say it does sound like you what to help them, not just "get them out of your way". Sorry for my rash and incosiderate judgement. Anyways the whole problem with that is you really can't contain people. In a way it is like the Concentration camps during WW2 yet not as...evil. You wouldn't be killing them, but you would be confining them. Now if you give them the option to go to them, thats a different story. If you made them I think they'd just run away. So I mean your intentions are good, your information does need a bit updating, but oh well. In an idealistic world we wouldn't even have to discuss this problem, but this world revolves around money. "The end of the world is coming! The end of the world is coming! I've heard that as long as I have lived and its true. The end of the world has come. Its come in the form of greed and money."- Annonymous
Breaking Up: Advice Needed Desperately! (please read)
Sui Generis replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
Oh god I remember when that big thing happened, and you posted it on OB. God...how could I forget. Look my personally opinion. He doesn't deserve you. Thats it.... You call that a marriage? Thats not a marriage, thats a freaking boxing ring! A marriage involves two partners who love each other, not one that does and one that just wants a punching bag. (Sorry if I'm being to blunt or harsh) But look what I say is go for it. You need to move on with your life. Don't let this son of a ***** drag you down. And personally I think you should try and get the divorce over with ASAP. Look I know you want all your crap back, but the longer you're in court with that man the harder its going to be on you. I mean I don't know if you have some very personal positions that you want, or not, but if you don't...then forget about your stuff. Physical possesions are worth nothing, compared to your own health. Don't [b]EVER[/b] doubt your self-worth Lady_M. You are such a sweet girl. And god knows you are BEAUTIFUL! You have been a part of this community for quite some time now and we'll be here till the end. You are a great person, and you deserve someone who will wait hand and foot on you, someone who loves you. You don't deserve some slime ball ******. So in other words, go get that special catch! As for him trying to get you in trouble. Thats a bunch of bull ****. I don't care what he says. I don't think the jury will by it. Ok lets face it we live in a sexist society still, and men seem to be more likely to beat their wives. So guess what you'll be able to get away from that easily! Oh and....[b]FEEL BETTER! WE LOVE YOU!!!![/b] -
Heh funny, I just got home from watching it at a friend's house. Personally I thought it was great. The acting was marvelouse, ecspecially by Edward Norton. He pulled his roll off beautifully mastering both sides with out a flaw. I loved the plot, and personally the ending....The best ever! I know this sounds bad but I've been so sick of having the good guys win every time, I loved how the bad guy actually won for once. I L-O-V-E-D it! I'd rate this movie an 8/10. Just a down right great movie. Although not a movie that you'd go to looking to feel all warm and fuzzy inside ecspecially with the line....[spoiler]"I killed Linda. She got what she deserved. But as for carving up that ***** ****** that was a master piece.[/spoiler] Oh god I loved that movie....btw I forgot the bishops name sorry.... But yeah I loved it, its right up there with Momento!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]I am getting sick and tired of the homeless wandering the subways during rush hour and begging for cash. It's irratating, and if I fail to sympathize with their sob story and give money rather then enjoy my nap, I might feel guilty. Here's a better plan: Create simple jobs for these people, and force them to work. For one thing, $5.50 an hour is certainly more appealing than the 4 dollars in quarters they might make one day. Not only that, but it would add the the economy, and give them a foot in the door towards a new start. Besides, I think it's completely aggrivating that our subway rides should serve as a means for someone to extort pocket change out of us with guilt and gimmicks. Forced labor for the homeless. Everyone wins. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know what country you are from, but in America we have something called freedom. They have the freedom to make their lives what they want them to be. It is none of your business whether they are homeless and not working, or they live in a mansion and work a 9-5 job. The economy is one of the reasons people are homeless. They can't find jobs to work at, so how the hell are you going to force them to work if they are trying already and there are no jobs to work at? Job require qualifications, and guess what some people are just un-lucky enough that their qualifications don't match the needs of the business era. As I said before this is America. (Well ok where I am atleast) People here have the right to make their own destiny, make their own future. What they do with that right is their choice. If you think they should get work, well go ahead and try. Try to find a job for EVERY single homeless person out there. No doubtly forcing them to work would only put more people out of jobs, making them homeless. So what do you do? Find more jobs? Wait more people become homeless. They loose their jobs, because they arn't as qualified as the new person. And after a while they hit rock bottom. Homeless.... Forcing them to work would only be a temporary solution, and in my opinion an un-reasonable solution.... What do you have against homeless people. Are you aggrivated at them, because they constantly remind you of how good you've got it? Are you mad because they're un-lucky? That doesn't make sense.... As others have said....they're humans too. They're non-less of a human us we are. Hell they probably are better humans. They are more modest, more thankful, and they sure as hell know what its like to hit rock bottom.... *clears his throat and steps down from his soap box* I think I'm done....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B][COLOR=red]Valentines Day is approaching and I was wondering what you are all doing for this glorious day. Any of you board members in love out there or do you think you have a secret admirirer? What are you getting for people if anything? Also I was wondering what is the weirdist/funniest/sweetest gift you have ever recieved or given on this 'romantic' day? I myself haven't recieved many amazing gifts, but I know friends that have recieved cards of their parents to make them feel wanted. Interested to here your thoughts ... Grant [/COLOR]:love: [/B][/QUOTE] Please...honestly, Don't get me started on V-day. I hate it. Glorious day my butt. I mean sure it makes you feel great [b]IF[/b] you have someone to spend it with, but otherwise its horrible. And so far every year, I've had noone o.O
Ok please take time to read this before you close it. So far I haven't found any topics [i]quite[/i] like this so I might as well. Well today I was in my car and I began thinking, and it hit me. We may very well be at war. I mean when you think about it in the textbooks, thats all it is. History. But then it hit me. This is true. Its odd to think that the people you see in the mall may very well be dead in a couple of months. They may be trapped being shot at, and may very well be killing some one else. Its odd to think that soon there may very well be mass murdering. Well not cold blooded murder, but killing someone is still murder on a level. We may very well slip into World War 3. I may feel safe right now, I'm turning 15 in March, I have nothing to worry about right? What if this war lasts? What happens if the draft is initiated? What happens if I turn 18 and the next day I recieve a letter. A potential death sentence. What if someone we know has that happen. What if someone from here recieves this letter. And we never see them again. I've just realized how much this may affect us. I guess its just a rude awakening for me. I've been thinking about this all day now, and I'm still not comforted with it. I don't know. Its just weird to put it into praportion. Normally when you hear about war here its somewhere half-way across the world. But this is going to affect us. Now. I know that sounds selfish, and in a way it is, and in a way its not. I've grown up in an age of peace. I was alive during the Gulf War, but I wasn't even able to gather one memory of it. I was too young. I've never known the strife of war. I've never know the consequences and how it may affect [b][i]ME[/b][/i]. Its weird to think about honestly. Have you ever thought about this? Whats your re-actions to this? When did it hit you? I guess this is mainly towards the American members, but it may affect us all I don't know. And [b]IF[/b] this is a violation to the rules and there has been a topic about this already I'm sorry. I just wanted to write down my feelings...So go ahead and close it if it is.
[i]Ril saw Winter coming. He tried to say something. His mouth wouldn't move. His eyes wouldn't move. His whole soul was bent on his destination. What was his destination? He had no clue. He searced through is mind trying to find some answer to this. He couldn't control his body. He tried moving his arms, they were set. He tried to blink, his eye lids stayed open. Something was controlling him, and he didn't like it. He tried desperatly to focus on one thing, but he couldn't. Everything was a blur. Something was wrong. He occasionally saw Winter in his line of sight. Or was it someone else? He couldn't tell. He assumed it was Winter. Winter spoke to him. It was Winter. He knew that now. Her voice was un-mistakeable. He tried to respond. Tried to show her he was ok. But was he? His horse seemed to be crazed. It wouldn't stop. Its breathing became harsher and harsher. It wasn't good. Pity gripped Ril's stomach. The horse, wasn't itself. Whatever was going on was evil. This wasn't natural. His anger began to rise. His set his mind. To stop this. Even if it was when he arrived at his destination, he was going to stop this. He could now tell that Winter was riding next to him. She seemed fine, but her horse was just like his. He tried moving. His neck seemed to be broken. He couldn't move it.[/i]
[i]Ril stood by the wall thinking. He watched the fellowship. His face was set in an emotionless stare but his mind was racing. Winter had left. He wondered if she was ok. What did it matter? He had met her only a few days earlier, yet he felt connected to her. He shook his head lightly thinking about Winter. Was she ok....that thought continued to haunt him. His face changed slightly. Not because of Winter, but because of something else. The air. It was empty, almost...dead.[/i] Ril: "Strider!" Strider: "What?" Ril: "We've got to get going! Somethings comming! Can't you feel it in the air?! I don't like it!" [i]Ril loosened his sword. He suddenly became very un-easy. He looked around making sure there wasn't anything sneaking around the camp. He couldn't stand it. Something was wrong. It was driving him nuts. He wanted to leave. Something was pulling at him. He looked over at Strider.[/i] Ril: I'm leaving. Go to Lorien I'll meet you there. [i]Ril ran and jumped onto his horse. He galloped away letting his horse lead him. It felt like the devil himself was at his heals. He continued to look over his shoulder. The horse began moving fater and faster but Ril didn't notice. He was going insane.[/i]
I also get the stupid little one where your friend is commiting suicide yet you can't help them. Like ok. I had one last night. My friend _-_-_ was standing in front of me and she had a gun pointed to her head. I tried to move but I couldn't and when I tried to talk nothing came out. She just looked at me. It was creepy. Then she closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. Everything went into slow motion. I watched as her finger pulled the trigger. [i]leaves out certain more graphic details[/i] After she was dead I could move again. It was weird, it was like something was holding me there....I've gotten that one every week for more than 2 months.
[i]Rubs his head[/i] Hey now! He started it all I did was put my two sense in! o.O O.o [i]Points at The One[/i] >.>