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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Indigo]What Lore said was very true.. If you study psychology you will eventually study the maturing process of infants as well as younger kids. In this time of life many psychologists have adapted a critical time period. This period is basically defined as the time to teach children a certain language. According to many of the studies done children that are around this critical period are able to adapt to the changes in different languages much more easily than say you or I would. Also there is another thought. It is believed that when you are first born you are born with every sound any language possesses. Thats why babies will make so many funny noises. They're grouping together sounds, but as they develope a fluency in one language the brain will push out the extra information and sounds. This theory is meant to explain why it is/would be so difficult for an average american to just look at Japanese writing and speak it as fluently as a native japanese. (Assuming the language rules were understood.) Certainly learning or aquiring a new language is difficult for many reasons, but one relatively easy concept to grasp is the fact that it is something new. Anything new is difficult to some degree. It is true each person learns certain things more easily, and thats the same with languages. I know some people who can learn a language with ease, but struggle so much with math and its concept. I guess in the end you could just bring it down to genetics and the structure of your brain, but thats kind've confusing for the likes of my 17 year old self :)[/font][/color]
  2. [SIZE=1][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkOrchid]My partner and I actually had this discussion about a month ago. We were pretty much doing the samething. While we didn't necessarily think it was what you'd call a bad thing we decided to limit the amount of sex we have for a couple reasons. One of the main reasons was we just wanted to prove to ourselves and others there was more to our relationship. I think when sex becomes such a prominent thing in a relationship people sometimes forget about the other things like cuddling or just holding hands; the things that can make you smile for the rest of the day. Then the thought that we're both really young; especially for sex. The thought of two 17 year olds having kids was not something we wanted to have to worry about. I mean we did use protection, but as everyone knows its not 100% effective. So thats another reason why we've cut back on it. To me it was a great way to show your partner that you love them, and am not just in it for the sex. For a person thats a comforting thing to know. But I think you should really take in consideration what Pumpkin said. Tak to your partner about this, see how they feel.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [color=indigo] Good call there Solo o.O Anyways I'd have to say I'd probably end up spending all of it on my friends. I'm a sucker and I always want to get my friends things. I don't know I just love buying things for them and such. So knowing me I'd go on this huge shopping spree, buy the most pointless stuff, and spend 90% of it on my friends heh. Although i could really use a new bat and a new pair of batting gloves....And a car... *shrugs* Who knows, we all know I'll never have that kind of money! [/color]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]Uhm..I think I'll do Solo Tremaine for the heck of it... I think you place a lot of value in loyalty and trust. If you were a literary term I'd classify you as a romantic; I think ideals are very important to you, and you find yourself longing the chance to express these ideals as well as see others express them. I'll also take the venture to say while in theory you are the same person online as you are offline, you true self is portrayed more online, or rather your true qualities. You probably find this place almost like a sanctuary, in the essance you can relate to others very well and you can express your opinions without having to fear direct conflict. Man I'm probably way off, but hey rock on...[/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Garamond][color=purple]You know what I find most amusing about this thread, half the people have stated bands are over rated because they are popular. Being popular doesn't make them over rated its the fact that they suck, but get money for some image thats over rated. And just becuase a band goes from one fan to 382947398 fans doesn't mean its over rated either... Well anyways for a lot of the bands look at Transtic Nerve's list he pretty much nailed most of 'em for me, but oh well I'm still gonna put some more on here... [center][b]Underrated[/b][/center] 1) [i]The Killers[/i]- Like it has already been said this band is so original. Its amazing the variet of topics they deal with and still keep that up-beat optimistic sound to their music. Frankly they are one of my favorite bands, they are just fun. 2) [i]Kill Hannah[/i]- I don't know about where eveyrone else lives, but Kill Hannah is virtually unheard of here. The radio played one of their songs [i]"Kennedy"[/i] but really that was only one of their great songs. Their whole CD is pretty much full of good songs. I can rarely sit down and enjoy every song on a CD but this band is an exception. 3) [i]Kittie[/i]- Gonna have to agree with ChibiHorseWomen on this one...almost completely underground but really talented. One of the only all girl bands that just totally kicks butt in my mind. They are so much fun to listen to. 4) [i]Marilyn Manson[/i]- Like people have already said this band is more than what they appear to be. There is no doubt these guys have an insane talent for music, and its true that their songs can appeal to just about anyone. Hell my best friends mom (who is totally against rock) absolutely loves Marilyn Manson's renditions of "Sweet Dreams" and "Tainted Love" 5) [i]A Birthday Massacre[/i]- Such an interesting band. Born and bread in Canada their music has only reached a handful of people down here in Kansas, but people have got to admit they have a lot of talent. They remind me of a softcore version of MIndless Self Indulgence with better vocals and perhaps a much more relaxing sound. If you haven't you should check these guys out! 6) [i]Usher[/i]- He can dance; he can sing; he's hot. He's really the whole package when it comes to the entertainment industry. Only R&B artist that I will listen to. I'll throw the Dresdon Dolls in here too...great sound [center][b]Overrated[/center][/b] 1) [i]Rap[/i]- You know if I wanted to learn about bitches, hoes, drugs, and shootings I'd just turn on the news. Enough is enough show me something new, give me a decent beat or two, and throw in some meaning. (Does not pertain to [b]all[/b] rap but just about 90% of it. 2) [i]Linkin Park[/i]- I have to admit I'm a decent fan of theirs but its sad when a band can come out with 2 CD's full of..remixes and still make a living..Unless they come out with something new that sounds different they've proven they could only go so far and really don't deserve the fame they recieve. Their concept was a great twist at the time, but it just fell apart at the end with the utmost repetiveness. 3) [i]Ozzy[/i]- He's not really over rated in the sense of his music, but give me a break...a show...about him and his idiotic family. Seriously every other word has to be censored. Its really quite pathetic...and the fact that he released a new song...I'm sorry Ozzy your days are done...At one time he had some great talent...but ..thats over. [/FONT][/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Wow everyone single one of these freaking rocks. You guys are awesome... To answer your question I don't care if the picture is different in the banner than the avi thats cool... It looks like I'm going to be rotating through banners for quite some time...thank you all soo much!!![/color]
  7. [color=indigo] Hey I was wondering if anyonce could make me an avi and a banner (obviously) I was hoping for something a little bit more rustic... If possible I'd like it black and white some how, picture wise. If you could find a sad male or female anime character or perhaps just a picture that has some sign of intense emotion. Look at my current avi if you want to know what I'm talking about when I say the latter. I'd love to have the words: "From Beyound the Fallen Tears" but if you have an artistic inspirationg to say something else tha tis ocmpletely cool. Anyways thanks to anyone that does it or even considers doing anything. [/color]
  8. [i][COLOR=Indigo]See you know many people have thrown out the coin term "barbaric society" and pointed out how we can't be a "civilized culture" when we are actively "killing" are own citizens The point I think that has been quite over looked in this whole entire thread is one thing: these people killed others. Would it not be the act of civilization to get rid of the uncivilized. [b]civ·i·lize (tr.v. civ·i·lized, civ·i·liz·ing, civ·i·liz·es) 1)To raise from barbarism to an enlightened stage of development; bring out of a primitive or savage state. 2)To educate in matters of culture and refinement; make more polished or sophisticated.[/b] By letting killers go we are simply promoting this barbaric notion that everyone has been saying. I know some people may think that I'm just being kind've radical, but think about it. Besides even without the death penatly there is no hope for us to be "civilized" given the definition proclaimed by everyone so far. Think about it; they say only barbaric people/things kill, but citizens make up society not just the legal system; so there is no hope for us to be civilized anyways. Going on. Just a quick note its already been adressed so I'm not going to hit on it too much. Letting the victims do it would definatly fall into the category of "Cruel and Unusual punishment." You know there would be extremests out there who would kill the people slowly, lord knows use your imagination; if someone killed your loved one (the person you've given so much of your time to) and the law said "do whatever you wanted with them." You know there would be some sick things going on in this world; worse than the electric chair. A lot of people continually say that tons of innocent people are put to death. First off I'd like to point out that less than 100 people are put to death in a year...in fact in 2003 and 2004 it was less than 40. I'd also like to point out my previouse statement about how 64 people have been cleared since 2000 because of the new technology. The court systems are getting more effecient, because their technology is better. It is simply absurd to think that you will get the death sentence for just looking like someone. There are crime scene investigators and a whole list of different aspects of a murder case. They don't just simply go "Hey you look like the person they described; sleep well." So many people have an over-simplified thought of a murder trial, the simple fact is they arn't careless when it comes to the death penalty. Its not just something they throw out on any given day like so many people believe. There have been a couple comments where people have stated "the death penalty is only ok in extreme situations." I'd like to point out that is exactly what it is used for. Not every murderer gets the death penatly, in fact its typically only serial killers that get the death penatly, or particularly sick murderers. The death penalty is an extreme circumstance and is only used in extreme situations. Plus we have to view this point from every angle and one angle is the economic angle. Everyone seems to think that having to put people to death would cost so much more than just "locking them up." The problem is we have to pay for every single inmate that is in jail. We (the tax payers) have to pay for the toilet paper they use, and the food they eat. We have to pay for their facilities, and every year that number gets larger for every person that continues to stay there. The death penalty actually saves us money in the long run, because instead of a person being there from the age of 22-68 (random ages) they are there from 22-23. The end. As to what Heaven Cloud's said I am not saying that our justice system is perfect. Not everything is spotless and completely equal, I'm just saying that is what we believe in as a whole society. If not then we would change it; thats the way of the world. Well perhaps the way of the democratic world. Lets look at it from a psychological stand point. There are things called enforcers and punishments. There is also a positive and negative for each. An example of an enforcer would be: Positive- If you finish your homework I'll give you some candy. Negative- (You take something away) If you pay attention you will have no homework An example of a punishment: Positive- If you eat that candy I'll spank you Negative- If you fail that test I'll take away your computer. Really basic examples of each, but the basic knowledge is all you really need to know. Anyways there is a very common belief among the psychology world when it comes to both human and child development. The belief is called fast response. In other words you should "deliver the enforcer or punishment in its maximum force as soon as possible in order to maintain the desired action or eliminate bad ones." Many believe that if you do not use the maximum punishment (Or enforcer but for our case lets focus on punishment. Punishment=death penatly) then a human will refuse to change. In other words if you simply give a warning to someone it may not do the trick. As I said earlier the maximum punishment is the death penatly. If you get rid of this maximum punishment not only are you taking away the punishment itself, but you are also taking away the threat of it. The simple fact is many people don't want to die; and the threat is enough to restrain that one person from an seriouse actions, but 20 yeras in jail with an easy bond can be a different story. Its a hard line stance, but in such a seriouse situation how can you say you should be anything but strict? There are so many examples in the world where you have to take a hard line/"Fast response" stance. That is what you've been taught. For a final example lets take a classroom setting. If a teacher tells the class clown Joe Schmuck to settle down or else he gets a detention, he keeps doing it. Simply because the detention is harmless...its 30 minutes long at max and doens't even go on your permanent record. The next day Joe Schmuck is back doing what he did the day before. Now what happens when the teacher does something more extreme, and exacts the maximum punishment for his offense. A saturday school or suspension. Then the probability of Joe Schmuck being such a class clown drops. Like its been said so many times: "the issue of the death penatly is neither black nor white it is grey." Its a gross necessity of life that we have the luxury to frown upon. [/COLOR][/i]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo]Popular with whom? There are so many different ways you can be popular. Some people require that you be the hottest person in school, be the star sports player, and be rich. Other people just want you to be a nice person. The trick is to really not worry about it, because think about it...soon enough it won't even matter. You'll go into the "Real world" and these people you are trying to impress won't even matter anymore. Don't waste your time trying to be popular, in fact don't even worry about it, just have fun. Thats what the youth is for anyways.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo]Haha wise words from Baron. Anyways yeah I've pulled all nighters. I remember one time I spent the night with my best riend (god this was when I was in 6th grade, we played Tony Hawk Pro Skater all night long, and when we got sick with that we pulled out our Tech Decks and rode our little finger skateboards untill I looked up at the window and said "Dude...its light outside." I can't count how many all nighters him and I piled together, too bad he moved :-/. Lately I don't do it as much, I'm so busy with either debate or baseball that I really don't have anytime where I can just be like "Screw it I have nothing to do," so I dunno all nighters are becoming more and more rare. Although I do it still occasionally. For instance I just borrowed a PS2 from a friend 2 weeks ago, definatly pulled an all nighter playing Final fantasy X ...first time playing it. What can I say final fantasies are like crack to me ^.^ The best was when I'd call britty (not sure what her name on here is now) at like 2am my time and stay up till 5 or 6 am talking to that silly canadian. Those had to have been my best all nighters, I miss that gal. Granted that piled up to be a 900 dollar phone bill ^.^;;; Yeah ouch....[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=elfpirate] [b]If you would say that that's true, then you're ignorant. Promiscuity has nothing to do with sexual preference... just irresponsibility and ignorance.[/b][/QUOTE] [color=purple] I am ignorant to the fact thats what I tried to pose it as a quesiton. In my school, it seems to hold a bearing of truth to it, and I wish you could come to the school and see. I'm not stating that since so and so is bisexual then they must be sluts, I'm just saying that around here, it seems to be this way. I was wondering if this was just a coincidence or a common occurence. I myself am Bisexual and I'm not calling myself a slut, because frankly I'm really not. I was just wondering if being bisexual renders the thought of being more open-minded in the context of three somes as well as other scenarios that many heterosexuals find, disgusting or impure. I really didn't mean to offend you if I did, and after reading how I stated that it does sound like I'm being rather..brash about it and immature in the sense that I stated it. I'm really not trying to label anyone on the subject or say that its a fact, I was attemping (horribly) to see if this was just something with my school or perhaps it was a true fact. I guess in all reality I was thinking out loud, at the wrong time, and at the wrong place.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo] Personally I think the death penalty isn't a clear cut issue of "right and wrong." Do I find the killing of people to be right, no of course not, but do I find consequences right, yes of course so. In my opinion the death penalty is something of a necessity in our society, because of the way we have structured it. In our lives we have written an eye for an eye, we believe the punishment should fit the action, and if the action is murder well then the punishment must then be punishment. But as I said its a question that no one can really answer, because there are too many good and bads about it. All I can say is the Death Penalty is not as used as everyone seems to think. The good news is though the amount of innocent people is most likely on the fall with our current technology. From 2000 to now America has freed 64 of its death row inmates because with the new technology they were proven innocent. With a death penalty a case is forced to be reviewed multiple times over a span of multiple years, and in those spans of years the technology has always gotten better, and we tend to free more and more innocent people. The death penalty is just another punishment for what happens, hitting a person is unacceptable, but spanking a child is considered necessary to parents. Its a catch 22 that will never be solved, unless we wish to degrade the morals of our own society.[/color]
  13. [color=purple] I really have never had an akward moment, because of my sexuality. Well thats a lie, I've probably had my fair share of them, I just can't seem to recall any memorable ones. I agree with skedy on what he/she said. I believe it isn't if you get hit on, but rather what you do about it. Because I mean gays will get hit on by the opposite sex, but that doesn't make them straight. As for myself I'm bi sexual, and I'm pretty lucky about it. Although my parents went effin crazy about it, and 4 years later still are pissed about it, the community itself isn't that condeming about it. A lot of people in my area have came out about their sexuality, and nothing has really changed. Going to the spectrum question, I really don't think that there is one bisexual person that they can say that they like both girls and boys completely equally. Because both possess different qualities, and people are attracted to these qualities. However, it is completely natural that you are going to be attracted to one quality more than another. The weird thing that I've noticed is; around here it seems if a person is bisexual they are a lot more open minded towards sexual activity then other people. In other words most bisexuals around here are considered sluts, and I'd almost say its true. I don't know if thats just a coincidence or is a common occurance throughout bisexuals. [/color]
  14. [color=purple] Wow I've played a lot of sports...pretty much almost anything.. I've played basketball, soccer, indoor soccer, football and I still play baseball. I've been playing baseball since first grade (thats 10 years now) and I still love it. Its the one constant in my life, in fact our season just started a bit ago, practice wise, and our first game is in exactly one week. I loved indoor soccer as well, but unfortunately I troe a ligement in my knee and had to give it up. Oh well... As for watching sports, I love baseball and football. I also enjoy watching soccer some its pretty interesting, but basketball I can't really get into. I don't really know why, but oh well.[/color]
  15. [color=purple]Pesronally I think that well...you have too much time on your hands or your just looking into things way too much, I'm sure we could completely twist anything that is in any anime and make it this hidden meaning. However, it is an interesting theory...but I really really really really really really doubt that it is a true factor, I mean can you honestly see the creators of any anime going "Hey lets put some nazism in our anime, the viewers will love it!"[/color]
  16. [font=franklin gothic medium][color=purple][i]Kyo sat still for a momment. This planet; a planet that invariably seemed to be a paradise compared to Kyo's home; had it's own secrets. He let his mind wonder away from everything, to the sky above, but quickly brought it back down and closed his eyes. Tala had just said that her husband, Marxius, had the panther form. Yet, she had just said that only one person could have this form. This didn't make sense to Kyo, something was missing.[/i] "..How...how am I a panther then?" [i]Kyo looked over to Tala. He didn't want to ask this questoin, for some reason he knew that it wasn't going to be a happy answer, but he had to know. Kyo needed information about this new world, everything and anything he could find out. More so though, he felt attached to Tala. Something was buggin her, and he wanted to help. Tala closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh.[/i] "There is a tale about the stone I used on you. I never really believed it; but I now know it's true. The Soul, as we call it, is what gave you the ability to change. It gave every person that came from Earth the ability to change. Using the Soul was outlawed for several decades, in fact, it still is..." [i]Kyo listened, but frowned in frustration. Something wasn't fititng it; it didn't make sense. Why would she do this if it was illegal? Why was it illegal? How did it make Kyo become a changer. What in the world was going on?[/i] "I don't mean to be...obtrusive...but...why is it outlawed." [i]Tala looked at Kyo and forced a smile. She cared for this changer, she cared for all the changers, but she missed her husband so much; she missed Marxius. She closed her eyes then continued.[/i] "The Soul is actually a safe haven for all of the changers. While the souls of this world are normally destroyed by the demons that lurke out here that stone enables the souls of the changers to be safe. Thus the name, Soul. These souls are what give you the ability to change into a specific animal. In your case Marxius's soul was put into you; that is why you are able to transform into a black panther; just like he was able to do. This practice has been outlawed because many of the changers felt that they were losing their loved ones to other people; they felt that by doing this we were forgetting the ones who died for us." [i]Tala looked at Kyo and smiled slightly.[/i] "I'm sure you can understand why many people would not want that to happen...." [i]Kyo knew she was talking about Jason. His fist clenched slightly as the events played over in his mind one more time. He was right there....why didn't he save Jason? Jason trusted him, and he let Jason down....[/i] "It should've been me...." [i]Kyo whispered then closed his eyes.[/i] "I'm sorry...I promise that Marxius will never be forgotten, and I will do my best...to honor his form...." [i]Kyo's voice cracked as he continued to think about Jason; Jason and Marxius. Why was everything about death right now? Why was everyone being torn apart from the ones they loved? Kyo bit his lip and looked up at the sky.[/i] "I'm...sorry."[/color][/font]
  17. [font=franklin gothic medium][color=purple][i]Kyo stepped back slowly. Marxius who was that? He shifted his gaze around and stared at Tala. WHat was she talking about? Why did she call him Marxius?[/i] "It's ok you can speak English..." [i]Kyo stared at her and then closed his eyes.[/i] "I'm....I....I'm sorry....for waking you up." [i]Kyo turned around and stepped through the door before Tala had time to respond. He was furiouse with himself. What had gotten into him? Why did he just go into the room? He let out a low growl and began to walk towards his room. He smelled the food, but wanted no part of it. Instead he wanted something else. The cave suddenly felt like it was closing in on him. He hated this; he needed some fresh air. He began following the scent that he assumed was the scent of outside. His muscles flexed as he began running towards it, quickly going by the mess hall, and continuing through the maze of a cave. The light assaulted Kyo's eyes as it gew brigtherand brighter. He knew he was getting close to the entrance. Suddenly a bone snapped, then another. Kyo went sprawling into the wall. His bones continued to snap, unrelenting untill they were satisfied with a product. The product of being human. Kyo stood up and groaned. His bones ached and so did his entire body. He still had to get outside, he slowly walked the rest of the way to the entrance. Warmth. That was the first thing that Kyo noticed, it was perfectly warm. He sighed once more and laid down in the grass beside the cave entrance.[/i] "Whats going on?" [/color][/font]
  18. [font=franklin gothic medium][color=indigo][i]Kyo woke up slowly. He shook his head and rubbed his shoulder slowly. He jumped up as he realized he was in...some sort of cave. As he thoughts raced about where he was he heard a bone pop, then another. He began to squeeze his fist in pain, then he realized he had no fist. Instead of a fist there was a paw. Kyo began to panic, but it only lasted for a second. As his bones continued to snap he began to remember everything that had happened. Flashbacks of Jason's death, of Tala, and of the other changers. One more flashback occured, that of him changing, into what Tala said was a black panther. His mind was suddenly at ease as he realized this was what was happening. The pain was somewhat lessoned; it wasn't as bad as the first time. Within a few short momments he was in panther form. Kyo let out a low growl of approval. It was a comfortable form, his muscles seemed ready to snap at any moment, but somehow felt relaxed. He could smell things, he could smell [u]everything[/u]. An interesting scent past through Kyo's nostrils. It smelled familiar, really familiar, yet there was something that had changed. He pondered over the smell for a momment, but he knew he would never be able to place it. Well unless, he found what the source was, and that was his plan. Slowly he stretched out his feline form then walked out of the room, sniffing the air dillegently. He smelled food, or what he thought to be food, but headed the other direction. He was determined to find out what this scent was. He walked silently against the wall, keeping to the shadows. He didn't know why his buddy insisted on hugging the shadows, but he knew he felt most comfortable in them. Kyo tried to take everything in, he was enjoying this; some how this felt so right. He knew he was human, but at that moment he felt at peace, he felt alert, he felt complete. The black panther sleaked through the halls following the scent, untill it lead to a kind of door way. Kyo stepped through the curtain carefully trying not to cause any un-needed attention when he finally saw what had created the smell. It was a wolf. This wasn't any ordinary wolf though, this wolf was [b]huge[/b]. Something in Kyo told him to stop, and just go towards the others but his curiousity lead him on. He had to find why this wolf smelled so familiar. The black panther crept quietly towards the wolf and bent down to sniff the wolf. The smell was amazing; so pleasant, it was a warm smell. Warm..something he never thought possible in a smell, yet not only was it warm, but it was friendly. The wolf smelled of loyalty, but something was different, there was a part of the scent Kyo didn't understand, was it sorrow? He knew he couldn't rely on his own guesses, after all he had just became a panther. Kyo nudged the wolf softly wishing to find out what it really was. Kyo wasn't afraid, after all there were tons of people around here that would stop anything evil, besides he had already lost the one thing in his life that mattered, if this wolf got up and killed him, he would have lost nothing in the process. Again Kyo brought his mouth against the side of the wolf's face and nudged it. Kyo was curiouse as a panther he knew that, but for some reason he didn't care. All the worries Kyo had had that night disappeared when he was a panther.[/i][/color][/font]
  19. [COLOR=Purple]This is a different style for me. This is basically an essay that I did for my Writer's Workshop class. Our teacher asked us to write whatever we wanted to write, and for some reason this is what came out of me. I'm interested what do you all think about it. Now I know it's nothing that great, but all in all I want to hear everything you have to say. [SIZE=3][U][I] [B]I Have Written[/B][/I][/U][/SIZE] Write. Writing. Written. What does it all mean? The "art of writing" has been developed for thousands of yeras; like any other masterpiece it has been sculpted, torn down, redone, and finally perfected. Well, perfected to the point that society has no problem with it. Through all of this, has their ever been someone who said, "This is what writing truly is?" Has there ever been one smooth true definition that everyone follows? When you write what are you doing? Are you simply forming letters into words, as many dictionaries put it, or are you explaining a different phenomenon; the phenomenon of emotion. To delve into that specific area would take years to truly understand, because emotion, as so many other things in this world, is neither correct nor wrong, emotion just is. While this may just be a writer's, if I may call myself so, opinion it is an opinion all the same; writing is what you make it to be. For a writer and for so many of my friends, who write as well, writing is an escape. One may feel that they are powerless in this world, everyone has felt this sensation, but when we pick up the pen, or when we turn on the computer, we are empowered. Suddenly by doing such a simple act we have become the rulers of our own kingdoms, and the gods of our own worlds. Writing to some of us is a way to defeat our own inner demons. I've talked to some that have had problems in their childhood, be it abuse, molestation, or poverty, and each of these people, which I have known, have written about the subject at hand. From first hand experience I know that writing about such a subject is difficult. Trying to portray the exact emotions, and trying to send a specific message. All of these things are hard, but I know something else it is as well. Not only is it difficult, but it is liberating. Perhaps that is what writing is. To write is to liberate. I am writing this in a classroom, but my thoughts are not in this classroom, my thoughts are on this paper. I am liberated from any other thought, I am allowed to think on my own and write what I will. What makes people so happy when they hear the words, "Write what you want." As I said, it's liberating., we are allowed to take ourselves anywhere we want to be, and become whomever we wish to be. When you write you are liberated from the focus of society. It is no longer, "clean this," "work here," "learn this," ""speak this way," but it is exactly the opposite when you write, you write for yourself, you write what you want to write, and you say what you want to say. Society demands one thing of you, but when you are writing, you can demand several things of society. Throughout history the wristers have held the power, they have change their times, and ours. An easy example of this would be Common Sense by Thomas Paine. This essay was not beautifully written, it was not a perfect essay, but it had a message to convey, a message that swayed many Americans to revolt against their motherland of England. That shows how powerful the written word can be; it stirred an entire nation to rebel against what was known as it's motherland. In fact, at one time, the ability to write earned onself a high place in society, simply because not everyone could write. It's true, not everyone can be a writer, but everyone can form words. As I have asked before, what is writing? Now I have neither answered this nor truly tried to answer this for one reason; writing is like emotion. To each person the word "write" means something completely different. To a high school student the word "write" could mean homework, to me it's freedom, to another it could mean their living. Each person holds a different ideal of writing, but there is one universal truth about writing. Everyone can do it, but not everyone chooses to do it. It was once said, "The only difference between writers and everyone else is; writers write." As I said not everyone can be a writer, simple because not everyone writes. In my mind that is undoubtedly the one fundamental truth of writing. The way you become a writer, is to write. The way you become empower is to write, and the way to become a god is to write. Write. Writing. Written. All of these things I have done, as you are reading the product of it, but in all this time have I accomplished anything? I have been liberated, I have been empowered, I have conveyed emotion, but have I achieved the goal that I have set out to achieve? Have I made you think about writing? Have you sat there and even given a second thought to writing, have you taken the time to contemplate what I have said? Or perhaps it doesn't matter. Does it matter if you have done any of these things, does it matter whether I achieved my goal or not; perhaps all that matters is that I have written. For that is what I have done, written.[/COLOR]
  20. [font=franklin gothic medium][color=purple][i]Kyo looked around for a second and sighed, he was the last one left. As he closed his eyes he could feel them staring at him, he knew they expected him to go along with it, he knew that they wanted him to do it. Did they understand? Did they understand what he had just lost, did they understand what they were throwin away? Everyone of them just went happily along with it not even thinking of the consequences, that was something Kyo refused to do. What about his companions? How would his disapperance be explained, how would they survive without their leader? Why did he care? They were only a bunch of street rift raft, but to Kyo...for some reason...they were more. They were his life, they were his family. Kyo knew by doing this, he would never have that again. He would throw away everything he worked for. Would he be forgetting Jason? Would he be forsaking everything he said to him, would he disgrace him? Kyo clutched his fist, and opened his eyes. He looked at Tala for a momment. She was the only one that knew what had happened, in fact she was on Earth when it happened. Kyo saw a flicker of sympathy in Tala's eyes, but as soon as he had time to even realize what the look was she destroyed any evidence of that sympathy on her face. Kyo stepped forward and sighed once more.[/i] "I'll never forget you Jason..." [i]Kyo whispered softly to himself. he clinched his fists then nodded.[/i] "Go ahead and do it...just get it over with." [i]Tala stepped toward him, and held up the crystal as she had down to the others, and just like it happened before a light assaulted Kyo's brain. All Kyo could feel was this light, it blinded him, yet it was not painful. He couldn't think though, everything was being scrambled by the light, all he saw was glimpses of his life, flashes of what he was. It was chaos, the light pulsed in Kyo's head, filling it. Kyo knew that any second his head would explode, his brian could not take this. It was a matter of physics and probability. Suddenly the light left his brain searing through his body. First his neck, then shoulders, continuing through every single millimeter of his body. No matter where it was it burned, Kyo could feel every movement the light made, every little twitch. He felt like h was on fire, but there was no pain; nothing just absolute heat. His arms tensed as the light spead through them, quickly doing what it sought out to do. Again the light seared into his brain, twisting everything around. It was searching through his brain finding the perfect form, finding what Kyo would be. It searched his memories, searched his figure, searched everything, it seemed to stop though. It felt something, it felt his anger, it felt his remorse. Suddenly the light got brighter, indicating it had chosen what would be his form. It had chosen something to fit Kyo perfectly. Suddenly there was a snap. Then another as Kyo's bones cracked and contorned to its new shape. Suddenly his body sprouted in fur; black fur. His mouth began to grow, suddenly his nose and mouth joined as one, creating a maw. Hiis spine snapped as it grew and twisted. Kyo let out a silent scream as the pain etched through is body. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He murmered one word over and over and over again. Jason.... Finally with a finally pop Kyo looked around. He was no longer human, he could tell that he was something else. He noticed something for the first time, the smells. The light blazed in his eyes and he closed them quickly attempting to shut out thie horrendouse light. He tried to say something and instead there was a growl. As soon as it came out his body contorted again. Snappinp and popping shaping back into his human form. He stood up momments later as a human again. He looked across the room then at Tala.[/i] "What....what was I?" [i]Tala looked at him and smiled.[/i] "A beautiful creature, you were a black panther." [i]Kyo looked around and nodded absent mindedly. He went back to his spot and closed his eyes.[/i][/color][/font]
  21. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=purple][b]OOC:[/b] I talked to Blanko and joined, hope everything is correct..it's all posted in the sign up. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Be careful..." "Oh shut up Kyo, I'll be fine I'm not a little kid after all anymore!." [i]The figure known as Kyo stared down at the 16 year old boy in front of him. He sighed heavily then shook his head.[/i] "No I guess you're not a kid anymore...Go on." [i]Kyo watched as the kid smiled and trotted off. This was the boys first time going out on the streets by himself to get some food. Jason may not understand the threats out there, but Kyo knew everyone of them all too well. Something didn't feel right today though. Everything about today was just..wrong, and it bugged Kyo.[/i] "I wonder how long that squirt will be....y'know...I should follow him...just to make sure he's fine." [i]As if reassuring himself Kyo looked around to make sure no one else would follow. He then broke off into a quick trot following Jason. Soon Jason was in sight and Kyo quickly slowed down to a quick walk as he continued to side step into alleys and hide behind barrells so Jason would not see him. Jason walked confidently, Kyo noted. That was a good thing in the streets, confidence. It kept people alive, but if that confidence grew, if it became pride, it killed me. Kyo had told Jason that so many times, Kyo could only hope Jason took it to heart. Kyo quicked his pace again as Jason turned a corner. As Kyo turned the corner he saw Jason beginning to do his work. First he grabbed two apples from a vendor. Kyo smiled, Jason had used a flawless technique, he was patient too. If things kept going like this Kyo, Jason, and the rest of the gang would be perfectly off for atleast a week. Kyo continued to watch as Jason picked vendor from vendor; each time perfectly and each time being seemingly a ghost to all around him. Kyo smiled, he had to hand it to Jason, Jason was good. Kyo followed Jason as he turned the corner to finally leave and get back to the gang. When Jason turned the corner he saw Jason, but not just Jason; there were four other people; each of them dressed in black trenchcoats.[/i] "Alright kid give us what you got." [i]Jason's fist clenched and he stood firm.[/i] "No this stuff isn't for you, why don't you ass holes go do your own work somewhere else. There's plenty of places to grift from, go get your own fucking money!" [i]The four men back up on their heels for a moment, suprised at the ferocity of a 16 year old. Finally the one who seemed to be the leader stepped forward. He raised his hand slowly and suddenly atleast a dozen more men appeared out of the windows and doors; each of them advancing on Jason. Jason struck first however, landing a square kick on the leader's jaw, sending him flailing to the ground.[/i] "You little shit!" [i]Kyo silently screamed as he watched the rest unfold. He knew Jason didn't see it, he knew he had to help him, but he couldn't move. Suddenly a noise ran through the whole alley. Kyo's eyes widened as he saw Jason fall to the ground. He looked up to see the man with a gun. Kyo screamed in rage, and took out a knife and threw it. It twirled through the air quietly, but was as sure fire as a gun itself. It found it's mark, in the leader's chest, and the leader found his mark, dead on the ground. THe rest of the gang now noticed Kyo and fully brought their attention to him as their leader lay dying. Kyo didn't waste time as he turned the other way and ran. Each of the gang members knew what to do, they had to kill this idiot, they had to avenge their leader. Pulling out whatever weapon they had, they ran after Kyo with only vengence on their minds. Kyo's side screamed at him as he continued running. These guys were determined, no one had chased him this long before. He turned another corner and saw something he'd never seen before. THere was a women, a beautiful women, but behind her was a strange object of sort. Object, that was the best word Kyo could think of but he knew that wasn't the right word, it was no object.[/i] "Get into trouble again Kyo?" "What? How'd you know my name" [i]He stopped running completely and stared at the women who was now less than five feet away.[/i] "I know what happened, come with me, or else you know they will catch up to you." "Are you joking, I've never been caught before!!" [i]The women jestured down to the end of the alley. Kyo stared blankly, there was an end. A brick wall rose out of the ground blocking all hopes of escape. The women then faced him again.[/i] "My name is Tala, and you Kyo have no escape; save one. I am your savior today, follow me and you have an escape, then you too will become my savior. I need your help as much as you need mine.' [i]Kyo studied the women for a momment tryign to figure out what she meant, when suddenly the voices of the men slammed into Kyo's brain. The men were very close, only about 50 yards from the alley at max. Kyo shook his head and sighed.[/i] "I've always been too trusting, I'll come with you, but I still don't see any escape. There's still a brick wall at one end and over a dozen men at the other." [i]Kyo wiped the sweat away from his face and then understood. He never knew how he understood, nor would he ever, but for some reason he finally understood what was going on. Well he understood as much as someone who had know clue what was going on could understand. Without saying another word he walked over to Tala and nodded.[/i] "Take me to wherever I'm to go." [i] Jason I will come back to you, I will protect you, Jason you were a son to me, I am now a man with no son. I am a broken man, I have nothing left in this world. I am leaving. Forgive me Jason, I did not protect you. I must protect someone else now. OR...I think I have to. I don't know, wherever you are Jason; just know I loved you.[/i] [/color][/FONT]
  22. [color=purple]Name: Kyo Age:22 Gender:Male Form: Black Panther Appearance:[IMG]http://www.animay.net/image%20gallery/wr/images/wr0414.png[/IMG] Form Appearance:[IMG]http://www.totallyposters.com/ProductImages/posters/4405.jpg[/IMG] Why You Were Chosen: [i]Many people thought of Kyo as rift raft, stupid, and dirty, but in reality he was none of these things. Early on in his life he was torn away from his family and was forced to live on the streets. In doing so he learned many lessons. A lesson he learned from the very beginning was survival of the fittest, something he became. Through time Kyo became strong, quick, intelligent and stealthy. Those were the reasons why he was picked, above all other reasons it was the reason that he cared for people, even if they didn't care for him.[/i][/color]
  23. [color=indigo] While I am an anime fan, I really don't come here for the anime itself, in fact you'll never find me in the anime section. Well, ok, you might find me in there once a month or so. Anyways, back to the main question. I'm 16. I'll be 17 in March, but I have noticed that as you get older it tends to be harder and harder to keep up with this place. It's kind've odd to think all the people I like "looked up" to when I first started are in their late teens to 20's now, when back then they were around 15-16. Otakuboards draws a younger crowd, simply because, (in my opinion) the admin/moderators have worked so hard in making this a family friendly place, and while this doesn't make older people stop coming, a lot of younger people can get in it more easily because parents won't mind it as much, and not many people can get offended by it. (Unless you read one of the political or homosexual debates; seeing as we have a new one every week or so.) Anyways I think it's pretty cool to see the variety of age we have, the suprising thing is that most of our 11-15 year olds are more mature than most people I know that are my age; or atleast the present themselves that way on the internet. [i]shrugs[/i] Who knows, I've been here long enough to move from one category to the next. Hehe, thats pretty sad if you ask me.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE=James][color=#811C3A]The thing is, "homosexual" is almost used erroneously here. I mean, we aren't really even talking about the sheer act of sex itself -- we're really talking about a whole relationship between two people. I mean, nobody would want their relationship and their rights to be devalued. Nor would they want to be treated unfairly and with inequity as a result of the way they are. I agree with you that some parades and stuff are really terrible PR for the "gay community" (which itself is a highly erroneous term -- gay people are not in some secret league or something, lol). The problem is that this stereotype is the view of all gay/bisexual people, but it doesn't really represent the majority -- and the majority are just regular people, they aren't running around waving banners in your face or something.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I agree with you completely, I know I was making a generalization on some part, I was just saying evne if it's the minority of gay/bisexual people they don't help. I really don't see the point in the parade at all, it just calls more attention to the "gay community" (as its called) I know that not all gays/bisexuals are like that (after all I'm one), but I agree with what you stated. The simple fact is no matter what way you look at it (the act of sex or just relationships) it's really no one's business what sexual preference you are. I just think it's been blown out of proportion ya know? Perhaps it's just from personal experience, and lord knows I could be the 1 out of 891234738 that think that, but I guess thats my opinion. [/color]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo]Hm...first off I'm going to finish my though that I had before. (sorry I just stopped ubruptly I had to go.) As everyone knows, of course I support gays/bisexual/hetero whatever, but the thing that really aggrivates me, is something that happens to any minority what so ever. First off I really don't understand why the hell everyone has to play the victim. I mean sure I've had things happened to me, because of my sexual preference, but I don't go around accusing everyone in the world to be anti-gay or biggots. If you're anti-gay then grand, you don't like my life style, chances are I don't like yours. Nothing personal just a matter of opinion. Second, a lot of gays almost ask to be persecuted. I mean if you think about it heterosexuals arn't flaunting the sex in the middle of San Francisco with a huge "Heterosexual Pride Parade." I mean I'm all for the whole "be proud of who you are thing" but honestly, by pointing yourself out so much, by making yourself that recognizeably different and announcing it to everyone, you're only making yourself a target. From what I've learned in the past couple of years one's sexuality is none of anyone elses concern. If the issue comes up and it's alright with both people then sure talk about it, but why do people feel the need to know everyone's sexuality or flaunt their own. For god's sake it's sexuality; the stem is sex, it's ment to be private. Why do they call a penis and a vagina your "private parts" because they are ment to be private. The whole concept of sex has stemmed from privacy, and the absolute devotion to the partner at hand. (Be that a devotion of love or pleasure) The simple fact is both sides of this argument are blowing it way out of proportion, if we just lived our lives without trying to invade someone's personal life then you know what, this wouldn't be as big of an issue. Second point: [i]Seperation of Church and State[/i] As much as this sentence is idealized among the "gay community" there is no truth in this statement beyound the fact that you can't be arrested for being a certain religion. Look at President Bush he uses his Christianity as not only a fore runner in his campaigns but he uses it to base a lot of his decisions. Listen to all of his speaches, God is mentioned atleast once. The simple fact is our soceity (well rather America) is based off of religion, and the simple fact is we'll never get a way from it. the majority of republicans (or so they say) are religiouse, be that good and bad, with a bi-partisan country if half the country is religiouse then there is going to be religion in politics and law. Personally I don't think it's ever going to be achieved with the argument of seperation of church and state, just because thats more of an ideal now a'days. Again the questoin comes, why are we actually talking about this? Homosexuality isn't a new thing, it's been around for years. There are reports of homosexuality in the dark ages, there are reports of homosexual acts even before the Dark Ages, why in the world is it such a big issue now? Honestly, I think the simple fact is, it's been over exposed by the media. I guess the old saying is "No news is good news, and only news sells." comes into play. (Hopefully if you've taken a Journalism class you've heard that moto atleast once.) I really wish it wasn't such a big deal, instead of people coming up to me everyday asking if I'm bi or gay and how I feel about it, I could just walk down the hall and not worry about a thing, just like a normal person. Homosexuals are no different then heterosexuals in a lot of instances. It's like saying a left hander in baseball shouldn't be allowed to bat because they're different, and it's not what the majority is. You'll never hear that because it's ludacris, and in a sense thats what I think it is in this instance as well. Ludacris. My whole basis of any argument is: [i]America was founded on the basic ideals of freedom, disregarding slavery. America has become more and more "free" pertaining to people as the yeras progress and this will be no different. It's just like the civil rights movement, or the women suffrage movement, it'll take time, but in the end it's just going to end the same. The simple fact is; people can ignore it for only so long. Either way it's no dirt on my back, because I know who I am, and I am fine with that. [/i] (Granted if you don't live in America I guess that argument really doesn't stand, but that's a different story I guess. I like how Otaku (including myself) seems to always generalize everything to America.) Can't we all just get a long ^.^ If you don't like homosexuality thats great, as I said before, who effin cares? Just let people live their lives, and as long as I'm not hurting you then you shouldn't be hurting me. As Transtic Nerve (where is he anyways) [i]Lets get this straight....I'm not[/i] I just think it's funny something like that can make such an uproar. Oh well, people will be people. Still I don't understand why people have to descriminate towards people. Of course the descrimination goes both ways, I really don't think heterosexuals are the only ones descriminating towards the other side. I know for a fact some homosexuals absolutely can't stand heterosexuals. So in the end, both sides are at major faults in my book. [/COLOR]
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