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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]Plus when it comes to the fans, the fans are more excited at college games. Especially at the rival games. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] Thats true mostly. I'd have to say that any rival games in the NCAA beat out most games in the NFL when it comes to fans. But I have a question. Ever been to Kansas City? Arrowhead is ALWAYS packed even when we are doing crappy. We KC fans are phsycotic about football. Its insane here. I love it. But I must say a Raiders/Chiefs game at Arrowhead is by far the most intense fanwise that I have ever seen!
  2. I guess seeing as all of you have taken time to respond here I should atleast thank you, and I guess you all have the right to here my story. (Plus the fact someone suggested this and I'm desperate) Also if you read my story "Memories" you'd understand some of it, well most of it... Ok I have several things bothering me right now, but I'll just list a few...First and probably the most is... 1) My father: My first father did beat me for a while but stopped. He actually did love me. Or atleast thats what I felt, but when I was 9 he sent me a letter stating I wasn't his real son. So now I don't have a real father. I've tried calling him, and getting in touch with him but everytime I do he hangs up on me, or this lady answeres. Which I'm not stupid, either his wife or girlfriend, but its just really ackward. I hate it. I feel like **** everytime I try to get back to him, or think about it. It makes me feel worthless. If my own dad doesn't even want me, who would? 2) My step father: Ok heres the picture. You have me emotionally scared, crying everyday, and missing my father. My step father waltzes in, promising everything. You know the Knight in Shining Armor ruotine. And so naturally I get alittle happy and he grows on me. Well this was cool for a couple of years. Two to be exact. He was great, did what he promised. I was actually happy again. Then he started beating me. He does it worse than my real dad. Its almost every night now. I actually go to school with make-up on now to cover up my bruises. A guy wearing make up in a catholic school doesn't go far. Well thats another thing. Back to the subject. So he decides anytime something is wrong with his life he makes me feel it. Which leads me to the question. Are all "dads" lying caniving bastards? 3) School: Well I touched on this alittle before. I have hardly any friends due to the fact that I have to wear make-up. THe popular name at school for me is ***. I'm constantly jumped and made fun of like crazy. 4) Friend: Well I've had one friend my whole life. In real life not on the web. He was a great friend, and we got along perfectly. He was actually semi-popular and tried to get me involved in school events. This helped me greatly. I saw him trying and saw that there was hope, and that someone did care. Well he committed suicide not to long ago so now noone cares in my life. If someone like him could commit suicide why couldn't I? He was the only person that cared for me and actually tried to help me, but he's gone. So why shouldn't I? (There are more minor ones but these are the major ones that affect me everyday...)
  3. [i]Bullets tore through the house Rev laid in. Rev cursed under his breath.[/i] "How the hell am I gonna get out of this!?" [i]Pieces of brick through everywhere as bullets shreaded the house. There had to have been at least 2 tanks out there. "Why were they concentrating so much on me?!" Rev thought. Then he realized. They saw his rifle. They were trying to take the snipers out.[/i] "Great...just great" [i]Suddenly the bullets halted. Rev sighed. He then heard the screaching of meddle. He cursed loudly. The tanks were aiming at the building, with no just their bullets now. He had to get out. He sighed. [b]I'm going to be filled with hundreds of holes if I don't get my *** in gear.[/b] Rev thought. He crouched and walked to the door. He poked his head outside to see three tanks all aiming their guns at him. He sighed. He then got an idea. He would wait untill they fired then sprint like crazy. He was going to try and get aroudn them and shove some grenades in them. It was his best chance. There was a moment pause then the guns began cocking back. Rev didn't wait a second longer. He ran. He skidded into the first building safely. He fell to the ground as pieces of the building he was just in flew everyway. The tanks turned towards the building he was in and aimed their guns again.[/i] "God damn won't they quit!" [i]He took off again and began running. A glimpse of metal in a window caught his eye. As he ran he saw a Springfield rifle in the window. He had to warn them. He yelled but as he did a piece of brick flew and hit him in the head knocking him un-conciouse. Abob scouting with his rifle saw Rev be hit with a brick. He cursed. He needed to get Rev outta there before he got killed. Rev shouted for someone to come over to him.[/i] OOC: I know this post REALLy sucks but I've been gone for a while so thats my excuse..
  4. (Oh gosh I had to catch up. Stupid T-day trip with no computer!) [i] Rev walked as fast as he could with Katiya in his arms. He didn't think it was to seriouse, but he wasn't a doctor.[/i] "Some first day..." [i]He continued walked looking down at Katiya every once in a while making sure she hadn't woken up. Katiya fascinated him. Maybe because she was just like him as a student. He didn't know. Footsteps interrupted his thoughts. He turned his head to see Ariadne jogging towards him. Rev contained and blush and nodded towards her. "No time to be cutsie, you've got a problem here you idiot." Rev thought. Ariadne caught up looking down at the girl worridly.[/i] Ariadne: "Has she moved at all..." [i]Rev shook his head slowly.[/i] "No....Not on muscle..." [i]Ariadne nodded and the concern on her face grew. The two of them continued walking. Rev looked out the window, it was still raining. What a sight to see, rain. It was the beauty of nature. THe tears of sadness and the tears of joy. He loved rain. Shaking his head he set his face to a grim determination. He had a student to take care of. As they rounded a corner they saw the clinic. Rev sighed and walked into the clinic with Ariadne at his side and Katiya in his arms.[/i]
  5. Heero: REEEELLLEEENNNAAA!!! Releena: Eww get off of me! Like totally boy cooties! [i]Duo sits in a corner[/i] "Mighty morphin power rangers!!" [i]Heero comes over and pouts[/i] "I WANT THE RED ONE!!!" Duo: NO you have the pink one! [i]Wufei joins in[/i] "Blue ranger is all mine!" [i]Qautre eyes the three of them..[/i] "THose are for sissy's! Lets kick some seriouse OZ *** now!"
  6. Its really hard to answer this question.... College football. Has always been exciting. There are two main reasons for this. A) They are still in college. There are alot more mistakes happening in college. More opportunites for those "Big Plays." Also the coaches are much bolder. Another thing is that trick plays are so much more common in colllege. B) The players arn't being paid. Their reward is playing, and going to the NFL. The reason you have so many great college players is they are working for something. They still play the game for the love of it. However once you hit NFL some people only play for the money. Which really drags the NFL down. NCAA is so popular because the electricity running from the younger kids. The players are so much younger in college. They have so much more enthusiasm. Well ok that was really more than two, big whoop. NFL also has been great. A) Its the best of the best. What is more enjoyable than watcvhing the best players duke it out in an all or nothing match? There is so much emotion, blood, sweat, and tears put into one game. There is one downside to NFL though...If a guy gets a sprained ankle they are out. Anyone under the NFL plays with broken fingers and torn legiments. They arn't worried about the money like the NFL is. Thats the only downside to the NFL....Money. [b]EDIT[/b]: Crap I messed up, I ment to say both not NCAA
  7. My school starts at 7:30 and I'd have to say everyone in our school is dead for atleats the first hour. 'Cept me. I've discovered the miracle of our schools Cappaccino machine! So yeah I'm pretty much wired in the morning. However before I get that coffee, you could hit me in the head with a baseball bat and I wouldn't know. But yes tests are definatly affected in the morning! Even though its the opposite with me because of caffeine withdraws!
  8. Hey I just wanted to tell you all that I will be gone untill Sunday. So if you do start this by then, could you introduce me for me. Preferably Boba Fett do it, but it doesn't really matter. Anyways I just wanted to tell you all. Have a great Thanksgiving!
  9. OOC: I too will be gone, I have to leave tommorrow morning at 1 am (Central) to go to Memphis where I won't have any internet till I get back on Sunday. Have a nice thanksgiving all!
  10. [i]Rev looked at her and blushed. He smiled and nodded.[/i] "I'd be more than happy to..." [i]The two looked at eachother and blushed. It began to rain heavier, and Rev was soon soaked. He laughed.[/i] "Guess I should get inside too..." Ariadne: "Yeah that sounds like a good idea..." [i]She giggled. Rev stepped in and slipped. He fell into her. She instinctively caught him. He looked up at her and blushed again.[/i] "Slippery..." [i]She giggled slightly. Rev being embaressed began to walk off.[/i] Ariadne: "Hey Rev, see you in class.." [i]Rev turned around and smiled. His cheeks were a crimson red.[/i] "Ok!"
  11. Sui Generis


    Has anyone heard of this band? If so what do you think of them? Personally I think they are all awesome. I never was that into girl-rock bands just for the fact most of 'em weren't that good, but these gals kick some seriouse rock ***! I love 'em. However I only have [i][b]Spit[/b][/i] does anyone have [i][b]ORACLE[/i][/b]? If so is it good?
  12. Name: Jack Lee-Vy Kie (Pronounced KEY) Age: 15 Race: Andriod A/H/D/D/O: Vegas Kid Series 1 Number: BK-2863451 Weapons: Dagger (1), Sword (1) Appearance: White. Medium Heigth of 5'5. Has dirty blonde hair down to the back of his neck. His bangs cover his eyes. He has an athetlic build. He has a scar across his left shoulder from what he beleives to be a dragonoid. He wears baggy black raver pants, with red mesch pockets at the bottom. He wears a white sleavless shirt. False Memories: He had a mother and a father. His father ran out on him when he was 8. When he was 13 his mother was killed by a Draganoid. (The same that gave him his scar.) After his mother was killed he began wondering around searching for Draganoids and Dragoons. He was born in Las Vegas but now is wondering around Oregon. He does not realize he is an android. However when he does find out he will still use his name, Jack.
  13. Name: Lark Velo Age: 14 Rank: Padawan (Abob's padawa) Homeworld: Coruscant Weapons: Maroon Lightsaber and blaster Alliance: The New Republic Vehicle: An A-Wing Vehicle Description: Completely silver with a black streak down the sides. Force Capabilities: He can do simple mind-tricks. And is able to move small objects. Bio: Lark grew up on Coruscant running around playing Jedi with his friends. 2 months ago he bumped into Abob on his way to the food market. Abob saw that his medi-chloreen level was high, and decided to take him into training. Lark is a determined young man, who often makes smart remarks when he thinks he has the upper hand. He is often quiet around other Jedi's and is respectable towards elders.
  14. Ok, I understand it now. Thanks to all of you for clearing that up. I'll make sure and use the "Report this post to a moderator" button more often now. Again thanks for taking the time to answer my question.
  15. I know I've only posted twice and prolly haven't really affected this RPG at all but I just wanted to tell you all that I have to drop out. You can use the character however you want, if you want. Sorry for not posting much I've been really busy. I just figured that even if I didn't really do anything in this RPG I owed you the curtousy to tell you all.... Have fun in the rest of this RPG...
  16. Can I make a complete guess? If so I'll say... Wow its hard....either Peacecraft of Yuy... I'll say Yuy... Knowing me they both were wrong o.O:rolleyes:
  17. Hey thats good, I like it. The emotions in it are very well put together. I like it alot! Good job!
  18. Recently I've seen/heard alot of mods say to the members "Stop playing mod." And I was wondering what exactly is "playing mod?" I mean is there a line from being a dedicated member and sucking up? I do what some mods call "playing mod" but I do it just because I care for the boards, not that I'm sucking up. I was just curiose, sorry for the bother.
  19. Uhm...quick question. How are you going to start this? Like will you post the rules and such in here and then say good luck or what?
  20. [i]Rev continued walking towards the medical hall. He looked over at Katiya who was walking with her eyes straight forward.[/i] "You know that drawing you did was good..I didn't mean to be noisey, but it was open." Katiya: "Its ok, thank you." [i]Rev smiled and nodded.[/i] "You know I did that samething, the first time I went into the garden. Fall asleep I mean...Its very peaceful in there." [i]As Rev finished that sentence Ariadne turned the corner. Rev saw her and blushed slightly. Katiya had been watching him as he talked and had noticed Rev blush.[/i] Ariadne: Hi Rev. "Hi...Ariadne.." OOC: SHORT I KNOW BUT I HAVE WB
  21. Well I have to vote for Juu. Just because she wants me too. o.O Go figure. She misses the outside terribly. Lol
  22. I'm sure there is one thread about this. Prolly more. Is there anything that helps you in depression? Lately I've been sinking into depression more and more, even to the point where I tried to kill myself earlier today. I can't control it and sometimes wish it would end. What can I do to get rid of this? I've tried everything, but everything I do just seems to make everything worse..... Theres been a lot going on lately in my life. ANd I haven't been able to handel it too well. Is there anything you guys know that helps you get off of depression, so that you can concentrate on your own life? Not your misery in your life.
  23. I have to say it was good. I stopped watching it about a year ago. The newer seasons arn't that good, I'm sorry. I mean its an itneresting concept and all. But ya know it reminds me too much of a soap opera so I can't watch it anymore without thinking of "The Young and the Restless" or something like that. It scares me.... [i]Hides from all the soap operas.[/i]:bawl: :nervous:
  24. Well I think its a pretty cute/funny idea, but like Asphyxia said, the rhyming scheme sounds forced. The only thinK I really can suggest is try working on sentence structure and so on to get your lines to flow smoother. But yeah as scary as it is I agree with Lady Asphyxia.... (Also for future reference if you want to post a new poem, post it in on of your older poem topics. Don't make two topics for two poems.)
  25. [i]Rev looked back at the girl staring at him wondering why in the world she was. He shook his head softly and looked back down at the counter. The bar tender had given him his drink and he began sipping on it slowly. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her. She grinned slightly as he looked away.[/i] "Angel your bounty is mine...." [i]Rev muttered this under his breath as he studied her. He continued drinking trying to make her stop staring at him. Finally she stood up and slide the bartender some money. The two discussed something and he caught the bartender taking a quick glance toward him. Angel smiled to the bartender and slipped two more coins. Rev sighed and continued drinking. Angel started walking as if heading towards the door but turned and began walking towards Rev. Rev watched her as she slowly crept her way towards him, trying to be as un-noticable as possible. When she was 10-feet from his back she began pulling out a gun.[/i] "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." [i]Angel hesitated for a moment suprised that he knew she was there, but then held the gun to the back of his head.[/i] Angel: "And why not?" Rev: "Look down..." [i]Angel looked down to see a gun pointing at her stomach.[/i] "I don't think it would do to well for someone as beautiful as you to be missing a stomach now do you?" [i]Rev smirked and turned facing her. He looked at her with his icy-blue eyes.[/i] "You've got quite a heafty bounty on your head, Angel. Or should I say Ms. Ariadne Kittana. Infact that would help quite nicely on a few payments I need to make off..."
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