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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[i]Rev flopped onto his bed and sighed. It had been a bad first lesson in his mind. The students were too distracted. They all had problems. Maybe he could finally forget about his own. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled, the day was going to get better. He brushed off his uniform then walked out of his room. He began walking to his normal destination. The garden. He loved the garden. He entered the garden quietly and sighed. IT felt great to be away from it all. He walked around brushing his hand against the flowers. He was walking when he saw a small piece of metal glint in the sun. He looked towards the direction and saw Katiya lying asleep on the ground with her sketch-book still open.[/i] "Probably should wake her up..." [i]Rev walked towards her. As he got closer he saw the picture. One person was obviously her, but who were the others. This made Rev alittle un-easy, she normally only drew scenery from what he knew. But he didn't know that much about these people . He shruged. It didn't matter. He looked down at Katiya and sighed. She was peaceful, it wouldn't be good to wake her. He looked at the sketch-book again and sat there for a moment. He was interested in seeing what was in it, but knew that would be rude. He sighed and walked a couple feet from her and began looking at flowers again.[/i]
Sign Up Would anybody be intersted to be a part of a quite big project (RPG)?
Sui Generis replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
Sounds great. I would be glad to help you in anyway that I that I know possible! Honestly my strenghts are the same as Mitch's, with the whole writing and makign up stuff. But I'm sure if I need to I can find another way to help! -
I personally think its a bunch of bull but thats ok. Honestly we have to fight for everything in life. Thats yesterdays new too. But any one with half an ounce of common sense would know that there are more ways that you have to fight besides physically. Don't worry about it at all. I pretty much think its stupid...
Don't worry you arn't being to critical Lady A, I want all the criticism I can get. Although all the compliments are really encouraging. Thanks guys! I tried seperating them, but thats the part I'm worst at so sorry. I don't really know how to seperate paragraphs.
[i]Lalaith nodded as he listened to Strider's tale. He then walked off towards the forest. He was worried. No matter where they went evil followed. He sighed. They'd have to take a dangerouse route. Away from all villages. He musn't allow innocents to be massacred like the village they were heading towards. The images of the body parts made his stomach lurch. He sighed and went back to the fellowship. He cleared his throat trying to get everyone's attention.[/i] "We're going to leave in one hour. Get rest. The road is going to get harder. We are going to avoid all villages-" Lauren: "Do you think that is wise?" "Lauren it seems evil's black hand follows us. If I lead us into another village and more innocents are killed, I'm afraid I'll be the one to be blamed. We can't let so many innocents die. We'll have to travel through the forest." [i]Lalaith sighed. The forest was dangerouse. THey would eventually cross Gu'Loak. The darkest forest of them all. It would be very dangerouse.[/i]
OtakuBoards has been great for me. I think its helped me out alot. Yes, I've met people here. And I know for a fact its saved my life. Otaku itself hasn't but the people here have. I've met some of my best friends here. I love it! If I never had foudn this place I would be alot different. For one thing the question of me being alive would be there. I've learned alot here. I've matured alot through this boards also. Its quite funny to look at some of my first posts then come back and look at the ones now. Theres a huge difference, and I think thats because of this place. I've learned to express my feelings better. Also its developed many interests for me. I came here a mild anime fan who saw Gundam Wing once, and now I'm an avid fan. I have all the DVD/TAPES of Gundam Wing, Posters galore, models, and Pictures thanks to this place. I've also become a much better writer thanks to the people here. I owe alot to OtakuBoards. Thanks Otaku!
I wanna play one inning in a major league baseball game. I want to visit Japan. I want to be a published author. I want to have kids with a loving wife. I want to be a Moderator for just one day. Lol I had to put that in there, but its true.
[i]Rev sighed and rubbed the back of his head. He walked around the room and picked up the trash that was now on the floor. It was a disaster. He'd done terrible. These kids had alot of potential, he didn't want to ruin this. He sighed, and crumpled up the paper. He walked to the trash can and threw it away. He decided he would rest in his room for 30 minutes. He began walking out when Ariadne spoke.[/i] Ariadne: "Good job.." [i]Rev continued looking forward. The with a soft voice said.[/i] "Thanks" [i]He then walked off towards his room.[/i]
Hey quick qeustion do they do the Cowboy Bebop theme.
Wow thats cool! I think I've found a new band! They are awesome! For some reason it reminds me of an anime opening theme song...which one though? Oh well... I love em! *continues listening* Just a quick queston where do I go to get the clips? I can't read Japanese..:drunk:
ITs a good story. You need to spell check a couple spots, but thats not a big deal. I like how it ended. However it was a tid bit confusing, but hey its all good.
My mom has been saying the same thing lol. I personally think that they are trying to get more money. I mean Christmas is the highest grossing holiday, they prolly figure the earlier the start the more they get. (They being stores and such)
I shivered. The once warm coffee was now cooling off, and the wind had picked up. It was colder than before. Was this really from the coffee or was it from something else? Every step taken seemed to bring more thoughts in my head. Maybe it was because I was alone? I laughed. What kind of answer was that? Dad was right, I am weak. That was the end of my thinking. I shoved my hands in my pocket and continued on my walk. It was still dark out. Nothing moved, there was complete silence. Looking at my hands I realized I was shaking. I sighed. What I needed to do was relax. I flipped my backpack off my back and allowed it to hit the ground. A dull thud echoed through the street. After scattering my books I found what I was looking for. I smirked. My dad's lighter and a pack of Camels. I slowly lit one of the small cigarettes. Taking in a long drag I smiled. Mom said I shouldn't smoke, it was bad for me. That made no sense, I can't smoke yet Dad was still around. He was far worse than any cigarette. I sat down and savored the cigarette; the small red embers at the tip were the only lights in the baron street. Halfway through the cigarette I stood up. Time to get to school. I had roughly an hour to go. That hour dragged on forever. I had just finished my third cigarette when the school appeared on the horizon. Kids were already entering the school. Cursing under my breath I trudged the rest of the way angry with myself. I normally arrived before everyone else. Doing this gave me time to put everything away and get to class before anyone got the chance to beat me up or tease me. As I walked in more people were staring at me then usual. Sure I had my fair share of stares, but many just ignored me. This bugged me, I was getting way to many stares, something was up. I sighed and began walking towards the green double-doors of the entrance of my school. As I was about to enter two people came to me. Rob and Evan. I sighed. They had fun torturing me everyday after school, yet it seemed today I was lucky enough to get an extra helping. They walked up to me and pulled on my backpack. This threw me off balance, and I stumbled backwards. They laughed and began pacing around me as if I was some animal they had been hunting. Suddenly Rob burst into Laughter. "My god the ***'s make-up is running!" Evan barked a laugh and seizing the opportunity moved in for the kill. "Here let me fix that for ya buddy!" I backed away slightly. "No its-" before I could finish the sentence Evan landed a forceful punch on my mouth. I stumbled back and spat some of the free flowing blood out of my mouth. My mouth was covered in blood. Rob smiled, and grabbed me. Evan smirked then began walking towards me. I struggled frantically to get out of Rob's grip. Rob pulled my arm behind my back, then began pushing up. Pain shot through my arm. I winced. "Better stop or else it'll get worse," Rob remarked spitely. He pushed up harder to emphasize "Worse." He wasn't afraid to break my arm and I knew that. Evan barked a laugh when he reached me. He smirked then raised his arm back. "Here it comes.." With a devious smirk he punched me in the stomach with all his might. My body rose into the air from the force of the blow, I then fell to the ground. All oxygen that was in my body was now gone. My stomach gave a lurch and I began coughing. Blood came flying out with every cough. Rob and Evan pleased with themselves walked into the school laughing. I struggled up and began wheezing. I then walked into the school building, and headed for the bathroom. As I reached the bathroom I walked in. The bathroom was empty; I walked towards the mirror. As I looked into it I mutter, "Welcome to hell." I tried your advise Lady Ashpyxia, what do ya'all think?
I'm really sorry. I've had my share of problems, just ask Mike. I would honestly tell you what I did, but what I did was a bad idea. Just write what you feel. Don't hide it. Thats the worse thing you could do. Confront your mother about this whole situation. Be the parent for her, if you get what I'm saying. This may be hard but she needs it. Anyways I'm really sorry to here it, and good luck
[i]Rev looked around frantically.[/i] "Damnit! Where is the medic?! Daniel cover me!" [i]Daniel nodded and stayed at the door waiting just incase a kraut came. Rev threw his bag onto the ground and started searching through it.[/i] Daniel: "What are you doing?" Rev: "Rule number one, always be prepared..." Daniel: "I thought that was the boyscouts' moto.." Rev: "Shut up!" [i]Rev grinned as Daniel said that. Daniel laughed slightly. Rev sighed as he found the needle and thread. He then took out one of his bullets. He handed it to Arkis.[/i] "Bite this, what I'm gonna do is gonna hurt like a *****." [i]Arkis nodded and bit the bullet. Rev slowly threaded the needle then stuck the needle into Arkis's shoulder. Arkis winced slightly then relaxed. Rev slowly began sowing up the hole in Arkis's shoulder. As he finished he bit the end of the thread and tied it into a knot. Rev stood up and put the needle back into his pack. He then put it back onto his back. He grabbed his Springfield then went to Daniel.[/i] "Arkis you'll be alright, gonna be sore as hell though. Daniel, good luck. I gotta get some cover fire. Here, I won't need these." [i]Rev handed Arkis his grenades. Then nodded. Rev looked out into the battle and saw the tanks coming towards the building. He cursed then sighed. He ran out and made sure to get the tanks attention, then he began to run. He ran like hell. Bullets tore through the ground all around him.[/i]
[i]Rev faught against John and began being angry. He easily dodged John's punch and kicked him in the side of the head. John stumbled and fell down. Rev lifted his leg and dropped it down towards John, he stopped two inches from his head. He backed up angry. He let the sweat trickle down his face.[/i] "Get up..." [i]John stumbled up slowly.[/i] "If I catch you drinking one more time, just one I'll make sure you never see the battle field. Got it?" [i]Rev turned and walked away he then went to the front of the class and studied the fighters for a couple minutes. He then cleared his throat.[/i] "Alright! Go to your rooms, get something to eat, rest and come back. Instructor Ariadne will begin teaching you the basics on weaponry when you get back. Be back here in 0200 hours! Dismissed!" [i]Rev glared at John's back as he walked out. He then turned and complemented the trainees as they walked out. Katiya walked past him.[/i] "Katiya!" [i]She turned around slowly.[/i] "Good job. Keep working at it, you'll be a top student.." [i]She nodded and walked away. Rev walked over to Ariadne.[/i] "I don't like this. John's being a fool."
Actually thats the funny part. People get so caught up in being "original" they only end up copying people. Yeah and alot of freshman (luckily not me) do that at our school to. Really stupid. Oh well, they'll learn! Although I do wanna get my eye brow pierced
Well my advice really depends on what age group you/the class is in. Personally I enjoy it if the presentation is actually directed to me. You know? You get those presentations where it feels like all they are doing is talking to the teachers. Put alittle character in it. Sure I'd be interested in the facts, but if thats all I wanted I'd hop on the net and with in 5 minutes could have more than you stated in your presentation most likely. So all I gotta say is make it interesting, don't make it all facts. That'll bore 'em to death. Character is always a plus...and also what Endymion said is great advice, it works beautifully if done right! Good luck!
[i]Rev turned around towards the board and smirked. Katiya reminded Rev too much of himself. She was exactly like him. He smirked again. He continued talking about tactics and counter attacks. He led the explanation into countering a punch. The basics of course, but he wanted them to be perfect in every aspect. He turned around from the board and noticed Katiya drawing again. He looked at her. "Katiya pay attention...I know you're good." He thought as he looked at her. He sighed under his breath.[/i] "Katiya!" [i]Katiya jumped slightly then looked up.[/i] Katiya: "Sir?" "I suppose your were listening?" Katiya: "Yes sir!" "Very well, then come up here. Demonstrate to the class how you counter my punch." Katiya: "Yes sir" [i]Katiya got up slowly and walked to the front of the class.[/i]
[i]Rev coughed from the dust and looked at the ground. Bodies were littered everywhere. He realized he didn't have his gun. He looked for it and saw it on the other side of the room. He cursed for his idiocy. A sniper and his gun must never seperate. As he thought this he heard two german voices and looked up. The were walking towards him guns locked onto him. He slide his hand behind his back and grabbed his pistol. He clenched the handel and watched them walk towards him. They smirked thinking they had him. They saw him as a sitting duck. They nodded at eachother and slowly began squeezing the trigger. Rev watched them, not moving, allowing the sweat to drip down his face freely. He counted in his head. 1...2...3...4...5...6..7..8...9..10! On ten he rolled to the side. The germans fired on Ten as he had expected. He felt a bullet skim his arm. He didn't think about it, he pulled his pistol out behind his back and shot the first german. Before the second German had a chance to react he dove at him, and tackled him. Daniel was sitting at his post ready to move. He waited to see if Rev would live or die. He didn't want to see him die, but he needed to know. He heard two gun shots and winced. It didn't sound good. He slowly began to crawl to the door when he heard another gun shot coming from the building. His ears perked he crawled back to the window in time to see Rev tackle the other German. He smiled. Rev was ok. He heard another shot ring out and saw the now blood splattered Rev to stand up for a brief moment. Rev looked down at the body. Rev had shot the man straight through the head. Where there once was a smirking face now was a gaping whole. Rev felt sick and wanted to hurl. He dismissed this. He had no time. He had to get out of this building, it wasn't good cover. He crawled to the other side of the room and grabbed his gun. The smell in the room was no horrible. Rev slowly heard the door and snuck down the stairs. He looked out a window and saw where Daniel was. He looked around and saw the Half-Track. He cursed. He couldn't help them. He glanced all around. Taking a deep breath he looked at the door to Daniel's building.[/i] "1....2....[b]3[/b]" [i]Rev ran towards the door. No bullets followed him and he let out a sigh of relief as he reached the door. He slowly slipped into the building and looked around making sure there were no Germans.[/i] "Daniel, you up there?"
[i]Rev looked up from where he was standing. He looked over towards Katiya.[/i] "You're an impatient one. You want a lesson, very well. Make sure to take notes. The more patient you are the better you will fight. I'm sure you've heard the saying "Patience is a virtue." Well thats true. Now sit still, and don't complain again." [i]Rev smiled at Katiya.[/i]
Wow, its very moving. Great job! I'm sorry I know you're prolly looking for some ways to fix it up and stuff, but I personally can't see any. Although I'm not to good at judging peoples writing. But again great! I loved it! I got caught up in it, you bring the reader into the story! Great again!
[i]Rev scanned the buildings looking for a glimpse of any soldiers. A piece of metal glistened in the sun and as he looked closer he saw it was a MG42. He knew he had to take out the opperators or else the platoon could suffer major casualties. As he moved his cross-hairs towards the gun he saw the opperator. One of his own, it was Daniel. He sighed and smiled with relief. He looked at Daniel through the scope and saw he was looking at something. Rev adjusted himself and looked to where Daniel was looking. He saw the German jeep un-loading.[/i] "Jackpot" [i]He then saw Craig. Rev cursed under his breath. He had to act quickly Craig hadn't even seen the Jeep yet. He focused his aim on what seemed to be the first guy getting out. The soldier jumped out of the jeep. Acting quickly Rev pulled his trigger. The German soldier never felt the ground again. The bullet went straight though his skull into his brain. The soldier was dead before he hit the ground. The rest of the soldiers looked around alarmed. Rev smiled. Easy targets now. He aimed and shot. Another dead. Craig now saw the Jeep and had halted. Rev saw one of the Germans point towards where Craig was. Without giving the soldier another second to speak Rev shot him in the back of the head. The soldier crumpled over the Jeep. There were only two left besides the driver. Rev aimed at another soldier and shot him. He too fell down dead. The driver, in a panic, drove off with two of the dead corpses still in the Jeep and the only live soldier left still in the Jeep. Rev grinned. Craig should be fine. He looked around with his scope and couldn't see anything else. Daniel was still in the other building. Rev slowly crept to the door, when he heard voices. German voices. They were downstairs. Rev cursed. He was trapped. He couldn't tell how many there were, but he knew they outnumbered him.[/i]
How could someone do that? People just don't think anymore do they? Thats so awful...I mean thats sick. Why would you do that? I don't understand... God that poor little girl. Thats just horrible...
[i]Rev watched as his platton advanced. He stayed on the ground covered in mud already. He scoped the area and saw a lone German walking towards the flank of the building. He watched him slowly. A captain he thought. He lined his cross-hairs up to the soldies head. He took a deep breath and held onto the trigger. The captain moved slightly. Rev smirked.[/i] "Bye Captain..." [i]He looked through the scope again making sure everything was lined up. Then squeezed the trigger. The sound of his gun ripped through the area and the bullet whizzed towards the captain. The captain's head re-coiled back as the bullet shot through his skull. The captain fell down dead. His body crumpled.[/i] "That should hold some of them Germans..." [i]With that Rev began moving again. It was too dangerouse for him to stay in one spot too long. He heard some shooting from his platoon and cursed. He needed to provide them back up. He slowly crept towards his platoon. He ran to the building that his platoon had entered. Several Germans were on the ground, one was wounded. He looked at the German for a second who was moaning in agony. For the first time he felt sympathy. He was use to seeing dead bodies, he was a sniper. But never a wounded man. The man was dying obviously. Rev came over to the German who was muttering something in German. Rev untied his canteen and held out his with the canteen towards the soldier. The German looked at Rev questioningly then took the canteen. He opened it and began drinking. Rev nodded and continued on. He walked out of the building and looked both ways. He checked every building looking for a sniper. Nothing. He ran to one of the buildings. As he ran through it he heard the sound of gun fire. He nodded. He was close. As he came out the other side of the building he saw his platoon 50 yards away. With their cover he ran into a building and came to a window. He settled into a comfortable position making sure his head wasn't visible. He then scoped the German forces. He spotted another sniper. He was rested in a building 40 yards from his German company. Rev looked through the scope. His cross-hairs settled on the sniper. As he waited for the perfect shot the other sniper shot. He didn't here it hit anything. He sighed and prayed it hadn't hit one of his own. He then squeezed the trigger and relaxed as the bullet hit the sniper in the chest. The sniper then fell out of the window and hit the ground. These snipers weren't very well trained. He dismissed the thought, knowing they would get better. He then began picking out German soldiers.[/i]