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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [i]Wufei slips into the bath to see Heero's rubber duckie. He smiles, grabs it, and puts it into the bath with him.[/i] "Rubber duckie, you're the one! Making bath time lots of fun!" [i]Continues singing.[/i] [i]Heero jumps into Zero.[/i] "Mission Accepted.." [i]As he nears his site.[/i] "Hi my name is....what...my name is...WHAT....My name is shika slim.. HEEERRROOOOOO!!!!"
  2. Thanks for all the compliments guys! And Lady Asphyxia I'll try that in my next paragrpah see how it works out! Of course it'll prolly be much better! *shrugs* Anyway I should have some more up pretty soon, I would've had some up yesterday but I was alittle busy! Again thanks for all the compliments!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bremma [/i] [B]Laiaith: His last name IS Malfoy, his first name is Draco. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks sorry about that....Man I shoulda slept last night...
  4. OOC: Sorry I haven't posted, been very busy... [i]Rev saw John walk out.[/i] "I don't like this." [i]Rev took a glance at Setsuna then understood.[/i] Ariadne: "What?" "Troubles in class already, I'll be back." [i]Rev sighed and walked into the hall way seeing John sitting there crying with a bloody fist. He looked over at the wall surprised.[/i] "Well that had to hurt a bit..." [i]John jumped at the sound of Rev's voice then tried to quickly cover up his tears.[/i] "Don't worry about it, I've done it too." [i]Rev smiled then helped John up.[/i] "Go to your room, and clean up a bit. Wash your hand, wash off your tears, and clear your thoughts. Don't worry if you're late." [i]Rev nodded towards John and walked back into the room. He smiled to Ariadne and walked up to her. He leaned over and whispered inot ther ear.[/i] "John's gonna be late. Don't worry about it."
  5. [i]Lalaith ran towards his wounded friend. An orc saw him running and changed at him. Lalaith continued running and swung his sword backwards in time to sever the head from the running orc. He continued hoping over dead bodies and dodging orcs. As he got closer to Abob he slid to Abob's side. He helped him sit up. Lalaith looked down at this friend's wound. It looked back. Then something hit him. This wasn't the first time he'd been hit there. This wasn't good. He tried to keep his face set, but he knew Abob could see the worried look in his eyes.[/i] "Don't waste your energy..rest. When we move we will carry you.." Abob: "I should be fine soon.." "I don't want to take that chance..Strider come over here!" [i]Strider ran towards Lalaith and when he got there he nodded.[/i] Strider: "Yes?" [i]Lalaith leaned over and whispered something into his ear. As Strider ran off he smiled.[/i] "You'll be traveling in style my friend, on a cart, you'll get plenty of rest!" Abob: "Lalaith you don't have to do this.." "Oh come on, you must be insane not to want to ride in a cart!" [i]Lalaith smiled. He lent over and took a weed out of the ground. He smashed it with the butt of his sword then applied it to the wound.[/i] "Thats the extent of my knowledge my friend, its a simple elven trick to slow down the bleeding. Of course you know this.." [i]Ryan arrived and nodded at both of them. Lalaith sighed. He had to check up on the rest of the fellowship. He stood up and looked at Ryan.[/i] "See what else you can do to help him." [i]With that Lalaith walked off to check up on the rest of the fellowship trying to keep his features set.[/i]
  6. Name: Draco Malfoy House: Slytherin Year of School: 5 Personality: Smug, Rude, Stuck up, (The usual rich snob/bully at school) Appearance: Medium heigth, Slick black hair, Pale, always has a new outfit. Type of Wand: (I don't know his so I'll make mine up) 9 inches, Minataur Horn, Oak Subject Mastered: Potions (I'm not sure the whole name, but oh well) Misc: Malfoy has a sharp tongue and doesn't take anything from anyone. If he thinks he can't take some one on he sends his gooneys on them. He sucks up to most teachers (ECSPECIALLY Proffessor Snape) so that he can get away with the stuff he does. He's a great flyer and is on the quidditch team for Slytherin P.S: Sorry it took me forever to sign up, I was too busy yesterday to get on Otaku.
  7. Oh man the whole concept is hilariouse! A piece of candy kicking the crap out of the destroyer of human kind! I mean where else wil you ever see that?! "Mommy!" Oh man thats great! I laughed so hard!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]You of course were never a kid and never stupid....you were born smart and charming, right?...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Of course he was!! I mean its TN! Also I have to admit that OB takes care of their problems rather well!
  9. Name: Bryan Kellogg Partner: Corey Roos E-Mail: [email]bkellogg06@stasaints.net[/email] Personality: All I gotta say is don't give me coffee. I can get really weird ecspecially around strangers! I'll go through stages where I'll be really loud then I'll get really quite. [b]IF[/b] you do give me coffee I'll be running around like a chicken with its head cut off all day long. I also plea insanity! [i]Twitches[/i] Reason: Well it sounds really fun! I watched some of the Amazing Race and well this sounds like a clever idear. Besides who wouldn't want to run around like an insane freak all around the OtakuBoards trying to figure stuff out?! Its like totally out of one of my dreams! [i]Dreamy sigh[/i] Luxury Item: GUN! Can I have a gun? I mean that way if people make me mad I can just shoot them?! No? Ok... [b]Luxury Item:[/b] Laptop (Yes I had some coffee...)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]Hey! And my first thread as Dan_Lucking, where I insulted you all and you all gave me 5 stars.. so I gave you all 5 stars... I'm amazed I wasn't banned... [/B][/QUOTE] That was YOU? [i]Laughs[/i] I remember posting one thread where I basically begged for stars, that was pathetic.... Well as Otaku has matured the members have too. Thats a great thing about them
  11. Ok I'm writing a story and I'm not too far yet, I already have most of it planned out just wanted to see how its coming via you all. So C&C wanted! Also right now the title may not make sense but as I go on I'm sure it'll start making sense...Also it deals with mature content...Abuse and such. [b]"People say the past never comes back. Then how come everytime I look at the scars on my arm, the memories flood in?"[/b] It had been another late night. Dad had been drinking again, and it was my turn. The usual sounds rang through the house; Mom screaming, glass and plates shattering, Father yelling, and the occasional thud of me hitting the wall headfirst. Naturally our neighbors heard it all and called the cops. Father expected this (after all he did it at least twice a week) and even though he was drunk he slithered his way out of it again. Apparently I had been skateboarding in the house and had fallen into the China cabinet. This explained the blood pouring down my face, the broken china, and the pieces of skateboard strewn all over the floor. The cops being the noisy people they are asked me if this was true. With a quick glance at my dad I knew I had to lie, or else it was only going to get worse. Besides, who would believe me anyway? So with a straight face I lied to the officers. It was my duty as a son, keep my perfect dad out of jail. The officers bought the story, and even offered us an escort to the hospital. I shook my head stating it was only a small cut and that I'd had worse. Which was true, just not from an "accident." The officers looked at me for a moment, then nodded. Pleased they walked back to their vehicle. No doubt they'd enter yet another "Domestic Disturbance" file into our already over flowing record. I woke up early the next morning, at four if you want to be exact. I quickly turned off the alarm hoping not to disturb my loving Dad. I then crept into my mom's room, and took the make-up from her cabinet. With the make-up I walked silently to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, there were a lot of them, cuts and bruises that is. I shook my head, luckily last night wasn't bad, thanks to the cops he had stopped early. I looked down at the assortment of make-up and frowned, the foundation was running low. I sighed and slowly squeezed the tube letting the gunk ooze out onto my fingers. I then began applying it onto my face, putting more on some places than others. I winced as my fingers slide over the cuts, the foundation made the cuts sting like hell. After I was done with the foundation, I quickly applied some mascara and eyeliner to add more color to my face, and hopefully cover up my black eye. To some the thought of boys putting on make-up was ridiculous, but I've grown up doing it all the time, attempting to cover up any incidents of the previous night. Of course that probably why everyone calls me "***." I finished applying the make-up and smiled, I'd done a good job. Stepping out of the bathroom I made sure not to make any noise. With my arms full I snuck back into Mom's room. I stood at the side of the bed watching her sleep. Did she really care how I felt? She told me she loved me, then why did she let him do this too me? I stood there for a second longer then put all the make-up back where it was making sure everything was in the exact same place as it was before. I then walked back into the living room and grabbed my backpack. It was time to go to my other hell. I decided to skip breakfast and slid out the door. I walked out of the house and trudged in the darkness towards my school.... School...I sighed. School was a sanctuary for some just like home was. To me they both were Hell. I shivered slightly it was just starting to get chilly outside, and father still thought it was warm enough for me to go with my torn clothes. I rubbed my arms and felt the goose bumps all over. I began walking faster. It was to cold, I decided to take a short cut. I jogged over to the side of a house. It was John's, my only friend. There was a light on in his room, he must've just woken up. I decided not to bother him, his mom would give him a ride so he didn't need to be ready for another hour and a half. I hoped over his fence silently and walked through his backyard. I hoped over the back fence and continued walking. I thought about the night before as I walked. Why hadn't I told the cops? What did it matter they wouldn't have listened anyway, would they? I shook my head. What did it matter? I sighed. Who cares! I looked down to see my clothes. My jeans were torn at the knees and the bottoms frayed. My shirt, if you could call it that, was frayed at the sleeves and had a huge tear in the right shoulder area. I looked like I'd gone to hell and back. I chuckled at this thought. I was going to hell, and then I'd go back. What a coincidence. I looked up again to see a car slowly driving towards me. As I looked at the car I noticed it was a '69 Shelby Mustang. I sighed, it was Frank. The "everyone wants to be like him, Mr. Perfect, rich, popular kid." As the car came next to me it stopped. "Hey ***! What's with the clothes?" Frank laughed at me, so did the others in the car. He then grabbed something and chucked it at me. As it hit me it exploded, the warm liquid covering my body. It burned. I flinched as it ran down my back. Hot coffee, I sat there as the car drove off letting the coffee drip down my face. I held back the tears. School was back to torture me again. This year it was high school, freshman. More like fresh meat. Again critics more than welcome, comments as well! I know its not really that great yet, but please suggest things anyways. I'll continue posting this as I work on it.
  12. [i]Duo walks into Heero's room going to wake him up.[/i] "Heero its time to get u-. Is that a DOLL?!" Heero: "Huh what? No its a new bomb! I just made it! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!! WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM? GET OUT!! GET OUT! GET OUT!!!" [i]Duo walks out of the room shaking his head.[/i] Heero: "Its ok Tootles he didn't mean it!" [i]Heero rubs the rag dolls hair.[/i] "I choose you NATAKU!!" [i]Wufei then runs and jumps into Nataku[/i] Nataku: Nata...Nataku...nat...Na!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]They blew their gundams up. In the end they said weapons known as mobile suits were never seen again. So its juat a rumor, not real. [/B][/QUOTE] Well see their is only one problem. In the tiem between Endless Waltz and the series all objects of war were supposedly "destroyed" so you never know its possible... I highly doubt it though...:bawl:
  14. [i]Rev flew through space smiling. His radio was blaring Eminem, "Lose Yourself", was screaming at him. He veins pumped with blood. He banked hard right just as a laser flew past him.[/i] "Oh come on Chalrai you can do better than that!" Chalrai: "You're mine! I'll get a handsome reward for you!" "Ha, you wish! The 50,000 Woolongs for your head will give me a nice addition to my ship here!" [i]Rev slammed on the breaks and Chalrai ship flew passed him. Rev smiled and shot his lasers. Rev then fired his missle at the engines. Rev smiled. Direct hit![/i] "Well looks like you're screwed! No engines, tisk tisk. Now make it easy on both of us and just surrender, then you'd just go to jail!" Chalrai: "Don't full yourself!" [i]Chalrai shot two missles at Rev's ship. Rev cursed then flew straight for them, at the last second he banked a hard left and avoided the missles by inches. He sighed letting out his breath.[/i] "Looks like your little attack didn't work pal, just give up!" CHalrai: "Don't get too happy!" [i]Chalrai laughed. Rev looked back and saw the missles coming back at him. [/i] "Crap!" Chalrai: "Boom!" [i]Rev laughed[/i] "Not yet!" [i]He slammed on the thrust and he flew as fast as he could towards the immobile ship. He starred down the ship, Chalrai's voice could be heard in the backroom screaming at him. He smirked. He dove down at the last second avoiding him. The missles came straight towards Chalrai's ship.[/i] Chalrai: "NO!!!" "Boom..." [i]Rev smirked as the ship blew up. THen he realized something.[/i] "Damnit, no money for that one..."
  15. Not too bad. Some of the flow sounds forced however which isn't a good thing. The first one however is just...I don't get it..o.O I don't know, it didn't make sense. Not really that bad, just not the best! Keep working at it though, you'll get better... (Besides your work is prolly better than mine)
  16. Name: Rev Wyly (SIR!) Platoon: 2nd Rank: Sergeant Gun: Springfield Sniper Rifle
  17. [i]Lalaith looked at the stream coming at him then turned to face the direction of the attackers. The stench of the dead was becoming horrible. This was no place for a battle but they could no longer run. The stream hit them, this wave only covered the tops of their feat. He grimaced as an arm brushes past his leg. He clenched his sword so that his knuckles were ghostly white, and he began trudging towards the orcs.[/i] "We will fight..." [i]Lalaith questioned himself. He sighed and led the group towards the horde. This was going to be a horrible battle. The orcs finally came into view they were running screaming. When they saw the sight fo the blood stream coming towards them they howled for joy. The sound was horrible, it pierced Lalaith's ears making him wince. Lalaith gripped his sword handle tighter then as he reached the first one pulled it out of his sheat and while doing this sliced the first orc through the chest. The fellowship came running up behind him. Lalaith began fighting the orcs. Looking he saw no end to the orcs. This was impossible, there were too many. He shook his head and continued fighting. These were orcs and only orcs, he'd faught these many times. As he began fighting he suddenly became aware of warm liquid dripping on his face and down his back. As he looked up he saw red falling from the sky, as one droplet hit his face and rolled into his mouth his face scrunched up. It was salty, blood. This was becoming disgusting, there certainly was magic involved, he hoped. He continued fighting the orcs trying to keep his balance as the stream's current got stronger. He didn't want to leave yet, he figured the orcs would lose their footing before the fellowship did.[/i] "We shall fight hard, we will not die, its not our time!" [i]Lalaith yelled this more as a reminded to himself than anything else. He began moving quicker. He began fighting harder, moving quicker, and striking without mercy. He no longer was thinking. There was a void in his mind. Nothing, just the battle. Side step, slice, thrust, block, attack. Thats all. Blood, orcs, death, swords, flesh, bone. That was all. Nothing else.[/i]
  18. Yeah I thought about my post after I posted it and was actually going to edit it but found you've posted again. Yeah when I put up my Edit I ment to say that I was wrong. I beleive that seeing as you are putting actual content in My Otaku then it prolly will be a good forum. I still question the fact that people will go to it, but thats just members not the forum itself. Anyway you guys normally do a great job, so I guess I can trust ya'all on this one. Oh and sorry!
  19. Well the removal of it was I guess good and bad. I would've rather had a warning stating that the Newbie Loungue was becoming spammy and that we needed to stop, and if there was I didn't see it and I apoligze. However this "My Otaku" thing. I don't like it at all. It just, I don't know. I don't think its going to be used at all, and its not quite as friendly. See what I'm trying to say? Oh well, its still Otaku Boards so I won't complain TOO Much.. [b]EDIT:[/b]I posted then saw James post. So there is gonna be some content in My Otaku. I guess it could work out. You never know. It prolly will though.
  20. Look I'm sick if your English stereotyping. Get the facts. We arn't the freaking police, nor are we trying to be the "KING". What I was saying was that, No country honestly has to confront another on its OWN problems. "Well, now you have an excuse. If you've just sent your nukes, you'd have the rest of the world in your neck." I don't understand what you are trying to say there.... I don't like war either. Hell I despise it, but the simple fact is people learn their lessons different ways. Suddam is one of those people where you actually have to show force for them to learn their lesson. He's not gonna go "Hm...you know what. What I'm doing is morally wrong, and killing thousands of people isn't right." just because we threaten him. Tell me where did we take the police role? Every single war we've entered we've been asked to enter. Hell don't you remember WW2. You guys were begging us to enter. We didn't take the role we simple helped other countries out. Is that a crime? Now to stay on topic...PM to finish this discussion
  21. Ok sorry. Thanks for clearing it up. The rumors been spreading around my school lately, and I wanted to know if it was true before it got out of hand! Anyways thanks again!
  22. I'm almost positive this was a complete rumor but I wanted to make sure. Ok I'm not really sure where I heard this but I heard it somewhere, can't remember. But I heard that supposedly another Gundam series is coming out with the cast of Gundam Wing. (Duo, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei) Is this true or not? Its been driving me insane! I must know if there is a hope that I can get more tapes and DVD's on them!! ^.^
  23. Oh it totally has to be Duo! [i]Someone whispers[/i] "Arn't you a guy?" [i]Coughs[/i] Oh right of course... Well I'd have to go with Relena. Just because she was the first anime girl I'd ever seen, plus I think her character is amazing. Although most people here seem to think not. [i]Remembers the countless debates he's had with people about Relena[/i]
  24. I think the oddest place I've seen it was in Hot Topic. I saw a Duo Maxwell costume on sale. This struck me as odd, I'm not sure why however, I just think its kinda odd. I think unfortunatly CN has played a role in Gundams growing popularity in America. Another is just simply the fact that through CN people saw it got interested, and more websites popped up. So poor innocent people just surfing the net found a website, started reading and thought it sounded cool so they checked it out. And I had something else I was going to say, but I forgot it...sorry.
  25. Duo: "Look at all the mobile suits! Lets dance!" Heero: "Well I guess I could let you go this time..." [i]At a Hair Salon[/i] Stylist: "So how much do you want off?" [i]Duo ponders for a second.[/i] "Ah hell just shave it all off!" [i]Deathscythe is seen flying towards the enemies[/i] Duo: "Damnit I'm tired of fighting, can't we all be friends?" [i]Deathscythe is then seen hugging the mobile suits[/i] Quatre: "The hell you talking about?! BLOOD PAIN AND TORTURE!!" [i]Sandrock punches Deathscythe then kills the Mobile Suits.[/i] Quatre: "BUHAHAHHAA". I'll post more in a bit... Dangit if only I could find my Duo on a Caffeine High story...>.
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