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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Hey after a while I finally found a pic of me! Well lalaith *sweatdrops*
  2. ArghI forgot Otaku Boards bleeped it out...I ment the "N" word...in other words [b][size=huge][color=red]BAD WORD ALERT[/size][/b][/color] Nig ger
  3. Personally I think BP is a great show. Some eps better than others but thats ok. I really liked the fact that they confronted the whole "******" issue. I was impressed by that. I mean you'll see shows about it everyonce in a while but you never see both sides, the pro's and con's. Also I like the fact that the teachers arn't all "We love eachother" it puts a more realistic affec to the show. Its a real down to Earth show that points out to America some of its problems in HighSchool.
  4. Wow I really like it. Of coures these are the types of pieces of writing that I truly enjoy! Sure it could be better, but honestly anyone's work could be, but I still love it! Hm...I'm not sure what your writing style is just because this is the only piece I've ever read from you, but I say stick with this one. Well don't stick with it but you know what I mean... Hopefully...
  5. OtakuBoards is great! Its held a place in my life for about 2 and a half years now. And I'll tell you its not just because I'm a net freak, or an anime freak. Its the members of this board that I truly enjoy. True that some of us have butted head a few times, but over all I must say that you all are very likeable people! There are quite a lot of memories I enjoy! If I were to list them all I'm afraid you all would probably have beards or would be laying dead in coffins. Sephiroth don't worry I still remember you, and respect you for what you were and what you are!
  6. Yeah, by the way Chris you can't double post! ;) So if you want to post something else you should edit the post you just made and put it in there! Just some friendly advice! And I like it by the way! Yeah what Mitch said helped!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]What do you mean?! Bush has totally ignored United Nations, and is planning to attack to Iraq no matter what they do! Saddam hasn't blown up any skycrapers, but STILL he irritates Bush so much he is willing to START A WAR. War is NEVER an answer to anything; it only causes misery and pain! Why don't you Americans see that? Are you too blinded by bloodlust? Gosh, and you still ahve the nerve to say that ANY god is blessing your actions! :rolleyes: Sorry, I'm heating up again!:blush: I didn't mean to get personal, but I just had to get this out of my chest: it isn't like I could just go and yell directly to the Bush-man... [/B][/QUOTE] "Suddam hasn't blown up any skyscrapers." Here let me fix that sentence for you, "Suddam hasn't blown up any skyscapers YET!" Look I'm not dissing the UN and I'm not saying our nation is better than yours, but unlike what you've shown in history America trys to stop things before they happen. You realize the US warned the U.N about Hitler? But you guys thought it was a bad idea to go to war and look what he did. Look at how costly the war become once he built up his forces! Do you want this to happen again? America doesnt'! We've seen it happened before we've been affected by it and now we wanna stop it. Honestly America doesn't truly have to confront the UN. But we have. We've talked to them for years about Suddam! Americans blood thristy? We're humans yes and every human is blood thirsty but saying our country just wants to start war for the hell of it is a bunch of bull! If we were just looking for war don't you think we would've bombed his *** by now? Not to mentions North Korea, China, or Russia. We've had opportunities to attack all these countries but for the most part we've strived to be as peaceful as possible. America was based on rights and beliefs. Some of these rights and beliefs we have strayed from, however, we don't believe that people should live in fear. Thats one of the reasons we are trying to stop Suddam. He's just another Hitles. If he gets strong enough he's gonna just rule with an Iron Fist pushing every country around. Causing us to look behind our back every second wondering when Small Pox is gonna kill us or a nuclear warhead! If we dont' act then we'd be the ones at fault. Ya'all need to get off your butts and help! Just because you're scared this'll be WW3 doesn't mean you need to stop! IF we wait it'll only get worse! P.S: Sorry if I came off as a bit hostile I'm just tired of hearing America being yelled at for being the "Police Man." Yet when we lay off a bit and let someone else take the role, noone does. HUmans can't live without helping eachother out. When noone else steps up to help others why is it wrong that AMerica does?! (Ah I'm glad that ya'all are so smart to continue a stereotype thats been around for roughly a hundred years.)
  8. [i]After speaking on the intercom Rev began to walk towards the room. As he walked he heard the announcemnt by Mr.Valyntine. He rolled his eyes and continued walking. He entered the room to find only Katiya there, sitting in a chair. He stood in the middle of the room and looked around. He then frowned and mantained this face. He slowly walked behind a book case and waited for everyone to come. He was going to give everyone their first lesson. He popped his head out from his hiding place.[/i] "Katiya don't tell anyone I'm here..." [i]She nodded and he smiled with approval. He then hid back waiting for everyone.[/i]
  9. Theres two different types of graffitti I think.... The really artistic kind. Personally I really enjoy seeing it all over a city. It makes the city seem more alive. However when they have the stupid immature drawings, its a waste of spray paint and time. I hate it...
  10. Oh crap! Thats not good... I accidently clicked on NeoCactaur before I finished reading your post. Oh well birthday/Christmas gift for Neo... Sorry Yoda!
  11. Hey, well honestly its not really a poem. Its poor like a quote. Is this for "The Faith of Seven?"...If so you should put it in the front or something like an intro quote. I like it however, needs alittle work, but nothing major! Good job.
  12. Well at first if you get them with grinding plates they can be alittle heavy, but you'll get used to it quickly. Its alittle difficult to jump, but as I've already said it doesn't take too much to get used to the weight. Plus I've hit 5 feet in the air off a regular street curb. Even if you can't jump that high, just get a long fast start and if you time it right you'll get huge air. Also you have to have strong legs for pushing off, but that'll develop.
  13. Yeah thats another downside of inlining...You can't stop from falling...which means you may get racked a couple of times. But I agree with you that you feel like you have more control. Its MUCH more comfortable for me to inline than skateboard which is why I chose inlining. Lol yeah its fun to skate off from the cops cuz they get pissed. I also enjoy grabbing on peoples cars and riding them for a couple of seconds and skating off as soon as they realize it! There is a bit of timing difference in skateboarding and inlining, but I still say you should go inlining....but go with what you like.
  14. Ok I had to make the same decision. Personally now I inline. Its not exactly easier, sure the tricks themselves could be considered easier, but when you fall it hurts a hell alot more, and its alittle harder to stay on your feet. Thats because un-like on a skateboard if you mess up a landing you can still get lucky and land on your feet, yet in-lining if you lean alittle to forward or backwards or whatever you fall. Its a bit painful that way. But I love in-lining. THere is a HUGE variation of tricks, and there is even room for made up ones...(Such as my 540 Heli Cross Grab) ;)! Skateboarding is also fun. But I'd say go inlining! Because the world needs more of us! ;):p
  15. [i]Rev looked at her suprised. She was a princess, and all this time he had acted completely stupid. She must think he's completly pathetic.[/i] "Yeah, I'm from Mars. How'd you know?" [i]Ariadne blushed slightly. ALthough Rev didn't notice.[/i] Ariadne: "Well I heard it from someone." "Oh, thats cool! Yeah Mars is pretty cool. Of course I don't think you'd like it. Its a rough place, alot of people are homeless, and its covered with bounty hunters. But its home!" [i]Rev continued walking with Ariadne. He passed a clock and looked at the time. It was eleven. He sighed.[/i] "Well I better go announce that lessons will start in an hour...see you there!" [i]With that Rev extended his hand. Without seeing his hand Ariadne hugged him. He felt himself blush violently. As they finished hugging he tried to hide his blushing face. He then turned and began walking hoping she wouldn't see his face. After taking a couple of steps he turned his head and watched her walk off. He blushed again and then arrived at the communications room. He took the intercom microphone and began speaking.[/i] [b]"Attention Recruits. This is instructor Rev Wyly, classes will start in exactly one hour. I suggest you not be late. A first expression is very important here!"[/b]
  16. Name: Rev Wyly Aliases: Rev, Maverick Age:22 Height:5'8 Build: Athletic Occupation:Bounty Hunter/Assassin Clothing: Always wears black raver pants and a black shirt. Hair colour and style: Died black, with spikes. (naturally blonde) Eye colour: Grey Weapons: 2x Pistols and a dagger in his boot Homeworld/town: Earth Background: Rev grew up in a rough part of Earth. As he grew up he worked at his fathers bar. He heared other bounty hunters talking about their greatest catches. He grew up idolizing them. One day there was a shoot out in the bar. Without thinking Rev had grabbed his fathers pistol and shot the head of a terrorist faction. The bounty hunter behind him saw this and was impressed. The bounty hunter then took him away from his family and taught him how to fly, and other attributes that would help him become a bounty hunter. However the bounty hunter also took all the reward money that the terrorist leader was worth. One day as he slept his teacher left and killed Rev's parents for a reward. When Rev found out he went after his teacher and killed him. Misc. Data: Rev loved music and doesn't go anywhere without his music. He comes off as a hot-shot and a smart alic, but does this to cover up his more sensitive side. He loves baseball also and will never deny a game. Ship data (if applicable), all ships will have a maimum size of 2 in the cockpit. Ship Name: Hwesta Colour: Black Cockpit size: 2 seats next to eachother. Small space in the back for variouse luggage. General Description: Its a small ship and is very fast. It has twin engines on both wings. It has extremely weak lasers but has great manuverability. On the bottom is written "Death" in red. And on the top there is a white skull. The ship is flat on the top. Armaments: Two lasers, one on each wing tip. There is also a missle pack holding 4 missles on top of the ship. Power/armour/speed: 1/2/3
  17. Nice job Spikey! I'm proud to say I was top class. (might as well tell the story why I was kikced outta Karate) I was the 2 year holder of the sparring championship in our tournements. Un-fortunatly the year this happened before the tournement I hurt my back in a soccer incident, and was just getting over it. So anyway I after a couple spars I was getting really sore but decided to go on. I finally made it to the Top 8. So then I faced Cavanaugh Blaze. He was pissed last year because I beat him in the final fight and he knew that I hurt my back. So at first I was doing alright and scored the first point. We went back to our corners and then came back to fight. Then right off the bat he did a round house kick and hit me in the stomach this knocked me off balance and he did a side kick but hit me in the back. (Which re-injured it) He then elbowed me in the back. He was laughing and so I knew he ment to do this on purpose. The refs hadn't given him the point yet so I tried to continue fighting. On my knee I clasped my hands together and swung them at him. The blow hit him in the knee, this blow hurt his knee badly. (Possibly breaking it) So I was kicked out. Then in Tae Kwan Do I was the champion both years I went.
  18. "Actually I've met a few of them. I've even sparred with one of them. It seems to be a pretty spunky group. Although some of them are alittle slow, and get lost easily." [i]Rev smiled sheepishly. He shrugged.[/i] "So yeah, when do the lessons start again." [i]Rev smiled feeling very stupid. "God idiot, try and make better conversation than this. You are pathetic." "Oh god you're being stupid! She's gonna hate you!" He's mind was racing again and he blushed slightly again.[/i] Ariadne: "I believe it starts at noon." [i]Rev nodded[/i] "That makes sense. So shall we go?" [i]Ariadne smiled and nodded. The two began walking. It started out to be pretty quiet. Rev was getting really nervouse. He had to get conversation going.[/i] "So, where are you from?"
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]I wouldn't say Russia was run 'beautifully'- the last Czar (Nicholas II) was incompetant and too easily influenced by his aides. Rasputin was the most famous case- he 'enchanted' them by supposedly curing his son's haemophilia, and became a really powerful influence over him. The people didn't like him because he was too distant from them and more or less told them what they wanted. Not that good.[/B] [/QUOTE] Just thought that I'd point out that I said "And in all actuality untill the last couple of Czar's Russia was ran beautifully by them." Which in other words means: Czar's ran Russia very well untill around the 1850's-1860's where their rules began to become currupt and weak which lead to the Communist take over in 1918 (or was it 1916?) [quote][i]Originally posted by Sage[/i][b] (Okay, Bush isn't really a dictator -yet, but if things keep going the direction HE wants too much, then the rest of the world will have some SERIOUS problems...)[/b][/quote] How could you accuse Bush of being anything close to a dictator. He had the chance to be a dictator and still has the chance yet he isn't. AFter 9-11 congress passes a bill that allowed Bush to basically do whatever he wanted, and he wouldn't have to confront anyone about it. Yet he hasn't taken full power. Instead he even talked to the legislation and congress about attacking Iraq. He could've just ordered an attack. He is acting more responsible then most presidents of the United States, so I don't see how he is even considered close to a Dictator. If you don't know they still haven't removed the bill.
  20. [i]Rev continued walking down the hall towards Ariadne's room. He was scared, he'd only met her once and he was scared she would think he was a freak. His mind raced. He began doubting himself more and more. He shook his head.[/i] "Get a hold of yourself" [i]He whispered this to himself softly. He then turned a corner and came to her room. He took a deap breath and knocked on the door. There was a slight delay then the door opened and Ariadne appeared in the door way. Rev stood there for a second without saying anything. She was beautiful. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. He tried to speak and stuttered slightly.[/i] "I..I'm Rev Wyly, the other instuctor, and thought I'd introduce myself before the lessons start. And it...we...with...because..." [i]Rev blushed and Ariadne giggled slightly.[/i] "What I'm trying to say is, do you wanna take a walk?"
  21. Depends do you consider Russia Europe? (Its early) Anything is possible, and I could see a dictator rising up in some countries. I'm sure its going to happen again for history repeats itself. The all mighty Rome had a government similar to ours and was sure that noone would ever become a true dictator again yet they were over run by Barbarians, and dictators rules the world for centuries. But, yes its really up to the people in Europe to stop this. If Russia is counted as Europe I can see a Czar (basically a dictator) rising up again. There are several groups who support this and are trying to get a Czar. And in all actuality untill the last couple of Czar's Russia was ran beautifully by them. SO yes there are some good dictators.
  22. I collected them for awhile and actually had some of the expensive ones. I had the whole McDonald's set every time they came out. But I came to my sense one day and sold them for roughly $400. That was awesome. Now a'days I honestly can't see how a sack of beads can be worth so much money.
  23. I did study Karate for a while. But that ended when I was kicked out for messing up a kids knee. That was a bunch of BS but I don't think I'll go into that story, now atleast. From there I went to Tae Kwan Do and studied that for about a year, then my sensai moved, and I tried going to a different sensai but it wasn't the same. So I was forced to quit. So no I don't practice with any sensai or teacher I just practice what I already know and make up combinations and such in my room. I also practice with a sword OCCASIONALLY. I started studying martial arts for the stupidest reason: I though it looked cool on TV. But from that reason it turned into a passion. I personally love martial arts. THe beauty and deadliness of it all is very rare indeed.
  24. Ok I'm having a problem. For some reason some of the members don't show up as on. Example: Deedlit- I'll look down at the members list and I won't see her, yet she's just posted. Then I'll think maybe she left after posting right...I refresh and look down there. She is not there, yet she posted again. This also happens with Raiha....and a couple other members What can I do to fix this?!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966][b]Thanks for the link, Bryan. Like I said, I have a friend who's a Wicca, so that really helped me to understand her better. ^_~ It said that they don't harm anyone, and they don't associate themselves with Satan, so I don't understand why some people think badly of Wicca. It just shows how narrow-minded some people are. [/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] As much as I'd like to agree with you, its not totally their fault. The religion (IE: Christianity) teaches them this. Although they can decide themselves, its also just the beliefs of the religion. So you can blame them, but its not totally their fault. However I wish it doesn't happen but it does! By The Way : No problem! Glad I could help!
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