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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]G Gundam has finally aired. Well it started a while back, but the boards where down. I received the whole series on DVD about 2 weeks ago. I have to say that I was not impressed with the series. In fact, I hate it. The story is kinda of weak. Except for the concept of each country having a fighter and all. The character designs are horrible in my opinion. I just do not like it at all. I was all hyped up over it but then I was quickly disappointed. I will just continue to watch 0083 and MSG on Saturday nights. 0083 has been the best I have seen since 08th MS Team. This is all my opinion. Feel free to disagree. I was just interested in what you all thought about it. [/B][/QUOTE] I must say that I agree and disagree with you. Personally I agree with you that the plot was pretty weak. I think they should've worked alittle bit more on the plot, however there are [i]SOME[/i] interesting points. Other than the few points....weak plot...very weak.... Character Development...This was ify I mean they could've done a better job on it but I don't think its bad enough to draw to much attention to it. I enjoy the Gundams, and the whole idea of the tournement. This was a great idea, and could've made for a killer plot. Overall though I enjoy it. Its a good anime...In the Gundam series I would say its a bout average. But I judge a Gundam series alittle harder than I would say DBZ...
  2. [i]Lalaith slept peacefully obviously deprived of sleep. His eyes flicked steadily as he began dreaming.[/i] [b]Dream[/b] [i]Lalaith looked around to see he was standing in a clearing. The fellowship was talking, waiting for him to decide something. He continued looking around confused. Abob slowly walked up to him and smiled.[/i] Abob: "So should we leave or rest for the night?" [i]Lalaith looked around and noticed the fellowship was defintatly tired, even Strider's shoulders were sagging. He thought for a while then nodded.[/i] "We are tired, sleep is one thing we need. Strider will you take first watch?" [i]Strider walked up to the two and smiled.[/i] Strider: "Gladly." [i]With that the group began laying down and sleeping. Lalaith couldn't fall asleep so he layed against a tree watching everyone. He scanned the peaceful scene smiling contently. He looked at Lauren and gazed at her. He was happy. THen a noise was heard. Four arrows struck Strider in the chest and head killing him instantly. Lalaith yelled and woke up the whole group. Lauren was the first to react. She ran up to Strider then turned around just in time to see a monster swing his sword killing her also. Lalaith tried getting up but he couldn't. One by one the fellowship began being killed. Lalaith couldn't move. All he could do was watch. He began crying watching this. Abob was the last to go, he had ran over to Lauren trying to revive her. As he worked over her a monster jumped on him and stabbed the sword through Abob's back. Abob's face twisted in agony and as he fell he looked at Lalaith.[/i] Abob: "...help" [i]Lalaith watched in horror as the monsters continued to stab Abob. Abob was looking at him for help and he couldn't do a thing. He tried to scream, tried to get the monsters attention but no sound came out. All this was his fault. He began crying harder.[/i] [b]End of Dream[/b] [i]Lalaith sat up with a start still crying. He looked around and saw everyone still alive. He breathed deeply. He wasn't going to let this happen. He brushed his eyes and stood up. Clutching his sword he walked over to Abob.[/i] "Its time we go...I'll go get Ryan. We will depart in less than an hour."
  3. You don't have to be in magic, its your life. Just one flaw in that thing I saw. There is something you could call the Golden Rule. It is...[b]Harm None[/b]. You're allowed to do just about anything as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or thing. Also there is the 3-fold rule like someone has stated already If you do magic for good it comes back 3 fold to you... If you do magic for evil it comes back 3 fold to you...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nefertimon [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]Uhhh... you mean the whole thing? Well, I speak the truth. That actually is true! This entire world is so magical... to me that is...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. I believe there is magic (obviously) and thats one of my main reasons! I agree with her.... ANd why would you think she's joking?
  5. [i]Rev woke up tiredly. He sat up and let his feet slide off the bed. He attempted to get up and stumbled causing him to fall flat on his face. He mumbled a few curse words as he stood up rubbing his nose. Today was his first day of instructing, it didn't look pretty. He walked to the mirror and looked at himself. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He then methodically took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. He felt his eyes begin opening wider as the cold water pounded lightly on his chest. He sighed contently as he turned the water off. He grabbed the towell hanging from the sliding shower door and began drying off his body. He then walked back to his room with the towell covering his lower half. He looked at himself again and shook his head. This was it, first day of instructing and he was going to get to seee Ariedne again. He shook his head violently letting his hair fly everywhere then quickly threw it into a pony tail. After that he slowly slipped into his uniform and looked in the mirror again. He smiled contently he looked decent. He checked the clock. 6 am. He nodded and left his room heading for Ariedne's room.[/i]
  6. [quote][i]Originally posted by Desbresko[/i][b] Age: 14, though I feel like I'm older.[/b][/quote] You're 14? Jeez I coulda've sworn you were atleast 17. Well I guess thats a compliment, but wow I always thought you were decently old. *sweatdrops*
  7. [i]Lalaith waited for his friend to answer. He turned his head and saw Ryan lay down. He smiled, atleast one person here could find rest. He thought about Ryan more. He sighed again. He wish he could find peace, but he was the leader, he couldn't have peace.[/i] [i]Abob looked at Lalaith with a hint of sympathy in his eyes. He looked at him again and sighed.[/i] Abob: "You've changed Lalaith..." "Don't worry.." [i]Lalaith stood up and walked towards Lauren. He sat down next to her and smiled. He sighed and yawned. He then rested his head on her shoulder and yawned closing his eyes.[/i]
  8. [i]Lalaith sighed and relaxed closing his eyes.[/i] "Abob I've been thinkin...have I been a good leader?" [i]Lalaith looked over at his friend with what seemed like fear in his eyes.[/i] "Honestly, it seems I've made so many bad choices and put you guys in jeopardy countless times...It seems to me that I have been the worst of leaders..." [i]Lalaith sighed and leaned his head back against the tree closing his eyes and thinking...[/i] OOC: VERY SHORT I KNOW BUT I HAVE MAJOR CASE OF WB
  9. [i]Rev looked at the girl for a moment. He slightly blushed in embarressment and brushed aside a tear falling from his cheek. He continued looking at her for a second, and watched as she slowly changed her weight. He sighed.[/i] "I guess I should thank you for leaving me at peace....thank you..." [i]Rev looked at the girl again, something about her was different. He sighed agian and walked towards the stream. He walked for a second when he heard footsteps behind him, he turned around to see the girl again.[/i] "Can I help you?" [i]Katiya shook her head. She reached out with her left hand and opened it. There was the flower. The vibrant flower that he had been holding. He must've dropped it when he saw her.[/i] Katiya: You...forgot this... [i]Rev took it gently out of her hand and looked at it again. He twirled it in his hand.[/i] "Thank..you..."
  10. [i]Rev looked at the flowers. He knelt down next to a paticulary bland flower. He smiled, this was one of his favorite flowers, for as he rubbed the stim the flower began slowly turning into a blackish color. The reason this flower did this still baffled him, but he didnt' care. He looked at more flowers and his face slowly saddened as memories of his past flooded into his mind. He brushed his hand along a thorn bush and winced as a thorn sank into his skin. He slowly pulled it out and smiled.[/i] "Beautiful but dangerouse....why did you have to leave me....why did you have to die..." [i]Rev shook his head and sighed he continued on and stopped at some vibrant colored flowers, he looked at them for a second then plucked one.[/i] "These were your favorites weren't they..." [i]Rev sighed again and felt a small tear run down his cheek, he rubbed it off without a thought and twirled the flower in his hand. Little did he know that he was facing one of his recruits at this moment who was hiding in the rose bush.[/i]
  11. Hey got a question can I change to neutral? Or am I not allowed too?
  12. [i]Rev finally wondered to his room. He sighed and collapsed on his bed. He looked about his room and chuckled. It certainly was a decorator's worst nightmare. He had pictures of flowers on one wall, and combat on the next. His room reflected him, thats what he loved about it. He looked at the variouse pictures, and smiled. He loved this place. He laid down and rested for a couple moments looking at the black ceiling. He then sat up. He walked over to the mirror, and set his face to a more seriouse look. He didn't want to have the kids thinking he was a "softy". He laughed at this he wasn't a softy, he was a kid off the streets and simply enjoyed life's beauties. He laughed again. He set his face back into the seriouse look and strolled back over to the garden, he spent all his time there, he was interested in seeing who else enjoyed the newly added garden. He walked into the garden and smiled.[/i] OOC: CRAPPY POST I KNOW!
  13. [b]Name:[/b] Bryan [b]Age:[/b] 14 and running [b]DOB:[/b] March 15, 1988 (Wow I only had to change two things) [b]Location:[/b] OVerland Park, Kansas, USA [b]One Word:[/b] Odd.. [b]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word:[/b] Shell [b]Occupation:[/b] Scaring people [b]Color:[/b] Black [b]Food:[/b] Cashew Chicken.. [b]Beverage:[/b] 2% Milk [b]Alter Ego:[/b] Thats hard...Lalaith [b]Dream Job:[/b] Professional Baseball Player..or like Sara NG photographer [b]Self-Proclaimed:[/b] Freak [b]Ethnicity:[/b] (Oh boy this might take awhile) Irish, Scottis, German, Japanese, Korean, Native America, Brittish, Austrailan, Native Amercan (twice), Spanish, Polish, French...(continues on) Yeah I'm a great ol' Melting pot! [b]Extracurricular:[/b] Sports...Garage Band [b]Hobby:[/b] Music, Writing, Comp, storytelling... [b]Dessert:[/b] Ice Cream [b]Musician:[/b] No clue..just about everyone [b]Group:[/b] Taproot, SOAD, Disturbed, Mindelss Self Indulgence..(continues) [b]Mac or PC?[/b] PC [b]Nics:[/b] Lalaith, Cereal, Tony the Tiger (Lists all the charcters of Kellogg's cereal) Drill, Idiot, freak, [b]Blog:[/b] No [b]Home Page:[/b] Somewhere [b]Religion:[/b] Wicca [b]Book:[/b] Any book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan [b]Collections:[/b] Football cards (stopped along time ago though) [b]Sport:[/b] Baseball, Football, Indoor Soccer, hockey, Basketball [b]Won't Eat:[/b] Spinach [b]TV Show:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Words to live by:[/b] Silence is deafening. [b]Addicted to:[/b] Milk [b]Comic:[/b] Calvin and Hobbes, Foxtrot [b]Movie:[/b] LOTR, Endless Waltz, Gladiator, MONTEY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL! That took me an hour...
  14. [i]Lalaith stood up and stretched out his arm. He winced slightly still extremely sore from the arrow wound. He walked up to Abob and Strider and listened as they talked.[/i] "...It has something to do with Ryan..." [i]The two looked at Lalaith strangely, both with puzzled looks on their faces.[/i] "Not only does he have evil still in him, but that whole horro that happened with him happened an hour before this ambush, I don't think this was a coincidence. Something's brewing, they used that time to sneak upon us..." Abob: "Are you saying somehow Ryan is still connected to the evil, but how." "Yes thats what I am saying. The only one who knows how is Ryan himself." [i]He looked over at Ryan slightly and shook his head.[/i] "Poor man...risked his life saving the world and what is he rewarded with...a life-long curse. That should be me not him." [i]With that Lalaith walked towards the dead monsters' corpses. He bent down examining them, and took all the un-broken arrows he could find.[/i]
  15. I don't really miss Cow and Chicken but it sure as hell was better than Courage...blech...anyways he's a pinkish purple color like you said...
  16. I think its great, and as it does remind me of times gone. Which makes it all the more better because it shows much feeling has been put in it. Again great poem...
  17. [i]Lalaith closed his eyes and then opened them again concentrating on the monsters. He pulled back the string and let an arrow fly. As he watched it he notcied it hit the first monster in the neck. He smiled then saw the arrow fly through the neck and hit another monster in the chest killing them both.[/i] "Dumb...luck..." [i]Lalaith held the string back again with an arrow ready, he looked at the monster. He blinked trying to stay focused. He shook his head then set his on his target again. He let the arrow fly. He watched carefully and saw it miss the monster he cursed. Abob stopped fighting and looked at Lalaith. He missed...Lalaith never missed...he shook his head. "This is not good" he muttered to him softly. He then ducked and stabbed straight up sending his sword straight through the monster's open chin and then out his skull. Lalaith tried to fire again but only hit a monster in the leg. He cursed again and blinked trying to gain focus. When he looked up again he saw Strider jump up and stab the wounded monster straight in the back. 2 left...Samantha and Lauren took care of them with ease, stabbing them both at the exact same time. Lalaith smiled. He winced and looked at his chest, blood was flowing freely from his chest again. He winced and stumbled trying to stay upright[/i]
  18. [i]Lalaith sits impatiently waiting for Abob to be finished. He grabs for his bow and Abob kicks it away.[/i] Abob: "Don't you even think about it.." "Look at Samantha!" [i]Abob looked to see Samantha being overcome by the monsters, in this small space of time Lalaith rips a piece of cloth from his tunic and wraps it around his wound tightening as much as he can. He then ran and grabbed his bow and hoped into a tree, by the time Abob turned back around Lalaith had disappeared.[/i] Abob: "Stubborn fool.." [i]Lalaith took close aim and shot the monster coming towards Samantha from the back, the monster then toppled over and fell next to Samantha. Samantha looked around bewildered for a slight moment, then continud fighting. Lalaith took aim and continued firing helping out his friends.[/i] "This is my last journey, noones going to die, noones going to suffer...I will not allow it..."
  19. [quote][i]Originally Posted by Dues Ex Machina[/i] [b]Yeah, I did click on a link (not sure which) so I know that Wicca insn't actually against Christianity in any way.. And I don't necessarily believe that you are against God personally.. what I meant in that post that it is my belief that your actions are against the will of God.. So essentially, I was posting from my personal belief rather than some objective truth (actually I happen to believe that it is an objective truth.. but that's still just my belief), and I should have made that clear..[/b] [/quote] Ah, I'm sorry I mis-read your post, I did not mean to come off as angered or defensive if I did. I respect your opinion and to some degree find it valid/true. Not fully but thats my opinion so there you go. [quote][i]Originally Posted By Endymion [/i] [b]#1 What I don't understand is why some Christians don't agree with other religions. Buddhism, for example, has certain sects that believe in Jesus. (I think) Some Buddhists believe that Jesus was a buddha (a, not "the"). He was at peace with himself and his surroundings, he was very enlightened. Someone said that Wicca promotes God. So what's the big deal here? If a Wiccan believes in God, promotes God, and doesn't try to harm anyone, then why is Wicca so wrong? So what some of you are saying is that even if you believe in the same God and lead a good life, it's completely invalid if you're doing it a different way. By this logic, a Catholic, a Baptist, and a Lutheran can be good friends all of their lives, but only one is getting into heaven because he was the only "full" Christian. It doesn't make sense. I don't accept that. That's just not one of my beliefs.[/b][/quote] That is my point, and what Wiccans have been trying to get across..This throws off what Dues said when he said that you don't have to be like Jesus to be accepted into Heaven. Witches do no harm towards anyone. In-fact since some of you read the link it would be obviouse that is one of our biggest rules. Nor do I understand this thought....
  20. [i]Rev heared the explosion and began running towards the sound. By the time he arrived at the scene the physicians were saying his condition. He hid behind a wall and listened to the doctors speak. Rev nodded slowly listening to them. He watched as the doctors walked out, then snuck into the room. Setsuna turned her head towards the new comer. As Rev walked in he began to speak.[/i] "He is not to be let out of this room for a week. I don't care what the doctors say. If he leaves this room he will be kicked out of this program." [i]With that said he turned and walked out of the room shaking his head.[/i] "Damn kid..." [i]He continued walking down the halls. As he looked around he felt something strange. He hadn't seen May in a while.[/i] "Where could she be..."
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]Ok...it is postponed...and cooked all of this food, oh well *eats a chicken wing* more for me... [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Grabs a chicken wing too[/i] Hey I cooked this stuff too don't take it all...[i]Munches on the food happily.[/i]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i] [B]yes, its that special time, I'm 15, just got my permit, and started Traffic Education....... and I'm pretty nervous. Thinking about driving and seeing people drive is increasing the feeling, especially now that I practice. I keep it to myself and act normal but I'm kinda scared at the thought. Dont get me wrong, I want to drive, just a bit nervous. Those who drive now, do you remember what it was like, learning to drive, taking tests and doing those school drives? Those who haven't yet, how do you feel? Seeing my permit gives me that giddy scared feeling:D [/B][/QUOTE] Well its good that you are nervouse it makes you a better driver (to a certain extent) don't be too nervouse though... Me well I'm 14 and have had my learner's permit since March. The first time I got behind the wheel though was very scary! I was deathly scared, because we have some insane driver's here in Kansas so people kept zooming by me and barely missing me...I was going insane! >.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Your loss of calcium thing is bogus. You're telling me that soda is hard for your stomach to break down? Nuh uh. Soda is simply carbonated water with bubbles, sugar and flavouring. The idea that it's some toxic acid that can't be broken down easily is rubbish.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm purely taking scientific fact. Have you been in a morgue of someone who recently died...looked at their bones to see nothing but air? Oh well...tis purely what I have learned through my Biology class.... But yes I don't have to worry about it anyways because I don't really care for Soda's that much...
  24. [i]Laughs at Matt's last post[/i] Oh that was great...simply great.... Anyways the reason I didn't like Neopets was it didn't change. It was too much of the same thing over and over again. Plus it got alittle immature. Everyone of the users I met acted like a total *** to me.....I hated it. Oh well thats just my opinion...
  25. [i]Lalaith crept back to the tree and climbs up it. He looks down to see Strider follow him. He smiled and nodded to Strider. Suddenly he heard a twig snap. He turned his head towards the noise and waited for his eyes to begin peircing the darkness again. He gestured to Strider to tell him to be ready for something. He continued looked when he heard a noise again. At the last second he saw it, an arrow. It hit him in the right side of his chest. The force of the arrow knocked him off balance and he begin falling. He grabbed a tree branch with his left hand and dropped lightly to the ground. He began wincing. He looked up to Strider and nodded. He held his arm, and slowly walked over to Abob. He was loosing his strenght. He could feal himself getting weaker by the moment.[/i] "Attack...wake up...WAKE UP!" [i]Lalaith yelled this as loud as he could. The fellowship began waking up slowly. Abob was the first to wake up.[/i] "What the, why are you waking u-" [i]Abob looked at Lalaith in time to see him collapse. Lalaith struggled to get up but couldn't. All his energy was gone. Abob ran up to him to help him. Lalaith shoved him off and motioned to the rest of the fellowship. Abob nodded and ran, he began waking up the rest of the fellowhip. All the sudden the air began to be filled with talking. These monsters could comunicate. They knew they had hit him, Lalaith realized this. As the fellowship began taking arms, the group ambused them. Lalaith sat up, thats the best he could do. He watched the fellowship fight. It didn't look good. His face was set, he grabbed the arrow with both his hands and began grinding his teeth. With one quick motion he snapped the arrow in half. He screamed from the pain but contiued to take it out of him. He got up slowly after the arrow had been removed and drew his sword. He slowly went towards the battle. Strider saw this and hopped from his safe spot in the tree and jumped besides Lalaith, providing arrow cover for his wounded friend.[/i]
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