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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [quote name='Boba Fett][color=green][color=green']Most schools have a GSA, and I?m sure there are other students in your school who are either homosexual, or ambiguous about their sexuality. It helps to know people you can relate to in that fashion. If you can?t find any, there are a few people on the boards who would probably lend a sympathetic ear. Try contacting TN.[/color][/quote] [color=purple]You obviously don't live in Kansas. Kansas schools are uniquely against gay rights (or the expression of them.) All attempts of my school as well as many schools in our district to get GSA or the like established have been shot down overwhelmingly. We have a court case going on right now where a boy is sueing the school for getting suspended. They said he was wearing an "offensive" shirt and refused to take it off. However, all the shirt said was "Gay Rights. Gays are Americans Too." The next day several of the gay and bisexual kids (including myself) wore either gay pride or support shirts for Shuan. The administrator confronted every single one of us and if we chose not to take off our shirts and get new ones (All of us but very few) were sent home and recieved ISS. The thing is pretty much political correctness and religion. It just depends where you live, somewhere like San Francisco is going to be a hell of a lot more accepting then a small town in Missiouri or Montana. I agree with malajusted on the "cool part" anyways...it's jsut something that will pass in time. I think a lot of homo sexual people make it worse though with their antics.
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]You know, I think it's quite odd. For a long time I thought that referees were just plain stupid, and were out to cheat one team or another, and I'm sure in some cases they are. However, one thing I've noticed from playing baseball for 11 years now is well, "No matter what the umpires are like, if you play one hell of a game, there's no way you can lose." My coach said that to us after we lost a close game against our rivals, and of course we started bitching about the umpires. Now with basketball I know it's a bit different, because the referees are involved in a lot different way, so I don't honestly know much about the situation. However, if they were crooked take it up with the authorities thats the best thing to do, otherwise suck it up. It's a part of sports really, it's a trade off sometimes you get good umps/refs sometimes you get bad umps/refs. But seroiusly if you think beyound a shadow of a doubt that these guys were crooked, then get a video tape as Corey said and watch it. Pretty much use what he told you to do, thats the best plan. At your next practice though don't complain about the referees to your team, in fact don't even mention it, if you do it's just going to tell your team its ok to make excuses. Untill theres 100% truth that thye were crooked, and the media knows about it as well as the authorites, then don't say a word. Simple fact is it's better for them as both players and people.[/COLOR]
  3. [color=indigo]Eminem in the hands of Insane Clown Posse. Finally the white boy gets what he deserves.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo] Oh man, some of those were hilariouse, major props to a lot of you. Unfortunatly I have to only choose one, but it was definatly between TigerVX and Juuthena. "So with no further adue, without gilding the lilly I give you, the one, the only...JUUUTHENA!!" Congrats Juu, nice job everyone, but Juu wins this round! It was spontaneouse and I loved it![/color]
  5. [color=indigo] Wow I love being confused for a girl....*sighs*....Oh well... I won ^.^ Anyways picture...I don't know about this, but good luck all!
  6. [QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=royalblue]Hahahaha!! *laughs at Baron* X3 Ok, it looks like this place needs some sprucing up, so I'll take over, lol. I found a pic that I guess has a lot of potential. :3 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/Dark_Serena/259c43df.jpg[/IMG] "I said turn right, Mom."[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]Oh man stupid school, then one time I win something I'm not there to actually post.... Anyways.... "In a world with no women, no man would ever have directions. Welcome to that world."[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=Inuyasha7271]You are right Wiccan and you too Serena I have never thought of True Love or Fate being real love truly is blind. Most Teenagers shouldn't even use the word love in Highschool, Middle School, or Elementary school relationships cause they really don't mean anything and barely last over 1 1/2 years I myself am a Sophmore in Highschool right now and know that love rarely means anything when someone says it.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][i]See this is what I disagree with, naturally because I disagree with way too much, but anyways. Who are you (or who am I) to say what a teenager means when they say love? Who are we to decide what love means to someone else? The simple fact is love is subjective, it means something different to every person, and that teenager could be saying love and mean it. Just look at this thread so many different people have views about love, how can you say that one is correct and one is incorrect? Theres no way to prove one is right and one is wrong. I believe love is what you make it to be. It can find anyone. A child says he loves his parents, a child says he loves his friends, should he stop saying it because he's incapable of comprehending "adult" love? Love is what love is. Each person has a different set of eyes, each person views it differently, how can you decide for them? A person should say love if they believe they are in love, why put an age limit? I think thats, a funny concept, to put an age limit on love, but hey thats just me.[/i][/color]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][IMG]http://otakuboards.com/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=616741[/IMG] [i]What happens when Bush calls his troops[/i] Mr. President I'll tell you for the last time, there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction here!! Yes yes I know you told the world there was, but sir I'm seriouse, theres no WMD's! No I'm not calling you a liar, but just give it up sir..." *2 hours later* Thats right Mr. President I said there are no weapons of mass destruction...Just call it Operation Iraqi Freedom? What about the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Yes I know there are no weapons of mass destruction, I just told you that."[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=kenshinsbabe]People speak of true love and that everyone's got their own true love. Can they really hold to it? I mean, if God really does hate someone, wouldn't they be granted a lifetime without true love (one of those "there are things worse than death" things) ? Well, here's kind of an example: At band camp, I met this guy. I had feelings for him and I kinda wished that he'd had them for me. We went our separate ways and, about a half a year later, I learned (through a long process of events that I'm sure you don't want to hear cuz it's long, complicated and boring) that he had the feelings that I'd hoped he had. Unfortunately, he lives across the state from me and I'm going to be moving after I'm done with school this year. Does it seem that fate has it in for some people? I mean, surely some of you have worse stories to tell than that, but that would mean that we're all in the same boat and that we can share those stories, give and recieve advice and comfort.[/QUOTE] [i][color=indigo] Assuming the God you are talking about is the Christian God, and assuming that you yourself follow the faith or atleast have been introduced to it; it would seem obviouse that you know given the parameters of the religion that God loves unconditionally. It says in the Bible that God neither hates you nor does he hate anyone else. The simple fact is if he hated you; you wouldn't be alive. True love: Oh wow. Love, such an...interesting word. Humans have spent thousands of years developing this word, attempting to define it, and then study it. Yet through it all, no one truly knows what love is. Is it entirely possible to concieve that love is nothing and everything at once? I mean, everyone knows of it, no one can define it. Everyone has felt it, yet no one can explain it. No one person can pin point one exact feeling that is so exlusive to love that no other label could be put on it. Given that, perhaps love is everything combined. Friendship, compassion, loyalty, selflessness. I'll never tell anyone that they arn't in love, nor will I ever tell anyone that they are too young to experience love, simply because..love to me is different than love to you. Love is what you make it to be. Fate: Fate isn't a being. It isn't real, it contains no physical matter. In my mind fate was developed as a scapegoat for the things that happened to any given person. More of a politically correct way to define things instead of "divine intervention." I couldn't tell you fate is out to get you, because as many others have said fate is the consequences of a certain sequence of choices that you make. Fate is simply the option of what to do next. You chose what to do, and fate lies out what will happen because of your choice. More over I think fate is like love, in a sense. Its to desribe something no one understands. The only people who have the right to complain about fate (in my mind) are people that have illnesses they did not create, or deaths they had no hand in. Best example the children in Africa that are suffering from AIDS, Blood Diamonds, and being rape. Not one of their choices led them down the path, but it was the choice of their parents and/or other figures. I guess it just shows you how much one choice can affect so many people, I think thats what people don't realize. Back to the topic: I really don't think fate is out to get you, and its quite possible he could've been the love of your life, who knows. Unfortunatly you didn't take the action so you'll never know. I'm sorry that you're moving, but perhaps its a good thing you didn't develope that relationship then, because you two would've just been ripped apart after this year anyways. If anything fate may have saved you from a lot more heart ache.[/i][/color]
  10. [i][color=indigo] In the name of Allah I did not kill anyone. I was a fair ruler, and I only did what was needed.[/i] *pause* [i]OH and gullible is written on the ceiling.[/i] *The World looks up.* May not be funny, but it proves my point.[/color]
  11. [b][color=indigo]Side Note:[/b] Sorry just a side note, if this is rude sorry. I just got back from debate so I'm in a debative mood, and I had some rather abusive and down right mean people so if you say something and I took it completely out of context then just tell me, I'll most likely apologize. Again sorry if I piss you off.[/color] [QUOTE=DeathBug] Well, since Germany is another country, and we're different from them, it isn't comprable; you've shown that different people did different things.[/quote] [color=indigo] Exactly. I'm different than you, you don't see it fit that gay's should be legally binded and married, I see it is. I'm just attacking the fact that person said "It was bad back then, so its bad now." Times change, thats my whole argument I didn't think you'd take it word for word. Theres something called context.[/color] [quote name='deathbug']Of course we should. When was this a free-speech issue? Both sides of this debate have had ample avenues to express their opinions.[/quote] [color=indigo] Yet again wonderful world called context. Look at what my point is, not every single sentence. The simple fact is its proving an over all point. Sitting here nit picking everything I say is pointless. Where are you going to get arguing little sentences, look at the point of an argument. Yet again arguing the above statement. This argument had no relevance to anything you stated initially.[/color] [quote=deathbug] Okay, now I have issue with you. If you are not a Christian, please don't presume to tell me or other Christians about our faith. I will be married in a chruch, by reverend, because, guess what? It does mean something to me, and my vision of the true Christian faith. [/quote] [color=indigo]I'll use what you said. "Okay, now I have usse with you." (I'm assuming you meant an issue.) Now you are assuming that I am not a Christian. You are stating that I am not Christian therefor I am not allowed to even bring up the topic. Well guess what just because I'm bisexual doesn't mean I'm not Christian. Did I ever say that I wasn't Christian. Guess what: I AM!! I study the bible, I pray, I go to church, Jesus is my savior. Everyone sins, simple fact. Every sinner can be a Christian, don't automatically assume something.[/color] [quote=deathbug]Then why bother getting married at all? Okay, [b]this[/b] is what I can't understand; if it's a 'mockery' (of...what?), then why do you care? If you see through the whole charade you make marriage out to be, why does it matter if gays are married? I mean, most of them will just divorce, like you said? Obviously, they should get them if they're living in a union with one another. To do otherwise would be discrimination.[/quote] [color=indigo] For convience of time I'll just group all these together. You know its amazing, that you believe that I don't want to be married. Why should I still want this? I want this because I believe in something superior to the current ideal of marriage. I believe in love, I believe in union because of love not all the other material mumbo jumbo that people marry for now. The simple fact is again I'm proving a point. Marriage already has tons of problems, how are people trying to marry for love a problem? You're stating that Gays shouldn't marry, but why? We don't hurt anyone, we don't trounce on your rights, the only thing concievable is we go against someone's religion. Well damn that happens all the effin time. Who cares? Acceptance, its been taught; lets put it into action.[/color] [quote name='deathbug']This, also, I take issue with. Don't tell me that marriage means nothing. This is the whoile reason I think the government shouldn't be involved: because marriage is sacred and holy, and the government being involved makes it about as important as a speeding ticket. [/quote] [color=indigo]Arn't you just reaffirming what I'm saying? Seperation of religion from politics. Most gays arn't even asking for the marriage to be accepted religiously, we just want it affirmed by the government. It doesn't even have to be in a church for the most part. I'm not going to speak for everyone out there, I don't have the authority, but I really don't undrestand what you're trying to get at...sorry.[/color] [quote=deathbug]Uh, ignorance and tolerence aren't mutually exclusive, nor opposites. Hitler was a smart man, after all. So, you're intolerent of their ignorance?[/quote] [color=indigo]I invite you to read my post again; I said ignorance wasn't a bad thing. I'm ignorant. Everyone is ignorant, I'd be stupid (not ignorant) to think otherwise. I'm just saying that thats the issue. As ignorance and tolerance not correlating. If you are ignorant of something (perhaps not you, but mostly society) then you don't tolerate something. Simple fact. Look ALL throughout history, NOT just the United States. Its not that hard to find examples of what I'm saying.[/color] [quote=deathbug]Yet you, who aren't a Christian, were more than happy to tell Christians how to run things. You, who don't consider marriage anything sacred, are more than happy to tell those who do that they're wrong. I'm not sure which is worse: bigoted homophibia or condescending and arrogant self-righteousness.[/quote] [color=indigo]Speaking of arrogant self-righteousness..... Look I've come up here and said I respect everyone's opinions. If you think differently then thats great! Congratulations! As I said the world would suck and be totally boring if everyone thought the same thing. Big whoop, you're point is what? I am passionate about what I believe in? THat makes me arrogant and self-righteouse? Please I'd love to see how I am so. I've apologize for what I mislead you as, I took time to explain it, I stated that I didn't care if you thought of something different that was fine, I didn't even attack you directly. Yet you come up here, [b]ASSUME[/b] I'm not a Christian. Come out and say that I'm arrogant and self-righteouse, accuse me of trying to tell you how to lead your life, and attack ME not what I say. Arn't you aware that a debate is about an issue, not the person?![/color] [quote name='deathbug']I think that marriage is, in fact sacred, even though a good portion of the populence doesnt. In fact, that's exactly why the government shouldn't be involved.[/quote] [color=indigo] And I think the current essence of marriage is horrible, and that marriage should be sacred, and that love is sacred. So look at the facts we believe that love is sacred, congrats.[/color] [quote=deathbug]I want the decision I come to about marriage to be between myself and my Church, others who see marriage as sacred. Therein lies the problem: as long as marriage is a government institution, the opinions of thousands of others weigh in on what should be a private matter between myself, my church and my God. As usual, government interference screws stuff up.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Gotta say I agree with you. Thats what I'm trying to get across (Sorry if its otherwise) I agree, marriage is personal, let it be personal. Let same sex marry eachother, we say its sacred, because its love. You say its sacred, because of God? (Perhaps not you, but you get the jist) But YES let it be personal!!! Thats what I'm saying.[/color]
  12. [quote name='DeathBug']When was it legal in America to kill Jewish people?[/quote] [i][color=indigo] Obviously if you look at the content you'll realize, I meant Germany. Its not that far of a stretch, is it? Anyways here, sorry if there was confusion I'll explain it. (I thought it was self-explanatory, my fault.) The nazi party came into power, and killed millions of Jews. Yes everyone knows this. Genocide as we now know it, is ultimatly regarded as the gravest of human rights violations, yet in Germany it was ok. Are we to say since it was legal then we should do it again? Is Germany allowed to go kill millions of innocents agian, because it was once legal? Times change, thats obviouse. Look at America for christ's sake. Should we not have freedom of speach? You know at one time you were beheaded for saying anything against the King? Of course that still happens in countries. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. " What ever happened to what Thomas Jefferson said? Of course we had slaves back then, but do we now? Nope. Being with whom you love is that pursuit of Happiness. I mean think about this, gays arn't even hurting anyone by obtaining this happiness! We're not killing anyone, we're not forcing our believes on anyone, all we're asking is to allow us to live the same life that others can. Is it that hard to accept? Another point with the marriage, and addressing the church. You know I'm really suprised Christians haven't gone against the whole practice of being married in a church, or atleast tried to get others not to do it. The church has no true meaning in a marriage anymore, its just a way to get money. Its total abuse when it comes to the true Christian faith. It totally defaces the whole entire concept of a union connected by God. I mean honestly (I can't tell you an exact number, but) around 40-50% of marriages are destined to divorce. Marriage is a mockery, period. Why worry about two people that are in love? What about the gays who want these tax cuts anyways? People are greedy they'll get around your system no matter what, thats a fact. They marry some women, break up with them when they have enough money and go on. Yes that makes marriage very sacred. In America "married" means nothing. I can't stand how when it turns to the gay topic marriage is this "holy" or "divine" object. It may have been at one time, but guess what; in America it means nothing. You might as well just go to Las Vegas. Oh and haven't you heard of the website helping couples cheat on eachother. (Sorry I couldn't think of the URL I'm not too keen on cheating ....) Man that makes marriage so sacred. *rolls eyes* If you want to make marriage sacred, you have other problems to deal with. I don't even see how love can be considered a problem. I guess thats truly the whole issue though. Ignorance vs. Tolerance Yes I'm calling people ignorant. Its not that hard to imagine, unless you know it is to be gay, guess what you're ignorant. No one said ignorance is a bad thing, just decisions shouldn't be based on them! [/color][/i]
  13. [color=indigo][i]Well first off everyone knows what I'm going to say; so why am I going to say it? Because I'm a opinionated person, and I think everyone's opinion should be heard, except yours. ^_~. Nah I don't care "to each their own." Anyways to my opinion. Its an ultimatly resounding yes. People say its a religiouse thing, and that marriages should only happen between men and women because thats the way God intended it to be. First off. Does no one remember this wonderful thing about how religion and politics would be seperated. Everyone always says "The United States was founded on heterosexual marriages," of course thats not true. Anyone who actively studies history would know that the United States was founded on freedom; freedom of speach; freedom of religion; and freedom of assembly. The United States always has said the rights of thier citizens are SOOOO important, yet when two people just want to be recognize as the government in a "civil union" its not allowed because Christianity doesn't allow it? Wait what? Whatever happened to freedom of religion? Second off. If this offends you sorry, its my opinion. The simple fact is, who in the world knows what "God intended." We deemed slavery immoral and against God yet slaves were prevelant in the times of Jesus. Look in the Bible they have a book about a letter sent by Peter to a slave owner asking the owner to respect his slave. Did he state that slavery was wrong? No. All he states was that you should treat everyone human with the same dignity. "Love thy neighbor" wait thats a commandment. Why don't we try that? Or perhaps "Hate the sin, love the sinner." What ever happened to that? Hiding behind religion only brings out a double standard. They state that this is wrong, and Gays are going to burn in hell. Whatever happened to the commandments? "Do not cast the stone unto this sinner unless you, yourself are free of sin." Yet again. Another one of Jesus's wonderful parables. YOU are not the judge, if we are against God, then GOD will punish us. Its not your job. As to what Jagan says: I really don't know why I'm even commenting to that. Thats like saying killing Jews is fine because it was legal at one time, or perhaps driving 35 mph is a horrible crime because at one time it was illegal. ....I'll just stop there.... Personally I think gays should be allowed. It doesn't hurt anyone, and if its wrong God will judge us, you don't have to. You have no right to judge us, so says your own God. [b]Clarification[/b] I'm not saying you are bad for opposing it, nor am I trying to twist the Christian faith, or call Christians hypocrits. I'm just stating what I see, and using resources as well. So if you think I'm wrong more power to you. If everyone thought the same this world would suck. Oh and I support Bush. Kerry would do the samething, look at Edward's attack on Cheney's daughter being a lesbian. Simple fact is either way gays are screwed ^_^ [/i][/color]
  14. [color=indigo] Well I gotta say this is an interesting post. Granted I haven't seen one of these around. Hm oh well... It really depends on the person, just be adaptable. I mean some girls love tongue, some girls hate it. Some girls love hickies some girls think its disgusting. You should pretty much nonchalantly find this information out. I mean its the best way, you should be comfortable about talking about doing something before you actually do it. Anyways hickies wise. Don't suck her neck off, be sensual about things. Thats the whole key, don't think about what you're doing. Just let go and do it. Be sexual, be sensual, be yourself. I don't know what to tell you, its kinda hard to tell people how to kiss, its more of a showing type of deal. ^_^ Good luck mate.[/color]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Well lets think about it this way... [i]George[/i] (Lets use George for the heck of it) [i]falls asleep after a long day at work. George dreams about playing in the World Series. George goes on to[/i] (in his dream) [i]hit the game winning homerun in game seven with the bases loaded. Now the team was down by 3 runs and he was down in the count 3-2, so he became the hero of the world series.[/i] ---The question then is: while his mind actively created this world, and his mind experienced the sensation; did he truly win the World Series? Now automatically logic screams "NO' he was simply dreaming, but as the question has been brought up, are you you because of your physical shape, or are you you because of your mind? Which makes another quesiton arise; is there a presence of a soul? With the presence of a soul then the question could arise whether or not you are you because of your soul, then where would the soul be? ---The second question from this same scenario is: was the dream world a real world? Arguably George experienced the sensation of hitting the ball, he still felt the emotion of winning the game. So theoretically George experienced everything of the situation, if he is affected by the situation is it a true situation. So if you can feel everything real about it is it a real world? So although you used the matrix analogy, truly the dream analogy could be used just to show everyday occurance. Now to go onto my answers to your questions; or perhaps my speculations is a better phrase. [i]Where[/i] Now as you stated theoretically (if it were possible) the mind is one place; and the body is at another place. Both are still functioning and the mind feels the sensation of the body. As Solo said a lot of this could be considered on perspection, but I'm going (as I said) make my own speculation. [i]Neither Here Nor There[/i] What I'm going to state is it takes a whole to run, not just a part. Although the brain seemingly has communication with the body, it can't invariably understand every aspect of whats going on, because it is not in the situation itself. It can be (thereotically) recieving messages from the body, but still it is only a part. It goes both ways without the body and mind attached, then invariably it is not in Rome entirely nor Athens entirely. Instead where he is; could almost be states as no where. It would be the variable in the equation; the x if you will. With x being all numbers (or in this case places) it is entirely impossible for a human to solve the equation, and thats where I think this is. The human can't comprehend nothingness, nor can it comprehend not being somewhere. So thusly I really think the answer to the question will never be solved, untill perhaps the human brain is tapped into fully. [i]Who[/i] I'm not going to take too much time on this, just going to use the exact same theory as the other. Basically she is both. Neither one nor the other, just both. (Sorry I have to go...I couldn't finish it) [/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Attimus331]I dunno, it depends. I've seen bullies just back down when provoked. And it also depends on the kinda person the person doing the provoking is. Ignoring him isn't always the best idea, especially if you see the bully everyday, like on the bus or at a certain class. In that case ignoring will probably just get you picked on more. I'm not saying go pick on a bully, i'm just saying be smart about it. But i do agree somewhat with what you said. Fighting back can make you look like a dick, try not to say anything stupid. "your face" is not an effective comeback. Best thing to do is hope you don't get bullied or don't make it easy for a bully to pick on you.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]Well what I'm saying is name calling isn't going to get you anywhere. Orb says stand up for yourself, don't let yourself look like a wimp etc etc etc...yet name calling? What in the world is that going to do? I mean lets think about this... [i] Your normal bully walks in talking to his "pals" and sees you. Taunts you a bit and calls you a queer.[/i] "Shut the hell up deusch." [i]So you said it. You decided to take Orb's advice and whats going to happen? Do you really think the bully is going to think being able to say a word makes you tough? No...suddenly you have two black eyes.[/i] I've seen it happen day after day after day. Its not this new issue, but hey if you want to stoop down to their level, call them names, and get in a fight go ahead. I'm just saying if its obviouse he's getting to you then he's gonna keep doing it. Thats why I said something along the lines of ignore him. The best answer is to never have it happen. Sure you might have to confront a bully in one time in your life, but why repeat the scenario. I say try and take the safest route first. Try and ignore him. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo]Are you actually stating that provoking a bully more is going to solve the matter... Wow that takes the cake, thats why so many kids get their butt beat. Dissing the bully isn't going to do anything at all, besides make yourself look like a dick. Avoiding the situation is the best thing to do, don't push them back, don't call them names, none of that. That is just bound to get you in more trouble.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo]I really don't think its that Americans just hate people and are trying to put you down, as some people have said/believe. First off, anyone who doesn't know is should probably be shot, I mean look at me. I fall under that "categroy" 100% and I don't care about it. The simple fact is; its culture. Some cultures eat other people, yet (most) cultures are against. In the way people were brought up in America, and our culture, states that homosexuality is weird, and shouldn't be expressed. Look at many religions, a lot of them don't condone it. Its not that there is any degredation that is being attempted, the simple fact is: its what they know. If I was born and taught to hate black people (For example) it would take a hell of a lot to change otherways. Thats why there is more acceptance, but not as much as we'd like to see. Its a process, people have to get used to the idea, people have to realize we are the same besides on tiny issue, and they have to teach it. You can't expect a whole culture to change its views immediatly. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo]Oh wow Well lets see I've been here since version 1. I was here in v1 as "Professional TV Watcher" but that was only for about two weeks. Then I stopped coming and about a month later I came back on and it was v2. Thats when I named myself DuoGod of Death. That name stuck with me for a while, then prolly around v4 or v5 I changed it to Lalaith Ril. So yeah I guess I could be considered and oldie, heh. I remember so many things. Like the WAR and the amazing spammer Thimoc. Oh man those were the days. I remember looking up to Transtic Nerve like he was a sex god or something. Haha silly silly Bryan. Anyways yeah I've been here forever, most of the people I was closest to on here have left, but I must say its still a home. Despite the fact that I get on maybe once or twice a week. During the summer I only checked maybe 4 times. Needless to say I'm still suprised my post count is considered high. Otakuboards is amazing. I remember when I used to dream of being a mod, then I got grounded for 6 months. Wow that sucked. Man I laugh at myself, modless since v2 rock on!!![/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='Gin-kun']I don't normally post right after the first post of the replier person or whatever, but I'll say that I can't do RPG's. I tried once, but I don't get it. I mean if someone shoots at you or tries to stab you or somethin you can just go "*flips over the bullet (or sword in whatever case) and appears behind you*". Like I say, I'm no good with it. :D[/quote] [color=indigo] Exactly the thing is, you should look at the quality of RPG's at Otakuboards. Its a lot different than many other forums, simply because its more mature. Most RPG's have atleast a physical limit to what can be achieved, IE: Can't flip bullets around, or never die. Basically Roleplaying at OtakuBoards is collective story telling, so if you are a writer, and indeed enjoy writing, I suggest you look into it. Granted some RPG"s may give you the ability to do such things, but hey it just depends on the RPG and the story set out. Although I have to warn you, don't take offense, but this thread will most likely be closed because well, the OB doesn't really advocate intro threads. However, if you need any help, or just want to talk to anyone feel free to PM me, e-mail me, or even IM me through AIM or YIM. I'd encourage you to either read the rules, or ask a fellow OBer (like myself) about the rules, don't worry we arn't tyrants, they are easy to follow, and make this place even better. Welcome to the boards.... [/color]
  21. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I'm going with side B since it seems to be a bit more moderate. I think Bush did a decent job in the beginning of his term. Especially during 9/11 and going to Afghanistan. We actually have order over there and Saturday was their first democratic election post Taliban. For all we know Bush may have had a somewhat decent plan for Iraq, but you really can't go through with any plans when nobody is willing to cooperate. But the reasons for going to war with Iraq were false and the American people were lied to. Even worse, or troops were lied to as to why they were put in a foreign country in harms way. I find that unforgiveable. But Baron, you forgot about group C, the ones that feel Bush can do no wrong, has done no wrong and can't be held accountable for anything that has happened these past four years.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] First off I agree with your first paragraph. I really honestly think that Bush did a uniquely well job in Afghanistan, and although every anti-Bush/anti-War on Terror advocate stated that we never got Osama, the simple fact is: we helped a country, we stopped the tyrany and well...how much terrorism is there no compared to before? I think the main difference between Afghanistan and Iraq is two things. First off Iraw didn't directly (or we couldn't create any true connections) attack us like the Taliban did. So naturally America hated the taliban, but a tyrant killing thousands (possibly millions) of people during his reign is ok. Secondly, the U.N. backed up the war in Afghanistan, where as it didn't back up the war in Iraq. Personally I think the countries that had the best intelligence in the matter supported us, namely Great Brittian. Now I know that isn't exactly the most fair point of view, I guess you could say, but the fact is as I stated before I find the UN to be deplorable, counter productive, and corrupt. Now onto paragraph two. You know although I really like the war on Iraq, because in my mind no one else would've taken the measures to stop Suddam, I don't think he lied to us. As it has been said in this thread even Clinton stated there were WMD's in Iraq. That was the information we had at the time, granted it was bad information, it was the info we had on the time. I respect Bush on the fact that he acted on the information that he had. Many people call this idiotic, but the simple fact is most people don't do that now, and in a world of genocide and terrorism I think thats important. I know a lot of people would consider me to be in Group C, and frankly I'm not. I agree with you on a lot of issues, I just think Bush is a better candidate. I mean he messes up, everyone does. I just think he doesn't get the true image through the media for reasons I stated before. I don't like that he's anti-choice, but I like that he's taking a stand, does that make sense? I just like a president thats not afraid to take a stand, and not afraid to act on morals. All in all my biggest beef with President Bush is, obviously, his anti-gay attitude. Granted Kerry isn't any better on the issue, so thats a mewt point.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Serraph-Angel][size=1]I do agree with all of you. But when I tell my parents that it is only a game and that this game isnt influencing me all they say is "I dont want to talk about it." I think that they are comparing this situation to a situation like Helter Skelter. IM NOT CHARLES MANSON FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!! But my parents dont want to see that. All they think is, the game is bringing me down in my overall "health" and "life" so I will just have to wait to play it again, or wait to find out that I will never play it again.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo]Alright I think I'm going to post here once last time, not sure why but I am. I started thinking and so I decided just to kinda see where the story was coming from, and as weird as it is I checked out other posts by you and such. Now granted coming into this not knowing anything about you I just assumed you were just another whining teenager who had been gotten disciplined, and thought it was wrong. Although now, after just taking time, I see its different so you know what, I think I'll have to take your side. I think it truly is an over-reaction, what they did. I mean honestly you don't seem to be some physcotic murderer, you don't try and pry for attention, you just seem to be a normal teenager. Hell I play Halo, does that mean I'm going to go kill someone, no. So I must say, with my fourth(?) post, that I agree with you. Man I think things through way too much, I should just stick with what I think :p. But good luck with that, try and find a different game to play in the meantime ;)[/color]
  23. [quote name='MysticKnight']Thank you all for your "criticism." Only like one of you is normal, and that is Baron Samedi. You guys should grow up to be critics, seriously. You take like everything too seriously. Only Baron gave me good advice. LOL.[/quote] [COLOR=Indigo]Atleast with how you presented the situation how are we supposed to give you good advice? Did you mentioned that you "loved" her? No. Did you mention that she was a slut? Yes.... Did you mention she wanted to "do you"? Yes.... (As people have said, first off: "Do you?" If you cared for her, wouldn't you use maybe a more gratifying and passionate term than "do you" and second off: You're 14. What are you a freshmen at best? All most of us our saying is you're young, you don't need this crap, frankly I think its too young for you to be "doing" anyone, or for a girl to be "Doing" anyone as well. Theres too many responsibilities that you won't be able to fess up to if something goes wrong. Of course according to you, we need to grow up? Frankly the fact is, if someone takes time out of their day to even think about giving you advice you should thank them, even if you don't agree with it. Second off; don't ask for advice when your mind is already set on certain advice, then you're just trying to get someone to back you up, not actually help you. Grow up[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE=Falkon]SLipknots "I push My fingers into my eyes" song (I dont know what the real name is.) "I push my fingers into my eyes/its the only thing that slowly stops the ache/ but its made of all the things I have to take/Jesus it never ends, it works its way inside..." Good song. Fun and all that other stuff. Definitely an interesting song to listen to.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo]Lord knows I wouldn't count that as a weird song to get stuck in your head, but the title is "Duality" The weirdest song for me would be a number of disney songs, uhm...."Barbie Girl" by Aqua.....ya thats fun... The weirdest would probably be the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" with the dancing banana. Last year I had that stuck in my head for a week, it was bad. People hated me ^_^[/color]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo]Uh... Well first question: Does being bisexual make someone a slut? Since when does what someone listens to make them a slut? Man things have changed since I was fourteen...wait that was two years ago. If she's such a slut, why did you go out with her? Thats my whole issue, and if she's a slut and that bothers you dump her. She's fourteen, I'll assume you in the range of 14-16. You have time to find someone else. She has other boyfriends/girlfriends? Yet you're still dating her? Isn't that cheating? I think the only true advice you need is to either how to stand up for yourself more effectively (no offense), or who to pick as a girlfriend. No offense ment in that I'm just saying, pick someone that fits with your personality, not just any slut. [/COLOR]
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