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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I don't see how that makes sense. If you soak a chicken bone in soda, the bubbles are directly affecting it. If you [i]drink[/i] soda, it's not coming in contact with your bones at all...it's going straight down your digestive path to your stomach. That's a moot point.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Through digestine things are broken up correct? Well somethings take more materials to break up then others, and this is what causes you to loose Calcium. To break up the molecules that make up carbination it takes alot of Calcium, and if you drink enough your body has to use the reserves in your bones, hallowing them out.
  2. Nor did I vote considering I am also 14. Well I didn't vote officially but we had a little vote at our school. And I voted for Adam Taff (republican) although their typ doesn't matter its the person themselves. Adam Taff was the only person who actually went into the community. But yeah it was sad this year, alot of mud-slinging. Although Adam Taff didn't do that much, one of the reasons I voted for him.
  3. [b]I don't understand what you're saying here. If I'm afraid of something, I run. I've never been afraid of God.[/b] Have you ever thought of this though. As you are scared of something you tend to think about it more and more. Say if you are afraid of heights, you think about it. If you arn't afraid of it you don't think about it. From what I understand God wants us to be scared of him for the simple fact that with fear comes respect, knowledge, and as I said before we'll tend to think of him more. This is merely my opinion. Anyway I've enjoyed our short discussion, and hope that you've learned maybe alittle at how a Wiccan thinks :-p. I sure hope you drive your teacher nuts, I know I do with this stuff. Blessed Be, Bryan
  4. Do I honestly believe it? Yes I do. Not one person can truly be completely Christian from all the rules set in this religion. (I am not trying to critisize Christianity so please don't take it that way) For to be a true Christian you must be truly like Jesus, and has been proven to be impossible for we are human and we sin. Also from what I got out of Sunday school and all my years going to church, they tell you there is no middle of the road and the Bible has this to draw you closer to God. For if you are scared you draw closer to the thing you are scared of, naturally you draw closer to God. Also I wonder what does your scripture describe "Witchcraft" as? I have found that the scriptures have been editing, mainly during the Dark and Renassons. I go to a Catholic school and even my teachers agree with me on that subject. So the way they describe "witchcraft" could be the form that the church molded to make "witches" seem evil. To make people come closer to the church obviously. I also am interested in seeing your result.
  5. [i]Rev stopped and looked back.[/i] "You know, just because I'm instructor doesn't mean you have to walk so far behind me...." [i]Rev looked at her quizically and smiled. He nodded toward her. She looked at him for a second then walked up next to him.[/i] "By the way don't be embarressed about loosing your way around here. I remember my first day here....I was running trying to find my room and plowed straight through my instructor." [i]He shook his head and laughed. Katiya giggled slightly. He looked at her and noticed she was carrying a small book.[/i] "Artist I take it?" [i]Katiya nodded. Rev thought about it for a second and nodded too. He continued walking untill he came to the recruit's rooms.[/i] "Well here you go..."
  6. [i]Rev smiled and watched John walk over to Setsuna. That should get his confidence up. He studied him for a bit and saw John whisper. He smiled. "Young love..." he whispered to himself. He sat there watching the two for another moment then decided to interupt the akward moment.[/i] "Hey maverick!" [i]John looked over towards Rev instintively seeing who he was talking to. After a second he realized Rev was talking to him. Before he had time to open his mouth Rev threw a small skull at him. John reached out and caught the small skull in his palm. He looked at it questioningly then looked back up at Rev.[/i] "Don't look at me like that, hot shot. I'd think atleast you knew what those were. You get one everytime you win a fight. Congrats." [i]John looked down at the skull again and smiled. He continued to stare at it and forgot about Rev. He shook his head at his stupidity at not thanking Rev. As he looked up to thank Rev he noticed Rev had left. How could he? He was just there. John shook his head and went back to talking to Setsuna, playing with the skull in his left hand.[/i] "That kids gonna be good..." [i]Rev continued to walk down the hall, heading towards his quaters. He was going to go run, so he needed something not as formal.[/i]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]Like Cera, I believe in magic and witchcraft.. but being a Christian I don't condone it in any way.. regardless of whether it was meant in the best intentions or not. I wouldn't blatantly lie to someone, steal from someone, or bow down to another God, even if I thought that good could come from it, and in my view, witchcraft is exactly the same.. essentially it's going against what God told us not to do, whether it's used to harm or not.. and it doesn't particularly matter to me whether the particular cult/religion is against Christians or not. Anyway.. saying that, I believe witchcraft is wrong, but I have nothing against witches or people who choose to follow those religions.. in the same way that I have no problem with people who follow any other religion.. It's just my opinion that witchcraft is wrong, not "witches are bad people" [/B][/QUOTE] I'm just curiouse did you click on the link that I posted in one of my older posts? Wicca/Witchcraft is not a religion against God. We promote God, you can be Wiccan and still be Christian. True you arn't a complete Wiccan or a complete Christian but you can still be both. Do you think bad of Buddhism? For Wicca can be seen as very similar to Buddhsim. It promotes nature, ones own self, and the community around you. We promote peace and love. We don't believe that there is truly one right God. Sorry I'll stop now...just thought I'd let you know. You may have known this but from how I read your post it seemed you thought Wicca was a satanic religion, which is a very common belief among other religions.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]What a Conicidence we had this same debate in Civics well I think we should wait because. A. Iraq hasn't launched anything yet. But they still are dangerous. B. We have alot of troops still in Afaganistan note these wars are gonna cost a bundle and I mean more that 9,999,999,999x you get my drift. C.We have those gunns that can blow missles in mid air except the problems of the chemicals getting into the ocean/US. D. Every other problem in the US. E.Tomorrows Election day so Vote
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Lol. Another Grats from me. And any postion you have blanko, I would accept... I'll PM you. -Ken PS- [size=1]Anyone suggest that I, DeathKnight, should be priest and I ****ing rip your brains out and use them for my dinner. *ahem*[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I say Ken should be the preacher, don't you guys?
  10. Ok I know there have been subjects on this before (well I'm pretty sure) but I ask that noone closes this...yet. I was thinking about it today and was interested on what you think about the not attacking Iraq issue. I'm not just interested in an answere such as "I hate war...its icky" or "Kill them d*** muslim sh**s" I'm looking for this to be more of a debate. Although if I see the second one I will immediatly notify a mod and have this closed. This thread is not ment to persecute others for their beleifs it is merely to state your opinions and give "Proof" of them. Again if I see any flaming I'll immediatly ask the mods to close this. Also don't worry you don't have to type this LOOONGGG detailed post, just long enough to get your point across. Example: Personally I think we should go to war with Iraq. No I do not condone war, and normally strongly am against it however Sudaam has gone to far. We've warned him many times and he refuses to listen. He'll continue doing the same things, untill we stop him. Here I'll use an old Bible saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child." Now we can look at Sudaam as a spoiled brat at this moment because noone has gone in there and truly taught him a lesson. I am not saying that America is the one that SHOULD do this, or has the DEVINE RIGHT to, I'm just saying someone has to, and from the media here in America there are no signs of anyone doing it, so I say America lets go get him!
  11. [i]Lalaith watched Iondarc walk, untill he was out of site. He sighed. What he was asking of Iondarc was un-fair, he should've gone himself. He knew Iondarc should be fine, but..asking someone else to do that was wrong. He sighed again. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.[/i] Lauren: "He'll be fine.." [i]Lalaith nodded and rubbed her hand as he closed his eyes. He looked back at her and smiled.[/i] "Of course he will, I wouldn't have sent him otherwise." [i]Lalaith smirked at Lauren.[/i] "You should get some sleep though, Lauren." [i]Lauren paused and looked at him, then walked back to the rest of the group and laid down. She laid there looking at Lalaith.[/i] Lauren: "You don't fool me Lalaith, stop hiding your feelings..." [i]Lauren sighed as she whispered this. Lalaith continued looking out towards the direction Iondarc had left. He sighed again.[/i] "Good luck my friend...." [i]Lalaith notched his bow and climbed a tree gracefully. Making sure he could see in any direction he finally found a comfortable place in the tree where he could lean and still be hidden.[/i]
  12. Lol thats awesome, too bad I don't drink soda's. Just coffee. Anyways, but doesn't too much caffeine lead to heart problems and such. Another interstng fact did you know that carbination in Soda's actually soak up the calcium in your bones hallowing them, so the more you drink coke the more likely you are to break a bone.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheDarkOtaku [/i] [B]Genkai, put it this way, they're little whitebread freaks who think they are african-american. Not even a fly is scared of them. :) [/B][/QUOTE] There ya go. There is your answere...honestly if they continue making fun of you, (as immature as it is) make fun back. I mean its not exactly the most mature advice, and I don't do it unless I honestly can't stand it, but un-fortunatly sometimes it works. I don't suggest it unless you are desperate..
  14. Yeah as genkai said, fake ones are very annoying. Real ones arn't really into the evil stuff as much as you think. Anyways, I think you should build the Time Machine. I mean you don't expect it to work nor do most people here, and it would add some fun to your life. I'd do it just for the heck of it.
  15. [i]Lalaith continued explaining these creatures in as much detail as possible. Making sure to mention they were faster, stronger and smarter than expected.[/i] "We wouldn't have had much of a chance, but we took them on suprise. They are smarter, stronger, and faster, but their senses have been lessoned." [i]Lalaith looked at the group after thinking for a moment then nodded.[/i] "Iondarc I need you to do a dangerouse task. I don't trust these things. If you will, I wish to send you ahead to scout more. I want to stay back and make sure there are no more behind us. If you see something send a jet of flame straight up, we will find you." Strider: "I will go with him!" "No" [i]Lalaith responded quickly. Strider looked at him confused but didn't say anything else. Samantha walked up to Lalaith.[/i] "I do not think it wise to send a wizard by himself without a warrior such as Strider." "We need Strider with us much more. Iondarc will fair by himself" Iondarc: "Very well, I will set out now." [i]Lalaith nodded and looked back at the group.[/i] "We will sleep for now. I will take first watch, if I need sleep I will summon one of you to continue the watch. You must stay awake, it is vital. We know not what we face yet." [i]He extended his hand to Iondarc[/i] "Good luck my friend" [i]Iondarc shook his hand, and using his staff began walking into the forest.[/i]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheDarkOtaku [/i] [B]At school there are a group of guys that all themselves "gangstas". Now, this is just stupid, as we can see, but they're using it to make problems. Just because they like rap, play GTA, wear headbands and North Face jackets, and flip their hair doesn't mean your "gangsta." Now, I'm getting picked on because I like rock, I like to write, and my obsession with anime and manga culture. They obviously don't know what "mind your own business" is. I'm thinking about telling the dean or guidance counselor about them. I am so downtrodden and upset right now from getting called a "loser, fat, nonentity" all day. What do you think I should do ? :( [/B][/QUOTE] Welcome to my world. I got to a catholic school (Which is a majority white, only 5 kids in the whole school who arn't) and they call themselves thugs and gangstas....Its really stupid. The whole thing is stupid. Personally if they continue I just tell them to either "F**K off" *you can do it politer of course* or just ignore them. I choose to ignore them all, but its up to you. You can take it up to the authorities but all you'll see prolly is a boring assembly talking about how bullies are bad, and then it won't stop. I don't know, I just choose to ignore them. Remember you are you, not what they want you to be. So don't give a damn what they say, they arn't important... (BY THE WAY I LOVE YOUR BANNER)
  17. Wow I like it...ALOT. You can tell its influenced by Dr. Suess and it hides a more depressive message, even though it sounds merry at times. I really like it! Great work!
  18. [i]Rev charged at the recruit carelessly, hoping to find out his true potential. He swung his sword providing an easy block attack combo. As he expected his opponent blocked took the advantage and jabbed straight forward at his head. Rev tilted his head aside, and twirled to the side kicking his opponent in the back of the head. He grinned. He too heard the servents talking. He loved battling, it was his only constant, and with an audience. This was his ultimate high. His opponent re-covered from Rev's attack and kicked him in the leg causing Rev to fall over.[/i] "Nice move, I see you truly are better than I predicted." [i]Rev brought up his sword and put it infront of the sword bearing down on his face.[/i] "Too bad I am too..." [i]Rev smirked. He was holding back. He'd let the recruit win the first time most likely, just to get them alittle boost. Confidence in the battlefield was key. But he wouldn't lose just yet. Rev pushed off with his sword causing his opponent to go off balance. Taking this to his advantage he jumped up and turned around facing the downed opponent.[/i] OOC: Yeah not that great oh well
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]I dunno much about Witchcraft. But I do know Wicca seems to be a fairly popular religion amongst young people these days. Although, for those who are [b]serious[/b] about being Wiccan, they might want to read [url=http://www.whywiccanssuck.com/]http://www.whywiccanssuck.com/[/url]. The author has a bit of an attitude problem, but they do know their stuff. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I've read that before its true...and its funny.
  20. Ok Deedlit gimme a cudos....@.@ Too much...eyes hurt....sounds cool though.... Name: Lalaith Ril Age: 19 Species: Half Elf Sub-Species: Neidar Order: Bard/Thief Weapons: A long sword, found while searching for food. He ran into a dead man and took his sword. He also carries a beaten up short bow with a limited amount of arrows. Armor: He wears chainmail. Also found this off the dead man. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Icy Blue Eyes Allignment: Chaotic Nuetral (Is this ok? Sorry my eyes hurt and my brain doesn't work from reading all that stuff)
  21. Well it truly depends on how good of a friend she is. How much you like her. How much she means to you. How much you want a friend. And questions like that. If you two have had good times together and certain things like that I suggest that you make it up. The worst thing in the world is to hold grudges over trivial things.
  22. [i]Rev sighed and shook his head. He needed to keep his wits about. He wasn't making a good impression so far, bumping into the students while dreaming about the other instuctor. This wouldn't be a good year if it kept on like this. He sighed again. He continued walking and went into his room. He was gonna dress in a more official outfit to make himself look alittle more seriouse. He looked in the mirror and sighed again. While looking at the mirror he noticed the flower from the garden. He cupped it and smelled it again. He smiled. The smell of a flower always calmed him. He then nodded and walked towards the garden. He needed to settle down. He walked through the halls quickly and entered the garden from the back door. As he stepped into the garden the cool breeze hit him in the face. He smiled, nature itself was the definition of beauty and peace. He walked to the stream that was running next to the door and bent down. He stared into the water. He sat down and listened to the water running, then he heard something. Rev turned his head and saw a girl walking through the garden gazing at the flowers as well. Another recruit. Rev sighed and stood up. He slowly walked towards her making sure not to make any noise. He held his sword close to him not letting it click against anything. He finally got right behind her and watched her look at the flowers for a moment.[/i] "Truly beautiful. Nature is I mean. Wouldn't you agree?" [i]The girl jumped by the sudden noise and swung her fist at the un-known stranger. Rev brought his hand up and caught her fist in mid-air. He smiled.[/i] "I am instructor Rev Wyly, I believe you are the Royal recruit named Setsuna." OOC: About my suit think of a Treize suit. With the high boots, the sword and the sharp uniform.
  23. Name: (Why not) Lalaith Ril *smirks* Race: Rogue Elf Element: Shadow Weapons: Short Bow and Arrow. Tlero (A dagger with the shadow powers) Age:16 Bio: Lalaith had always wondered the land as long as he could remembered. He never knew his parents and has no blood family. As he went along he learned many tricks from humans and other elves alike. He is a master thief and can his way out of almost any situation. One night while he was sleeping in a tree the God of Shadow came up to him. He bestowed him the ability to use Shadow magic and gave him his prefered weapon "Tlero". Along with this Lalaith was marked with a lighting mark down his left cheek. He has become a great marksman with his bow and can handel Tlero expertly. Looks: Lalaith is 5'3. He wears scrabby clothes, and has no spare clothes. His boots are torn, and his clothes have many worn marks. He has silver eyes with blonde hair down his back. His scar goes from his jaw bone on his left cheek to an inch under his eye. Personality: Loyal (only when he trusts them), Deceptive, Scared. Often cracks sarcastic remarks and jokes to lighten a situation when he is nervouse or sad.
  24. Don't worry you obviously didn't mean to and I don't think the mods will hold it against you if you slip up once. For future reference try PMing someone. But honoestly I'm not sure if they would take this as advertisement. Anyways don't worry about it! I must get it out. I played neopets. No I'm not proud of it, but I played neopets. It was dark, I didn't know what I was doing!
  25. Neopets...*shudders* never say that name in my presence....Any other sites? I wouldn't know. Anyways I'm not sure but I don't believe this thread is allowed not sure. its really up to the mods but wouldn't this be considering Advertising? *shrugs*
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