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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]as I've said in the other Ring thread, I loved the movie. I was scared out of my wits though, since I'm not very good with horror movies anyway. the girl in the picture isn't the friend of the girl who died, but she plays a really big role in the movie. I dunno if I should say what it is though, I'm not sure how much I can reveal without it being a spoiler. but her name is Somara.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah thats about all you can tell them lol. Anyways that movie was scary. I didn't understand one part of the movie though. It is quite confusing at times...
My Friend Beleives in Witchcraft...
Sui Generis replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash[/i][b] That's very narrow-minded and predjudiced.[/B][/QUOTE] Not only that but pretty much against Otaku rules. I won't go into it, and I'm not gonna flame him. I'm just gonna state that what he said was wrong.... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i][b] Wicca?s pfft, hate them all. It is the one thing that I will say I truly hate. Personal events lead to that, you may not ask. -Lord Epssy [/B][/QUOTE] By the way I am a wiccan....newly joined so I don't know too much about it yet, but I still am one. Please next time I'd appreciate it if you'd hold your toungue unless you know well who you are going to hurt/damage/affect/ etc...next time. Also here is a link to information on the wiccan religion and witchcraft if you are interested in learning or just want to see what it is. I hope you do take the time to read it.[URL=http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/wicca.htm][b]Wicca and Witchcraft[/URL][/b] -
Name: Rev Wyly (Yeah I use this one almost as much as Lalaith) Age:16 Element: Water Side: Neutral Weapons: 2x Daggers....bow and arrow. Powers: [b]Tsunami[/b]- Sends a wave of water at the enemy. Can drown some of the enemies or just knock em off balance. Also good for putting out fires. [b]Whirpool[/b]- Creates a slight whirlpool, only big enough to break a small-medium size boat. [b]Water[/b]- Just the ability to move water at his will IE: Bend, throw at enemies. Bio: Will post later did the same thing DOK did *sweatdrops*
My Friend Beleives in Witchcraft...
Sui Generis replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
I would give ya'all a long detailed post about how I believe in magic(k) and how I have examples to back me up, but I'm really too tired to do that today.... Anyway I'll just say this. Time travel? I don't think she can time travel, and even if it was possible she wouldn't be that powerful of a warlock at such a young age to be able to. The revenge and money thing, its possible. I have a quick question isn't one of the wiccan beliefs is that if it harms someone the spell or consequence comes back at you 3 fold? One of my wiccan friends said that. Let her believe what she wants. You couldn't stop her from believing it anyways, and if you could you don't have the right to. Lol TN yeah I get it, I'm sure most people here get it though -
Yeah like wrist cutter said the movie or plot itself is essentially not all that scary. Its really hard to describe A) without spoiling it and B) just is hard to describe...how it is scary. I'll just tell you one thing...lights are you friends when you sleep at night! Lol I don't sleep with my light but many friends that have seen it do. I personally loved the movie no matter how much I wanted to pee my pants during the movie.... Great filming and special affects I think...and I think its great how it was as scary as it was with minimal gore/grusome images...I mean its PG-13 yet we had adults hiding and walking out of the theatre...
Only thing I'd do is go back in time to last year and make sure my friend didn't leave to go to Alabama. Maybe then she wouldn't have been murdered....
Has anyone read any books from the Dragonlance Series?
Sui Generis replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]I'm currently reading DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night II.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You too?! Cool....But yeah like Deedlit I am reading DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night II....Its my favorite because its the only one I've read/am reading. -
PErsonally I've imaged most people here like anime characters. I don't know why...just another proof that I truly have no life:rolleyes: . Either that or they have some cool feature, like anime looking blue hair or something like that...I want anime hair....I think I'll stop ranting now.... Deedlit: I imagined as an elf, and well she does almost look like one! ChibiTrunks: ^---Same... PiroMunkie: Imagine you as some dude with weird spiky cool looking hair. DeathKnight: Some crazy insane freak with a chainsaw. (SO I am close)
Personally I really liked it. Of course I like any poem that is decent, but thats beyond the point. Personally even though you used Strife meaning sad I think it makes sense in the line so you got lucky :-p The only spelling I found in there (wasn't looking to hard) was sole. From what I believe you are trying to say it should be S-O-U-L. But that just be a mistake in my reading. Tiny parts of it kinda rip out of the flow of the whole poem, but that could or couldn't be bad. If you want you can revise that, otherwise (personally I wouldn't) you don't have to revise it. The only thing I'd try and work on flow wise is the sentences... "You have to get up and you have to survive. As the enemy shoots at you, which side is right you are trying to derive." ....Only reason I say you work on that is it seems to completely throw off the flow for a bit. But yet again its not a big deal... ANyways nice job! Yeah I had to take some people's advice and start critisizing abit (sp) so don't take any of this as offending or anything.
[i]Rev walked down the halls silently thinking. Everything was quiet. Most of the recruits were asleep, that is if they were here. Days like these made him think. Think of everything. His past, his present, and his future. Mainly his past. His friends, their deaths, being an orphan, everything. Why he didn't know. He just thought. His mind fluttered as he saw different pictures hanging on the walls. He smiled. He stopped and looked at a picture. It was of the graduation party last year. The picture was of some students, but in the background Rev was there, in the corner as usual. Although something about this picture was different. There was someone talking to him. He smiled and looked at this picture again. Noone talked to him...noone except her. May Lee Sao.... May Lee Sao. That name ment so much to him. He blushed as he thought about his feelings. He loved her. She was older than him but he loved her. She was the first person to accept him. Even though she was an instructor. He remembered the feeling when he found out that he was going to be the newest instructor. That exciting him, but the thing that exciting him more than anything else was...May Lee Sao. He now had a chance to see her everyday working with her, training the best fighters. He smiled again and turned the corner.[/i] "OW!" [i]WIth that he snapped out of his daze. He looked down to see a girl on the ground. He must've accidently bumped into her. He looked at her and knelt down to help her.[/i] "Sorry, I am insturctor Rev Wyly who are you?" ?????: "My name is Katiya. I'm a new recruit. Its ok..." "A new recruit eh? Welcome. I'll tell you one thing, its gonna be hell for you. This year that is." [i]Rev nodded at the new recruit and began walking back towards the garden. He smiled, she would be a good student.[/i]
Bryan Alexander Kellogg..... Bryan: Named after Brian Botono (Sp). For people who don't know who he is, he was a ice skater who won the 1988 olympics (when I was borN) Unfortunatly he dressed up as a chicken for his costume, so my parents call my chicken boy. The reason I have a "Y" instead of an "I" is my mom wanted to make it look more "exotic" or some reason like that o.O Alexander: No clue...mom loves the name Alex....Also a nick name of mine Kellogg: I have no clue...I wish it was because I owned the cereal but I don't :bawl:
[i]Lalaith walked slowly staying crotched. He kept his eyes moving swiftly making sure not to let anything go untouched by his sharp gaze. He looked at the ground and saw footprints. He held his hand up and motioned for Strider to stop. He pointed to the footprints and waited for Strider to realize what it was. Strider's eyes lit up, and Lalaith took this as a sign that he understood. What they were following wasn't like anything seen before. Lalaith muttered something under his breath and continued on, making sure to make no noise what so ever. They continued on untill Lalaith felt they were close. Lalaith nodded to Strider telling him to go into the clearing. As Strider began walking through the bushes Lalaith stood up and held his arrow tight against his cheek. He slowly walked after Strider. Strider stopped dead in his tracks. Lalaith walked up closer and saw what made Strider stop. It was a group of beings that seemed to be elf, human, orc, and goblin all combined into one. There were a dozen of them. Lalaith sniffed the air and nodded. These things were evil, and they had to kill them before they found the fellowship. Strider walked up un-easily and unsheathed his sword completely. He raised it slowly and quickly slashed the throat of the first monster. Before the monsters could realize that one of their own was down Strider began cutting quickly. Lalaith then began firing arrows as fast as he could. Before he even realized it all of the monsters were dead. Lalaith nodded and walked over to Strider. He offered his hand.[/i] "I am very impressed. You will do good with us." [i]Lalaith smiled and the both of them headed back to the group[/i] OOC: Sorry that the post wasn't that great, oh and I love your Yoda quotes!
I'd say that I relate mostly too... Magic: Magic Hats: Sites can be decieving.... or Not sure what its called, the mirror that cuts life points in half. Monster: Ryu-Ran: Again sites can be decieving....looks helpess in the little shell but isn't...
" It would be wrong to blame the parents, because they are so busy working that they do not have the time to care for their children." "And of course, we can?t blame them ourselves, because that would just be ridiculous." Personally those were my two favorite lines. That was a great review, I like how you put it together. Tis a very good job and am really waiting to see more of your work! Again nice job....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Anyway, with immaturity comes immature people. They don't know what happened during that time, they didn't experience, and to them it's nothing but a fake scene. They don't know WWII and D-Day was really like that. If someone threw them in the middle of it, I'm sure they wouldn't laugh then. It's not that it's right or wrong, it's just that they are too stupid to know any better. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm with him on most of that. All they see is some magic from Hollywood making people's arms fly off. They don't think about that all that was true, people had that happen to them. It was really that horrifying. They don't realize this. I'm sure if they took the time and stopped for a second while watching the movie (Mainly the first scene) and looked around at their friends and imagined them in that scene they wouldn't be laughing. I think its wrong but you really can't stop it... I wouldn't do either honostly. I don't laugh and I don't cry mainly. I just become sick, and I get really quiet. We also watched it last year and I could barely stand the movie. I'm rather sensitive to blood and guts and stuff when it comes to other people. So For the rest of the day I couldn't watch at all. It made me sick. I didn't throw up or antyhing, but still.
Name: Valik Color: Completely black with a white streak across his muzzle. Gender: Male Age: 2 Valik is a lone wolf. His pack was killed by a group of hunters, he was the sole survivor because he had ran off that morning to play. He now wonders around trying to survive, looking for wolves to be-friend, and to avenge is pack. He is an insecure wolf that has a "hard outside shell." At first he doesn't trust anyone but once he trusts you, he'll do anything for you. Very loyal.
[i]Upon hearing hearing Ryan, Lalaith grabbed his bow. He croutched low and notched his bow. He motioned for Strider to follow him. He slowly walked up to Abob. He got as close as possible and whispered into Abob's ear.[/i] "What do you see?" [i]Abob sat there for a second longer staring at the forest, the turned his gaze to Lalaith.[/i] Abob: "Movement.." [i]Lalaith nodded thoughtfully then turned to Strider. He looked at Strider carefully studying him then turned back to Abob.[/i] "Move the group into that brush over there. Strider and I will scout the area see if there is anything following us." [i]He nodded to Abob then motioned to Strider. He began walking into the woods his bow pointing at the ground, yet ready to strike.[/i]
I'd say I'm average. Many people (unless they've seen me in the intro forum) take me for an uptight person because of some of my more seriouse posts here on otakuboards. They also see me as a no lifer with 2000+ posts. Heh ^.^;; As for on AIM people would think of me as a little odd. Honostly I'm a mixture of both perceptions. But I think I'm atleast decently easy to get along with. Yeah I'd say I'm average, of course I've heard some people say that some of the newer members around here respect me so I guess I coudl say I'm respected. But I've yet to find true evidence of this. :)
[i]Rev walked through the garden looking at the flowers thoughtfully. He loved looking at the flowers, it relaxed him. He smiled as he watched a butterfly land on a flower. The garden was his idea for the training school. He figured it would allow others to relax. He continued walking, sniffing the air.[/i] May Lee Sao: "Why am I not suprised?" [i]She walked towards Rev smiling. Rev caught himself before letting himself blush. She had that affect on him. He didn't know why. He smiled at her and continued looking at the flowers.[/i] May: "There hasn't been a day that you have skipped coming to this garden." [i]She paused thoughtfully for a second.[/i] Rev: "And neither have you Tibet." [i]He picked a flower and sniffed it slowly.[/i] May: "Well anyway, I thought I'd tell you that the plane had arrived and some of the new kids are already here." [i]Rev looked at her then smiled slowly. He cupped the flower still in his hand and walked past her. He headed back to his quaters. Arriving in his quaters he slipped into his uniform. He was going to wear his favorite one today. He set the flower petal on his dresser then looked in the mirror. His hair was laying messily down his back. He then took his hair and quickly through it into a ponytail. He looked a the scar on his face for a second longer. With a set face he walked out into the halls waiting to see some of the new recruits. He'd heard alot about them and was interested in meating them.[/i]
RPG Get to the church you dont wanna miss this one! An OB wedding!
Sui Generis replied to Frankie's topic in Theater
I'd love to come, if thats alright? -
[i]Lalaith continued walking quickly. He eyed every tree, rock, and piece of grass. He waited silently for an abush of some kind. He knew that the first days could sometimes be the worst. He turned his head back towards the rest of the fellowship watching them. He noticed Strider walking in the back and grinned. He remembered Lauren telling him of how Strider would hang back in the first fellowship. Lalaith never got to meat the great friend of Legolas, and he always had wanted to. There was no way he was going to pass up this opportunity. He slowed down enough so that he was next to Abob. He leaned over and started talking to Abob. After some silent conversation Abob nodded his head. Abob then quickened his pace and was in the front of the group with his eyes carefully patrolling the world around him. Lalaith clutched his sword slightly and came back to Strider. He kept his eyes moving and made sure not to miss a single movement. He smirked slightly and then turned his head slightly towards Strider.[/i] "Its an honor to see you again. Its been quite some time. You were a young one last time I saw you. I don't believe I've formally introduced myself, I am Lalaith Ril, a former ranger." [i]He smiled again as he noticed Strider's attention being drawn to him.[/i]
Hey no problem! Anyday! Just wanted to get this thing started....*sweatdrops* One more girl...*sighs in exasperation* OK! Lets go! All you ladies out there join right here! :p I have a question are you gonna post who the instructors are going to instruct or are we teaching 'em all?
Well I'll bet 4 cookies that Faris looses. Ouch thats a big margin. But I believe he said that we should just use the eviction threads to talk about the members seeing as they can't see this thread.
1. Yes, and we don't even have equal rights right now. I'll give one quick example of what I mean, atleast in the US some black people (many thug wannabees) walk aroudn calling eachother ni**ers. Yet if a white man does this, he will either be shot, or sued. That right there is not equal rights. 2. Personally I think they are taking it a bit too far. Mainly with all these cases of people being sued. Some people say its their "right" to rob people, and then they win. What happened to justice? I think people's "RIGHTS" have been getting int he way of our justice. The government is too careful, I think they need to put an end to it. Yes I do believe those that have suffered more in the past two centuries have gotten more "rights" (Slaves), in America. And I am oppose to it. Not because I am racist or anything, but these people will take what they have then try for more. Not everyone for granted but you have people like Reverand Jessie Jackson trying to get more rights for the black community. They complain about equal rights..bah they have more rights than the white. Also lets face it in life, life itself doesn't stop and nuture you when you fall down. It doesn't give you presents for your birthday. As much as I hate what happened to them, more rights is just in-moral. And its also against their own beliefe of "Equal Rights" [size=2]I am not saying that anyone person on here is like this, and am not saying the majority is like this. I am just going by my eperiences. I am not racist and do/did not mean to come off as one.[/size]
Ellandor: "You have as you know been summoned on this dangerouse quest. Many of you have come just for the thought of andventure. Unfortunatly there is no greater misery than going on a quest. I must warn you, it will not be fun, and the road will be harsh. You will be driven hard and will want to quit many times. This is your chance, should you walk away now you will not be labeled a cowered, you will not be thought of as anything except sensible. If you do not leave today you are required to either complete this quest....or die." [i]Lalaith smiled as he saw some of the members adjust their weight in the seats nervously. Ellandor never changed, he liked that. Always a morbid speach before they go off on a morbid quest.[/i] Ellandor: "After you all finish your meals it will be time for departure. You will not be traveling with horses, because this would draw too much attention, so I would suggest you ligten your load. Otherwise farewell and good luck, the future of Middle Earth is in your hands." [i]Hearing this Lalaith slowly empted few truly un-needed items from his bag. Setting them on the tabled he made sure nothing was in his bag that was pointless. He stood up then and walked over to Ellandor. He smiled and clasped his shoulder.[/i] "Never let us leave with high hopes will ya old friend." [i]Lalaith laughed. Ellandor seeing it was a joke also laughed. The two exchanged a handshake and bid their farewells. Lalaith then walked over to the side of the room and leaned against the wall. He clutched his new sword and sat waiting for the rest of the fellowship. The road was going to be hard and he wanted to go as far as he could on the first day. Today would be the hardest and the easiest, for he would drive harder than ever today. Yet their stomachs were filled and their moral up. Lalaith ran his eyes over the fellowship slowly judging how long each would last before breaking. He looked at his friends and smiled as he realized it took no time at all for them to be broken. Maybe thats why they stayed.[/i]