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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Carren hold up don't worry about it! I'll change to an instructor! So you can be happy and everyone else will too!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B]I'm not planning on changing my name, because Sere Tuscumbia is who I am. Ok, true, my real name is Annie Bradley (once again, break out into anything from the Annie musical and I will hurt you), but since I've been going by Sere Tuscumbia for at least 4 years now, Sere's now more than just one of my faces. Sere thinks the way I think, no matter what. And plus, I like making fun of the way people try to spell Tuscumbia. [/B][/QUOTE] *starts singing tommorrow* "The sun will come out tommorrowww!" KEhehehe But anyways I changed my name because too many people already call me Lalaith...
  3. *snickers* But did you know they like my rubber duckies!? They will protect me! *snickers again* But anyways, well I took it about 4 more times and came up with these results: Sere, Deedlite, Sere, Sere. So sorry Sere you're stuck being like me! So NHAH! :p
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Hah, people who have never read Thrawn novels are going to have one hell of a time trying to understand your name :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah like me...*looks at it three more times and then gives up in confusion* I don't get it! >.<
  5. Ok well the story behind my new name: Lalaith Ril Lets see one day I was really bored and decided to run around and look at some Elvish dictionaries. I was humming along when I finally decided I thought it'd be kinda cool to have an elvish name. So I looked around and finally came up with Lalaith Ril. Its a rough translation but it means "Laughter's Flame". Lalaith=Laughter and Ril=Flame. Yup so right as I was doing this I happened to see "LOTR The Second fellowship" on otakuboards and decided I would be an elf named Lalaith Ril. I used it, and had it for that whole trilogy. I also used it in two other RPG's. Well some people...[b][i][u][size=2]LAUREN[/b][/i][/u][/size]...couldn't get past calling me Lalaith Ril...so well I decided to change it, so vua la. My name. I know I know not very fun at all...
  6. Ooh I took it again and I got Sere Tuscumbia!! Buhahaha! Now I can impersonate her and take over her job! MUHAHAHAHA!!! *coughs* Stop staring at me....*snickers evily*
  7. Name: Marth Mnelov Class: Necromancer Age: 14 Gender: Male Weapon: (Do we get a regular wand or what? Even they have abilites or do we just get swords?) Level: 1 Gold: 100 Magic: 30 Strength: 15 Vitality: 20 Dexterity: 25
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantom [/i] [B]The best way to propagate myself through the realm of abnormal is to sleep at an abnormal time.. maybe for four days straight..oddly it works. Monday: sleep from 3pm to 10pm, stay away rest of night.. Tuesday: sleep at 11am to 6pm, than stay up til 4 in the morning, Wednesday: Sleep from 4 am to 4pm ...wake up for dinner (make sure somone wakes you up, and surprises you while doing it).. than eat dinner as if its your breakfast.. than go outside...stare into the sky and god be damned if you dont feel like you are in a completely differnt body than somthin is messed... [/B][/QUOTE] Do you mean like that you feel like you are looking through the eyes of someone else. Or like say when you wake up you don't feel like your in your own body? Because I've had that happen, never took it as a 6th sense...just thought I was imagining it...
  9. Wow, like Mitch said you have some talent there! I like it! Nice job!
  10. Name: Rav Wyly (INSTRUCTOR) Age: 19 Sex: Male Height:5'7 Weight:140 Planet:Mars Appearance: Has an athletic build. Has dirty blonde hair down to his middle of his back tied into a pony-tail. He has icy blue eyes. He has a scar across his left side of his face, going from his eye to his nose. Has a tattoo on his back of a black panther reminding him of his past. He also wears a black leather blacelet. Bio: Jason has lived on the streets all his life untill he was 12. While living on the streets he saw many things happen that he felt should not have. Also as he lived on the street he had an instructor teach him in Ninjitsu. When he was 12 his instructor was killed in a random murder. After that day he pledged to get revenge and stop all these evils. He became a vigilant and gained money from doing this. One day while at a hotel Agents informed him he was going to be apart of the federal agents. As he went through the training he became to shine in his class. He then at the age of 19 became the youngest instructor in the Agencies history. Uniform color: He wears different uniforms on different occasions/days but his favorite is a black one with velvet stripes on the chest. Persona: Very disciplined on the battle field. He is first thought of as a stern un-emotional person, but if you get to know him you will find many deep emotions noone has descovered. He is very hard, because he is determined in becoming the best instructor.
  11. I've delt with it three times. First my great great grandma died two years ago, I was really close to her. Then last year a friend of mine was murdered, even closer to her. And now my great grandma has Lukemia and Alzheimer's and isn't expected to live past Christmas. Some Christmas present. Sometimes I wonder why she deserves so much pain, she doesn't. I hate it...ugh...Anyways enough about my situation... I'm really sorry to hear about your grandma. She will be in my thoughts, as will you and your family. All I can say is be strong, find someone to talk to. Don't bottle your emotions and don't be afraid to let others know you are afraid. (Get what I'm trying to say there?) It'll be difficult but just remember your mom will need you after this!
  12. Yeah exactly we were supposed to have a moral at the end and I forgot all about it so I had to state a moral, so I'm honestly not to proud of the ending...anyways thanks for the comments! Crit needed and welcomed!
  13. Well ok my H. English decided to have us write a child's story in a new view, allowing us to add characters and change it slightly. For some reason I allowed one of my friends to read it and she thinks I should post it on here so I will. Don't know why. Anyways, here you go...the real story behind Humpty Dumpty... A silent figure loomed over the small wooden table. He lit the candle. As the flame grew his features began appearing as if by magic. The man had a sneer on his face, and his eyes were set. Something had happened and it seemed that he had taken twisted pleasure in what happened. He sat down and took a small quill out of his can of ink. Scribbling down a few words the man began laughing. The paper now shimmering with the man?s evil said ?Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, Humpty Dumpty didn?t live at all.? The man chuckled silently rubbing his mustache, for he thought he was terribly clever. After thinking for a moment he scribbled down more words. ? It had started out as any day, the sun shining too bright and the animals too happy.? This is where the story begins. It had started out, as any day, the sun shining too bright and the animals were too happy. I always hated these days, and wondered how I could destroy these horribly perfect days. No matter where I looked there was happiness. It disgusted me; I mean who honestly wants to be happy? I was walking through the forest in my usual miserable mood and trying to avoid everything. To me the world needed to be more sad and miserable, like me. That was my ideal world. I walked past a pair of rabbits playing and shook my head. Then trying to destroy their fun I threw an apple at them. They scampered away, and I laughed for I loved seeing rabbits flee. I looked back towards the path and noticed something. There was someone or something on the bridge hovering over the stream. As I came closer I noticed it was an egg, and the egg was reading a book and humming. At first I didn?t believe my eyes, an egg, finally as I came to my sense I became even more irate. Why could this piece of food be so happy, I had to find a way to make him less happy? I walked up to him and began talking. To my dismay we had a fairly pleasant conversation talking about the weather and his book. I found out that his friends called him ?Humpty Dumpty?, some name. After some slow conversation I finally came to a point where I couldn?t take anymore of his mindless blabbering and pushed him off the bridge. He screamed on the way down and when I lent over to see what happened, I noticed that he was shattered and scattered all over the place. I smiled; this certainly must?ve put an end to his happiness. I laughed slightly as the words ?Humpty Dumpty had a fall, Humpty Dumpty didn?t live at all.? The tune was actually catchy; I began saying it under my breath as I laughed louder and louder. Then I heard a noise. The kings men! I slumped down, so that from the stream I could not be seen. I stayed there hoping that I would not be found. As time went along I became impatient and poked my head over the edge. What I saw then I couldn?t believe, the stupid egg was up and laughing. The king?s men had put him together and were sharing stories with him. I couldn?t believe this, even through his hard times he was happy. I stood there gawking at the should be sunny side up egg. ?Halt!? The sound rang through the air; I turned to see a knight looking me square in the face. ?You are under arrest for the attempted murder of our friend, Humpty Dumpty!? The knight then came over and grabbed me. I was in a state of daze and couldn?t believe was going on. I was dragged to a horse and thrown on top. Then as I laid there staring down at the grown, the egg came and wobbled over to me. ?And let that be a lesson to you, even through the hardest times happiness will prevail!? after saying this he just walked off. I stared at his back in disbelief, someone be happy no matter what? How was this possible? Just as I began wondering these things, the horses started off. I was taken to a jail cell where I am currently living at. I sit here writing this story and I smile. For the egg was right, through it all happiness can triumph. So as odd as this may sound, the moral of my story is, ?No matter how tough it is grin and shrug. Life will always be easier with the daily amount of laughter and happiness accounted for.?
  14. Uhm..I don't know about anyone else but I personally can't read it. Anyways I'm more like you friend Mitch, average time it takes me for a 20-40 line poem is about 20 mins max.
  15. Uhm depends on what type of tough times. If it makes me depressed I sit there emotionless and put on masks to make myself sound happy to others. If it affects me with anger I normally start writing... If someone I know dies...I cry, then go to the depression thingy, then write, then back to the depression.. And when it comes to money as tough times I just stay pissed. BTW I hope you get through your times! If you need a ear to talk to don't be afraid to PM me!!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][color=darkred] *cracks up laughing hysterically, then starts to sob* I got myself! ...and...you spelt my name wrong. However, I'm on there! I feel proud! Second time I got Cera. Fun for all!...or something :D [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I got you on the first quiz...strange...
  17. [i]Lalaith's eyes burned. He sheathed his sword quickly and looked over at all the dead demons. He smirked and laughed at the bodies. He walked over and ripped some of the arrows out of the demons and cleaned them off. He looked at them again and sighed. His eyes were filled with sadness this time. He knelt down again and looked at the demons. He shook his head and grabbed his side. He stood up wincing then walked over to Judiar. Without saying a word he grabbed her hand, and examined it. The blood was still oozing out of her hand relentlessly. He took a herb from inside his cloak and bit half of it, he slowly chewed it then rubbed some of it on her hand. Judiar tore her hand out of Lalaith's graps as the cut started to burn sligtly, then all the sudden it stopped and the blood stopped. Lalaith looked up at her, saying nothing and nodded. He then limped over to his wolf and hopped on, laying his head down and rested there waiting for everyone else.[/i]
  18. Rank #1 equals your best match Your results are below... #1 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" Click for more information #2 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" Click for more information #3 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" Click for more information #4 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" Click for more information #5 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" Click for more information #6 Sepiroth " Cool" Click for more information #7 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" Click for more information #8 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" Click for more information #9 Babygirl "Jedi Master" Click for more information #10 Cera "The Cynic" Click for more information #11 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" Click for more information #12 Forte "..." Click for more information #13 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" Click for more information #14 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" Click for more information
  19. As Britty said its very good and true. I enjoyed reading it! Put alot of emotion in it, I respect that. Nice job.
  20. I can guess cards well. I dun't know what that is considered. But ask Britty I think I can guess a card atleast 75 percent of the time. Its freaky, I just know. I have the little dejavu thing, but I agree that I think everyone has it. Aslo like Semjaza I can tell people from their eyes. My first impressions are actually 9.45/10 times right. Tis scary, I can also tell how someone is feeling by their eyes.
  21. Personally I love it. I never really liked Madonna but this techno/dance/orchesta mix is good! I also love the music video. Ecspecially when she slides her hands across her stomach and she bleeds. Thats just weird! But as for it being a bond theme song...I can't see it.
  22. Yeah sorry about that Sere....Bri? You mean Bry? :p...Wait How'd you know my name? *shrugs* There was a problem with my net so I couldn't tell if I did post or not and accidently double posted, I deleted it though, sorry about that! Don't say that Sere yours is awesome! Its cool how you made your name. I couldn't have that much imagination!
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [b]If anyone read all that, I owe them a cookie :D [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Sticks his hand out[/i] Gimme a cookie! Anyways, him I guess I should state my story too seeing as everyone else has. Well mine isn't that interesting but... Well lets see it was 2 and a half years ago, it was dark and I was bored. I poppped in my only Gundam Wing tape and began watching it while surfing on the net for pictures of Duo. Then all the sudden TheOtaku popped up. So then somehow I came to here. I tried replying and noticed I had to sign-up first. I then muttered at how stupid I was for not realizing that before. Of course then I gave myself alittle credit, this was my first time ever seeing a board. So then it needed a screen name. I was scared, didn't know what to do. There was no imagination pumping through my veins. I sat there looking at the screen. Just sat there, then I heard a voice. A familiar voice that I have grown to love. "I am the God of Death once again" it was Duo. So there was my name, Duo God of Death. But of course when V3 rolled around I had to shorten my name by 1 character so I just deleted a space and had DuoGod of Death. I tried all other combinations and that was the best looking one. There ya go the story on how Duo God of Death was created on OB
  24. [i]Lalaith watched everyone eat merrily, stuffing everything they could see in their faces. Lalaith smiled, they all ate carelessly. Lalaith didn't eat much for he was getting ready. He knew that he must not eat much before his adventure. For eating too much would slow him down, and would make him more hungry along the way. He ate half of his plate then rubbed his stomach contently. He then continued watching everyone talk and eat. He looked over to Strider who like him did not eat much. Lalaith nodded to Strider approvingly. Lalaith then looked to Elladan.[/i] "We should leave soon, the more time we waste, the stronger this thing will be." Elladan: [i]Looked over at Lalaith thoughtfully[/i] "That is true, but is the group ready?" [i]Lalaith looked at the group, who was talking to eachother about old adventures and stories of embaressing moments, and studied them. He turned back to Elladan. His features were rock hard and was obviously still thinking.[/i] "Yes I think we are, don't you Abob?" [i]Abob took his eyes off the group and looked at Lalaith. He then looked back at the group. Smiling he turned to lalaith and nodded.[/i] "So Abob also feels we are ready, I saw we should leave as soon as possible." Elladan: "Very well..." [i]Elladan stood up and waited for a moment so that everyone would become quiet.[/i] "Elves, humans, and wizards time is running short. We have provided all we can for you here at Rivendell but it is time fo you to leave. I fear that the longer you stay here the stronger evil will become. Go to your rooms pack and be ready. You will be summoned from your rooms when it is time to leave." OOC: I was looking over your spells DarkOrderKnight and I do not think that it is very well lets just say "fair" to have the spell [b]"Ultimate Volt- Kills one-hundred enemies by sending millions of volts of electricity through their bodies."[/b] Personally I think it seems to much like a god mod for killing 100 enemies with one spell is too easy for an RPG. Of course you can add an disadvantage to your spells which I suggest you do. Also I have a question/suggestion can you use all those spells yet? I don't think you should be able to, I think it should be more of a gradual thing, but that is just my opinion. Again I'm not trying to be mean just trying to make this RPG fun for everyone...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] [i]Deeply folded skin of purge become but nothing of a pain learned and fall upon what seeds[/i] I tried...;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] See you arn't bad! And yes I see what you are saying and respect it. Sorry I don't have another Haiku, even if I thought they were good, I just can't think at the moment, just got home from the Highschool football game...:drunk: OH and Britty I like the second Haiku you did
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