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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Hey I looked around and noticed alot of seriouse posts around so I decided to make a thread that had a bit of humor possible in it. I was looking around the boards and noticed alot of interesting screen names. I was wondering what were your stories behind these names, such as was there something that made you want that name? Anything embaressing, funny, stupid, nick name, etc. (I'm not sure if this was already made if it was then well just tell me and I'll be glad to delete this all together!)
Yeah thats the great thing about writing, its never over. But in all honesty I really hope I can write as well as you can when I am your age. I have a question, my English teacher thourougly enjoys this type of writing, would you mind if I printed this off and showed it to him I can give you credit, or I can keep it annonymouse, again its up to you. If the answer is NO I understand.
*jaw drops and reads it for the fourth time* I love it. I think its an excelent piece of literature! As Cera said I love your dry humor and sense of irony. I thourougly enjoyed it! I'm glad that you did post it and I admire your courage! That was really good I'm interested in reading more of your work..again great! 9.9999999999999999...*continues on for several hours)/10 (Just because noone can get a perfect score...noone here is perfect ;))
Ah but the contrary is true. It is perfect length to express true emotions. Its just in the ability of the writer. I myself can not truly write a Haiku like it is supposed to be written and don't expect anyone here to just for the simple fact that it is an art that must be worked on long and hard, but when perfected is the most beautiful of all poetry. Its funny how so few words can potray such strong emotion...
[i]Lalaith looked up at Lauren and smiled again. He stood up and took her hand.[/i] "Come lets go back to the feast!" [i]Lauren and Lalaith walked taking the scenic way. They stopped many times looking through the city. True they loved and cherrished their city of Murkwood but Rivendale had to be the prettiest of all the Elven cities. As they arrived the rest of the group finished eating. Lalaith noticed that Abob had already left. He then walked over to Ryan who was looking at the pictures on the wall.[/i] "WHere did Abob go?" Ryan: [i]Looked over at Lalaith and smiled.[/i] "Went to work on his invention alittle more, and I'm guessing right now is asleep." "Invention?" Ryan: "Yes a potion that can locate orcs, we are hoping to attach it to arrows and be able to fire the arrows even before we can see the orcs." [i]Lalaith looked at Ryan and smiled approvginly.[/i] "You guys never cease to amaze me! Well [i]Lalaith stretched his arms.[/i] Its been a nice feast but I think I'll go back to the room, read a good book, and rest! See you in the morning when we set out. That is if they all show..." [i]Lalaith smiled and walked off. He stopped by Lauren to tell her he was going back to the room. He walked back slowly again absorbing in the surroundings. When he arrived to his door he opened it slowly and walked in smiling. He walked over to the small dresser and grabbed a small book. He gazed at the title....[i][u][b]There and Back again: A Hobbits Tale[/i][/u][/b]. Lalaith smiled. He enjoyed the book so far, Bilbo certainly was a fascinating creature. He walked over to the chair next to the window and began reading.[/i]
You are no way un-normal. I think everyone to a certain level feels the same way. But I mean I know what you mean I feel the same reason. I'm scared that I won't make it in life, having to support a family. I don't think I'm responsible enough to take care of myself right now, let alone other people. *shrugs* The future is scary all you have to do is grit your teeth and go through...
[i]Lalaith looks at the food and smiles.[/i] "Seems our toasts get happier and happier each year." [i]He laughed slightly and began eating. Lauren smiled and looked at him. He certainly was happier than normal. She smiled again and shrugged, who knew what went on with that elf. She then began eating as well.[/i] "So Abob how 'bout the Elven cooking, better than old Samwise?" Abob: [i]Takes a big bite out of the food[/i] "I...don't know they are both great!" [i]continues eating[/i] [i]Everyone continues eating untill their hearts, stomachs, and eyes are content. Lalaith stood up and bowed to everyone.[/i] "If you'll excuse me I will be right back!" [i]He nodded to everyone and looked up. He caught Lauren's eye. His eyes seemed to spark with something, Lauren knew the look. Lalaith then walked away. Out of sight he headed to the patio looking over the water fall and sat down. He just sat there staring at the water fall.[/i] Lauren: "Lalaith.." [i]Lalaith jumped at the sound of Lauren's voice, he turned around and smiled.[/i]
Hey thanks for the compliment, and I'm not trying to be playing favorites but personally I think yours is the best! I liked it alot! Also Heavan Cloud's was good! Hm...Now to think of another Haiku... Whisping around free Carelessly around the world Human minds wander Ugh...worse than the first oh well
Sign Up Here It Is At Last! : Lord Of The Rings-Quest For Angband
Sui Generis replied to Muse's topic in Theater
Queen Asuka I am sure that Lauren will allow you to join, after all the more the marrier! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I know what you mean, I was thinking the same thing Guess people just dont know me anymore *shrugs* [/B][/QUOTE] Crap man you're still here?! Oh man I'm sorry I didn't know!! Sephiroth: For being one of the best members Otaku has ever known. Also one of the most responsible. Any member being here in V2-3 has to have respect for this guy. Its impossible not to!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lauren [/i] [B][i] laughs at Calumon_Luver[/i] Right, I think this would be a great idea, but your asking a wolf lover, so obviously i'd think this is cool:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah what she said! I think it sounds good, 'course thats alittle biased just cuz I love wolves....but yeah go for it!
Sign Up Here It Is At Last! : Lord Of The Rings-Quest For Angband
Sui Generis replied to Muse's topic in Theater
Ha I knew it! Now that we got everyone that we need this'll be even better! Did I influence you to sign up Boba? SAY IT! I knwo I did!! :p -
[i]Lalaith smiled as he looked down at his wife, Lauren. Her chest was rising slowly as she slept. He sat lightly onto the side of the bed and gazed at her wondering what she could be dreaming about. He knew he would know the next day. If she was exuberant that morning she had a dream about the time in-between the second fellowship and the third where Lalaith and her were so happy together. If she was unusually sadden and reserved it was normally of her father. Those were normally her two most common dreams, of course one's mind couldn't be bared to just these. He smiled again and brushed Lauren's face softly pushing the hair out of her face. He sighed and stood up walking towards the window. He looked out of it thinking. The days of his happiness fluttered around in his mind. He thought of Nev, their daughter. Sure Nev was adopted, but Lalaith loved her with all his heart. Lalaith and Lauren do the best they can for her. Lalaith sighed again and thought of Nev re-assuring himself that they have done the best. Nev was at home of course, back in Mirkwood. Lalaith wished that she could have a family that didn't run around risking their lives killing evil people, wished that she had a more dependable life. He sighed again. He thought of the day's events. Another rather drab day. He loved his wife Lauren, but the title that came along with marrying her he did not. It wore him out, he had many worries. Although he knew that Lauren had many more worries. Her words rang through his head again. [b]"Do you think that our new help will... you know...be able to help us enough to fight Morgoth?"[/b] Lalaith looked up the sky and thought for a moment.[/i] "I hope..." [i]Lalaith then turned back to look at Lauren. Her beauty was amazing no matter what was wrong she seemed to be able to take all pain or sorrow away. He smiled at her. He was blessed beyound what he deserved. He then walked over to her, knelt down and kissed her lightly on the forehead. He walked over to his side of the bed and slowly slide in taking care not to wake Lauren. He lay there for a few minute then slowly began drifting off to what would be a rejuvinating sleep.[/i] OOC: CLEAN OUT YOUR PM BOX LAUREN!!!! *breathes heavily* I'm ok I swear...I've been trying to PM you for about....oh...2 weeks now ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Gokents is just been an idiot, he knows what BB is; we were in a thread were he talked about it. No one is allowd to evict Liam!!!! Flash you should make it that every one who votes has to read the bb thread not just randomly click on a name, and you should also make a thread where we can talk behind their backs!!! -Lord Epssy [/B][/QUOTE] Hey thats actaully an awesome idea, let them see the thread title itself but let it be closed to them so they can't get into it...if thats possible... So how long is the voting going to last??
Ah that evil question. Personally I wouldn't. I know you are probably expecting a long descriptive answer about why, but honestly I don't have one. I just think there would be too much pain seeing my loved one die again.
Hey I was watching MTV last night (Yes that lets you know how bored I was) and I happened to catch Taproot's song Poem. After I listened to it I thought it was pretty awesome. I was just wondering if anyone out there knows of them and if so what do you think about them? Got any great songs by them?
Sign Up Here It Is At Last! : Lord Of The Rings-Quest For Angband
Sui Generis replied to Muse's topic in Theater
[i]Looks up with big puppy eyes[/i] Can we start now Lauren? PLEASE! Boba isn't gonna be on much (Abob) -
With a gentle breeze The leaves drop from the bare tree Creating Beauty... It's not good but it was done in about 2 minutes so oh well Personally I'm split on Haikus...Its either they are really beuatiful or they are horrible. It takes one mistake to butcher and make the whole thing sound choppy, so I respect anyone who can truly make a Haiku how it was ment to be!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kagome [/i] [B]1. what is the most embarass thing you ever done? 2. what one thing that you said and you want to take it back? 3. What's your view or opinion of true happiness? [color=blue]1. the most embarass thing I ever did was recognizing my brother friend as my brother. 2. I always said OK, and I and I want to take it back after that [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Having my pants fall down during [i][u]Romeo and Juliet[/i][/u] in 6th grade. And yes I was wearing tights and yes there wasn't anything else consisting of fabric under the tights...'Nough said....*shudders* We [b]DON'T[/b] need to continue on this discussion...(It got worse trust me but thats...all you'll ever hear) 2. Agreeign with everyone...."Ok" (Like you) 3. You really can't catagorize happiness. Its a feeling that can be felt many ways, like love.
Actually I believe you. Kansas and Missouri actually are on one too, its pretty much in-active though. We had one TINY TINY TINY earthquake last year and it scared the be-jesus outta just about everyone in our school. I thought it was cool...*shrugs*
Sign Up Here It Is At Last! : Lord Of The Rings-Quest For Angband
Sui Generis replied to Muse's topic in Theater
[b]Name:[/b] Lalaith Ril [b]Age:[/b] 118 (Ha I got the old girl! I'm younger than you are LAUREN! ;)) [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Weapons:[/b] A bow and quiver, two daggers... [b]Bio:[/b] Lalaith Ril's father was killed to orcs when they were out hunting. Lalaith Ril is constantly plagued with the thought that he let his father die. He has never let go at the thought that he was some how to blame for his father's death. He is a very sly Elf and is dangerouse to his enemies. He will never abondon his friends. He was with the second fellowship and third fellowship with his companions Abob, Samantha, Lauren, and Iondarc. Through this two journeys Abob and Lalaith have become great friends. Also through the first journey he and Lauren became quite attached and afterwards married. Lalaith became more reserved after his last journey. He allowed his fathers sword to be broken, and he himself casted it into the depths of Mount Doom. Even though he knew it was the right thing to do it plagues him. He doesn't talk much and is sometimes short. He holds onto his friends tight and Lauren tighter. Ever since the first journey where he promised to be her body gaurd he has tried all that was in his power to stop her from getting hurt. Void did however take her hostage breifly in the second journey and Lalaith is ashamed of this. [b]Description:[/b] Wears a black hooded cloak over his green tunic. He has two brown sheiths on his back for his dagger, and a brown leather quiver. He wears green leggins and brown boots. Long silver hair with blue eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] Kind care and passionate, can be short and full of anger when confronted with the issue of his dad. He is a leader but can sit back and allow someone else take over if he thinks they may be right. He is very agressive in battle. [b]EDIT: Sorry it took my so long Lauren, is this enough info?[/b] -
I have a few more.... Ryan (aka: Noodlez sorry I am not gonna attempt to do that!) Hey man we have good times, you've been a great pal! Sere: Although I have to admit I don't think we've ever talked, you've always had my respect, go figure. Deus_Ex_Machina: Another person that never talked to, but have always respected. Besides I love the name, even though I don't even know what it means... SuperSaiyan: Yet another person where contact has been low to none but I respect greatly.
Godsmack is a great band! I love Voodoo, don't really know why but I'm almost obsessive about that song when I hear it. o.O Yeah Godsmack is right up there with Disturbed/Mindless Self Indulgence/System of a Down/Slipknot/and Orgy!
Wow, I'm actually one 3 lists. Thats...really scary. I thought I'd be on zero. o.O Cool... Lets see I have many but here are some..: [b]Gold_Angewomon[/b]: Its been a bumpy road, but you've been there for me like noone ever has! [b]DeathKnight[/b]: Oh man what to say...You're my dog! :p Your open mindedness is awesome! [b]Anti[/b]: He's quit OB such a long time ago but he's been the best friend someone could ever have. [b]Boba Fett[/b]: You're my RPG buddy, yeah and you're always following me too! [i]Looks around nervously[/i] [b]Mist[/b]: OB Introduction Squad all the way! [b]Juuthena[/b]: Foir being a sweet and optimistic chica! [b]Stormwing[/b]: Don't really know why but you've always had my respect! [b]Transtic Nerve[/b]: For being so open, you've always been there when someone needs to talk! [b]Kool_Aid[/b]: You've been a great bud! Thanks a bunch! [b]Lauren[/b]: I'll give you Leggy some day! ;) You've been in that few group that has made me wanna come back year after year after year! [b]Duo Maxwell[/b]: A fellow Duo fan...'nough said! [b]Kent[/b]: Had many fun debates, its great talking to ya! [b]Raiha[/b]: New friend, great RPer even better Writer. Always wish I could write as well as you! There are many others but I really can't think at the moment, I'll put ya up there when my brain gets back from its 4 year vacation!
I find it twistedly pleasurable when I cut myself.... I am always depressed and tend to have to wear masks... I occasionally drink or smoke when I am completely depressed... I think 4 people knew that o.O...those were my big secrets... *waves at Britt and Ken* yeah you were the few and the proud!