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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Aw, I'm really sorry to hear that. For some reason dogs have a habit of doing that. I know how you feel. Don't feel bad though, twas an accident. But just make sure to love on your dog much more to make sure she knows you lover her! Then she'll be happy again and won't even think about it again.
Of course I'll see it! Have you seen the trailer...it looks so cool! I have to see it!
[i]As the wind howled Lalaith began laughing. He loved the feeling. He relaxed his grip and laid against the wolf. He looked over at all of the group and smiled. They were all tensing up. He sighed and began thinking. For some reason this all seemed familiar. He shrugged and pulled his head up slightly letting the wind hit his face. He smiled then laid his head back down. He laid there and listened to the wolf's heart beat. His mind drifted off as he listened to the wolf's beat.[/i] -------[b]Flashback[/b] "Lalaith remember the wolves won't let you fall don't be so tense." [i]The young boy looked at his father full of determination and fear. He then nodded. He released his grip on the wolf and laid flat on the wolf, only holding on with his knees. The wolf howled and continued going faster. The young boy and his father laughed.[/i] "Father, I'll always remember this moment! Lurock and I will become best friends!" --------[b]Flashback[/b] "We're under attack! All warriors and wolves assemble!" [i]The young boy woke up in his fathers arms.[/i] "Run Lalaith run! Run untill you can't run anymore!" [i]The young boy looked up at his dad puzzled.[/i] "What do you mean father?" [i]The old elf turned and whistled. A giant black wolf with a white stomach came running towards Lalaith, it skidded to a halt right in front of him. The elf picked Lalaith up and set him on the wolf.[/i] "Go! Lalaith don't look back! Keep riding!" [i]Before the young boy could say anything else the wolf took off. The wolf began springing dodging these foreign attackes and the trees. Running harder and harder. The young boy looked back.[/i] "FATHER!" [i]As he turned his head back he saw his father stabbed by one of the warriors. All of the sudden two demons turned and began running after the wolf. He had drawn attention to them both. A demon then raised his bow and fired. The wolf saw the arrow at the last second and bucked Lalaith off. The arrow hit the wolf in the back. The wolf screamed in pain. As the wolf fell down to the ground bleeding he looked up at the young elf.[/i] "Run...." [i]The demons were upon the wolf before anything else could be said. Out of fear Lalaith ran. He never stopped running. As his sweat mixed with tears he kept running. His vision was blurred and he finally stopped. He was at a clearing. He hid under a bush and cried. Just then thunder was heard. Rain began to fall on the young elf. Lalaith rocked back and forth scared. He kept crying, knowing that first his father then his only friend were lost.[/i] --------[b]Present[/b] [i]Lalaith's head snapped back up. He could still feel the tears run down his cheek.[/i]
[i]Lalaith smiled at Ling. He bowed towards him, then waited still as a black wolf with a white sreak acrosa his face walked up to him. He then slid his bow from his shoulder down into his hands. He was gonna make sure the demons didn't stop him. Lalaith bowed again this times towads the black wolf. The wolf nodded his head towards his back. Lalaith, now knowing the wolf accepted him, got on his back. He clutched his bow against his chest and hung onto the wolf.[/i] "Thank you." [i]The wolf barked softly. Lalaith smiled. He bent his head lower into the wolf's coat smelling it and feeling it against his face. The wolf shifted his weight easily waiting for the rest of the group to get on their wolves. As Lalaith watched Iyasu slowly climbed onto a brown wolf. It growled and bucked him off. Lalaith chuckled slightly.[/i] "Iyasu, the wolf is superior than you, make sure not to forget that!" Judiar: [i]Turned to Lalaith rather suprised[/i] "How do you know this?" "I'm not sure to be honest." [i]Lalaith shrugged and thought about how he knew it. He then watched Elsyan bow to the wolf making sure to let it know that she knew she wasn't superior to the wolf. The white wolf nodded to Elsyan and she jumped onto the wolf's back. Lalaith smiled as he sew that even Iyasu managed to finally mount onto a wolf. Ling then turned his head towards everyone and nodded. Without words the wolves all began at a brisk trot. Lalaith smiled, as the wind flew in his face letting his hair fly.[/i]
I didn't do to well with mine. I had one of my dogs put to sleep 2 years ago. I was the only person (besides the vet) with him when he died. For some reason he only liked me. It was really hard. I was shocked when he first fell asleep then I broke down into crying. It was really hard on me. I wasn't the same for a long time. I'm still recovering slightly. I don't really have any suggestions sorry, just hang in there....
[i]Lalaith eyed Judiar again.[/i] "I don't think pretty would classify that one, more like sexy, I mean wo-" [i]Stops and blushes when he realizes what he just said. Then smiles and trys to change the discussion topic.[/i] "Well I'll say we made a good team, and a good earning. Maybe next time Elsyan could join." [i]He laughs and winks at them both.[/i] "And we'll let you just gawk at 'em both Iyasu!"
"And the first entrant is Lord Alvergad from the West!" [i]The owner yelled. As the crowd heard this they all yelled excitededly clapping their hands waiting for the show. The Lord Alvergad stood up and bowed slowly and then walked to the stage. Lalaith watched the man walk up then turned his face back towards Judiar[/i] "What song or type of music do you have in mind anways?" Judiar: "Well I was thinking of something that would match my talent." [i]She withdrew her cloak again showing her mid-drift and her would be shirt. SHe then laughed and winked.[/i] Lalaith: "Ahh I see...I know the perfect song. I'll just make sure not to watch." [i]Lalaith smiled and laughed as he said this. He then leaned on his back two legs of his chair and sipped on his Ale watching enertainer after enertainer demonstarte their talents. He picked the worse ones out immediatly knowing they were no threat. He took another glance at Judiar's mid-drift hoping she didn't notice. As he was looking up he caught Judiar smiling and looking at him. He then turned back towards the eneertainer trying to cover up his blushing. The owner came to the stage clapping as the enertainer finished his act. He cleared his throat and the crowd went silent again.[/i] "And for our last enertainers we have Lalaith and Judiar!" [i]Lalaith stood up taking off his cloak. He then grabbed his flute out of its case and then faced Judiar. He grinned then offered a hand to help her up. She laughed and took his hand heling her up. As she stood up he noticed that she had covered herself completely again with her cloak. He then understood completely what she was planning. As they stepped on stage he positioned himself in the backround and let Judiar have center stage. Lalaith placed his flute to his lips, as the crowd finally quieted he looked at Judiar. He smiled and noticed a gleam in her eye. SHe enjoyed this. He then begin to play a slow methodical beat. Judiar began dancing playing with her cloak tantalizing the crowd, as Lalaith picked up the beat Judiar began dancing faster shaking her body. As he hit a high note she threw her cloak off. Quickly Lalaith closed his eyes, then he began hearing something, the crowd was chearing. His eyes gleamed and he played faster and faster. Judiar began shaking all her posessions teasing the crowd. The crowd cheared louder. As he played, Judiar continued to dance but he noticed something, her lips were moving silently. She was doing something. He then kept his eyes off of her. She slid down the stage and walked towards men, sliding her leg up their shoulder, exciting their fantasies. The crowd suddenly got quieter and quieter. Lalaith looked up to see that every man she saw was slowly falling asleep. Naturally the men were to drunk to notice their fellow companions falling asleep. He played quicker and quieter hoping not to awake the men. As he looked mroe than half the crowd was no asleep. He stared into Judiar's eyes and smiled, she was enjoying this even more.[/i]
I can't believe I'm actually doing this o.O [i][b]AGE:[/i][/b]14 [i][b]HEIGHT:[/i][/b]5'3 or 5'4....no laughing.... [i][b]EYES:[/b][/i]Icy Blue [i][b]HAIR:[/b][/i] Dirty Blonde [i][b]WEIGHT:[/b][/i] 135 (Yeah I know pudgy) [i][b]OCCUPATION:[/b][/i] Pinball (AKA Freshman) [i][b]INTERESTS:[/b][/i] Writing sports music and...uh computer...oh and anime.. [i][b]Fave Anime:[/i][/b] There are too many, I haven't seen an anime that I don't enjoy... [i][b]OTHER:[/i][/b] Uhm I'm going to a Catholic school and keep getting detentions for asking "Why" in Theology. Uhm...I'm short blonde and physcotic.
[i]*applauds approvingly*[/i] Yet another great creation made by Brit, great job! By the way glad your back! Can't wait to read more! Your poems kick ***!
You know that would be good but...its really pointless....Well not really pointless.... I guess if you're looking for a quick laugh its a good poem...not my type of poem, but I guess good non the less... 4/10
Lalaith: "And I'll take an Ale if you would take the time to take your eyes of my fellow traveler over there." [i]Lalaith points to Judiar and laughs as he sees the owners face turn white and then see him scamper into the kitchen[/i] Lalaith: "Quite a welcome you two got there." [i]Lalaith looked at the two men and the young lady cautiously. He noticed that the young lady was striking beautiful. He didn't like that. She could easily manipulate Isyusa jsut as Judiar could to him. This made him un-easy and he shifted his weight keeping his left hand close to his sword handel. He then turned to Judiar.[/i] Lalaith: "So were do you wanna sit m'lady?" [i]Lalaith bowed mockingly[/i]
[i]Lalaith laughed and then pulled out a small box.[/i] "And if we really get desperate..." [i]Pulls out a small silver flute engraved with flowers. He then slowly lays a couple of stanza's in an old Elven son.[/i] "I could always play this. Oh and Judiar I'd pay to see you pole dance!" [i]Lalaith laughed again and winked to her jokingly.[/i]
[i]Fox continued to doge Peach's attacks. A sweatdrop rolled on his forhead. He tried ducking on way but Peach's hand cuaght his cheek sending him flying. Fox sat up rubbing his cheek[/i] "Jeez lady why can't you fight like that when a Bowser shows up!?" [i]Fox grinned then stood up twitching his tail read to run. Peach turned and ignroed fox then walked up to Sheik.[/i] Peach: "SO can we go now?" [i]Sheik sat there thinking for a moment then nodded. Fox seeing Sheik nod holstered his gun and motioned to Captain Falcon to come.[/i] "Hey Peachy seeing as how we're going to be walking with eachother we might as well be nice right?" Peach: "Well yeah I guess.." "Ok, in that case, don't worry I'll protect you if a scary little ant wants to kill you!" [i]Fox laughed, and everyone chuckled. Peach's face started turning red.[/i] "Uh..oh...listen Peachy...can I call you Peachy? I was just uh...joking!" [i]Peach then slapped Fox one time then started walking. Fox rubbed his cheek again and shook his head.[/i] "Jeez." Captain Folcan: You think you would learn you're lesson by now... [i]FOx laughed and the group began to walk towards their destination.[/i]
[i]Lalaith sat down thinking. Someone must've put a curse on the forest. He sighed and got up.[/i] "Desperate times for desperate measures." [i]Lalaith then slowly mumbled a phrase in Elven. His face turned white as his mind reached out toward Loras his eagle. Finally they connected. Loras turned around and came over them. He then flew towards the direction to get out making sure Lalaith saw everything. Lalaith watched through Loras' eyes. Finally Loras came to an end. Lalaith silently thanked the eagle, he then dropped his connection. HIs eyes were still glazed over.[/i] Elsyan: "Lalaith are you ok?" [i]Lalaith then completely snapped out of his daze. He looked up at the group and smiled, then pointed toward the North.[/i] "This way"
Sign Up Legend of the Ble Eyes White Dragon
Sui Generis replied to Wormmon's Tamer's topic in Theater
Name: Chase Newman Age: 14 #OC: 40 Item: Millenium Sash Side: Good ---------- UserName: This is a Yu-GI-Oh RPG the cards are Yu-Gi-OH cards naturally (Such as Blue Eyes White Dragon, or Dark Magician) and the game is Yu-Gi-Oh! :D -
I hate it. What inspires a person to kill hundreds of people Why do they want to? *sighs* It doesn't make sense. 200 people dead...Thats just sick...
*Sweatdrops* Dude no way! Whats up ASH!! *coughs* I'm ok.... But yeah anyways you poems are great! I love reading 'em
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B]:'( i'm really upset because i have liked a guy for about two years now and he knows i like him and he is very sweet to me but there is one thing standing between me and him and its this girl in my class she is kinda a smartie-pants-know-it-all-that-is-never-wrong type of person and she likes the same guy i do and i feel sorry for her because no one will go out with her but the guy i like would probably go out with her........ this makes me sad because i don't know if i should burst her bubble and ask him out for my self when she has been nagging me about him NOT KNOWING I LIKED HIM!!! and she was like i'm going to ask him out for myself and this worries me because i know he will say yes. also numerous guys have used me to get to my friends i'm like a decoy i feel that no one likes me and everyone just uses me to get to other ppl its not fair and i get hit on cuz i look like the attached pic. GAH has this happened to anyone or does anyone have advice and should i ask the guy i like out first .... oh man i'm soooo confused i wanna cry its sooo annoying plz plz help me!!!! ~GG~ P.S. i don't really look EXACTLY like this my mom is a photograher and my dad used an sging program to make me look older and my nose id longer also i had to suck in my cheeks to make them look flat but really they are all chubby! [/B][/QUOTE] Thats a tough situation. I'm really sorry you have to be in it. Personally I just think you should ask him out. This is kinda contradicting Crazy White Boy's post, but I think you should go and get him! If you wait, you won't get him. Lifes only worth living if you have a love by your side, so I say go get him. This is only my opinion though!
Writing A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.
Sui Generis replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
Nephlan sighed. It was time. She had done this to save her love, but was she ready? Questions like this were pointless, it didn't matter if she was ready or not her death had come. "Execution by Poison." Thats what the sign said. She looked back at her love and walked towards her fate. As she walked on everything around her disinerated. She was a cursed soul now. Every step brought death to the plants around her. She once was the beauty of the world, bringing happiness and love to the world now to bring death and hate. All because of love. Was love worth it? Thoughts of pity ran through her mind. Why did it have to be her? A man then stepped out from behind a tree. Nephlan shivered at the sight of this also wretched soul. His face seemed to be frozen with the most grotesque position imaginable. The only thing that seemed to resemble life itself were his eyes. His eyes burned with what seemed to be twisted pleasure. He looked at her contently, attempting to turn his chisled mouth into a cruel smile. What came from his efforts was even more frightning. This man had to have come from the pits of hell, no other reason could explain the horrendouse appearance of the man. As they walked together he occasionally looked back nervously, as to make sure noone was following. They finally arrived at the hill. She expected to see green trees and grass, but what she found was much different. The sky was black, everything was charred and burned. There was no green at all, only black and brown. The whole air had a stench of death in it. She looked around and realized the man had disappeared, and for a moment she felt relieved. Nephlan stood there not suer if she should run or not. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore the grotesque figure hobbled back to her. He was holding a cup. She understood. The man held the cup to her lips and she took a sip. As the toxic went down her body she became weak and her vission blurred. With her last breathing moments she opened her eyes and looked into the distance. She saw her love, she then knew she would die happy. Then something struck her. Horror ran through her body, he was smiling. She then looked back at the grotesque figure, however it was no longer a man, but the god of death himself. A laugh rang through her ears. She knew who it was. It was her love. With no will to live, she collapsed into Death's arms and died alone and cold. Sorry I couldn't really work on it that much.. -
Fox: How bout this....we run! [i]Fox runs and picks up his blaster and begins shooting the bowsers tryign to slow them down.[/i] "Blast it! Why does Falco's knock em back but mine doesn't!?" [i]Fox continues firing. The looks at the group eagerly.[/i] "So are we gonna run or not?!"
Personally I just like 'em all. I don't have a favorite band...sorry to disappoint you!
Lalaith: "Ah so you're a morbid elf too!" [i]Lalaith chuckled slightly then put his two arrows in his quiver.He then turned to Iyasu and smiled. He bent down and pulled two odd looking fruits out of his cloak.[/i] "Here you go my friend. I know it looks weird, but they are deliciose!" [i]Lalaith then stood up and looked at the other two evles.[/i] "So what are we going to do, we certainly can't stay here, there might be more coming."
[i]Fox picked his blaster out of his holster and twirled it. He then grinned.[/i] "Looks like we are gonna have some fun!" [i]Fox then walked over to Peach and poured alittle water out of his flask onto her face.[/i] "Hey Peachy time to wake up!" [i]Peach sat up straight startled by the cold water. Fox smirked again at the sight of her face. His tail twitched slightly. He then turned west towards the Mushroom kingdom.[/i] " Well lets get going!" OOC: Sorry for the short post, Dad is yelling at me to get off!
Look personally I don't think he is a coward. Any person that can go out kill someone and not kill himself later is not a coward. The fact is living with that guilt knowingly (And don't give me the crap that he doesn't feel it because he does) requires alot of courage. To go out there every day and wonder who's chasing you and who you're going to kill. To not go running to the police. To not just crack. I'm sorry but that takes courage. This of course can only be percieved by your definition of courage. So this is only valid to those who believe as courage as the same as I. This is merely my opinion that he has courage. Juste as Osama Bin Laden had courage for attacking USA. Do I like them? Nope. Do I wanna be like em? Nope. But they do have courage.
OOC: Hey no big Raiha! [i]Lalaith stood up dusting his hands off. He then brushed them against his tunic, then sheathed his sword.[/i] "No kidding what were you planning on doing? Taking on those 6 demons by yourself? Not even I can be that crazy." [i]Lalaith then walks over to the two demons struck dead by his arrows. He bent down and with a little struggle pulled the two arrows out of the demons. He then wiped the blood and pieces of meat off the arrows.[/i] Judiar: [i]Looked over at Lalaith[/i] "And I'm guessing that says alot that you wouldn't do it. Now why in the world are you taking those arrows back?" [i]Lalaith smiled then slightly shrugged. He looked up at the sky then back down to the ground, then back up at Judiar.[/i] "You could say these are my lucky arrows. Here look at this." [i]Lalaith finished cleaning the arrows off and thrusted the feather tip first in Judiar's face. Judiar frowned and pulled her head back.[/i] Judiar: "I don't see anything on the feathers." Lalaith: "No look here!" [i]Lalaith then pointed to the mid-section of the arrows. As you looked closely you could see elven script. It was written in small flowy letters, obviously from around three hundred years ago. Lalaith looked at the words and smiled he then looked up at Judiar again.[/i] "These are my only reminders of my family. Don't have anything else about them, not even memories. Just these arrows, and besides I'm not one to waste things. These arrows are perfectly fine!"