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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticDarkElf [/i] [B]I totally agree with Neil. Justo ne lil hting, if there are random kills then it is uncalled for and totally innocent people are dieing and its not right. Seconly if the targets were someoen connected with the killer he/she/they prolyl have some right to do what they did. I mean if it was my friend shot id be mad and wanna kill the sniper, that make me just same as the killer htemselfe, frankly i dont mind. hehe XD Well, wrapping up my lil rambling my opinion I think ya'll should back off of the people cuz ya dont even know them or their story. so think about it. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with her. Only sometimes the tables are turned. Sometimes the people who are connected to the killer shouldn't be killed. I know that for a fact. Look I've had a close friend murdered. Murder is murder, it brings pain to everyone. I'm not going around flaming Neil or Ken for the thoughts, I too think the sniper has some skill, just no moral. The killings them self are wrong....
I REALLY like the first one! ALOT! Its great! The other ones are good too! Nice job! Hey do you mind if I put the first one in my AIM profile....if you want me to I can gie you credit....whats your name?
Aw I'm sorry to hear what happened. HOw old are you anway? Its really stupid when people do this. I went through that last year. Their argument is "Anime is for nerds and little kids." Although anime is truly a sophisticated art, if they can make an anime and have it successful more power to them. Its stupid....
I agree with you to some extent.... But please watch your stereo types. Those nuts arn't all in the middle of the country.
The evidence was a bullet shell they found. And by the way the kid hasn't died. He is in stable/criticle condition.
[i]Lalaith sniffs the air and smells something fowl. He looked around and glared to the north. He let his bow slide down his shoulder and notches an arrow in it. He slowly walked out of the clearing.[/i] Judiar: "And where do you think you are going.' [i]Lalaith looked back and grunted.[/i] Lalaith: "Demons are out there." [i]Lalaith then turn backed and walked slowly towards the demons. He was getting closer and he could tell. THe smell was getting terrible. He crouched down making sure the demons couldn't see him. As he passed the next tree he could just see the demons. THere was someone else. The demons had arrows notched and ready to fire. Lalaith slowly notched another arrow on his bow. HOlding the two arrows he walked alittle closer praying he didn't draw the demons attention just yet. He raised the bow and took aim. One arrow at the leader and another at the farthest demon. He took a deep breath then fired the arrows. The leader fell down dead as the arrow stuck through his head. The other demon screamed in pain as the arrow penetrated his shoulder. The demons looked towards Lalaith's direction furiously. Lalaith silently put away his bow and drew his sword. He then stood up letting the demons see him. He grinned.[/i] "Hey idiots I'm right here!" [i]He glanced over at the stranger and grinned.[/i] "The name's Lalaith! Nice to meet you! Looks like you have a party going on, mind if I join?" [i]Lalaith grinned again and slowly walked to the Demons who were confused on who to attack without their leader.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]kool aid 13, thats a bad question about sept. 11. you see, alot of people here actually were happy about the 11th. It makes me sad, but some people here are the kinds who call you ignorant and the whole time its them. [/B][/QUOTE] This makes me terribly sad and I don't condone what he did. It doesn't just make me sad it makes me sick. Shooting a 13 year old boy! Thats horrible... OOP:Anywayz Gotenks could you please clean out your pm box I need to PM you...thanks
Exactly! You'd be suprised how many people get that one wrong tho! Nice job mathguy!
Yeah as long as we are all active it will work!
Look I hat ekilling as much as the next but what DeathKnight said is true. That man is talented (men). If someone could do that many killings without leaving valid evidence even I'm impressed. Do I condone the death of these people...no. But I respect the man for his talent. People praise snipers in war for their ability to be steathly and kill the enemy yet a man kills people the same way and is persecuted. What is the difference. The both killed.....A human is a human even if they are black or white...a death is a death. And what Kool pointed out in my sig is what I feel.
Darkmoon is correct....the doctor was the son's mother. And yes Mathguy thats what that riddle was created for. It was used to test and see how sexist America truly is. Ok here is another easy one: A group of tourist bored a plane to go visit Toronto. They take off from New York and about 2 hours in the trip their plane expierences technical failures. The plane crashes right on the border of the USA and Canada. The plane is torn to shreds. As the officials come they wonder where the survivors would be buried. So the question is, where would the survivors be buried?
Nope sorry thats incorrect Ok here The son and father are at different hospitals and are having surgery at the same time....that might clear itup a bit...
Yeah Id idn't think it was right...but hey it WAS a good guess wasn't it.... Anywayz Kool can you be alittle bit more specific...thats not quiet the correct answer...
Hm...I'll try the semi-hard one.... Its a complete guess The girl with the shortest stick was the theif because she knew it would grow so she did not fully extend her arm where as the other people did. she did this to cover it up so when it grew it would be as long as the others. The boy and the gaurd expected this and saw that her arm was bent more than the others letting them know that the stick grew and she was trying to hide.... Complete guess... Here's an easy one: A man and his son are in a car accident. They are both rushed to the hospital. The father and son have different doctors. As the son goes in for surgery the doctor turns around and sees him. The doctor then exclaims "I can't operate on this boy he is my son." How is this possible?
[quote]Medium: There was a man who had been kind all his life. So one day, right before he died, the man was granted one wish, and that was to see what heaven and hell looked like. His wish was granted. First he went to hell. There were four men sitting at a square table, on the ground, who looked starving. The men were sitting one foot away from the table, with chopsticks that were three feet long. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get the food in their mouth. Then the man went to heaven. He was surprised to see the men in heaven were sitting the same way! They also had three foot chopsticks, yet they were not starving! They were all eating happily, with satifying glances. Why were the people in heaven not starving? (hint: Everything was exactly the same as hell, yet they were not starving. They all knew how to use chopsticks.. and it has nothing to do with magic)[/quote] Easy the people in hell are too selfish and ignorant to think of others. They sat 2 to a side. They tried to feed themselves not others. The people in heaven loved eachother so they fed eachother with the chopsticks.
Name:Fox McCloud Occupation:Fighter Pilot Bio:Fox is a re-known flighter pilot. He is one of the fastest characters in Melee, and has a unique attack that lets him deflects projectiles...this attack can also hurt the enemy when used right after doing a down throw. He is used for quick combos and taking advantage of the slower more powerful characters such as Bowser. Attacks:Fox Illusion Blaster Reflector (Don't knwo what his recovery is calleed) Special:Speed Partner:Captain Falcon
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiV [/i] [B]If you just find out that you only live for 3 years (or six months), what do you want to do with the times left? [/B][/QUOTE] Idealy: I would travel to Japan and spend most of my time there, learning everything I could. Then I would come back broke and humbled. Go to everyone I wronged, rectify the situation. And then tell every person what I really feel. Then spend the lasts moments of my breath in the arms of my love...
[i]Lalaith stood there studing his surroundings. It wasn't right. It seemed as though the demons were outnumbered yet they won. The demons may be strong but they are very primitive. THey should've lost this battle. Something else contributed to the battle.[/i] Jaudiar: "You feel there is something wrong about this battle too." [i]Lalaith blinked a couple times and came back to his sense.[/i] Lalaith: "How'd you know?" Jaudiar: "We all feel the same way." Lalaith: "So you agree, the demons should've lost. The question is then, who or what did that."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]OOC: ^^' I can't believe I forgot all about this.... sorry!! I'll just start from uuh... bryan's post... on page one.... yeah... - -' -------- Tifa brushed her self off, and walked after Cloud. "what are you doing around here? I thought you-" "Nah, just came to get another materia." Cloud interrupted, still walking. "Which reminds me. What are you still doing here? I thought you were heading over to midgar..." "That's exactly where I was going... until a certain person decided to bump into me..." Tifa mumbled, a tight smirk on her lips. The two laughed, Tifa smiling softly afterwards. Cloud hung his head. A few seconds later, he smiled, swinging his arm on his shoulder. "welp, gotta go... See ya around.." He said, grinning. "ey cloud, why don't you come with me to midgar? Just like old times." She suggested, a familiar, optimistic smile brightening her face. Just then, he turned around with an enthusiastic grin on his face. "Sounds great! C'mon!!!" He said grabbing Tifa. Just then, Cloud hesistated. Tifa stopped too, she looked at him, panting. "What's wrong?" Cloud kept staring at a small banner, as if he was mesmorised by it... Tifa turned to the picture too, and saw a picture of a church... the church Aeries attended...[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Tifa shifted her weight un-comfortably.[/i] [i]Cloud sighed as he looked at the poster. Memories flooded his mind as though a dam holding them had just shattered. He grimaced slightly thinkin about it. He then shook his head. "Who cares," he muttered softly too himself.[/i] "So we going to Midgar or not?!" [i]Cloud forced a smile and began walking towards Midgar.[/i] [i]Tifa stood looking at the post a second longer then looked up at Cloud and sighed.[/i] Tifa: "Hey wait for me!" [i]Tifa ran and caught up to him. As she caught stride with him she grabbed Clouds hand. Smilling she continued walking.[/i] [i]CLoud looked down at his hand slowly only moving his eyes then looked back up, continue to walk.[/i]
Thats just plain evil..... I LOVE IT!!! ROTFLMAO!
Well if we vote I say it should be in a pm...so we arn't spamming so we pm Lauren with our votes she tallys them up and...boom we got our answere...... And if that doesn't work.... I vote we keep going!
[i]Lalaith walked through the woods aimlessly. He hated how he didn't really have meaning in his life at the moment. All he would do is wonder around for no appearent reason. Yet it seemed that some un-explainable force kept him going. He could just settle down at any of the many towns he passed. Well...many now wasn't that many. He had only seen 7 towns in the past harvest, but for these hard times that was alot. Sometimes he wish he didn't see the towns. Half the town would be burned down the other suffering from disease. It only reminded him of the world's troubles. Maybe thats what pushed him on. The hope that someday he would find a place that didn't stink of death and destruction.[/i] [i]Shrugging he kept walking. As he hopped over a boulder he heard a noise. He bent down below the boulder and looked towards the west. The sound came from over there. He squinted his eyes trying to pierce through the brush. He couldn't see anything. He sniffed the air. He sighed. He knew what is was.[/i] "Death. A battle was faught close. I wonder who won. The battle is barely over its probably not safe to go in myself." [i]Lalaith muttered a few words in elven and an ealge came flying to him. He whispered into the eagle's ear then it took flight. As the eagle flew it came over the battle field. Lalaith's mind was flooded with the images of death. Bodies lying everywhere and fires still raging. Lalaith shook his head cutting the connection between him and his eagle. He rubbed his head and sighed. He knew it weasn't good. The demons had obviously won, that ment they were still around. He let his bow slide from its resting place on his shoulder into his hands and notched an arrow in it. There were probably still survivors, he was going to find them.[/i] [i]As he went on he heard two voices. It seemed they were talking to eachother. As he listened he could tell these voices weren't demons. A demons voice is too rough, these voices were softer and beautiful, like a song. They were elves. He kept his bow in his hands but let the tension in the bow slowly lower so that he didn't seem threatening. He slowly walked closer to the two elves, and as he got closer he realized the two elves were both girls.[/i] Elysan: "Who's there?! Come out now!" [i]Lalaith grinned as he realized he had been found. He slung his bow back over his shoulder and put his arrow back in his quiver. Raising his hands he walked out towards the two elves grinning.[/i] Elysan: "Who are you?!" [i]Lalaith came into the clearing and bowed[/i] "Lalaith Ril a wondering Elven Ranger. What would two elves like you be doing close to a battle field?"
I'm in don't go yet, I'll edit this post with my stats! Name: Lalaith Ril (use my normal one) Age: 140 Race: Elven Ranger Weapons: Sword/ Long bow with arrows and quiver Magic element: Nature (Can it be nature if not I'll change it) Magic spells: [b]Nature's Wrath[/b]: This spell takes everything out of him, and he can only use it once. He summons the spirits of nature into one creature. This creature attacks his opponent then leaves, placing the spirits back. [b]Lircoflin[/b]: Allows him to blend in with nature, giving him the camalion's abilities. [b]Eagle Eye[/b]: Allows him to see out of his eagle's eyes. Only lasts for a short time, and weakens him considerably. Looks: Lalaith has long blonde hair that goes down to his waste. He wears a dark brown tunic with green pants and boots. He has a black cape with a hood, that he wears no matter what. His eyes are blue, but sometimes will turn into a icy blue-grey. He wears a brown fletching armor on his left hand. Bio: Lalaith's town was destroyed when he was a young elf. He then went into the woods and lived by himself. His relationship with animals and the woods themselves grew and he began to think of them as his family. When he had heard that an attack was planned he said good-bye and ran off to join the battle. He is very quiet at times, and doesn't trust many people. Occasionally he would have a burst of irrationalism.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]I have been kicking myself for something i did and wondered if i say it how it happened if it would sound obvious to you all that i made a mistake. Here it is, well i as assistant director for the play the insanity of mary girard and the director is one of my best friends. Him and one of our actors have a heavy past with each other i wont even go into. Well this guy (actor) didnt go to practice one day until the last ten minutes and my director friend told him he was out of the play. Right then and there, i was shocked because i had no idea. Then while he was defending his decision to the other actors he kept looking at me and saying "say something" i just said i think we shoud give him another chance, this pissed off my friend and he said fine. Now later i found out that his excuse for being late was helping out the school band was a lie and i felt so stupid. My director friend said it was my responsability to get rid of him, which i did this morning. Was i stupid? [/B][/QUOTE] Stupid? No not at all. Sometimes the jobs we have to do are harder than we anticipate them. Did you make a wrong choice, yes. But everyone does. Personally I believe that just because he is your friend doesn't put him on a special boat or anything like that. But thats my opinion. He is held to the same regards as everyone else. You really can't be blamed for this though, you were faced with a conflict and you gave your opinion. Which shows courage and respect so I'd say it was a good choice at the same time. I've lost you all haven't I? In a way you made a good choice... In a way you made a bad one... All that matters was you said what you believe is right, as long as it doesn't physically [i]hurt[/i] someone then you are fine!
[i]Lalaith couldn't believe the insenty of the tornado. As it spun it grew larger and larger. Darker and darker. It seemed as though it was picking up everything evil in this vial place. Yet no matter how dark it seemed Void was still visible in the middle. He clung to the pillar and watch the tornado. The tornado gave a huge roar. Lalaith thought his ears would explode, the sound kept growing. It got to the point were Lalaith thought he couldn't stand it anymore then nothing...THe tornado was gone, along with everything. The fellowship stood back up ackwardly. Lalaith rubbed at his jaw and then looked around the room. The vials with souls were gone...He thought he failed. The souls weren't free. Something was wrong. He knew what it was, but he didn't want to say it. Well he couldn't say it with his current jaw. He looked at the others and eyed them sympathetically. He walked over to Abob and helped him up. He looked into his eyes and tried to show his friend that he was sorry. Lalaith then took a step forward and threw the shards of his fathers sword down into the lava. A tear ran down Lalaith's cheek as he watch them fall. Before they hit the lava he turned around. HE couldn't bare watching them burn.[/i]