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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [i][b]You must take her place, do my deads then die![/i][/b] [i]These words rang through Lalaith's head. He was hurt at the time. He realized he would never see his father again. They had seen their loves, but he never got to see his father. He wasn't going to let that happen with Lauren too. He took a deep breath then put his bow back on his shoulder and walked forward.[/i] "I will..."
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]:blulaugh: Duo, you owned barbies? or was I mislead by this: [/B][/QUOTE] Well it depeneds does owning them involve buying them, walking home, attaching fireworks to them or just setting them on fire, and boom. If so, yeah I owned those fun little tortured and mangled toys.
  3. The worst ones had to be those stupid Barbie dolls...or the polly pockets. *shudders* I'm not ashamed to say that I owned them tho, I just didn't own them very long *grins evily* I burned those things! Yeah also those stupid Batman toys, why couldn't it just be Batman! Not super duper batman delux with the glowing logo.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]Okay, I have the strange feeling that this has been done, but im not sure, so here it is. I've always been curious as to how we all found otakuboards, artist.theotaku, and theotaku in general. I really want to know how you found it, cause now there's about 3500 users and stuff.... I was searching for YYH, I think, and on about the 5th page of the google search, it had something from a request for a YYH forum. I clicked in, and signed up. I thought that it was stupid of me to sign up, cause my computer kept freezing and i redid it a few time. Thought it was a waste of time. Then i strolled on in and found myself in HEAVEN.:D :D I love this place even more, and i keep remembering when i had 7 posts, and 18 posts, and looking at Aries and Vegitto4 and Mist like "WOW! Look at all those posts!!!!". Well, it's been about 2 months, almost the entirety of one of them the infamous "OtakuDown". I'm so happy i found this place!!!! *sob*......I.....I....:bawl: :bawl: :toothy: :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] I found it via theotaku.com which I found through search engine. Wow I can't believe I still remember it...
  5. [i]Lalaith continued firing his mind a mess. Everyone's love has come back, what about father will he come back? I've shamed him why should he....Lalaith began firing faster making the Void begin to tire.[/i] Lalaith: "Father...I miss you...." [i]Tears ran down his face while he shot faster[/i]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]That was a passage from Richard Cohen' essay, "Can Men Really Have Friends?" As many of you might know, women can quite freely and easily express themselves and enage in intimate conversation with one another. I know that such a statement is a stereotype, but it's generally true for most females. They hug, they kiss, they cry together and talk about [I]what really bothers them[/I]. Men, generally bury their feelings, never truly indulging in intimate conversation. Again, I'm being stereotypical, but many men bury emotions. I suppose such behavior explains why so many men have high blood pressure or have a hard time managing anger. If a woman has a poor sex life with their partner, they discuss it. Men would never do such a thing; they're always "living in the Playboy Mansion." They discuss sex as if it were sport. Are men programmed to keep emotions to themselves, or is it something encoded in us--our nature. Can men truly cofide in one another without feeling uneasy? I actually know a lot of people who claim that they cannot. I think it should be interesting to know your answers: Can men really have friends? I,for one, think that such subject matter is primarily an American issue; Men in Italy actually [I]kiss[/I] one another freely. In America, if someone did that, they would be labeled homosexual. [Edit]I just noticed a "Men Today" thread on this page, lol. I hope this isn't too redundant. But, it seems like that thread was dealing with men being "dogs." :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] Stereotypically men really don't have men-men friendships very often. I was lucky to have one. Yes most men do bury their emotions, but I think a boy-girl friendship happens alot. Being with a girl you don't feel like you have to be cool. But when you are with a guy sometimes you feel pressured to be cool. I think men can have friends, its just harder. Yes I also think its possible to be really close friends with a girl without having sexual tension. You become more like siblings than peopel of the opposite sex. Its not that hard to be a great friend with a girl and not have sexual tension.
  7. "Lauren hand me my bow!" [i]Lalaith waited untill Samantha and Abob shot their arrows at Void and then shot his. Void blocked Samantha's and Abob's arrows with ease and at the last second ducks as Lalaith's arrow skims by her cheek. She looked widly at Lalaith. Lalaith grinned.[/i] "Here take some arrows!" [i]He throws Samantha and Abob some arrows.[/i]
  8. Now if you're dealing with suicide or just have a really soft heart I don't suggest you read this, it is about suicide. REI Be true to self-destructive veins. Rei sat in her chemistry class. She stared unseeingly at the test in front of her, occasionally making the effort to focus on the problems. After a while, she managed to steady herself enough to actually start working on it. Well...making marks on it at least. She hadn't studied at all. It may as well be in Greek for all she remembered. But then, it probably wouldn't have helped much if she had studied. She wouldn't have been able to see her notes for the tears blurring her vision. Rivan... one of her best friends. Just another teenage suicide. Intentional overdose. Rei put numbers together randomly, multiplying and dividing in the vain hopes that maybe she'd get a problem right. She turned the page, and stared uncomprehendingly. Oh wonderful, lab problems. She skipped that page. Rei handed in her test, having left a page and a half blank. She worried for a second about how this would affect her average in this class, then quit thinking about it. Rivan dying had put things in perspective. After class ended, Rei went straight to her next class. She didn't feel like talking with her friends today. As she walked across the courtyard, however, she heard someone call her name. She ignored it, but suddenly Paige was walking next to her. "It'll be alright. Everyone dies sooner or later." he said. "I know... it just seems so unreal." Rei replied, not looking at him. "I've known people who've attempted it, but no one's ever succeeded." Paige unthinkingly adjusted his spiked bracelet over the scars on his wrist. They reached Rei's class. "Don't think so much on it." he said. "I know you're hurting. I am too. You want me to come into class with you? Maybe I can help take your mind off her." "Thanks." said Rei. Paige could take her mind off anything. They walked into the classroom, heading quickly for the back where Paige wouldn't be noticed. If I destroy myself I can't shine on Rei walked home. She had the house to herself for the weekend. Her mother was on another important business trip. She flipped the television on, then turned it off again. She put on a cd, and poured herself a shot of Absolut vodka. The phone rang. "Hello." "What are you doing?" came Paige's voice. "Vodka." replied Rei. "I'll never understand why you like that stuff." "Hypocrite." laughed Rei. "What are /you/ doing right now?" "Not Absolut, I can tell you that." "Come over and bring me some?" "I'll be there in two seconds." Swallowing habits die real hard A zero. Rei wasn't altogether too surprised. She hadn't known any of the material on the test. She stuck it in the back of her notebook and sighed. Now that some of the shock had worn off, she started to worry about her average again. After class she talked with Paige, Eian, and Sabina. "Don't worry about it." said Sabina, always the laid-back one. "Well that's easy for you to say. Your parents are happy if you bring home a C." "There'll be more tests. You can bring your grade back up." shrugged Eian. "I suppose." said Rei. Jay walked over. He had taken more care with his makeup to cover up his red eyes, but they could tell he'd been crying. Rivan was his girlfriend of a year and a half. "Hey, man." said Eian. "Yo." replied Jay. "What's happening?" "Not much. We're consoling Rei." replied Sabina. "I got a zero on my chem test." Rei informed him. "Aww, that sucks." said Jay. "Go hit something." said Eian. "Always helps." "Hehe, give her one of your shoes, Jay." said Sabina, snickering. Everyone automatically glanced at Jay's monstrosity of a pair of shoes. Black, clunky, with a two-inch platform. "I still don't get why you have to wear those gigantic shoes when you're already, like, six four." said Eian. "Yeah, you make everyone around you feel all short." said Rei. "And you're so thin! I think you're thinner than I am. The shoes just heighten the alien impression." said Sabina. "Yeah, we're onto you. We know you're not from this earth." "Paige wears the same type." Jay defended himself. All eyes went to Paige's shoes, which were even bigger. "But see, Paige isn't already over six feet. He can get away with it." replied Sabina. "What about your own shoes?" said Jay, pointing at Sabina's back-lace-up boots with a three-inch heel. "My shoes are cool. And I'm short. I have to wear tall heels." "Rivan always wore really tall heels." Jay got a depressed look in his eye again. "Ah, we're all gonna get depressed again." said Sabina. "Quick, talk about something else. Not chemistry, not Rivan, not- not anything sad. Be somewhat up. **** being depressed, you know?" "You're right." agreed Rei. "I'm not going to dwell on it. What's done is done." When I destroy myself I can't shine on Rei strode into the hospital waiting area. Eian, Paige, and Sabina were already there. "Is he--?" "No." replied Paige, standing up and giving her a hug. "It was close, though." said Sabina. Her laid-back facade was gone, and she was openly crying. She'd only done that once before: at Rivan's death. "He lost a lot of blood." "How-?" asked Rei. "Slit his wrists." replied Eian, with just the merest glance at Paige. "Ai." "It was just too much for him. He couldn't take Rivan being gone." said Eian. Rei sank into a chair. Paige reached over and took her hand. "Can we see him?" she asked. "He's just down the hall." replied Eian. "Go for it." Rei walked down the hall, peering in rooms till she found Jay. "Jay! Baka yo!" Jay looked up. "I'm not dead." he said. "You don't have to sound so depressed about it." He sighed. "Listen, you. Wasn't Rivan enough? Don't you remember how you felt when she died? Now you want to do the exact same thing to the rest of us. Didn't you stop to think about who you'd be hurting if this had worked? Did you think at all? You're one of my best friends, Jay! Paige and Eian and Sabina's too! You remember how scared we all were when Paige attempted this exact same thing??" Rei stopped. She glared at Jay. "You'd better be /thankful/ that Eian walked in on you and got you here in time." Jay looked down at the bandages wrapped around his wrists. Rei sat on the edge of the bed. "Don't /ever/ do anything like this again. Do you hear me? /Ever/." Eian, Paige, and Sabina trooped in, looking around cautiously for doctors and nurses. Taking a cue from better days Rei lay on her bed and sobbed. It was all too much. Her grades had dropped steadily ever since Rivan's death. They had picked up a bit afterwards, then went right back down after Jay's attempted suicide. And then, just yesterday, Paige died. Car accident. He was killed by a drunk driver on his way back from Blockbuster after having returned a movie ten minutes before midnight. Rei sat up. She made her way into the bathroom, where all the pills were. She knew it was a selfish option. She knew she'd be leaving behind only more grief for Eian, Sabina, and Jay. She didn't care. It had reached the point where nothing mattered anymore. She locked the door to the bathroom, just in case. It was late, but she never knew when someone might just decide to come over without any advance warning. That was how Jay had been saved. She had counted it fortunate that Eian had decided to drop by Jay's to see how he was holding up and found him before he bled to death, but now she realised she had just been thinking of herself. If Jay had been feeling anything like she was feeling now, maybe it would have been better for him if he had succeeded. Rei opened the medicine cabinet. Favourite ways you can lose Sabina found the spare key and let herself in when no one answered at Rei's house. She was worried. She made her way upstairs to Rei's bedroom. She wasn't there. Sabina noticed the closed bathroom door. There was no light coming under the door, although it was late. She grew more worried. She knocked. "Rei? You in there?" No answer. Sabina tried the doorknob. Locked. There was no key for this door. She ran for the phone in Rei's room. "Eian? I'm at Rei's. Come quick, she's locked herself in the bathroom and isn't answering. Bring Jay too, alright?" "I'll be over in two seconds." Eian hung up. Soon after, he and Jay met Sabina at Rei's house. "We'll break it down." said Eian, after knocking and trying the knob once more. He and Jay rammed the door till it splintered and they could reach through to unlock it from the inside. Jay opened the door. "Rei!" screamed Sabina. Eian felt for a pulse. Jay with his long legs ran for the phone and called 911. Eian shook his head.
  9. [i]Lalaith runs to Lauren and whispers in her ear soothingly. As she gets up to try and destroy the orb Lalaith holds her.[/i] Lalaith: "Listen to me, its not right! Its a trick, a trap. Ryan knows. Please don't. Lauren listen to me!" [i]Lalaith winced as he looked over at Legolas. He looked back at Lauren and saw a tear come down her cheek. His heart sank. He was filled with pain.[/i] Lalaith: "Lauren, I love you. I know how it feels! Just hold on! Don't listen to void!" Lauren: "Fattthhhheerrrr..." [i]Lauren reached her hand out towards the orb. Lalaith clenched onto her tighter. A tear ran down Lalaith's face as he felt Lauren sob slightly. Lalaith made sure he kept Lauren at a distance.[/i] Lalaith: "Abob, Samantha, listen to Ryan. Ryan trust Bahumet he wants revenge, he'll helps us for the time being, and we need that help!"
  10. [i]Lalaith looked around amazed as he felt him take control of his own body again. He smirked and then turned to Void as she said those words to Lauren. "You can bring him back...you know." These words echoed through Lalaith's head. The thought was so enticing, she was giving them the answeres. Lauren's father, the legend, and his father in law back alive. Lalaith shook his head. It was too good to be true....she was planning something...[/i] Lalaith: "Lauren don't listen to her...she's planning something. Do you really think something as evil as her would just give you our father back?! Its a trap!"
  11. I can see where you are coming from and on a certain extent I agree. But I vote we should drop this argument, thats not what these boards are for...if you want to continue debating with me, or criticizing me I'd be glad to accept it in a pm. This should go back on topic.
  12. [i]Lalaith barred down on the fallen Samantha. His eyes were scared, they couldn't believe what he was about to do. He raised his dagger and began to stab at her.[/i] "NOOOO!!! I Won't let you!!!" [i]Lalaith missed Samantha. Sweat trickled down Lalaith's forehead[/i] Void: "What?! KILL HER NOW!!!" [i]Lalaith's eyes turned black again and went back toward Samantha.[/i]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Does it though? I mean, that's one of the basic reasons why 9/11 happened, correct? Although the two events may have been different in level and extremeity, I believe they held the same intent.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] If we don't let people think what they want then we wouldn't be America. If we pride ourselves in being a free country, then we have to act that way! If he thinks its funny, well I don't like it, but its a free country. You see people in America laughing because an Afghan got killed yesterday, yet you don't go and beat the **** out of them. Just because they arn't Americans doesn't mean they arn't humans. If you're going to allow yourself to think allow others. No one person is more important than the other. Look I know ya'all are gonna yell at me or something, I love my country, I'd die for it, but still beating the tar outta someone for them laughing....its wrong.
  14. OOC: Yeah thanks! [i]Lalaith gazed at the fellowship around him, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination, love and hate, hope and despair.[/i] Viod: "Lalaith kill them, I'll take care of your wife." [i]Void smirked as she said this and began fighting Lauren[/i] [i]Lalaith screamed "No" in his head but his body began advancing on the fellowship with his dagger drawn. He then ran and attacked Samantha[/i] Void: "Good now kill that elf!" [i]Lalaith smirked and began fighting harder[/i] "NOOOOOO"
  15. OOC: Woah time out we have conflicting stories here....How bout Lauren you got stabbed and all that special stuff...I came back for you after you tripped me then Abob's post comes into affect? .....Never mind....where the hell is Lalaith then?
  16. [b]"Now my puppet you will help me destroy your own world. I'm sure you will succeed though, you are much stronger than the puppets before you.[/b] "No...I won't!! You can't make me!!" [b]"You don't think I can do you? Very well lets have a demonstration! Kill your wife!"[/b] "Are you insane do you really think I'd kill my lo- What the. My body, its moving! NO!!!" [i]Lalaith's body walked ever closer to Lauren holding the dagger up ready to strike. Lauren looked at him confused, Lalaith's eyes were covered in fear. His face was rock set however.[/i] "No! Lauren! Run!! Someone stop me!! NO!!" [b]The voice laughed. "Noone can stop the void fool!" [/b] "I won't let you!" [i]Lalaith's body went jagged for a moment then his face softed. He dropped the knife.[/i] Lalaith: "Lauren....you...have...to...kill...me....Void...in...my..he-" [i]Lalaith screamed in pain then his eyes went black, he slowly bent down and picked up the dagger. He then jumped at Lauren with his dagger raised.[/i] "Nooooo!"
  17. [i] Lalaith stared at Legolas in amazement.[/i] "Master Legolas!" [i]Lalaith couldn't think what to do, so he bowed.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]Far be it for me to put words in Duo's mouth but...I'm gonna do it anyways! :D I think what Duo meant was that he would fight against terrorists, but he was not going to gang up and beat on a kid just because he happened to be laughing at the time. Remember this little thing called the law? And justice? And freedom of thought and religion? Two points here: The first point is that you don't just go in and hammer a kid just because you don't like the fact that he's laughing. If he's doing something wrong, then law will take care of it, or the teachers (they should but some are just as prejudiced so *shrugs*). There's a reason why America is governed by a rule of law (supposedly anyway) rather the rule of men. There's a reason we don't condone lynch mobs. The second point, one which Duo might not make but I will anyway, is that, in America today, even with this level of paranoia, its a person is still free to -think- what they like. If I think a couple of planes flying into a couple of tall buildings and killing thousands of people is funny, I'm actually entitled to laugh. Of course, if I incite people to kill by [b]seriously[/b] telling them to kill Americans cos they're all children of Satan...well then that's different. Thinking is one thing. Doing is another. If the kid sent money to terrorists or harbored one in his house, then that would be wrong. But if he just -thinks- its really funny, it may be rude and insensitive, but its not legally wrong, and it certainly doesn't give you the right to beat him to a pulp (though it might allow you to argue provocation but you'll still be in the wrong). I think what Duo is getting at is that he is perfectly willing to fight terrorists, but that the kid is not a terrorist, and so he's not gonna mess the kid up. You do not make people understand by bashing them up. You only make things worse. Winning the war on terrorism is about winning hearts and minds, and not just about killing terrorists (which of course is necessary but not enough by itself). [/B][/QUOTE] EXACTLY! Thats what I was trying to say! Thank you for stating it more clearly!
  19. [i]Tears filled up in Lalaith's eyes as he thought about never seeing them again.[/i] "NO!" [b]"No? What do you mean no?!"[/b] "You arn't keepign me from them! I'm not dead yet!" [b]"You can't deny death, death comes when it wills. Its a poisonouse snake, deceitful and sly."[/b] [i]Lalaith grabs for his weapons then realizes there are no weapons.[/i] [b]The voice laughs. "What do you expect to have your preciouse fathers sword?"[/b] [i]Lalaith looked up suddenly[/i] "BAHUMET!!!!!!! Its you! Get out of me! Get out of my life! You'll die you're dying right now! Give in! LEAVE!!!" [b]"Fool you think I am going to let go of your elven body? I've been looking to take over one for many years now![/b] "GET OUT!!!! Lauren!! Someone! I'm alive!! Don't leave!" [i]Just then Lalaith's eyes opened. He saw Bahumet being brutally beaten.[/i] Lauren: "LALAITH!" [i]A blood curddling laugh surged through his mind, and Lalaith grabbed his dagger and walked towards Lauren.[/i] "NO!! !NO!! NOOOOOO! LAUREN RUN!"
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Try to be a little bit understanding in this situation, Bryan. You're country is being attacked; you're tense. Someone is cheering on those who are hurting your country and it's pride. You'd beat him up. I'd beat him up. Don't say "I would never do that!" because that isn't true. Don't put yourself in a situation that you haven't been placed in. Sure, it was wrong, but I wouldn't exactly be kind to the kid either.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I was in that situation. One of my friends cheered. It hurt...yes...like hell. But I didn't beat him up. I don't know, I guess I shouldn't be judging. I'm sorry..
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]That happened at my school too. A boy from Afganastan started laughing and cheering and he was beaten up. After that I heard he was sent back to Afganastan. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm as patriotic as the rest, and yest I was ready to join the army and fight those terrist if I was old enough, but thats just wrong. I'm sorry but you have no right to beat someone up because of their beliefs. What that kid did was disrepectful to the tenth degree, but beating him up? Thats just wrong! That'll just increase his hatred, and others hatred towards America.
  22. Oh maybe its because you are so lazy! Lazy!! Thats right Chris you are lazy!!! :p! Seriously though, I think many people have a problem with other peoples grammer and I think its agreed that since so many people feel the same way the bar should be raised! Of course I shouldn't be talking I don't have the [i]BEST[/i] grammer but its ok. Heh. Yeah and that l33t stuff annoys the heck out of me. Why can't you just say "Hi" ?!
  23. "What the....where am I?" [i]Lalaith looked around. It was all black, it seemed he was standing on thin air. He stared into the darkness amazed.[/i] "Is this what I think it is...." [i]"Yes it is. Its exactly what you think it is...."[/i] [b]The mysteriouse voice fluttered through the darkness from every direction, tantalizing Lalaith.[b] "You mean? But...I...Lauren....." [i]"You sacrificed yourself, indeed it was honorable. But as all honorable beings, you have fallen. They will remember you, don't worry."[/i]
  24. That is great it reminds me of somekind of Dr. Suess story. I REALLY LIKE IT!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Probably the reason we don't get talk about more cultures (ie: European, other than Britain, and the likes) is because we don't have any or many people from that area. Like, only a few of us talk abotu Japanese culture, but most of us are from America, England, or Aussie-ville. So yeah... [/B][/QUOTE] Speaking of Japan I wish someone would please talk about them...Whats going on in Japan I would love to hear about it.l. Oh well. Yeah I agree there are alot of people that live in America. I wish it was more culturaly diverse (no offense to my fellow Americans) but I am truly sick of listening about America too!
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