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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Lalaith: [i]Gasps for breath. As he looks up he sees the black power flying at the fellowship. He looks back at them for a second then nods his head. He jumps at the black power. Right before it hits him he throws his bow at Lauren.[/i] "Avenge all that we've lo-" [i]The ball explodes and Lalaith flys back hitting the wall. He passes out and his limp body lays in a pool of blood.[/i]
Lalaith: "You are starting to get REALLY annoying!" [i]Lalaith jumped at Bahumet with an arrow clutched in his hand.[/i] Bahumet: [i]Bahumet grinned then squeezed his hand shut. A black liquid came out of Lalaith's arrow wound. Lalaith screamed in pain and fell to the floor clutching his wound.[/i] "Fool I'm stronger than you think!"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sylph [/i] [B]If so, please share which instrument, and why you play it. [/B][/QUOTE] I play the drums. Because I love them. Its a passion just like sports and martial arts. I practice every day, and I have a band too. I love it!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Well... it seems now-a-days... alot of the ways people talk, and joke revolve around t.v. and pop culture...(music) Everyone talks just like the people they hear on tv, the radio..etc...And it seems our 'vocabulary' seems to be growing larger and larger everytime a new song appears on telelvision... As James said in another thread... it can be [i]very[/i] annoying at times... - - What do you think about this? ---- Blah... I'm not sure whether it belongs here or in the music/tv/movies forum... soo... I understand if it's moved... :bluesweat[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean! I find it very annoying when, just because someone "cool" says something its the newest word. I mean jesus christ we hear it enough! I don't need to hear it at school, at home, and at the mall! Its like a pest that won't go away. Oh well. All you gotta do is grit your teeth and go through it. But I agree with you VERY annoying! Yes James I agree with you internet lingo is very annoying on boards and interent sites. Now if its on an instant messanging thats fine, but on a board....no.
Lalaith: "Abob toss the ring to me! I'll keep going!" Abob: [i]Looks at Lalaith for a second then nods. He takes the necklace off and throws it to Lalaith.[/i] "Go! I'll help Ryan out!" Lalaith: [i]Nods and with that closes the two doors praying his friends will be alright. As he slides the necklace on his chest, he feels the evil vibrating from the ring. He shudders and begans walking up a a stair case looking for the lava.[/i] "Its not far from here..." ~Back to where Abob and Ryan~ Abob: [i]Attacks the Nazgul distracting it, so it let go of Ryan.[/i] "Hey buddy how ya doing?!" [i]Abob grinned and continued fighting the NAzgul.[/i] Ryan: "The ring....trap..." [i]Ryan gasps as he trys to re-gain his breath.[/i] ~Back with Lalaith~ Lalaith: [i]As he walks slowly to the top he looks back at the doors.[/i] "You guys better be alright back there." [i]As he reached the top of the staircase he grinned as he saw the doorway to the lava pit. He began walking across the huge chamber heading towards the door when a low slow laughter began ringing through the chamber.[/i] "What the h-" [i]Lalaith was cut short as orcs filed into the chamber. Then to Lalaith's horror the source of the laughter showed himself. Bahumet...[/i] "What...I thought the fellowhsip took care of you?! What happened to them!!!!" Bahumet: "Shut up, I left them to the Orcs! Give me the ring now!" Lalaith: [i]Clutches the necklace in his hand then lets it drop back agains his chest.[/i] "Never! You'll have to kill me before you'll get the ring!" [i]He holds up his arrow and aims at bahumet. Just then an arrow flys and hits him in his arm making his arrow go flying off above his target. Lalaith grunted in pain and fell to the floor. [/i] Bahumet: [i]bahumet took a step forward towards the wounded elf[/i] "Just give up you can't win..." Lalaith: [i]Winces in pain the looks up determined. His eyes flamed with hatred.[/i] ".....Never...." Bahumet: [i]grinned at the elf.[/i] "Your persistance muses me. You can't win, and you know it!"
Hey is Tux Mask allowed if so what should I put character sheet wise? (If he is I will fill out a form)
Lalaith: [i]Lalaith runs full speed panting lightly as they out run the orcs.[/i] "You know I almost feel jealouse leaving those guys there with all the orcs. They get all the fun!" [i]Lalaith chuckled then turned around and ran backwards and fired an arrow straight through one of the orcs head.[/i] "You know this seems almost too easy don't you agree?" Abob: "Don't ever say that, every time we say that something bad happens!" [i]Abob laughed as he ran along with Lalaith.[/i] Lalaith:"You know we are way too happy to be running into the depths of the most evil place in Middle Earth carrying the most evil thing every known to this world.." [i]They ran and came to a huge doorway, the door was shut and locked tight.[/i] "Just great...Try and figure out a way to get that thing open!" [i]Lalaith faced the orcs still running at him and notched his bow, and began firing at them.[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] Ok, first, before I get rolling on this topic, I'd like to give a definition of what conformity [i]is[/i]. Conformity is correspondence in form, manner, or character. This basically means going along with something. Now, a while back in school, as we were reading [i]Fahrenheit 451[/i], we discussed this in English class. I thought it would be a good topic here so I brought it here. My basic question is do you believe Conformity is within our society even today? But you can expand upon it if you want. Of course I think so. It can be seen in small instances: wearing blue jeans, wearing a certain brand of clothing and so forth. It can also be seen in bigger instances, such as making a decision based on someone else's input, acting in a certain way because of the way your friends are acting. This one I see much in particular. People act like something that they are not in an attempt to get attention and be noticed by others. So what are your thoughts?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Of course there is. Watch the TV for 5 minutes and you'll recognize it. You have music, move, TV, and sports stars who wear a certain thing or act a certain way, and you'll have thousands of people who try to be the same. Comformatiy gives people a sense of safety, it makes us think we arn't alone. We know that someone else is like us, and that people like that person. So obviously, they'll like you! Its an easy concept really. And yes what Wrist Cutter said is true, there is no such thing as a complete non-comformist.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [color=deeppink] [size=1]Everything?!?! Bryan.... - - you've [i]got[/i] to be kidding.... [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't mean EVERYTHING, I was just trying to make the point that communication has grown leeps and bounds...
Lalaith: [i]Parryed and orc blade and looked over at Abob. While looking he thrusted his daggers back stabing the orc in the stomach. Pulling his dagger out of the orcs dead body he nodded his head.[/i] "Abob lets go! We must throw it in!" Abob: "You're right lets go!" [i]He parrys the orcs attack and stabs the orc he was fighting.[/i] Lalaith: "Lauren! Take this!" [i]Lalaith dodges an orc blad by docking then tosses one of his daggers to Lauren. Side kicks the orc then runs next to Abob holding his bow and an arrow notched. He nods once more and kicks the door open.[/i]
Lalaith: FATHER!!! [i] His eyes gleaming with hatred he looks at the old man and stares at him. Shaking with anger he starts walking towards the man. Finally as he gets to him he lets one arm fly and watches as his fist connects with the mans head. Bahumet stumbles back then looks up and the angry elf.[/i] Bahumet: What are you people trying to do?! Its impossible to beat me! I am immortal! I am the one and only, you can never beat me! [i]He then looked over at the shattered sword and grinned.[/i] You should really learn to get better swords, that one was a piece of junk. Your father had to have been a fool to get it. And a horrible fighter as well...[i]Bahumet grinned as he saw Lalaith's eyes flash with anger, and smirked when Lalaith squeezed the handel of his broken sword.[/i] Go ahead....attack me! I'm defenseless arn't I!! Lalaith: [i]Stood there trying to clear his mind, trying to let the hatred pass. He knew that fighting with anger only hurts his abilities. As the sweet slid down his neck he slowly calmed down. Finally he let the handel falll, which made a deafening sound as it hit the ground. With that sound Lalaith flinched for a second, the reached for his daggers. He then looked around then smirked. [/i] What do you think about finishing this old man?! [i]He looked at the fellowship one by one and smirked once more.[/i] Lauren: Lalaith.....why must you hide your pain....[i]She sighs.[/i] Abob: Lets kick some Bahumet butt!
Look that just shows you how far some people are willing to take sports. I personal love baseball, its one of my biggest passions, but am I gonna jump out there and beat the crap out of a coach? Hell no, I have too much repect for the games and the players to do that. People say now a'days fans are too rowdy. Well its not true. Anyone who does that isn't a true fan. They don't respect the game. Those people are embaressements, and I'm sure they learned their lesson, well in today's society you never know, but still. I think its utterly stupid that two people would do that, but you know atleast the father and son bonded:rolleyes: ...............in jail.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuruBlu [/i] [B]If this were a perfect world your assumptions would be correct but unfortunately our justice system is not that efficent. Many innocent people die for crimes they did not commit and as many guilty ones walk free. As far as the world being more dangerous, yes it is. One hundred years ago there were not constant wars, wars yes, but not one everytime you turn around. Unfortunately, it has become aparent that no matter how sincere humans are, we can never achieve peace. :( [/B][/QUOTE] I respect your opinions, and how you said I agree with you. BUT thats not what I was saying, I'm not saying everytime a killer is put to death, or thrown in jail. I'm saying hypothetically....You wouldn't want a killer running a country with an arsenal the size of your own country would you?!
Oh yes I'm sorry but I love this one...its from a former and infamose member! "Only true men can use the color purple!" Nerdsey/N-Man
Hey, who here goes to the otaku chat?
Sui Generis replied to DaRicanRhyno's topic in General Discussion
I do every once in a while, I did alot while OB was down. My handle was Lalaith/Lalaith Ril/ DuoGod of Death. One of those three...I hope someone recognizes those names, although I won't be suprised if noone does... -
The world isn't more dangerouse, we just have a media that informs us of everything. I'm against war but I hope we get rid of Sodame Insane. I'll put my thoughts short and sweet... When someone murders someone else as in America, they are put to jail correct? The loose their rights and are confined. Would you put on of these physcotic killers at the head of a nation, that you rely on for natural recourses, and expect them to follow your ideals? I don't think so. He's a murder, and he has more weapons at his hand than we can even guess. Why let him roam free?
"The path of few may cross to form the lives of all."- Lalaith Ril TIS MY FAVORITE!! ALSO "Even the smallest person can make a difference." - Galandria the Wood Elf (LOTR)
Lalaith: "Oh great, the big bad evil dude, is in the big bad monster. Where does the fun end?" [i]Lalaith rolls his eyes, and grabs his sword and holds it tightly.[/i] "Lets roll!" [i]Lalaith runs at the Monster and rolls as he swings one of his eight legs. He stabs up at the monster and stares in amazement as the blade goes into many pieces.[/i] "My....my....my father's sword......" [i]Lalaith rolls back with his hand still clunching the handel and staring wide eyed at the handel.[/i] "Father......."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][/b] [color=crimson][size=1] *Eats life* (Only Juu will get it...hopefully...)[/color][/size] [color=crimson][size=1] That reminds me of another quote I have... "Why would [b][i]anyone[/i][/b] ever run away from me? I have such a pretty name." -Me[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey I get it too thanks to juu! Wow I'm a poet...:p Anyway yeah I thought of another one it was on my sig for a while.... "I laugh in the face of death, then turn around and run like hell."-Me
"If the sun became red with all the blood spilled on Earth, would man kind still lust for blood?"-Me "Depression is like the poison from a snake. its injected slowly and takes affect inch by inch, over coming your body untill you are absorbed and over taken by it."-Me "I take the phrase "White man can't dance" to a whole new level."-Me I have more just can't think of them right now!
OOC: I'm not going to truly use the materia unless I am allowed to. If you want me to I will erase that paragraph and make a new one. Also seeing as it is the introduction I'm really sorry but I have to go, I will come back and finish up my post. Sorry that it is so short at the moment! Cloud walked out of the sector 7 materia shop flipping his new materia hand to hand. Sure he didn't really expect to use it, but it never huts to be prepared. He payed only 1000 gil for it, practically was stealing. Looking at it he finally recognized it. Recover. Of course, fitting that he would get a healing materia. Walking to the slums he looked for a job. With all the evil supposedly locked away life was boring. Monsters all gone, no fighting to do. How did they expect him to get money? All Cloud had done in the past months was....well nothing. Sure some of the heros were doing things against shop-lifters, smuggles, patheic stuff like that, but really why should he care? It didn't affect him did it? They're all wasting their time, running around fighting "crime". Cloud laughed, they don't even get real recognition for it. Whats the point? Just then a young girl ran straigh tinto him. "Hey watch it." He looked down then realized who it was. Tifa. He smiled and helped her up. "Watch where you are going punk!" The young girl looked up horrified then realized it was Cloud, a smile broke over her face and a slight blush was present. Brushing off his pants he waved and continue walking.
I know what you mean! It was chaos. Screaming, crying, yelling, cussing. Questions...so many questions. Friends would just break down on the ground and just cry. I don't know many called me heartless that day, I just wanted to be strong of my friends. When I got home I fell to my knees in my room and just cried....cried and cied.
Oh god. It was 5 minutes before I went to school when I saw the plane hit. We watched the coverage of attacks all through the day. It was horrible. I was rocking back and forth and shaking. It was a mess at my school, everyone was crying. You could walk around and look in people's eyes and it would just be blank. No life in their eyes, if anything it was fear. Everyone's eyes were so cold. Thats the one thing I remembered more than anything else that day. It scared me so much. I can't describe how scared I was that day... Yet with this fear, I was over come with anger. If a 14 year old could be drafted into the army, military, air force etc, I would've been volunteering immediatly. It still blows my mind how someone could do that but I guess thats besides this topic.
I love APC. I have one of their CD's. Of course I like all that type of music. I also have all of tool's. I don't know I like music period, I have everything from Marilyn Manson to Jimi Hendrix to Louis Armstrong even to Betovan (Spelling?). Everything EXCEPT rap. Sorry all you rap lovers. But anywayz I don't find APC at all boring in the least bit!
Oh gosh, lets see. 1 year and 1 day ago I was, well here. I remember it vividly, my mom was flipping channels and I was watching her then all the sudden we saw one of the twin towers smoking. Then like I was in a dream we sat there and watched helplessly as the second plane hit the tower. It was the worst feeling in the world, to know you knew someone there, and you couldn't do anything about it.