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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B]Does anyone here consider the Afgans who died attacking America, martyrs? I am not sure if people will be able to look past the fact that they killed so many innocents, but still. If they died for what they belive in, for their faith, are they martyrs? I hope you can look past the fact that people in America died for something they had no idea about, but I want some interesting discussion. All this talk about remembering 9\11 has got me thinkin. I was just wondering what everyone else thinks about this. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't necesarrily think they are matyrs just for the simple fact that usually a matyr was someone pursicuted or killed by someone else for their beliefes. They were killing themselves willingly for their beliefe. Hero maybe. Not a matyr. And it really can't be considered for the religion. They killed us becuase "we are christian." and the fact is in the Islam religion the Christian and Jewish people are considered "People of the book" they think of Christian and Jewish people as brothers and sisters. Besides have you ever looked up the word Islam? It means Peace or Submission, these acts are not of the Islam faith. So no they definatly couldn't be matrys. Thats my opinion atleast.
Lalaith: [i]Sees Abob searching through his bag.[/i] "Forget potions take this" [i]Throws his sword to Abob and draws his double daggers. He then attacks a new orc slashing quickly and circling around the orc.[/i] "I think I've figured out how to beat them! Confuse them, run around them!" [i]Fighting he hears something behind him, and turns around just in time to see a huge orc bearing down on him. Putting up his daggers he trys to block the orc, but then the other orc swings his arm and throws Lalaith to the side. Lalaith grunts and gets up trying to keep the orcs distracted from the rest of the fellowship. Swinging his daggers quickly he trys fighting both of them. He gets hit again by the orcs and falls down, getting up slowly he grunts and attacks them again. This time the orcs both swing their axes, side stepping Lalaith dodges them but is hit by the side of the axe sending him flying once more. Lalaith stumbles around trying to concentrate. The orcs look at eachother and grin, holding their axes they begin to bear down on the dazed Lalaith.[/i] Abob: [i]Turns in time to see Lalaith fly across the ground and sees the orcs come at Lalaith. Holding Lalaith's elven sword he charges at the orcs![/i] "Hang in there buddy!"
OOC: Dear god its great to be back! Yes thats right Lalaith is back in town!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lalaith: [i] Ducked as the orc swung his axe, lalaith grabbed his sword and rolled. Popping up he began to go hand-to-hand combat against the mutated orc. Ducking again he looks aroudn to make sure the fellowship is fine.[/i] "Man, these guys are fast!" [i] Parrying the orcs blow he slashed the orc in the arm and then kicked the orc in the stomach.[/i] "Ha! They are still stupid!" [i]After saying that his chest was sliced by the orc. Cringing he let the blood flow freely as he faught the orc harder and faster.[/i] "Well ok I was wrong, they're alittle smarter than I thought!" [i]Ducking he sent the orc off balance and started slashing furiously at the orc hitting his arms and chest. Lalaith kept slashing untill the orc finally fell down dead. Panting he looked at the others.[/i]
OOC: Short pathetic post I know.. [i]As Lauren sat deap in thought about what to do, the others waited patiently. Abob with his leg wrapped kept watch making sure no orcs came around. Lalaith moaned the opened one eye, then the other. Abob heard lalaith and turned around to see him waking up.[/i] Abob: "Lauren, he finally has awakened." [i]Lauren nodded and came over to Lalaith.[/i] Lauren: "Are you ok" Lalaith: "Well I could be better" [i]Lalaith forced a smile then sat up. He then stood up.[/i] Lalaith: "So whats the plan?"
Its kinda scary knowing its in your own state. Its getting really close to where I am living, so its not very great hearing a new case every day. *shudders* I hope your mother and best friend will be ok! I'm sure they will!
OOC: Nice post DOK Lalaith: "I'll go in first." [i]Lalaith hesitated for a second.[/i] Abob: "Becareful we don't know whats in there." [i]Lalaith nodded and then stepped in. He clenched his sword and looked around. His saw no signs of any life what so ever. Lalaith looked back at the others and motioned them to follow.[/i] Lalaith: "It seems safe" [i]Just as Lalaith said that two arrows flew and hit Lalaith sending him back.[/i] Lauren: "LALAITH!!!!!!" [i]Arrows began to rain down on the entrance. Looking at his wounded friend Abob took a deap breath.[/i] Abob: "I can't let him die." [i]Abob then ran in and grabbed his wounded friend and dragged him out of the door. As they got out of the door an arrow struck Abob in the leg. Seeing the arrow hit Abob, lalaith wreathed in pain. Then realized something.[/i] Lalaith: "Close the door! We are sitting ducks right now!" [i]After speaking Lalaith passed out cold from the pain.[/i]
Where is a mod when you need one.... I understand that you are new but please follow the rules, this is spam. Don't do it again
OOC: I don't think its complicated at all. I understand it and I'm blonde so I think it should be fairly easy for the others. This sounds so awesome! I hope I can participate in it and if so I can't wait till this starts. Character name:Cloud Reason for choosing character: FF7 was my first rpg I ever played, and thus I fell in love with it. Cloud has been a gaming hero for me. I love him so much. He was my first RPG hero and will be my only. I love how complicated Cloud can be in the game, and how he grows. Cloud is be FAR my favorite RPG character. My Knowledge of this character: I have played FF7 many time, and have beaten it. I know what Cloud is, who Cloud is, and why Cloud is. Starting location of character:Midgar
what would you change about yourself?
Sui Generis replied to amibasuki's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ifm2181 [/i] [B]Ditto Duo... my school is exactly the same. If you like techno, you're still some 80's trash, and you only think you're cool. I like both rock and techno, and nobody at school likes it. It's rap or nuthin. And ditto to the new hairstyle. I definitely need a new one. I wear my Japanese-like headband to keep the hair out of my eyes. All the guys at school have short hair, so I'm weird for having hair long enough to poke out my eyes. (sorry, I can't stop raving about school, it just pisses me off):demon: [/B][/QUOTE] See I'm the oposite. I would love to have long hair. Even if i had to wear a headband. Heh. But I can't. Oh well. I woudl also like an eye brow piercing for some odd reason. *shrugs* I'd prolly look horrible but no big deal. Yeah the rave and techno is like that for us too. I am a total outcast! ^.^ -
what would you change about yourself?
Sui Generis replied to amibasuki's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial] >. -
It takes many people many years to find a true friend. I am lucky enough to have found one. We have literally every single thing in common. Its very cool. ALl my other "friends" don't like anime or sports. Or they hate my music. Its very difficult to find friends who like everything. I guess I'm just lucky!
Writing my first and probably last peom i'll post
Sui Generis replied to jupitersun's topic in Creative Works
Its really depressing. I've never seen that style of poetry, but personal I like it. Maybe just cuz I've been through it. *shrugs* I like it! -
Hey thanks! If you haven't figured out Duo lost his memory! The story is gonna be him getting his memory back, and answering questions like how he got into the Oz prison and junk like that. Do you think it sounds like a good idea?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1] The worst word in the world!!!!:bawl: I went to church with my mom this morning and she started crying for some reason. I didn't know what was wrong but I tried to comfort her as good as I could. Then I got home and she told me and my sisters. I have been crying all afternoon and I can't stop. But I am sorta glad. I always hated my dad. :mad: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: I am glad that I have everyone here to talk to me and I am glad that I got this off of my back....:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ryan you have my heart! I'm really sorry I hope it works out for the better some how! I too had my parents divorce but I had the luck of them doing it while I was an infant. Just Ryan be glad you can see your dad. Even if its limited and even if you hate him at the moment. You'll never realize how much you love him 'till you have lost him. Take my word I should know. Just remember that you do have us. Whether thats a good thing or not. I don't know:therock:
Ok its a Gundam fan fic about Duo, thats pretty much all that i need to explain. Uhm..its not done yet but I just wanted to post what I have done already. [b][size=5]Forgotten[/b][/size] Coughing the still figure finally struggled to an upright position. Looking around he tried to pierce the perpetual darkness seeming to know no bounds, then something hit him. A terrible question entered his mind, making every bone in his body shudder in fear. Who was he? He didn?t even know who he was. He collapsed landing against the wall. Sitting on the floor dazed he finally realized to his horror he had no memory. Where he was from, where he was at, his birthday, or even his name. All these answers had eluded him. He knew they were there, yet they taunted him as the butterfly does at the window of a sick child longing for the fresh air. He struggled for what seemed like hours trying to remember even the slightest thing. Nothing. No matter how hard he tried, the butterfly just fluttered out of his reach. Giving up he slammed his fists against the wall. Frustration raged through his body. ?I have forgotten. Everything. Its gone; friends, family, even myself.? The unfortunate soul lowered his head in shame. ?I have forgotten.? These hallow words rang through the room haunting him. Every echo brought more pain to him than the first. Even the walls knew he had forgotten, and they enjoyed throwing his words back at him. Despair itself seemed to ring through the room with the words. Feeling the torture would never end he lowered his head and closed his eyes muttering a simple prayer, hoping for it all to be a dream. His prayer was interrupted by light flooding into his room. Used to the darkness his vision was blurred, when it finally got used to the light he finally saw the room completely. The room was made of stone and some kind of cement, there were boards and two bars covering a small area in the left side un-doubtally blocking the window. He realized he was in a cell, obviously he was in some kind of prison. Soaking it all in he didn?t pay any heed to the soldier standing at the door. The soldier shifted his weight watching the prisoner absorb in his surroundings. ?So this is one of the famous Gundam pilots.? Murmured the soldier who was well into his thirties. ?But he?s only a boy, how could he be so dangerous.? Turning his head the prisoner finally acknowledged the soldier. ?Where am I, and who are you?!? he asked impatience flowing through his voice. ?You are in an OZ prison and who I am should be the least of your worries? the soldier answered sharply. ?Now get up and stop wasting his excelencie's time!? after saying that the soldier turned around and began to walk. Sitting there the prisoner made no hint of moving. His Excellency? OZ? Gundam? Even more questions now ran through the boy?s mind. Turning his head towards the cell the soldier noticed that the prisoner hadn?t followed. Furious that someone could be that stubborn he marched back to the cell and stared coldly at the prisoner. ?Are you deaf? I said come on!? With a confused look on his face the prisoner stood up slowly and looked at the soldier. He opened his mouth ready to ask one of the questions rampaging through his head. ?Come on!? the soldier ignorant of the struggle inside of the prisoners head pushed the prisoner through the cell door. Pointing his gun into the prisoner?s back he began pushing the prisoner along the direction he wanted. ?March and you?ll live, say a word and I?ll blow a nice little hole into your back.? The soldier said gruffly. Fearing for his life the prisoner began to walk not daring to open his mouth. The hallway the two walked through was identical on both sides. There were no decorations. Just straight white. Doors lined the walls however and a number marked each door. The prisoner guessed that these numbers were the cell numbers. 654, 653, 652, he watched as they all slid out of sight. The hallways being so dab made them seem like they went on forever. Looking he could see no end to his walk. Then un-expectanly the soldier shoved him towards a door. Oddly enough the door wasn?t marked with a number at all. When he went through the door the prisoner understood where he was. He must have been in the head quarters of the prison. Probably for planning military attacks and gathering information from poor prisoners like himself. The room was like the hallway except two main differences. There was a window at the far side of the room that tipped the ceiling and the ground. It stretched out for about 7 feet horizontal. Taking his eyes off of the beautiful scenery he noticed the other main difference in this room. In the middle of the room, on top of a beautiful Persian rug was a large wooden table. The table could easily fit a war council of around twenty men. In the middle of the table was an arrangement of flowers. The prisoner grinned. How odd of a place for these flowers to be. ?Sit.? The soldier motioned to one of the chairs on the left side of the table. Obeying the soldier he sat down in the chair. Standing stiff the soldier scanned the room waiting for the men to arrive. After what seemed like hours the door opened. Then a voice floated into the room. ?Neil thank you for gathering the prisoner, but I wish to be alone with him.? ?Sir!? At saying that Neil saluted to what seemed like the wall and walked out the room. After the soldier left a masked man appeared at the door. ?So I finally have the honor of meeting a Gundam pilot.? The masked man smirked as he said this. ?Lets see, you?re the pilot of Deathsycthe, and your name is Duo Maxwell am I correct?? The prisoner shifted his weight in his chair then finally forced himself to answer. ?I don?t know, but I am guessing that you are right.? The prisoner assumed to be Duo stared at his shoes for a moment, then looked back up. ?So my name?s Duo Maxwell and I?m a pilot of a mobile suit called Deathscythe?? The masked man looked at the prisoner suspiciously. ?Your pathetic tricks don?t fool me! Now tell me who gives you your missions!? Duo looked at the masked man in confusion. ? Missions? Who are you anyways, and where in the world am I?!?
Lalaith: [i]Lalaith looked at Ryan, with a wondering gaze. Trying to piece together questions that had formed in his mind all through this trip.[/i] "I think we need to get him to the elves." Iondarc: "What do you mean." Lalaith: "He may not be mentally healthy for a day or years. We do not know. I suggest the elves watch after him, just in-case if we fail, Bahamut can not use him as a puppet." Abob: "I agree but wouldn't that be taking time we need." Lalaith: "As I see it, we have enough time to be cautiouse in this matter. We will suffer much more if we do not help him, and use all caution. The question is, who will go to Mirkwood with Ryan?"
Lalaith: [i]His ear twitches as well hearing the same sound as did Lauren. Turns his head looking towards the sound. [/i] Abob: "Something wrong?" Lalaith: "No just be alert." [i]Looks over at Lauren nervously then loosens his sword out of its hilt.[/i] "Everyone be alert, we know not what foul creature lives here."
I love reading. I read whenever I can. In fact I just read most of my books while I'm on the comp. I love reading fantasy books. They let me escape and kinda give you hope that this world isn't as bad off as another world is. You know? Anywayz my favorite book....hmm...thats tough...I couldn't say....Prolly the [i]Wheel of Time[/i] series.....*shrugs* But yes I love reading...I have to read [i]Count of Monti Cristo[/i] Before school starts, I can't wait to start reading it!
OOC: Schratn please read other people's post before you post, we've already been woken....just edit it slightly to saying you were awoken... Thanks for changing the post Schratn :) P.S. Lauren please clean your PM boxes
Lalaith: [i]Looks down slowly thinking of his father.[/i] "The past. The one thing that never leaves. It will always haunt us...." [i]Sighs[/i] "We should move on before our minds stray too far." Lauren: [i]SIghs and nods[/i] Indrid: "Good idea, let me make sure the sheep like the idea!" [i]Runs off back towards the camp[/i] Lalaith: [i]Smiles and shakes his head[/i] "That fellow never ceases to bring a smile on my face..." [i]Looks back to Lauren[/i] "Just remember even though he is gone, he will always be with you." [i]Looks out towards the ocean in silence for a moment. Bows his head and kneels down. After a couple minutes he lifts his head up and heads back to camp. Arriving at camp he begins to rouse the late sleepers.[/i] "Get up, we will be leaving as soon as breakfast is cooked."
Yeah uhm poke you might wanna put this in the Otaku Adventure section :) or could a mod just move it? Thanks...once its in its correct location I'll post...
Hm...I'll start by myself catch up to you guys somewhere else...
Hmm I'll give it a go.... Name: Zack Rezinger Age: 14 Description: Wears complete black shirt and jeans. Has blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He is some what withdrawn and doesn't talk to many people, but accepts any challenge thrown at him. First Pokemon: Abra Bio: Being raised he was taught the powers of a physcic pokemon. All his life he has dreamed of becoming a pokemon champion with his Abra by his side.
Wow this looks awesome! I can't wait for it to be started!
No I didn't write these I just thought they were hilariouse. Yes they are about a gay couple so anyone who is honostly a homophobiac I suggest not read these. I wasn't sure where to put this so I put it here. I'm sure ya'all will move it if it doesn't belong here! [URL] [url]http://boymeetsboy.keenspace.com[/url] BTW Half of Janurary 2001 is kinda messed up so you'll miss some of the comics if you even get that far O.o