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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Name: Josh Heller Age: 22 Gender: Male Weapon: 8ml handgun Occupation: Raccon City Police Bio: A surviver of the Zombie attacks years before Josh has been suspiciouse of Umbrella ever since. He has kept an eye on their every move and seeing them going to Racoon City Hospital he knew something was going on. Grabing only his hand gun he readies to encounter the worst. After all Umbrella was famouse for bringing the worst to a town. Walking to the front enterance of the hopsital he sees a paramedic and two zombie corspes lying on the ground, all three not moving. Knowing something has happened again he steps over the bodies and prepares to enter the hospital. Seeing lights in the northern section of the hospital he heads that way through the hospital. Description: A shorter man of only 5'9. He has icy blue eyes with medium length blonde hair. He wears the common Racoon City Police Department uniform. He also has a tatoo on his shoulder that in Japanese says "Death is only the beggining". He has a scar in his arm from a shooting accident in his police academy. He has a black leather holster on his hip also carries an extra 12 bullets. Personality: Quiet he doesn't speak to strangers very often. He often puts other peope in-front of himself, rather having other people to be happy than himself. He is very observant and enjoys watching kids play.
  2. I am Iron Hide something like.....Tough fighting exterior hides kinder heart. Or something like that *shrugs*
  3. [b]I am Pacman[/b] I am an aggressive sort of personality, out to get what I can, when I can. I prefer to avoid confrontation, but sometimes when it's called for, I can be a powerful character. I tend to be afflicted with munchies constantly. O.o O.o O.o O.o O.o O.o O.o
  4. Lalaith: "Sounds like a plan. I will take guard duty first!" [i]Hops lightly into a tree and readys his bow and quiver.[/i] [b]Everyone except Lalaith slowly dose into a well needed sleep[/b] Lalaith: [i]Smiles[/i] "It truly is great to see all my friends again, even under these horrid cercumstances." Ryan: [i]Rolls in his sleep[/i] "No...I won't....no...!!!" [i]Drifts back into a silent slumber[/i] Lalaith: [i]Looks at Ryan questingly[/i] "Probably just a nightmare, one of the many parasites that travel on this journey with us" [i]glares out into the darkness[/i] "I don't like this, its so quiet..."
  5. Robert Jordan is amazing! I am only on the second book, but I LOOOOVVVVEeEEEEE the Wheel of Time series!!!
  6. I USED to be so afraid of roller coasters it wasn't funny, but two years ago my friend talked me into riding the Orient Express (Worlds of Fun, Kansas City Missouri) (Loopy rollercoaster) And I've been hooked ever since! We also have the Mamba (Steel, goes 75 mph!) and the Timberwolf (Wooden, 60 mph, many hills and twists)
  7. I love fantasy books. Sure I'm only 14 so I don't know if I should be saying if its for maturer people or not, but I will anywayz. I think its for more maturer readers, just for the fact that it can get so complicated! I mean I love it, some kids honosly can't handel it. They begin to live the fantasy, and destroys them. Tis not good, but it hasn't done that to me YET, so I'm happy! I love them!
  8. Awesome!! Dude that is awesome! How do I listen to it on the net? "If you are skitzofrantic you are not alone....You're with me!!"
  9. Roller coaster rollar coaster roller coaster!! Rolllllleerrrr COOOASSTTTEERRR!!! WHHHHEEEEEEEE!!! *bounces up and down hyperly* I loveeeeeeee roller coasters! I wanna got to Ceder Pointe so bad!! agh!!! We don't have very many good ones here in Kansas >.
  10. Lalaith: [i]Looked over quickly as he hears DOK (Sorry can't remember your name) scream[/i] Will he be alright? Abob: I'm not sure.... Lalaith: [i]nods slowly[/i] ...Lauren!..[i]Turns around and throws his quiver and sword off and drops his bow. Diving in the ice cold water he begins searching for her[/i] Iondarc: Elves....so blind in the ways of magic, he should know I have a shield over her! Lalaith: [i]continues searching for her[/i]
  11. OOC: Well I'm glad to see someone remembered me!! :p! Well yeah I am finally un-groudned, thank god for good behavior. So I'll be posting like my old self again. IC: Lalaith: [i]Took a side-long glance at his fallen companion and sighed[/i] "Abob help him, I will cover you!" [i]With that he runs in-front of his fallen companion and stares at the monster with his bow ready[/i] Abob: [i]Frantically worked on his fallen friend. Using many of his potions he finally looked up and cursed[/i] Lalaith: [i]Turned his head[/i] "Whats the matter?" Abob: "Well I thought I had all my potions. One must have fallen out." Lalaith: "Great, so will he be healed?" Abob: "Of course but my potion is gone!" Lalaith: [i]Laughs and gleams over at Abob[/i] "Only you" [i]Ducks as the monster's tail comes toward him[/i] "As for you, you piece of crap its about time someone taught you to never mess with an elf!" [i]Shoots an arrow at the monster then draws his sword. Charges at the monster hoping to draw its attention[/i]
  12. The second one is much better. Of course the first one was a joke. I know how it is man :p. NO wait I don't. I love DSL *laughs tauntingly* Anyway yeah I like the second one
  13. Lalaith: [i]Looks at Ellsa sympathetically[/i] No I can't say that you have. You've acted different the whole time. I'm sorry to hear about your father. Is there anything I can do for you? Ellsa: NOt mention this to anyone... Lalaith: [i]Nods slowly[/i] I promise. [i]The come to a dense forest[/i] Don't you just love these. Indrid: I love sheep!! Lalaith: [i]Chuckles shaking his head[/i] Well we better get a move on...[i]Eyes Ellsa sympathetically. Then turns his attention back to the forest[/i] Anyone have a clue where to go from here?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]I would want to stay the way I am, but the heck with it! I would be Queen Asuka because she is so nice, and yes we may be like family, but you're still nice. ;) Or maybe I would be DuoGod of Death because he plays so many sports and is good at them. Or maybe I'd be Gavin because he's funny, and he also likes Elves! ^_^ Or Liam because he's also funny. And Britty because she's funny, nice, and unpredictable (sometimes). Gah! I can't choose! But yeah. I'd prefer to be me. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Poor soul you want to be me. I pity you...o.O Oh if I had to be a girl it would be either....erm.... Britty: Cuz I would know me. *laughs* no um,....just cuz her cool little dogs...and MAk DaddY! o.O *sweatdrops* and she's a good artist/poet and I'd like to have her abilities in certain areas! Kool_Aid: Just cuz she can RP very well! And she is just plain cool! So HA!
  15. OOC: Sneak sneak sneak. By the was Jesus Chicken we are already on our way if I read correctly. Lalaith: [i]Looks towards Indrid curiously, then walks over towards Angel and Indrid[/i] Hello Angel, I don't believe you've introduced me to your friend here. Indrid: I like chicken. Lalaith: [i]smiles[/i] And so do I. My name is Lalaith. [i]Bows[/i] Angel: His name is Indrid. Indrid: Nice to meet you. I've always wanted a pet cat! Lalaith: [i]Laughs[/i] Well I must go now. [i]bows and walks back to Ellsa[/i] Long story eh? Seems to me that we have alot of time on our hands! What happened?
  16. I don't knwo thats a tough decision. Probably Justin cuz I envy his writing abilities.... Of course being Rick hunter would be cool cuz of his knowledge.... But prolly Justin. I love to write. Wish I could write as well as him.
  17. OOC: HEy I have no clue when I'm gonna be able to get back on the computer. SO just go ahead and uhm either drop my character, go along without me, or someone play my character too. o.O SOrry that I haven't been around lately. Alot of crap has been going on.
  18. Lalaith: [i]Turns his attention back to Lord Tarcamion[/i] Spies? They came back? Lord Tarcamion: [i]Looks at them grimly[/i] No..the spies never made it back. Lalaith: [i]Nods his head slowly[/i] Just like attacking an elf in the woods. Ryan: What are you talking about. Lalaith: Attacking an elf in the woods is attacking someone blindly. Most elves will blend in completely with their surroundings. The attackes know nothing of you then. And we know nothing of this Bahamut. Lauren: Lalaith you always look at the grim side. Lalaith: [i]Shrugs[/i] Well I'm gonna go back to the room. Shall we leave in the morning? Fellowship: Lets! Lalaith: [i]Bows[/i] Then see you in the morning. [i]Slowly walks out of the council room and heads towards his own room[/i]
  19. Lalaith: [i]Looks around slowly at everysingle person standing up.[/i] Who will have to sacrifice themselves this time? Lauren: What are you mumbling about Lalaith? Lalaith: Oh sorry, nothing. Just...looking around. Lauren: [i]Smiles warmly[/i] You need to trust more, just like Abob. You two are the hardest men I know. Lalaith: [i]Smiles and walks off to great all the new-comers[/i]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]:o Are there people at your school who think just because you're a girl, it's wierd that you play sports? Oh yeah, and the whole anime and video game thing. Most guys at our school automatically think that if you're a girl, you're only into clothes and perfume and stuff like that. I'm bit of a tom boy, so I get more angry about it than others, but still. I told a boy that I played soccer and snowboarded, and his response was, "But you're a girl." He was as blunt as ever, too. I don't know, it just gets me fired up. [/B][/QUOTE] Really wow. Its the other way around here. Its mainly girls who like the anime (I'm one of only 2 guys at my school who like anime) and the girls play sports/games as much as the guys. So its a bit different lol. Hey I think its cool when a girl does that stuff. *shrugs* I'ma freak tho...
  21. Oh realy I thought we never finished that one *shrugs* ok so I finished one before, but I enjoyed this one more :-p
  22. Lalaith: [i]Chuckles as he sees Samantha blushing[/i] Lauren: Reminds you of someone else doesn't it...[i]Grins[/i] Lalaith: [i]blushes then laughs[/i] Yup [i]Opens a door to the room[/i] M'lady [i]bows and smirks[/i] Lauren: [i]Laughs and walks in[/i] Lalaith: [i]Follows in after her[/i] God I'm tired...that ride was long...[i]Collapses on the bed[/i] Lauren: Yeah I guess [i]Sits lightly onto a chair[/i] Lalaith: I don' know how you do it.... Lauren: [i]Tilts her head[/i] Lalaith: Be a princess, run a kingdom, and still be able to walk at the end of the day. [i]Shakes his head[/i] I barely am consolted for anything, and I'm wasted at the end of the day. Lauren: [i]Giggles[/i] OOC: Btw I'm gonna be gone for the rest of the week. I should be back either Sunday or Saturdy. My baseball team is going to states so I'm really hyped. Well I gotta go in about 15 mins. See you guys later...keep going in the RPG I'll catch up!
  23. It truly was a pleasure guys. And yes it too was my first RPG ever completely finished. I'm working on writing this thing up as a fan fic, it'll take a while...This thing took up 200 sheets of my paper!! O.O! Wish it didn't end so soon. Sorry I wasn't there at the end. It was a great honor and a pleasure to RP with you guys! Can't wait to see how the next one goes!
  24. Lalaith: [i]Looks at Lauren nervously[/i] Lauren: [i]looks back at Lalaith and smiles[/i] Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head[/i] Would you be interseted in joining us on our trip to MY (sp)? The more the marrier! [i]Thinks: "That'll make sure he isn't one of th new un-known evil" [/i] Iondarc: It would be an honor! Lalaith: [i]Nods and smiles[/i] Mithlain: Halt who goes there?! Lalaith: It is I sir Lalaith and my wife Lauren. Lauren: And a traveling companian! Mithlain: Good good! Ms. Samantha has been waiting for you! Follow me! OOC: Sorry for the crappy post I'm gonna be grounded till atleast Sunday. No I'm not a bad boy my 'rents are making me go to a different highschool than I wanted to go to so we got in a fight. Thats all. Well I'll work on the story as much as I can when I get back on! OOOOOCCCC: Hey I have a question on the fan fic. Would it be cool for the first RPG (Book) That I (Lalaith Ril) am the narrator. And the second one is Lauren and the third if we do have one is Samantha. And possible if we do have a 4th one have Sarsy narrate it. Oh heck I'll just make em if the RPG doesn't go that far. But is that kewl Narratign wise?!
  25. Yeah I agree it sounds very iffy. It woudl be awesome if it did happen. But Griff is right who woudl they fight and what would they use, they already blew up their gundams!?
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