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Everything posted by Sui Generis
[COLOR=Indigo]Call me idiotic, an extremist, or whatever I really don't care, but I support Bush/Cheney. Granted I really know nothing of Cheney, to be honest, I don't pay much attention to the VP, but as for Bush. I know many people think that his attack on Iraq was bad, for the wrong reasons, etc etc etc. In my opinion although the reason for going into a country is important, I agreed with Bush. If a dictator (Suddam) can get away with human rights violations have the other without the ICC/UN/EU/NATO or any International Organization truly doing something about it, then well I think he'd be smart enough to hide WMD. Ironically, I think that if Kerry gets elected, two years from now we'll dig up some chemical weapons in the middle of the desert, and of course Kerry will take the credit. Thats just the type of person he portrays himself as being in my opinion. I mean granted he could be a great person I just don't see him as a president. I'm not going to call him a flip-flop, because well first off its over used, and second off truly he isn't that big of a flip-flop. Its pretty much in the same category as the stupid military service argument Kerry has. Now my real basis of decision many of you will probably laugh at. Its pretty much based on Debate. If you are in highschool debate you know that the resolution is "Resolved: The United States Federal Government Should Establish A Foreign Policy Substantially Increasing Support of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations." So naturally foreign affairs, Iraq, Bush, Terrorism, ICC, all those wonderful things are included in that topic. Well in my opinion, the United States is the world leader. The United States hemegony is actual accepted world wide, despite extremists hating the United States, even the European Union has recognized the fact that US hemegony is key to world peace. I think thats something that should be worked towards, granted total peace in a world is impossible, because humans have evil in them. I just think that it should be a goal of the United States as the World Leader to help this issue, and a good example is Iraq. I knew someone who died in Iraq, he was on of my best friends, but he wrote me all the time. The funny thing is, he felt so passionatly about being in there, he always wrote about how all the people were so kind to them, and how the Iraqi's welcome the United States. You know you only see pictures of protests, dead bodies, and angry civilians because the fact is thats what sells. The media doesn't have to 100% accuratly portray a situation, they just have to give a little bit of truth, and then cover whatever sells the most. I have countless connections with people over in Iraq, and through it all I have yet to find someone who has written (or came to a class, or whatever) come and say that the Iraqi's didn't want us there (majority wise) or they didn't believe in what they were fighting for. Personally I think as the world leader it was our responsibility to help another nation that was suffering. Obviously the United Nations can't do it, I mean look at Rwanda, they had a PKO in there, of course the PKO soldiers hid when the genocide started. The thing is, the reason I say Bush can do this over Kerry is well...Kerry isn't firm. True some say Bush is a little to arrogant and confident about what he believes, but I'd rather have that than a president who is afraid to take action. If you look at the debate Kerry kept saying we'll use multilateral forces to help promote national security. He'd then twist it around to make it sound like he would be stopping terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction. I just don't buy that, I think that he really isn't the man to do it, I don't think he could handel the knowledge that he'd be sending people to their death's to uphold the United States' morals and sleep at night. Honestly I could keep going about why I like Bush better, theres the whole Russian issue, theres countless other issues, but really I don't want to type an essay here, if someone really wants to debate thats cool, PM me or something and I'll express all my beliefs. I just think President Bush is portrayed as an imbocile and ignorant because thats what sells. The media has overstepped its boundaries in many areas in the last generation (in my opinion) and this is just another example where the sales matter more than the truth.[/COLOR]
[color=indigo]As much as I want to just say thats its a bunch of junk (the parent's actions) I just can't find the story to be 100% true. I mean its nothing against you what so ever, but the simple fact is, when you get pissed off with your parents what they do seems to grow more and more, and you can always think of "reasons" to get mad at them. I mean come on, I'm 16 lord knows I do it. Everyone I know does it. Its just a part of life, your parents piss you off, they make an off hand remark, you take it seriously and things get blown out of proportion. It happens a lot, whether it happened in this circumstance I don't know, I'm just give another point of view. Granted it is plausible that the parents are just insane. I mean getting sent to a boarding school for playing a game, is well, ludacris. Thats why I suspected other motives besides just the game, but who knows. I really don't know your parents, neither does anyone here (except maybe someone who knows you in real life) so really its your word we're going off of. So lets start over. Going off of your word, my response will be this: "Are you seriouse? Your parents are actually going to send you to a boarding school, because you played Counter Strike? Thats so stupid, I mean its only a video game, and you never did anything wrong. Well besides break a couple small rules, being sent to a boarding school just seems rather....extreme." Although that is my teenager response and essentially what I thought you have to remember one other thing. Think about the time period they grew up in. They could be from the 70's where everything was about peace. War was evil, and guns were evil. They could've come from the 50's where family value was above all, and any violence was too much violence. The simple fact is; its just been recently (matter of the past two decades) that violence and guns have truly been accepted into the household; for good or bad. So the way they were brought up, and the way teenagers are being brought up now are two different ways, so in the end you may see it as unfair, they could just be doing what they were taught. Now granted I think there should be a compromise, a meating point, in this situation; for example you could play Counter Strike maybe three days a week or something. I mean obviously they are your parents and untill you move out (as much as it sucks) you're stuck with that. So to you I say I'm sorry, it sucks to be in your situation, hopefully it gets better![/color]
[QUOTE=Serraph-Angel][size=1]But a huge thing is that my mom says that by playing this game I am being anti-social and am neglecting my "need to be active." But the thing is, alot of people who I hang out with around me and people I have met through the game, play the game so we CAN keep in contact, which is one of the reasons why I argue. But I will agree with you that when you are addicted to something, it will influence you, whether you see it or not. But my parents think its influencing me in a way to become hostile or volatile in a situation. They wanted to put me in couseling because they thought that because there were "guns" on the screen of the computer that I was going to purchase one, and as Baron said it, go Columbine on them. And I know what your going to say: Thats what everyone says before it really does happen... But Im not a the type of guy who throws his WHOLE life away because he saw how to kill a person with a gun in a game called Counter Strike...[/size][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]No I'm not going to say thats what everyone says before the go and kill someone, because personally I wouldn't know what people say before they go and kill someone. I was just stating you'd be suprised how much a game can affect you. Its the same thing with young children and cartoons. Although its still being argued, the pyschology world (atleast) believe the reason for such problems as ADD and more violence in kids now is because of the cartoons. First off the rapid action and the short attention span that is related to cartoons promotes ADD and actually slows down a child's thought capability. Second off cartoons show violence as humor, as well as, imaginary. So basically I'm just saying that the simple fact is, things can affect you.[/color]
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
Sui Generis replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Well I really can't compete with the whole labor and contractions issue, but meh oh well. I've had a couple pretty painful experiences. 1) When I dislocated my hip. Man that hurt like heck, untill I went into shock. I was playing football in 8th grade and I made a diving block on the punt return, unfortunatly my cleat decided it wanted to stay where it was, but my body wanted to keep going. So needless to say I dislocated my hip, which screwed up my back and had many painful experiences putting it back to the right way. 2)My most recent concussion. I ran full speed into a fence trying to nag a homerun against our rivals. It was a pretty cool way to go out, because well I ended up catching the ball, but just imagine running full speed into a metal pole. Yeah it was painful. Although I have to admit the pain didn't happen till after the fact. 3) Tearing two legiments in my elbow. I did that this year along with my concussion. I think that was one of the worst pains ever. It hurt so bad to do anything, I mean I couldn't type or anythign for over 3 weeks. It sucked. Those are probably my three most painful experiences, although breaking my foot is up there.[/color] -
[color=indigo]Obviously if one game is so important to you than it has the possibility of influencing you. You say it doens't, yet why in the world did you argue with your mother about it, and why are you making a big deal about something that every teenager faces, unless indeed it has influenced you in some way. To be addicted to something, and say it has no influence on you what so ever is a total fallacy. Now I'm not going to sit here and say what your parents did was wrong or right, all I'm saying is, obviously you were addicted, to a game. As I said if you are addicted to something it can influence you without you noticing.[/color]
[COLOR=Indigo]Well its been a while since I've been at OB, and even longer since I've started an RPG but I got an idea so tell me what y'all think... [i]Dust. Silence. The steady beating of Jerald's heart was all that was left on this desolate plane. Yet as the sweat dripped down his face, as he became more and more desperate he heard one thing. Quietly it began then slowly grew, it filled Jerald's head yet still grew. Jerald felt he could stand it no longer, and yet it still grew. The sound consumed his soul, it consumed Jerald completely, and yet almost as soon as it started it had stopped. Jerald stood for a second then suddenly the sound clicked in his brain. It was a recognizable sound, yet a sound he hadn't heard in so long. Laughter. There was no refreshment in this laughter though, it was the laughter of him. The creator and ultimatly the destroyer. It was the man who had created the machine, and the man who had destroyed everything. The laughter rang out again, this time closer. This time, more human. A figure stepped out towards Jerald. It was a man, seemingly, yet his body was contorted and scared in every imaginable way possible, and some unimaginal ways. Through it all the figure maintained a sickening grace, and almost a happy appearance.[/i] "Jerald, my love. Welcome to Silent Bliss. You are not the only one who has experienced my salvation, and you will not be the last. Can't you see? I chose you, I knew you would understand me. These people were pathetic, as all people are, yet you. You were different my son. I saved you for that very reason, and I will continue saving the ones like you. You will help me." [i]Jerald's mind raced. What was going on? What was this man talking about? How had he saved Jerald? This "man" took away everything Jerald thought was dear. Jerald looked at the man and was about to speak when something unexplainable happened. He looked into the man's eyes. There was something surreal about the eyes, something...blissful. Jerald nodded.[/i] "Very well, what will you have me do?" [i]The black clad man laughed. His laugh consumed the world, as it had consumed Jerald, yet this time he did not stop. The world began to tremble, and it suddenly fell away as if it was only dust. Suddenly the two were in an altogether different world. It was dark, everything was dark, yet there was a silent bliss that had suddenly appealed to Jerald.[/i] "You my dear, dear Jerald will continue my work. I will be watching you, do not forget this, but you will bring the same Silent Bliss to other worlds." ------------------------------------------------------- Yeriln, Jerald's world, disappeared in a blink of an eye. There was no explosion, there was no commotion. Jerald's world was not the first to have this happen to, through the ages thousands of worlds have come under the same fate as Jerald's world, and countless people have become the "chosen one" for Silent Bliss. The man in black, that Jerald spoke to, was the founder of Silent Bliss. It is a magical machine that each chosen one must create. This machine envelopes a world, and changes it. It consumes the people, the plants, everything. It consumes the life. It leaves the world dead. Although through this all, it feeds all this life to the man in black, making him stronger. Making it possible for Silent Bliss to spread. Silent Bliss is a plague, it is [i]the[/i] plague. If not stopped it is bound to destroy the universe. ---------------------------------------------------------- Jerald has entered your world, yet the man in black had begun to quickly, and attempted to destroy another world at the sametime. This world, Urino, was not completely destroyed. Another person survived, something the man in black did not expect nor see. Zachary followed Jerald onto your world. Zachary is your only hope. He is the only survivor of Silent Bliss. The only person to ever survive the Silent Bliss uncorrupt. He holds the information, he is the key. He knows what it is, what its weaknesses are, and who is creating it. He is the anti-silent bliss. Without his knowledge surely your world will perish, but he can not stop it by himself. Without your help, he will fail, and ultimately your world will fail. There is no way to say the man in black will ever make a mistake again, this may be the only chance the universe ever has to stop him, before he's to strong, before nothing but death remains. Unfortunatly, Zachary has entered a world he doesn't understand. Although concievable as a coincidence the language is English (as English has become the universal language), but besides that nothing is the same. He doesn't understand the ways, nor does he understand the people. It is up to you (the helpers) to assist him in everyway possible, from showing him what to do, to protecting him. Ultimately when Zachary begins his crusade Jerald and the man in black will know of his existance, and ultimatly try to destroy the variable in their equation. --------------------------------------------------------- Basically I'm making this a little different that a normal RPG. The outcome is determined by the players, there can be death. People can die off, and ultimately Zachary, and whomever tries to help him can fail. Thats my basic idea for the RPG. I'll be playing Zachary, whomever wants to play Jerald will need to talk to me and get a basis of how he should be played (Don't get me wrong it can be varied, just background and such.) I'm thinking of limiting the field to around 5 people, anymore than that I think would possibly get to cluttered and confusing. What do you all think? Is it understandable? Any changes? Do your worst. Tear it apart :) EDIT: To the thoughts brought up by LRB I have entered them into the text itself but I'll also explain them out here as well... 1) The reason Zachary is so key is he is the sole survivor of Silent Bliss. He's the only person that wasn't the "chosen one" to survive it, and so he is the only one who knows anything about this. Obviously if an entire world is killed off "silently" by Silent Bliss no one knows about it. So therefor Zachary is key. 2) Zachary is new to this world. He has no idea of anything going on, but for simplifying sake we're saying that the universal language is English. So besides language barrier the RPer's pretty much have to help him with everything else. This includes protecting him from any number of dangers. (Other people, weather, whatever.) 3) As I said I'll be playing Zachary because obviously I'd know the most about this given RPG. Although I will be allowing someone to play Jerald, however, that will take the most work. So I'd have to be pretty impressed with either the effort, or post quality (or both) of this person. [/COLOR]
Discuss Gundam Wing: Return of Epion [PG-VL poss S]
Sui Generis replied to Dragons_Bait15's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Indigo][i]Hm...Gundam Wing RPG's period have one thing that seems to screw them over more than anything else. Everyone wants to be all powerful and such, and god fighting comes into play. Suddenly they have the Epion Version 387893274 with cannons that blow up 389472 colonies in one blow. *rolls eyes* You see what I mean, its rather ridiculouse what normally happens to these RPG's. Thats the main issue, and the best way to deal with this is limit the power. It'd be great to see someone actually get hurt in one of these RPG's (dare I say) or even die. *gasps* Your RPG.... Well the plot could be developed more, a lot more to tell you the truth. It leaves a lot of questions and although I know its impossible to make an RPG that answers all questions you want to give a firm background of whats going on. I think I get the jist of it, but spend atleast 4-5 paragraphs on the history and such. This makes the RPG much more structured, and more interesting. I like the idea (if the idea I'm thinking of is actually the true idea) and I'll most likely join it. Don't look for many recruits though it seems that GW RPG's don't get many, or they're a lot of immature people just wanting to blow stuff up. Well thats my taste on it....good luck, if you need help feel free to contact me through any means necessary!!! :) [/i][/color] -
[QUOTE=ambulite]There are some really stuck up people in this world i have witnessed this first hand from my school (is a m8 as well) :flaming: I think they r so stuck up they think they are better than every 1 else and they like to make you feel really bad, they say stuff and when u confront them about it they deny it all and they always win because they r always right it really chokes my chain. :mad: They laugh at there own jokes and if u say its sad it turns into another argument. Its a constant virage of fights. I dunt know what 2 say 2 my m8 about it n e more as it may ruin the freindship (and this happens sometimes not all then time) and i dunt know what 2 do? :( If n e 1 could help with this problem i would be very much apreciated.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo] Well first off not to be rude, but try and clean up your post. Spell everything out, and use the best grammar you can. Doing so makes it easier for people like me to understand what you are saying, and hopefully help you out. Second off: The problem is no matter where you go in this world there are stuck up people. Now the odd thing about it is, although they may be stuck up to you they may not be stuck up to anyone else. Its a completely biased point of view no matter which way you look at it, however, the simple fact is, if this is buggin you then you should tell your "m8" (I'm assuming that means mate.) The problem is how can you guys truly be mates (friends) if they are driving you crazy with their arrogance. If you don't tell them it can only get worse, and if they can't change a small aspect of their life, then I guess you two weren't ment to be friends. Friendship is a compatability issue. If you don't want to compromise and they don't want to compromise then obviously neither of you are compatable with each other. It sucks I know, but thats just the way it goes. If you are too afriad to tell them then nothing will be solved, unfortunatly, sometimes when you tell them nothing is solved. Each situation is different, and with a generic description I can only give a generic answer... Although if your friend is as much of an asshole to purposely put you down, why do you want to be their friend in the first place? Oh yeah, and if this isn't what you're talking about sorry thats what it sounded like.[/color]
[color=indigo] My question to you is really why let some words push you to the point of shoving him? If you simply ignore him, and just move on your way then this type of scenerio won't happen. Although you may not be a bully, but by retaliating, in some retrospects you are still in the wrong. I'm not sayin' I haven't done it, but the truth is its easier to walk away from a couple words here and there, than to walk away from an all out fight. Whether or not this was bullying I don't know, as James said, its you vs. him. For all we know he could be a bully or you could be. Possibly neither of you could be, or both of you could be. Its entirely possible that both or one of you need anger management. *shrugs* I'm just basically pointing out the fact, that its impossible to tell unless we are you, or him.[/color]
[COLOR=Indigo][i]I'm with deed on this one...its been a while.[/i] Name: [i]Marcus (Marc) Arentho[/i] Gender: [i]Male[/i] Age: [i]16[/i] Race: [i]Zaban[/i] Appearance: [i][URL=http://www.ear-tweak.com/iy_eps/hakudoushi.jpg]Clicky the linky.[/URL] Well you said light hair, hope this is fine.[/i] Background: [i]While growing up Marc was taught to roam the land and to live on it. Marc was brought up outside of the dense cities and spent many nights sleeping in the calm woods. While he was young he always gazed at the giant wall and wondered what it was for, and what was on the other side. Although he never voiced his opinions he often thought that perhaps there were people on the other side, and he wanted to meet these people. His dad often told him stories about the people across the wall, horrible stories. Yet one day his father disappeared, never to be seen again. Marc was 13 at the time, and left to wonder around the world alone. When Marc was 15 he first ventured into the cities of Zaban and recieved many stares, and often heard snide remarks about him. The citizens had never seen anyone like Marc, someone who had been raised in seclusion. They did not understand Marc and so made fun of him, as well as harrassed him. After that event Marc became leary of all people from Zaban, despite hearing that this was the good side of the world, he always felt as if they hated him. Marc spent the next year wondering around the world, looking for a companion. Looking for another outcast to identify with. Pushing him on was the fact that after hearing what the village said about him, he figured that perhaps, these "evil" people, couldn't be as bad as they say, and perhaps one of them would understand. Marc can seem quite skittish around people, because he is fearful of their rejection and is quiet, but nontheless if he sees someone in trouble he gladly helps them.[/i] Popularity: [i]Pretty well, almost the whole town has heard of this weird boy. (Will touch on a little more in gossip)[/i] Gossip: [i] Stories have gone rampant about this kid from the woods, many believe he's up to no good, others believe he's just trying to fit in. Whatever the case all the stories seem to start and end with the fact that, if you see Marc you have to be careful he could be dangerouse. All the stories are unfounded and full of lies, but the townsfolk don't know this.[/i] Zaban Race: [i]Archer. (If you want me to be something else, I'll gladly switch)[/i] Weapon: [i]Bow given to him by his father[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Well first off I guess I'll start by saying I'm sorry. I know what its like to go through a death, and also a suicide and it really really really sucks. So in a way I know what you are going through (my best friend killed himself earlier this year) although I know I can't possibly know exactly what you are going through. As mean as it sounds, you have to continue on. Your boyfriend chose to end his life for a reason, be it good or bad, but he didn't chose to end yours. Keep on living, if you truly cared for him, let his beauty shine through you. Let everything good about him live through you. Thats the best advice I can really give you, because theres no way to tell you to get over it, time will heal your wounds, or atleast mend them. I really am sorry you have to go through this, but good luck in any case. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me, or e-mail me, or IM me, or whatever. Just if you need to talk, talk. Don't let it stay contained.[/COLOR]
[color=DarkGreen] Hey thanks y'all. Honestly I didn't really expect anything less than what you said, I figured it was a scam. I know I'm really not a good writer and the simple fact is there is no way I'd be published so I laughed at it. Well thanks again.[/color]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Hey, Well I figured this was as good of a place to ask this question as anywhere else so I put it here. Lol Anyways I was wondering if anyone knows if poetry.com is really a trustworthy place or if its just one giant scam. I sent a poem in there for the heck of it and I just recieved something saying I'm entered into the Semi-finals and that I can be published in a collection entitled [i]Eternity[/i] I find this highly doubtful because I don't really think my work is good enough for publication and this sounds too good to be true. I think you'll agree [i]Silence Where have I gone, where have I been? What do I show, what do I need? How do I break the silence within. I've faught the pain, faught the storm, beat the sadness, beat the rain. But how do I tear this silence? We've tested the limits, found the happiness, followed the road, followed our hearts> You are how I destroy the silence.[/i] Now I think you agree with me, its not publication worthy, so am I just being scammed here? [/COLOR]
[b]Poem:[/b]She did not smile bet left her post, and treated them as a welcome guest. And the night was merry, for a while, as it was filled with voices of jest. [b]Word:[/b] Pleasure
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Lets see...I'll be a Junior this year, which is pretty cool. Upper classmen oh yea! Anyways we start tommorrow, yup our first day is tommorrow. Blech, looks like I start earlier than anyone else. Oh well. Yeah my story is pretty much the exact same as Boba Fett's so rock on. Can't wait to start, but oh well.[/COLOR]
Ive been thinking about this lately
Sui Generis replied to Random Fan Girl's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Don't do anything hasty, irrational, or something so final. As everyone else has said, [b]DON'T[/b] do it. I as well can say that I used to struggle with this. Funny thing is I was roughly your age, maybe a year older when it hit me hard. Just know that it [b]does[/b] get better, but one thing I think everyone has failed to mention is: [i]Its your choice[/i] You are the one who can make the situation better, take your life in your hands, and decide what you want and don't want to do. Very many people struggle through life trying to achieve a "complete" life and trying to feel like they've accomplished something at the end of the day, and many of these people go home each night feeling empty because they didn't accomplish anything. Well they may have accomplished many things, but each and everyone of these things was hallow. Each being done on the belief that it has to be done. Granted everyone must do things for some reason, even if they don't want to do them, but the important thing is. Do something for you. Do something that makes you happy! Don't worry if you're bad at it, don't worry what others think, just worry about how it makes you feel. The key here is doing something happy! You HAVE to let it get better. If you refuse to open your doors to new things, then only the old will be there, and with that old will be the same ugly pain. So in the end although having someone there for you will help, the final decision is yours. You must take it into your own hands and accept the fact that you want a change, and you want to be happy. Don't feel sorry for yourself, you'll only consume yourself in grief. [i]The biggest critic is one's own self.[/i] No matter what you can always find something wrong with yourself, stop looking at that. Look at the great things, look at the bright sides of your day. The nice cool wind hitting your face, the cute anime guy, the pretty sunset, whatever makes you happy. I've rambled on quite enough, but hey if you need someone to talk to more. No matter the topic of discussion I'll be here... My AIM: PronztheCannon YIM: LalaithRil E-mail: [email]lalaithril@yahoo.com[/email] Or you could just send me a PM here, but the best bet would be one of the instant messenging services. Or my e-mail for that matter![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo]Holy cow so I'm not the only person in the world who is still interested in Lord of the Rings....there is a god. I dun't know I really doubt they will make The Hobbit that kiddish. I mean I think if that happened everyone in the movie would be slaughtered including the director and everything. They have a huge reputation to handel and I doubt they'd let it slip out of their hands by making a film kiddish. The Lord of the Rings was popular because it appealed to every age group (well relativly I'm no so sure on the whole 70's+ but you know what I mean) and if the Hobbit just does the same thing it should be a good movie. Will it be as good as the trilogy? I doubt it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Ok so I'm designing a xanga for my friend, but unfortunatly I can't make banners I need your help!! Is there a possibility someone out there could help me out and make an black and white Orlando Bloom banner... [URL=http://www.posterworx.co.nz/images/film_tv/Pp0949OrlandoBloom-B&W_F.jpg]This Picture[/URL] and/or [URL=http://www.dreamvision-entertainment.com/dvw/orlando/ob11.jpg]Maybe this[/URL] and/or [URL=http://www.ezthemes.com/previews/7/731.jpg]Last but not least[/URL] It would preferably be the first one with one of the others IF that works, but whatever looks the best. If you could make the text a cursive elegant flowing style it would be aweosme. But its up to you...oh yea the text should say Orlando Bloom. I love you guys, thanks![/COLOR]
Unauthorized use of anime image in Bush campaign ad?
Sui Generis replied to MillieFan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Imi][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Bush, on the other hand, has stolen, sorry, used, an image that will probably appeal to the younger generation so that he can get people on his side and therefore, make a profit. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Isn't that the whole point of campaigning to gain voters from every walk of life. That way you can get the most voters. Its just another area to aim his issues, not only that but doesn't this topic seem a little strange on the part that we still don't even know if in fact he was given permission or not. If he has then this whole topic was essentially a waste of time; well I guess not a waste of time, because its quite intersting to see each person's view on it, but you understand what I am saying. And I understand your points about the non-proft, but the simple fact is that would still fall under copyright. The illegal use of someone else's work for personal profit and/or gain. All I'm saying is that if they sue him, they should sue us. I think its quite a petty offense, but thats my eyes not yours. -
Unauthorized use of anime image in Bush campaign ad?
Sui Generis replied to MillieFan's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Indigo]Wow do people really think that its that big of a deal? I really do hope coorperations have something better to do than sue the campaign for one anime picture. Seriously, its not that big of a deal. Also how do you know its unathorized anyways? Then to go along with T_N's point.You said this was different because our sigs are non-profit and such, but what about all those people who use anime sig's to sponsor their own site (free or paid)? Wouldn't that be in the same boat? Sounds about the same too me, maybe on a smaller scale, but if they are going to sue Bush might as well sue each and everyone of us. Because after all we're not only using ours for "simple fan art." Hope they have a lot of money to waste on lawyers. Oh and I'd like to point out, look at your own signature. You're using the name of Bloody Roar as publicity to get people to go to your boards. Personally I think America is to "sue happy" as is, the reasons people sue other people now is ridiculouse. My coffee is too hot, I shall sue. Its pathetic.[/COLOR] -
OOC: Here goes nothing :) [COLOR=Indigo][i]Mr.Musao smiled as he watched his apprentice skid into the room. Quickly the girl collected herself and studied her surroundings. She immediatly then grabbed the call list and began listing names. Musao watched the clock and studied his apprentice. She continued to list of names without showing the slightest bit of recollection that time was about to be up. He smirked and looked back over to his apprentice. As she finished the roll call and sent it out she seemed to be looking around for him..Musao took this as his cue. [b]Clap[/b]...[b]Clap[/b]...[b]Clap[/b] The entire class room jumped as Mr. Musao brought his hands together for a fourth time.[/i] "Most impressive Imi, most impressive indeed." [i]Mr. Musao continued walked to the front of the class and then stood next to Imi. He examined the new faces and smiled.[/i] "Everyone, this is Imi. She is my apprentice, but you will know her as a teacher. I wanr you; this will not be an easy class, nor an easy year for any of us. Myself included. You are to be instructed in the arts of magic and physical fighting as well as emotional toughness." [i]He caught a girl in the back scribbling on her notebook madly. He had noticed this girl had started as soon as he began speaking. He smiled and whispered something in Imi's ear. She nodded and whispered something into Musao's ear. The class perked up, leaning forward, trying to hear what they were talking about. Suddenly raised his voice and began talking again.[/i] "Ms. Jaime Tsuenu, I see you are writing or..perhaps drawing in your notebook." [i]The girl's back straightened at the sound of her name and she shifted in her chair. Slowly she cleared her throat and looked at Mr. Musao.[/i] "No...no drawing sir...they are..notes. From what you've said..." [i]Mr. Musao smiled and gazed at the girl. He then nodded.[/i] "I expect everyone to follow in Ms. Tsuenu's footsteps. Except....You will call me by one name and no other, that name will be Mr. Musao...not sir, not buddy, and certainly not "Hey you." Is this clear?" [i]The class nodded silently, a few gulping realizing that this guy was absolutely nuts. Mr. Musao smiled.[/i] "Good...now everyone turn to their left and greet the person sitting or standing next to you. The end person after giving your name to the person to your right will run to the row in front of you and give it to the person in front of you. This will preceed untill the first row and then the person in the first row will run to the back row after gaining each of the names of the people on the end and tell the names to the last person. I then expect the last person to recite each name to me slowly and clearly. Ready....go" [i]Mr. Musao then looked at Imi and smiled.[/i] "Welcome to apprenticeship and welcome to class Imi. Hope I wasn't too late." [i]He smiled and stuck out his hand offering a hand shake as his apology. After recieving the hand shake from Imi he turned to the other side of the room which was the advanced students. He looked at each one sternly.[/i] "You all know what I expect, and I know what you expect. Your first lesson of the day is to distract the younger kids. Make sure they do not get the correct names to me." [i]Suddenly the intercom came on and it went through the usual order. Mr. Musao winced slightly as he heard the name of two of his students. He sighed. He spoke softly for once.[/i] "Taka Musaro and Zack Pimin report to the garden area." [i]He watched as they left and shook his head. Both were very promising students, but he doubted either one would survive this test. He looked over at Imi and smiled as the older kids quickly moved their way into the mass of younger kids.[/i] "I'm going to need your help this year, Imi..."[/COLOR]
[i]Gasps for breath[/i] WAIT FOR ME!!! [i]Tries to stop and skids into the door[/i] [FONT=Garamond][color=indigo] Name: [i] Alan Slerin[/i] Age: [i]18[/i] Gender: [i]Male[/i] Description: [URL=http://www.saiyansvengeance.com/wallpapers/cb4.jpg]Itsa my guy. Yes thats a guy[/URL] Bio: [i]Alan grew up on the street. He never knew either his father or mother, but has always wore dog tags that said the name "Alan Slerin" thus he called himself that. Whether or not this was his fathers name or just some stranger Alan doesn't know, but he likes to think it was his father. Alan swore to never cut his hair until he found out what happened to his family, and his long hair is a testiment to that promise. Alan is dedicated to finding out who his parents were and how they died. Alan came upon the boarding school through his desire to find out about his parents when he was 13. It had been mentioned to him that his father went to this same school, and Alan wanted to investigate. Alan developed some friendships at the boarding school and even after finding nothing out the first year elected to stay at the school. It was two weeks before Alan's 18th birthday that this all started. His friend "Sly" (thats what Alan called him) was the first to die. After that each and everyone of his friends slowly died from these strange events. Each and everyone of the deaths had one thing in common. They were all dolls. Alan knew of a kid, two years younger than him named Yumil, whom could control these dolls. He was of noble birth, and Alan immediatly supsected him. Anyone of noble birth always looked down on Alan for being one of the poorest kids at the school. Alan never voiced his suspicions but constantly kept an eye on Yumil. As the killings went on he soon realized that perhaps it wasn't Yumil at all. He let his supsicions of Yumil die and soon became determined to find out what was killing these kids. He now wears a bracelet on his left wrist, the same bracelet he took off of Sly's left hand which was left in Alan's room.[/i] [U] [B] Kindred Spirit [/B] [/U] Name: Sinithalia Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Vampire Description: [URL=http://www.absoluteanime.com/nightwalker/_shido.jpg]My Vampire[/URL] [/color][/font] OOC: Later on I was thinking of revealing that the bracelet has a connection to his Kindred Spirit and possibly any powers he may possess if thats cool with you?
[color=indigo] Wow... I love all of them thanks very much!!!! I'll probaby use both banners ^_^ and all three Avatars ^_^ Thanks again guys![/color]
[COLOR=Indigo]Hey Its Lalaith Ril here and since the newversion came out I haven't really had a decent avatar, and haven't had a banner. I was hoping someone could take the time out and hopefully make me one. Truly I'm not that picky pretty much whatever you want to make is cool, I'd just like to have my name on the banner if thats cool. If its cool I'd love to have this: [URL=http://membres.lycos.fr/animagess/imagens/trigun%20-%2004.jpg]Banner Picture[/URL] as my banner picture or atleast have Vash and Wolfwood together. As for my avatar I'd love to somehow get this picture to work. [URL=http://www.projectbag.com/trigun/pics/vash/vash_1_39.jpg]Avatar (LOVE and PEACE ^_^)[/URL] If you have a better idea on either or thats fine with me, but thanks to everyone who even thinks about doing it ^_^ -Bryan[/COLOR]
OOC: Sorry it took so long to put up I had some net propblems, I typed this up a couple hours ago but I could just get it up. ~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]Name: [i]Takashi Musao (Mr. Musao to the students)[/i] Age: [i]21[/i] DOB:[i] March, 15[/i] Gender: [i]Male[/i] Years: [i]14[/i] Student Body: [i]The Staff and Personnel [/i] Fighting Style: [i]Mainly phsyical only using magic as a last resort.[/i] Persona: [i]Caring. Mr. Musao (as most the students know him as) has grieved for every single student that has not survived the final test. Despite the constant grieving he has gone through he is quite adament about everyone taking the test. Mr. Musao strives to make every single person feel comfortable in the academy urchin to other personnel. He feels that making everyone comfortable will ease the pain they may experience as well as enhance their learning capacity because there are not as many distractions. Mr. Musao is a very relaxed person in life, but once you step into his class he demands respect and does not accept interruptions. He is known to deal out physical punishments like sit-ups and push-ups in class as well as any other punishment that seems fit for the situation. Out of class he is a friend to all he can be. He tries to help every person and can't help but have strong emotions with some of them.[/i] Height/Weight: [i]5'11, 165 lbs[/i] Appearance: [URL=http://www.anime-online.com/animeguys/marron.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Relationships: [i] He has become great friends with many students as well as some of the personnel. He can't help but befriend as many people as he can, it is in his nature. He has lost as many people in the "tests" as he has gained from the new recruits. He stays close to his students and doesn't want anyone to feel out of place. He has formed a great bond with several of the club leaders and has specific interests in one certain girl. [/i] Biography: [i] Mr. Musao grew up as an urchin. Both his mother and father were in the academy and fell in love with each other. They kept their relationship as secret as possible, however, his mother soon became pregnant. Takashi's father admitted to be the fater of the child and helped his love with everything he possibly could. The day came when she wasn't able to continue the sparing lessons because of the baby and had to put her education on hold, however, she told Takashi's father to continue on with the lessons. Two weeks before Takashi was born his father had to under go the dreaded "test." No one besides the personnel really knows what happened to him, but a week later the ID was sent back to Takashi's mother. Her love had failed the test...her love was dead. In her grief she attempted suicide, however, a nurse came in and stopped her. A week passed and Takashi was finally born. Takashi's mother did the best she could raising him by herself. Takashi dreamed of becoming a great fighter just like his father was, but he wanted to be stronger. He wanted to survive the test. After pleading with his mother for several years she finally allowed him to go to the academy and start his training. Takashi soon became a great fighter as well as one of the most intelligent students as well. Takashi's life was the academy; he wanted to show his mother that he COULD do it. In his third year at the academy his mother became extrememly ill. Takashi balanced his training with taking care of his mother. This grueling schedule went on for three months. In this time his grades gradually fell to slightly below average and he was constantly behind on work. He was found many times sleeping during classes. After three months his mother died. She had developed a disease that attacked her heart, and despite how strong she was the disease was stronger. Normally anyone who is infected with this disease does not live to see two weeks, but his mother lived for three months. Takashi was devestated but something inside him became alive. He HAD to keep going now to honor his mother and father. Many of the students began to look down on him, calling him "Urchin" and often picking fights with him. Takashi became a quiet student yet still stayed at the top of the class. He did nothing but study, the only thing he wanted was to prove himself. He found few friends, but the ones he found he cherrished. He faught his feelings of being an outsider and continued on in his schooling. Incidentally most of his friends were a year above him. Testing came about and slowly their ID's showed up at his door. Each and everyone of them had failed the test. His friends, the family he had was all dead. Takashi could think of nothing for the next year but the test and when the time came passed it. It wasn't easy he had suffered some injuries, but the biggest injury yet remained. He became lonely. Once again he was alone, he was an urchin again. He continued on and soon gained friends in the faculty and personnel. He was offered a job as teaching when he was 20. He readily accepted the job, because he wanted to make the students experience easier than his own. He knew what it was like to be an urchin, he knew what it was like to be alone, and he knew what it was like to feel like an outcast. He vowed to do all in his power to limit these feelings in the academy.[/i] (Hope that works)[/color]