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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Yay...ermm....what ever did happen at the end of the other one, I was grounded for 1 week and you guys finish it up...o.O.... EDIT: Uh never mind I read it all. Wow that ended really quickly. It was a great RPG and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Hm...I have a kinda odd question....Would you mind if i actually made this into a fan fic. The first RPG being the first story of course....I have an idea on this it sounds fun to write. ------------------------------------- Name: Lalaith Ril Age: 120 (20 human years) Race: Elf Weapons: Bow and quiver. Two silver daggers with black dipped handels bearing the sign of a flame. Bio: After knowing only misery for several years Lalaith stumbled on that fateful quest that changed his life. He slowly began to show his emotions, and eventually led him to marry the beautiful princess Greenleaf. Feeling bonded to Nev from protecting her in the battles he agreed with Lauren to adopt the young elf. He now is more of an out-going elf, but still has many secrets only the fellowship know. He is ready to go out and fight for his kind once again. Appearance: He now has mythril armor covered by a green tunic. The green tunic is a normal green tunic except for a flame circled by two silver arrows. He wears green leggins with brown boots. He has silver/white hair with blue eyes.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Carries Samantha over his shoulder while running[/i] "I'm always stuck doing this!" [i]Laughs[/i] Lauren: "Only you could laugh at a time like this" Lalaith: "Lets just say Abob is not the only one who can be sneaky!" [i]Smirks[/i] Illisma: "What are you talking about?" Lalaith: [i]Waits for a second[/i] "BOOM" [i]Grins and just as he says it there is a huge explosion behind them, and the sound of orcs dying is heard. They can also here the confusion in the camp[/i] "They already know we are here, might as well kill all of the people who saw us" [i]They arrive at the cell[/i] -
Twas not luck at all! Twas all skill! Honostly the Redwings have the older and more expierenced players, so thats why I think they will when, (besides the fact that I said so ;)) they are smarter when it comes to the game and won't make novice mistakes!
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: "God I love this eagle!" [i]Smirks. Starts running towards the orcs again[/i] "Time to die!" [i]Begins slashing and parrying attacks[/i] Abob: "Hey Lalaith here!" [i]tosses him a potion[/i] "Put it on your sword, but don't touch the blade afterwards!!!" Lalaith: [i]Nods and pours it on the blad[/i] "What does this do anyways?" [i]As he cuts into one of the orcs the orc explodes in flames[/i] "Oh...Awesome!" -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Samantha: "Abob!!" [i]Runs and kneels down to the knocked out Abob[/i] Lalaith: "Are you crazy you have an ogre right over you!!!" [i]Runs to help the two[/i] Samantha: "What? Oh crap!" Ogre: [i]Swings his club, bearing it down upon the three[/i] Lalaith: "This isn't going to be fun...[i]Pushes Samantha out of the Ogre's way then grabs Abob and rolls just barely dodging the attack[/i] "Ok that was too close...Illisma!" Illisma: [i]FInishes killing an orc[/i] "Yes?" Lalaith: "Abob was hurt see what you can do!!" [i]Ducks and dodges another attack by the ogre then finally hands Abob to the approaching Illisma[/i] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B]For those of you watching the playoffs who do you think is going to win??? I think the Redwings are (i live in Michigan). [/B][/QUOTE] Muhahaha 3-1 Redwings are winning the SC Series! I knew it would happen! Boy am I gonna be rich after this!
Lalaith: [i]Groans as he rubs his nose. Opens his eyes to see Kain staring down at him.[/i] "Ah!" [i]Holds a dagger to Kain's throat[/i] "Who are you, and what are you doi-" [i]Looks around to see none of the Hunters there except for the dead one. Notices a spine laying on the ground[/i] "You are a werewolf arn't you" [i]Smiles and extends his hand[/i] "Thanks for the help there!" Kain: [i]Shakes his hand and smiles[/i] "Yes I am a werewolf. Now how did you know I was the one that helped you?" Lalaith: "I saw movement in the bushes and" [i]Points to footprints leading towards the bush[/i] "your foot prints lead to the bush, even you turning into a wolf. Thats how I could tell. Besides that" [i]Points to the spine[/i] "Whats your name anyways?" Kain: "My name is Kain, and yours?" Lalaith: [i]Walks to where he killed the hunter with his dagger. Takes it out of the hunter. Smiles warmly[/i] The name is Lalaith Ril, I'm basically a Rougue Elf you could say. But I prefer just to be known as an elf." [i]Smiles again[/i] "I take it you are being chased by the HUnters too?"
Lalaith: "Hm...10 verse 1 thats not very fair" [i]Looks around trying to stall[/i] Hunter: "Life is not fair to freaks like you" Lalaith: "Well doesn't that just beat all" [i]Eyes the bushes and sees some movement[/i] Hunter: [i]Aims his gun at Lalaith's head[/i] "Now either you give up, or we'll put 10 bullets in your head!" Lalaith: "Help would be great here..." [i]Throws his dagger and hits one of the hunters in the head killing him instantly[/i] Hunter: "Why you little!" [i]Aims and shoots[/i] Lalaith: [i]Flips back narrowly dodging the bullet, and climbs into a tree and notches his bow. Begins picking them off one by one[/i] Hunter: " Suprise...suprise" [i]Smirks[/i] Lalaith: [i]Turns around startled and growls[/i] "Amendo!" Hunter: "Yours truly!" [i]Hits Lalaith square in the face with the butt of his gun[/i] Lalaith: [i]Falls down limp out of the tree[/i]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Sat watching and thinking[/i] I was going to adopt her. I should've protected her....She has already gone through enough....I'll kill you Sauron...By my blade you will die! Orc: [i]Crys a war cry as he sees Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: You've got to be kidding me! [i]Shoots the orc then runs back to camp[/i] GUYS ORCS! Just over the ridge!! -
[i]With sweat glistening down his head Lalaith ran from the faint eruption of human voices. Hopping over fallen trees he races towards the safety of his cave. As he finally arrives at his cave he sees a man standing there. He comes to a dead stop in-front of the man[/i] Hunter: You arn't getting anywhere you freak! Lalaith: Get out of my way! Hunter: What are you going to do? You're surrounded! We know about your little plan with your friends! Lalaith: [i]Clutches his dagger behind his back[/i] I don't know what you are talking about! Hunter: Maybe this will help! [i]Charges at Lalaith full force ready to knock him down[/i] Lalaith: [i]At the last second side steps and drives his dagger into the Hunters back. Hitting the spine he paralyses the hunter.[/i] I told you to get out of my way! [i]Stabs through the hunter's head with his other dagger. Slowly takes his daggers out and looks up to see he is surrounded by 10 Hunters[/i] Oh great....
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Slowly gets up rubbing his stomach[/i] "Thanks Illisma.." Illisma:[i]Nods[/i] "None required its my job' Lalaith: "So the poison of the blade...it won't affect me now?" Illisma: "It should not. HOwever be careful, you can still be affected" Lalaith: [i]Nods[/i] "So this scar will stay with me forever" -
Yes there is a god! Sit your butt down!! haha you stink Tyson!!! muahaha!! *coughs* SOrry I hate Tyson...
Wow cool story! Yeah I know its an old topic but I was just looking back. I like it. Keep writing it!
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Walked slowly further out into the clearing[/i] "Let her go" Nazgul: "Now why would I do that?" Lalaith: [i]Looks at Lauren for a second[/i] "Because you can have me instead, and besides women arn't good warriors. Imagine having an elf on your side, a warrior I would be." Nazgul: [i]Looks thoughtfully at Lauren[/i] "What you speak is true. Very well. Grab your sword and come over here, any of you make a move and she dies." Lalaith: [i]Grabs his hilt and goes next to the Nazgul[/i] "Ok now let her go" Nazgul: [i]Presses the sword against her throat more firmly[/i] "Where is the fun in that?" Lalaith: [i]Filled with rage he draws his sword[/i] "I said let her go now! I will kil-" Nazgul: [i]Pulls his blood stained sword out of Lalaith's stomach[/i] Lalaith: [i]stares at his stomach for a moment then falls to the ground bleeding[/i] Nazgul: "Fool" Lauren: Lalaith!! Lalaith: " I'm.....I....I'm...sorry Lauren....I...I still love you....." [i]coughs[/i] Nazgul: [i]Kicks Lalaith[/i] "No talking" [i]Grabs him and begins drags Lalaith behind him walking towards the flying horse[/i] -
It is and it isn't. There are many ways Otaku is used. It can mean anything from an anime otaku...to someone who just is a nerd or doesn't have a life. (If I'm not mistaken) So I mean yes it is in the sense of Anime Otaku but other ways not really..
*claps* I agree with Mist very good!
Yeah great job Jessi!! Yeah my mom also just found my notebook of pretty much all my poems...including my very demented ones :devil: And she was rather disturbed, so was my dad. But who cares bout my dad ^^. Anywho yeah great stuff!! *walks off muttering something about Britty's dad*
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Notches his bow[/i] "So Ms. Witch isn't as strong as we thought? [i]Laughs and winks[/i] Illisma: "Elves...." [i]shakes her head[/i] Lalaith: [i]Laughs then stops abruptly[/i] "Did you hear that?" Illisma/Abob: "What?" Lalaith: "It sounded like.....LAUREN!!!" [i]runs in the direction the scream came from[/i] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B][color=darkred][font=gothic]I am sick to death of brackish, but there is one song on their last album I absolutely love, it's either no. 2,3 or 4 and the chorius has the words "run away" or something sung in it... that's all I know. Other than that, All of their songs are great. [/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I agree...now i'm pretty damn sick of it....But I still love them. Heh.... APC is a great band ^^
Calvin and HObbes was great! I still love em, but they just don't have the same kick since I read every single one over 10 times. I still love them though!
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Smirks as he sees Abob squaring off with the nazgul[/i] "Hey ugly!" Nazgul: "What! Another one?!" Lalaith: "Yup thats right and I'm as annoying as he is!" [i]Takes an arrow and fires it into the Nazgul's arm holding his saber[/i] "Heh what are you gonna do now?" Abob: [i]Grins[/i] "Lets kick some seriose Nazgul butt!" Lalaith: [i]Smirks[/i] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: "You dirty Nazgul let me go!!" [i]Punches the Nazgul[/i] Nazgul: "Foolish idiot! If my master didn't want you, you would already be dead!" Lalaith: "Well I may be stupid but I'm freaking mean too!!" [i]Takes an arrow and stabs the Nazgul in the eye[/i] Nazgul: [i]Lets go of Lalaith and screams in pain[/i] Lalaith: [i]Jumps off the horse and rolls[/i] "Take that! I'm coming guys!" [i]Runs off into the woods looking for his friends.[/i] Nazgul: "Where are you! You stupid elf!!" Lalaith: [i]Ducks as the Nazgul races by with the arrow still in his eye[/i] "Whew" -
*Note* Yeah it sounds cool...make it a fic!
Name: Lalaith Ril age: 145, I look like I'm 14/15 Race: Wood Elf Sire or Birth:Born an elf.... Attacks: Bow/Arrows and two small daggers Looks: Green tunic/leggins brown boots and white undershirt. Short blonde hair. One scar on his left cheek. Deep blue eyes. Bio: Lalaith was raised in the woods, and is known for his markmanship. He can get very vocal but normally is very silent. He was a huge outcast in his city, everyone thought he was hopeless. He was raised in a city to become a protector of the family, but left his family to wonder the forests of the world, looking for adventure and friends. He is very accepting and doesn't hold grudges to long, unless he is very hurt by someone. He was taught to fight with his daggers for two years by a human assasin, Iruna Hirisam (Yeah I know its not japanese but its supposed to sound something close to that) but Iruna was killed by a Werebear while wondering in the woods. He now holds a grudge against all werebears.