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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Lalaith: So Ilisma, that is if I can call you that, do you know of many hobbits with your same abilities? Ilisma: Yes you may. I have come across maybe one other, many have the talent but refuse to accept it. Like Sam for instance.... Sam: I am not Magical nor will I ever be! Lalaith: Same magical? Wow...thats news.... Sam: I'm not magical!
  2. OOC: You know what...I'm tired of this...I'm heading out too...it was great while it lasted...Sorry to Stormwing I hope they can still fit you in somehow, seeing that Mist and I are no longer gonna post in this topic. Good luck Boba you were a great partner in this RPG! Oh and all this OOC crap you guys have been doing is complete spam. Yeah one time is udnerstandable, but more than 4 in a row without continuation in the story...tis spam...
  3. Lalaith: [i]Smiles[/i] Its a talent I guess... Padme: [i]Comes in[/i] Oh excuse me [i]Smiles slightly[/i] Lalaith: [i]Blushes slighty[/i] Uh...yes.... Padme: Obi-wan wants to speak with you....and I need to talk to you Mara... Mara: [i]Nods[/i] Lalaith: [i]Continues blushing as he walks out[/i]
  4. Lalaith: [i]smiles[/i] I know..hopelessly in love...[i]Grins and kisses her again[/i]
  5. Lalaith: And you're everything I need [i]Rubs her shoulders and kisses her neck[/i]
  6. Lalaith: I've never been one for following what people say..[i]Grins and kisses her[/i]
  7. Thats what I said, and poetry.com may be publishing me ^^...So I would say put them in a contest!! :)
  8. Lalaith: [i]Smirks[/i] Then I hope you can remember alot. [i]Begins slowly kissing her again[/i]
  9. Lalaith: [i]Grins. Stares into her eyes and smiles.[/i] Mara: [i]stares back at him[/i] Lalaith: [i]Grabs her hands and kisses her again[/i]
  10. Lalaith: [i]Lifts up her head and kisses her slowly[/i] Its ok, we all lose faith! You're a very strong woman Mara Heartlock don't forget that [i]Smiles[/i]
  11. Lalaith: Oh, me turning to the old foggies side for a bit back there...I was just worried that if I didn't they might kill you...[i]Sighs[/i]
  12. Lalaith: [i]Nods at Kenobi as he walks out[/i] Boba: Well I'm hitting the sack to night! Lalaith: Night! Mara: Good night Lalaith: Hey Mara sorry about what happened back on that ship...
  13. Lalaith: Kenobi...its Mara, of course she can! [i]Grins[/i] Obi-Wan: [i]Laughs[/i] Mara: [i]After a second joins in. in the laughter[/i] Don't think I'm still not gonna talk to you!
  14. Lalaith: [i]Grinned[/i] Obi-Wan: You were a little reckless on the ship Lalaith, but you did the job.... Mara: Alittle reckless!!?? Lalaith: [i]Gulps[/i] Thanks Kenobi [i]He whispers[/i] Obi-Wan: [i]Laughs[/i]
  15. [i]They finally get into the ship[/i] Boba: Ok mara take this puppy out! Mara: Yes sir!! [i]Punches the gas and the small pod flys out of the Imperial ship and escapes without detection[/i] Lalaith: Yes!! ....Ya know that was wayy to easy...
  16. [i]Lalaith and the gang come panting up and find the rest of them close to the hanger[/i] BOba: What took you so long... Mara: [i]Glares at Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: [i]Smirks[/i] Nothing...
  17. You sound like me in Spanish. I just write the whole time, and never pay attention yet I ace the tests..hehe...oh wait thats a used to. Cuz I'm outta school and you arn't!!! :p Well anyawyz you are a great writer keep it up! P.S. Get on MSN
  18. Lalaith: [i]Sighs[/i] You're right... Obi-Wan: [i]Sits there in bewilderment[/i] How in the world can she control him, yet the Jedi council can't..[i]He mutters[/i] [i]They all begin to go back the same way they came[/i]
  19. Lalaith: [i]Eyes his surroundings closely feeling Mara's doubt[/i] I agree.... Mara: What... Lalaith: That was too easy... Obi-Wan: We can take care of ourselves... Lalaith: [i]nods[/i] Ok...should we go back the way we came, or take the short-cut which is filled with many clones....I say the short-cut [i]Grins[/i]
  20. Lalaith: What were they gonna say...ok? We don't have time! [i]They both streak across the corridors just in-time to see two clones going into the Brig[/i] Lalaith: Nows our chance! [i]They both knock the troopers out and help Obi-Wan out[/i] Lalaith: There we go lets get going! [i]Smiles at Mara[/i]
  21. Lalaith: [i]Nods thoughtfully[/i] Very well but we have to hurry, no telling what they might do when they find out we've escaped!! Mara: Right... [i]They both run after the group[/i]
  22. Lalaith: [i]Grins[/i] Well when you've missed someone you love so much, and you finally get to see them you will be perky too! [i]Smiles[/i] Now lets go..
  23. Lalaith: OH what fun would it be if we did?!
  24. Lalaith: Crap...[i]Lights his lightsaber. Hands her his blaster[/i] Just like old times eh! Mara: [i]Giggles[/i] Lalaith: Ok lets go!
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