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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Lalaith: [i]Holds her awkwardly and plays with her hair[/i] I didn't mean to...[i]Pushes her off slightly and looks into her eyes[/i] I love you...I wouldn't hurt you on purpose.....ever...[i]Whipes away one of her tears[/i]
  2. Actually I really like it! And the different style of rhyming makes it cool! :whoops: I think its great keep up the good work!
  3. Lalaith: [i]A small smile spreads across his face as he looks at her again[/i] Its ok..I've been acting like a jerk.... Mara:.... Lalaith: [i]Keeps looking at her[/i] If I hurt you I didn'tmean too...
  4. Lalaith: [i]Turns around half-way, looking at Mara as she walks away[/i] If we die...atleast we'll die together....[i]Runs and catches back up to them[/i] Mara: What do YOU want? Lalaith: [i]Is stunned and walks slower falling behind her. Hangs his head[/i]
  5. OOC: Moving on with the posts! Lalaith: I'm sending you to Boba he can get you out of here.... Padme: What about you?! Lalaith: I can't.... Mara: Yes you can you just don't want to... Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head and begins to shout[/i] If I leave with you, you will surely die! I love you! He knows were I am forever! If I leave with you, he will find you and kill you! [i]They come upon Boba[/i] Lalaith: [i]sighs[/i] Take them! Boba: But what abo... Lalaith: [i]walks off back to the throne room[/i]
  6. [i]Claps[/i] Nice poem you've got there!
  7. Lalaith: [i]Rubs his cheek stunned[/i] Padme: [i]Looks at him apolgetically and worriedly[/i] Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head[/i] Follow me...
  8. Lalaith: [i]Slowly pacing backwards he slams the throne room door shut[/i] Clone: Halt! Lalaith: Shut up! [i]Cuts him in half. Strodes down into the cell room and kills the gaurds[/i] Padme: [i]Comforts Mara then looks up to see Lalaith[/i] What the... Lalaith: Are you guys gonna get up or are you guys gonna sit there while every single soldier in this place comes here?!
  9. Palpatine: Who was that? Lalaith: None of your business... Palpatine: [i]Strides towards the door[/i] Oh yes it is... Lalaith: [i]Throws him against the wall[/i] Oh yes it is..you're right, and they're escaping! Palpatine: Anakin attack him now! Lalaith: [i]Pushes Anakin back as well and lights his lightsaber[/i] Noone move...if I hear one shot fired you both will die!
  10. Lalaith: [i]Shakes off Boba's hand[/i] I'm not going... Boba: What?! Lalaith: Just trust me! I'm not going!! [i]Walks off back towards the throne room[/i] Boba: Idiot!
  11. Lalaith: I won't choose a friend to be tortured! Palpatine: Fine they all will... Lalaith: You said you would let them go...[i]Lights his lightsaber[/i] Anakin: Stop it Lalaith... Lalaith: [i]Throws him with the force[/i] You said you would let them go, yet you make them suffer!!
  12. o.O Thats a good thing right? I hope so...anywayz...Yeah I like SOAD, MSI, Kittie, a bunch of other stuff like that....I live in Kansas...that pretty much explains itself...I think I have one other friend that shares the same music interests in me, and doesn't like boy bands...*shudders* Kansas boy band central *throws up*
  13. Lalaith: [i]Strode across the throne room and looked out the window[/i] I'm gonna kill people I've never even seen....[i]Puts his hand on the glass and sighs[/i] Its not right.... Palpatine: Time for your training... Lalaith: What training?! Palpatine: Well you've got to learn to accept pain now which one of your friends should be tortured first? Lalaith:.......
  14. Palpatine: Very well then...Gaurds get young senator! [i]The gaurds run out[/i] Lalaith: You wouldn't! Palpatine: I wouldn't?! [i]The clones come back in holding Mara[/i] Palpatine: [i]Paces around Mara with a smirk[/i] Now either you do what I tell you or...[i]Flips Mara's hair[/i] She'll die, a very slow and painful death...[i]Grins[/i] Lalaith: [i]Looks at Mara[/i] Fine...[i]His eyes droop as they take her out of the room and back to her cell[/i] I'll do it... Palpatine: [i]Laughs[/i] Good...
  15. Lalaith: Palpatine you said you would let them go, yet I see them everyday in those cells.... Palpatine: In due time, in due time! Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head[/i] Whatever... Palpatine: Whatever what? Lalaith: [i]Sighs[/i] Yes master....[i]Thinks: Mara were are you, don't give up on me yet[/i] Palpatine: [i]Points out to a planet[/i] This will be the next victim to our destruction, and you will unleash it young Lalaith. Lalaith: [i]Steps back in shock[/i] I will not kill so many for no reason...
  16. You play a land, you can't play a creature untill you have enough land... BTW land is called MANA...
  17. Lalaith: [i]Falls to his knees panting filled with pain[/i] They wouldn't have.... Palpatine: Why do you think they wouldn't let you become a Jedi...[i]Smirks[/i] And they want to kill you... Lalaith: They wouldn't.... Palpatine: Don't you find it convienant that they left right before we came...[i]Smirks[/i] Lalaith: NO!! Palpatine: [i]Grins[/i] Yes...But I can save you, and your friends... Lalaith: [i]Looks up[/i] How... Palpatine: [i]Extends his hand[/i] Follow me and you'll see... Lalaith: [i]Sits there for a second the clasps Palpatine's hand[/i] Only if you let them go... Palpatine: Very well...
  18. Lol yes!! People agree! Rock on!! Yes Paper Doll rules!! Heh yeah they arn't known of here, I'm one of few people who have heard of MSI or Kittie....but I'm just like that :)
  19. Lalaith: [i]Stands up Defiantly and stops screaming[/i] Palpatine: [i]Thinks "Yes anger...good" Stops shooting electricty[/i] So will you tell us? Lalaith: No... Palpatine: Very then your preciouse Mara will die... Lalatih: [i]Clenches his fists[/i] NO!!! [i]Throws Palpatine and anakin back with the force[/i] Leave her out of this.... Palpatine: [i]Grins to himself and gets up[/i] The Jedi have betrayed you...they left you here to die...I will help you... Lalaith: NO they didn't!! Anakin: Yes they did Lalaith...they betrayed me too... Lalaith: [i]Looks at Anakin long and hard[/i] Why Anakin...why.... Anakin: Because, we are to strong for them! They do not want to be surpassed!! Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head[/i] Its lies!! They wouldn't do that!! Anakin: Yes they would... Lalaith: [i]Throws him back with the force[/i] Stop it! Palpatine: [i]Throws Lalaith back and shoots electricty through him[/i] Lalaith: [i]Screams in pain[/i] Palpatine: You never knew your parents did you...[i]Smirks[/i] They made sure of that... Lalaith: [i]still screaming[/i] What do you mean?! Palpatine: [i]Laughs[/i] The jedi killed them! Lalaith: [i]Screams in rage and pain[/i] No...they...wouldn't!
  20. Palpatine: Tell me you little rat... Lalaith: NO!!! Palpatine: [i]Shoots electricty through him again[/i] Lalaith: Alright!! [i]Coughs[/i] I will I will.... Palpatine: Where are they... Lalaith: [i]Stands up defiantly and spits at Palpatine[/i] SOmewhere... Palpatine: Why you little....[i]Throws Lalaith against the wall and shoots electricity into him not stopping[/i] Lalaith: [i]Screams in agony[/i]
  21. Lalaith: I don't know...[i]Hears Boba scream and winces[/i] Anakin: Tell me now! Lalaith: For gods sake let him go! I'll tell you! Let him go and take me! I'm yours anywayz! Obi-Wan: What are you doing?! Lalaith: Trust me master Kenobi... Anakin: [i]There is along silence[/i] Very well... [i]Two clones throw the beaten up Boba back into his cell and grab Lalaith and start taking him away[/i] Lalaith: Boba, protect Mara ok... [i]They arrive in the throne room again[/i] Palpatine: Nice to see your back so soon...[i]Shoots electricty from his hands[/i] Lalaith: [i]Screams in agony[/i] Palpatine: With that little stunt you pulled I should kill you and all your friends, but you are good enough..[i]Smirks and shoots more electricty through his hands[/i] Tell me where the Jedi are!! Lalaith: [i]Screams and falls to his knees[/i] I don't know!!!
  22. Great!! Just could be a little longer and the grammar could be alittle better, un-less you were going for that...
  23. Lalaith: Who the heck is....Palpatine!! Boba: What they turned back?! Lalaith: Yes! We can't fight them!! [i]Fires at the fleet[/i] We gotta get out of here! There are too many of them!! Boba: They can out run us!! Lalaith: Yes but can they out manuver us!! [i]Grins[/i]
  24. Lalaith: [i]Wakes up in the middle of the night having nightmares of death[/i] Anakin....[i]Slowly gets up and walks down to the observation room[/i] Looking at the stars always helps me think...
  25. Lalaith: I will destroy Anakin.... Mara: What! He is your friend! Lalaith: I am not a friend of a mass murderer! Yoda: Stong he is... Lalaith: I can get stronger can't I? Yoda: [i]Nods[/i] Stronger you will become..... Lalaith: [i]Smiles slowly[/i] Master Yoda can I stay with these people? Seeing how I am not truly a Jedi master..... Yoda: [i]Thinks for a bit[/i] Stay with these people you will... Lalaith: [i]Grins[/i] Thank you master Yoda...[i]Finishes eating, and walks out the room[/i]
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