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Everything posted by Sui Generis
No I'm not talking about real cats. There is a great band called Kittie. I love em! Almost as much as MSI but not quite! They are a great band! Have any of you heard them?! Well if you are the people who get on KaZaA or Morphius download Brackish by Kittie and listen to it I think you'll fall in love with them too!!:D
Lalaith: [i]Slowly eats. Thinkng about what he expierenced on the ship[/i] Mace Windu: What happened when you got there Lalaith? Lalaith: [i]Puts his fork down and slowly begins telling the tale[/i] When I launched off I sent a message to Palpatine himself challenging him. When I got there a clone escorted me to the throne room, where Anakin and Palpatine were waiting. Palpatine then threatened to blow this ship up, so I agreed to be his. Anakin began talking to me and I told him he betrayed Padme. And with the help of Palaptine taking away my weapons, Anakin basically beat the crap out of me. THen after Palpatine was satisfied he told a clone to throw me into a cell. Which the clone did exactly that. Then I saw a clone kill the other clones and come up to my cell. I was too much in pain and deleriouse to think so I was scared and hid in the corner of my cell. But it turned out to be Boba who revealed himself and helped me up. He then knocked out two more troopers and we took their gear. We then snuck our way to the hanger, and he pulled the gas leak warning and all the clones ran off. So we just walked to a ship and flew off. Boba healed my up a bit and we then flew to his ship. After we got settled into his ship we blew up the other ship, so not to leave any evidence. Then we spent three days in hyper space and we ended up here. [i]Smiles slightly[/i] So basically I owe my life to Boba, too bad he couldn't save my lightsaber as well..... Boba: Aw you don't owe me anything...and by the way! [i]Throws Lalaiths lightsaber to Lalaith[/i] The clone had it on him. [i]Grins[/i] Lalaith: [i]Grins[/i] Mace: Interesting indeed...Anakin is in trouble... Lalaith: [i]Looks over to Mace saddened again[/i] He is too far gone...The dark side has consumed him...
No kidding! I Agree with Boba Fett!! [i]Runs and grabs his own popcorn, couch, soda, and sungalsses, then sits back and watches[/i] Very good indeed!
I had/have one so yeah :whoops: And I'm damn happy with it too!!!
Lalaith: [i]Slowly gets up shaking[/i] You're the traitor.. Anakin: I said stop it! [i]Kicked him in the stomach then whirlded around with his lightsaber and came down upon Lalaith[/i] Palpatine: [i]waited untill the lightsaber was inches from Lalaith and with a grin shouted[/i] Enough.... Anakin: [i]Hesitated for a second sheathed his lightsaber and walked beside Palpatine[/i] Lalaith: [i]Slowly stood up whiping the blood off his lip[/i] Palpatine: Now we'll give you some more time to think Lalaith...Clone! clone: [i]Comes running in[/i] Yes Sir!? Palpatine: Escort Lalaith to the brig.. Clone: Yes sir. [i]They walk along the corridors and finally come to circular room[/i] Clone: [i]Throws Lalaith into one of the cells[/i] Lalaith: [i]To weak to do anything he just lays on the ground[/i] Mara....
Aww...I'm really sorry to hear that....Well he had to have had a great life! I really hope he's fine!! My dog rigth now may die they are not sure he has been getting really sick lately for no appearant reasons so we are pretty scared that he may die too....:(
Palpatine: Well young Lalaith welcome to the Dark side [i]Smirks[/i] Lalaith: [i]Stares out the window and doesn't say anything[/i] Anakin: [i]Walks up to Lalaith hand extended[/i] See we can be friends again... Lalaith: [i]Reaches for his lightsaber in anger[/i] Palpatine: [i]takes the lightsaber with the force[/i] Just for extra assurance you won't try to kill me at night [i]Grins[/i] Its a very nice lightsaber.... Lalaith: [i]Glares at Anakin[/i] You betrayed Padme...how could you...[i]Throws his blaster at Palpatine too[/i] Anakin: I didn't betray her! SHE BETRAYED ME!! [i]Throws Lalaith back with the force full of anger.[/i] Palpatine: [i]Laughs[/i] Lalaith: [i]Slowly gets up[/i] You betrayed her. You were willing to let her die... Anakin: Stop it Lalaith! I'm warning you! [i]Lights his lightsaber. Throws Lalaith once again back against the wall[/i]
Palpatine: Look out the window... Lalaith: [i]Looks out and clenches his fist[/i] Palpatine: You see your friends are completely surrounded with one word I can finish them off and you would never see them ever again...[i]smirks[/i] Lalaith: Mara...[i]Puts his hand on the glass. Tears his eyes away from the sight[/i] What is it you want? Palpatine: Its simple really...join us....Join us and they live. Defy us and well....BOOM [i]Smirks[/i] Lalaith: I will never join you.... Palpatine: Very well....Clone!! Clone: [i]Comes up[/i] Yes sir?! Lalaith: Ok...don't harm them. You can have me.... Palpatine: Good...kill this clone and I will believe you... Lalaith: [i]Ignites his lightsaber. Thinks: " I'm sorry, but I can't let Mara and the rest die. And ecsepecially not the Jedi..."[/i] Very well...[i]Strikes down the clone and winces as he watches the clone die[/i] Palpatine: Good...very good. [i]The imperial ships begins turning away and blast off heading off into the opposite direction as the ship[/i] Lalaith: [i]Presses his hand against the glass again and looks out[/i] Mara...
Lalaith: Stop it Anakin! Clone: [i]Walks up to Palpatine and whispers in his ear[/i] Palpatine: [i] Nods and laughs[/i] GOod very good!! Lalaith: What the?! Anakin: [i]Seeing the opening he kicks him and swings his lightsaber down[/i] Lalaith: [i]Landing on the ground he reacts as quick as he can and puts his lightsaber up blocking the blow but is in a bad position so Anakin is slowly driving his lightsaber down still[/i] Palpatine: Enough Anakin... Anakin: [i]backs away and sheaths his lightsaber[/i] Palpatine: I have a proposition for you... Lalaith: I don't deal with dirt like you... Palpatine: Very well then your friends and your preciouse Mara will die.... Lalaith: ....What is your proposition...
Lalaith: I said don't call me that!!! [i]Charges at Palpatine with his lightsaber raised[/i] This is for Mara!!! Anakin: [i]Blocks the attack on Palpatine and glares at Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: What! What are you doing Anakin! I won't fight you! Anakin: Then join us!! Lalaith: I can't!! [i]Parrys an attack by Anakin[/i]
Lalaith: [i]As he enters a huge room he spots Anakin and Palpatine talking. Clenches his fist tighter makign his finger nails white[/i] Palpatine: Ah Lalaith so glad you came... Lalaith: Never call me by my name... Palpatine: [i]Shrugs as you say[/i] Anakin: [i]Looks over at lalaith but doesn't say anything[/i] Lalaith: Why did you do it...what did they do to you palpatine?! Palpatine: What? Oh that planet...it was a worthless planet anywayz..[i]Grins[/i] Lalaith: [i]Grabs his lightsaber institivly and glares at Palpatine[/i] Palpatine: Oh come now Lalaith you could join us and us three could rule the empire!! [i]Thinks: "Yes thats it, anger very good!!"[/i]
Clone Soldier: [i]As the ship landed the clone walked up to the cock pit[/i] Open this cockpit! Lalaith: Ok OK!! HOld on!! [i]Hides his lightsaber and opens the cock pit[/i] Clone: Palpatine and Anakin are waiting for you! Lalaith: [i]nods and sheaths his lightsaber[/i] Take me to them! Clone: Very well... [i]They both walk down the long halls getting odd looks on their way to Palpatine[/i] Lalaith: [i]clenches his fist in anger as he thinks what Palpatine did to the planet and too mara[/i] I will have revenge...
:twitch: the low blow....ever since last year I wore a cup in baseball for a reason! Yeah I think that glows without explanation...I sang saprano for awhile :twitch: EDIT: GOES NOT GLOWS GOES!! WHAT AM I THINKING?! Ack sorry caps...>.<
OOC: Well you'll have to post so I can expand the plot cuz noone else is on at the moment heh.... Lalaith: [i]Flys towards the ship. All of the sudden the computer begins beeping. Presses on of the buttons[/i] [i][b]Palpatine: Ah the Jedi shows himself, very well. I shall turn you! You will join me...or you will die![/b][/i] Lalaith: [i]Smirks[/i] Thats what he thinks.. Ship: [i]Begins pulling Lalaith's ship towards it[/i] Lalaith: [i]Lights his lightsaber and lets the ship take him[/i] Now the party starts...
Boba: Where are you going lalaith?! Lalaith: Palpatine is gonna die now! Boba: No you can't they have imperial ships all over the place! Even if you did get to his ship you would be killed.... Lalaith: Get out of the way now.... Boba: No... Lalaith: [i]Slowly lifts him up with the force and puts him behind Lalaith[/i] Good bye...[i]Launches off in his fighter pod towards the fleet. sends a transmission to Palpatine[/i] You will pay Palpatine you will pay! Shoot me down if you want you spineless rat, or do you actually have some guts in that puny body of yours?!
OOC: Oh yeah I'm hiding from you, you know it! Hey I never said I could!! :p Lalaith: [i]gazed into her eyes as he pushed away her hair. Smiles and kisses her one more time[/i] I won't..[i]Grabs his lightsaber in hand and stands up[/i] But right now I'm gonna pay Palpatine alittle visit..[i]clenches his fists and walks out of the room towards the hanger with fighter pods[/i]
Lalaith: [i]Slowly kissed her back. Holds her cheek and whipes off a tear[/i] I love you...No matter what remember that... OOC: Ok noone kill me this is a RPG!! REMEMBER THAT! *hides from certain person*
Lalaith: [i]Smiles and plays with her hair[/i] Mara: I love you... Lalaith: [i]Blushes a bit[/i] And so do I....[i]gently rocks her trying to keep her mind off her now gone home planet[/i]
Lalaith: [i]Rubs her back and rocks her[/i] Everything will be alright... Mara: [i]Continues crying[/i] Lalaith: [i]Continues rocking her and stares out into space thinking[/i]
Lalaith: [i]Hugs her[/i] If it wasn't your planet it would have been the next....You were brave....and your planet let them in, they knew the risks....[i]sighs[/i] I'm sorry tho...I wish it could've been any other planet... Mara:.... Lalaith: [i]Looks down[/i] Palpatine will pay...
Lalaith: [i]sits down and looks at her worriedly[/i] Are you ok... Mara:...... Lalaith: You know it wasn't your fault....
Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head as the transmission ends[/i] Boba: What should we do... Lalaith: I don't know ask Master Windu or master Kenobi...[i]sighs and walks off to see why Mra didn't come[/i] Mara...[i]Knocks on the wall[/i] Can I come in?
{I don't re-call ever seeing a thread like this if there is one..just close this one lol} Yet again I seem to be able to injure myself! I have 2 cracked ribs and 2 broken ribs, and the idiot that I am, I am still playing baseball with them. Every year I do something that causes an injury. Heh... So what injuries have you had caused by sports? By something other than sports? Me? I have had everything from broken toes to dislocated hips. I've also had torn ligaments (Sp) and shattered bones. Heh..I'm Gimpy!! Random Fact of the Day; THis is the 1o,0o0 thread!
[i][b] Transmision Recieved[/b][/i] Lalaith: Ok play it! Soldier: Yes sir... Lalaith: [i]looks in shock as he says that[/i] [i]The halogram appears[/i] Palpatine: Hello you run-away scum. As you people have guess...Senator Heartlock's preciouse planet is now gone completely...[i]Laughs[/i] Lalaith: [i]squeezes his fists[/i] Palpatine: You should surrender now, the empire fleet is right behind you, if you do not surrender soon we will surround you and destroy you....Ah and here is Anakin... Anakin: I'm sorry about Mara's planet Lalaith... Palpatine: Shut up no apologies! Anakin: [i]Nods[/i] Yes master....I still am your friend Lalaith know that....Believe Palpatine he isn't lying... Obi-Wan: You traitor!! Anakin: As for you Obi-Wan...I will make sure you die at my hands... Lalaith: Stop it Anakin!! Palpatine won't do anything for you!!! Anakin: Lalaith I'm offering my friendship.... Lalaith: [i]Clenches his fist[/i] Palpatine: [i]Comes back on[/i] We will give you exactly one hour before we open fire on your ship...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Haha! You just explained every day for me in the summer :D I usually eat cereal at the table, but I stay online when I eat lunch in the kitchen (cuz I use cable), the TV is right behind me. Lol, anyway... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh my summer day if I don't have a baseball game/practice is..... Wake up, go upstairs, get something to eat and eat it at the desk, turn on the comp, lunch at desk, dinner at desk.....you get the idea