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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Lalaltih: [i]Whispers[/i] I'm...sorry.... Mara: [i]Doesn't turn around just continues crying[/i] Lalaith:..... Boba:[i]Runs in[/i] Lalaith!! Mara!! Lalaith: [i]Turns around suprised[/i] What? Boba: [i]Pants[/i] Palpatine....Sent a message to us!! Lalaith: What?! [i]runs after Boba to the message room[/i]
  2. Lalaith: Who could take so many lives....so many innocent lives.....they never did anything.....[i]His hand reaches for his lightsaber instictively[/i] Windu: Young Padawa, control your emotions, settle down and don't use the lightsaber un-less you have to defend yourself. Revenge is not the chosen path for you. Lalaith: [i]Nods slowly[/i] Can I ask you something? Windu: Yes padawa? Lalaith: Why do you call me padawa, even Yoda said I wasn't going to become a Jedi....
  3. Very cool story...goes against Jedis and all but very cool!! 9/10
  4. Yes they have em in the USA in fact they even have a cartoon...I've read a little bit of one I liked it but then I lost it...*sweatdrops* I like the cartoon tho...
  5. Lalaith: [i]Kneels down and rubs Mara's back[/i] I will get revenge...for everyone lost...I will!! [color=blue] And you Palpatine....I will make sure you die!!![/color] Mara: [i]Lays on the ground sobbing[/i] Mother.... Lalaith: Boba...is there a fighter ship on this transport?
  6. Lalaith: [i]Turns his head sharply towards where they came from, with horror streaked across his face[/i]...... Boba: Lalaith...whats wrong.... Mara: Are you ok? Lalaith: Mara...I'm sorry...your family....everyone....[i]Shakes his head[/i] The empire will pay...
  7. Mara: Boba..... Lalaith: [i]cuts her off[/i] We will gladly have you at our side... Mara: [i]Looks over at Lalaith sharply and suprised that he cut her off[/i] Lalaith: [i]Looks over at her apalogetically. Turns back to Boba Fett and extends his hand[/i] Welcome aboard!
  8. Lalaith:[i]Finishes watching the halogram[/i] We need him and he needs us.....[i]Turns and strides towards Mara's room[/i] Mace: Young padawa where are you going? Lalaith: I'm going to Mara's room to discuss the bounty hunter...why? [i]Begins walking off then turns around[/i] DId you just call me padawa? Mace: [i]Smiles and nods[/i] Lalaith: [i] A smile slowly creeps on his face[/i] Thank you master Mace [i]Bows and continues walking[/i]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by (<AA>) [/i] [B]Are you Addicted to the net? If yes, how badly? Me? Well, I'm seriously hooked, I hate myself for it... Ughh... my dads gonna kill me because of the telephone bill. :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I am very addicted to the net. I'm on it all the time unless I'm talking to Britty on the phone, playing baseball, or I'm grounded. Thank God we have DSL tho so the phone bill isn't that high. Oh crap wait it is. Long Distance....*coughs* Sorry off the subject. But yes I am very addicted to the net and have been for a while now...
  10. Lalaith: [i]Turns as he recognizes Obi-Wan[/i] So the Jedi are still alive...[i]smiles slightly[/i] Mara: What? Lalaith: Thats Obi-Wan, he has no sadness in him, he would have great sadness if the Jedi council was dead [i]Smiles again[/i] Mara: Thats true....Now how did you find me.... Lalaith: I have my ways, besides I said I was your body gaurd and I'm gonna do my job! Anywayz I like being with you so I'm gonna pop-up alot more than you think...[i]Grins[/i] OOC: Jeez Boba nice post! Altitle bored were we? Heh...well sorry I couldn't follow it up with some huge post, but I'm brain dead right now on a count of I just woke up..
  11. Lalaith: [i]Walks infront of her[/i] Don't think you're going anywhere without me!! [i]Smirks[/i] Mara: Its nothing Lalaith settle down...
  12. Kavus are very cool! I prefer whats it called.....Sliver? Yeah Slivers I love those!! Sliver decks rule!
  13. Lol.....Lets hope she is a she.... Very nice poem Ben....has greath rthym...Show it too her! Even if it means just slipping it to her right before you leave! She'll like it!
  14. OOC: Ok I'm really lost guys, two people are posting that I and the gang are about to get to the dock...and one's posting that I basically joined the Empire...Help here!
  15. Lalaith: [i]Notches his bow[/i] That didn't sound good! Abob: [i]Notches his bow too[/i] Well lets get ready to kick some wraith ***! Lalaith: [i]Nods[/i] [b][i]They all run towards the clearing and see the wraith standing infront of Ellsa read to attack[/b][/i] Lalaith: NOW! [i]Lalaith and Abob let their arrows fly hitting the wraith in the head[/i] Nice shot! [i]THey both notch another one and fire it as the wraith screams[/i] Eat that! [i]The two arrows land dead on the head also, the wraith screams and turns back towards them[/i] Abob: Oh great.... Lalaith: [i]Draws his sword and puts away his bow[/i] Get that fire potion thingy you used ready...I'll stall it a bit! [i]Runs towards the wraith sword raised[/i]
  16. Lalaith: [i]Watches as she leaves[/i]...Whats up with her? Mara: [i]Just laughed[/i] Lalaith: And how'd you meet her?
  17. All my decks are custom. It takes me a good 3 hours to get a good deck made. I have over 1000 cards (which isn't much to you big timers) but they are all dis-organized and I'm a neat freak so I seperate them all into color, then into their specific type (Creature, Instane, Mana, Sorcery, etc). So yeah ^^...I have about 3 decks going right now, but my best deck is my Blue and Black...
  18. Lalaith: Well considering I have no clue where any one I know is...not really...[i]Smirks[/i] Just kill old hag back there and to of course destroy the Empire...nothing much....[i]Grins[/i] Well off to Marion!! [i]Drives to his star ship and they all load in it[/i] Ready?
  19. Lalaith: [i]Slightly blushes[/i] So m'lady [i]smirks[/i] Where are we going to?
  20. Lalaith: Too bad for you they won't be seeing that! [i]Throws down a smoke bomb and when the dust clear all three of them are gone[/i] [b][i]In Lalaith's speeder[/b][/i] Lalaith: [i]Winces checking his wounds[/i] So what took you guys so long?!
  21. Lalaith: Let these two go! [i]Nods to Siren and Mara[/i] And if you can kill me then I will die! And keep him out of it! [i]Slides into a defensive stance[/i]
  22. Lalaith: Mara no!! [i]Helps her up. Slips her a small blaster[/i] Mara: [i]Stumbles to stay up[/i] Lalaith: Palpatine...you me...now! [i]Raises his lightsaber[/i]
  23. Lalaith: NO!! [i]Shoots his hand out at Palpatine making him fly then draws his lightsaber and stops Anakin from cutting his neck[/i] Run now! Palpatine: You should not have done that foolish Jedi...
  24. Lalaith: Mara don't....don't ruin so many peoples lives!! Anakin: [i] Walks up and puts his lightsaber right next to his neck[/i] Palpatine: Choose now senator... Lalaith: Don't Mara....
  25. Palpatine: [i]Grins[/i] In exchange for this pathetic Jedi, you will pledge your support to the new government and hand your world over to the new Empire.... Lalaith: [i]runs at Palpatine[/i] Don't do it!! [i]Palpatine throws him back with the force again. Coughs as he hits the wall[/i] Don't.... Mara:....
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