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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]There are over 5,000 registered styles of Karate in the world, but there is always a thing to remember: Karate means "art of the open hand" or soemthing along those lines. The idea is there are no weapons, so anyone going to a Karate class with weapons isn't going to a Karate class... I have seen this in the past. What really annoys me are "movie martial artists." These are people who see the Bruce Lee movies, copy the moves and count themselves as true, disciplined martial artists. Anyone met someone who has this attitude?[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh well they called it Karate...I wonder what the real style was then...
  2. Lalaith: ...Don't listen to him!....Leave now!! Palpatine: Shut up! [i]throws him with the force[/i] Lalaith: [i]coughs up blood as he trys to stand up[/i]...run....
  3. Lalaith: [i]As he stands up Anakin runs up and knees him in the stomach[/i] Ugh.. Anakin: [i]Punches him then throws him with the force[/i] Palpatine: [i]Laughs[/i] This is your last time Jedi! Join us or die... Lalaith: I......will......never.....join......you!! Palpatine: Very well foolish one...[i]raises his hands[/i]
  4. OOC; Sorry for such short posts I broke a couple ribs so typing alot hurts.... Lalaith: [i]swings his lightsaber at Palpatine[/i] Palpatine: [i]Turns around and smirks.[/i] GOod...[i] Shoves his hand out sending Lalaith flying into the wall[/i] Mara: What was that noise?! Lalaith: ugh....[i]struggles to get up[/i]
  5. Lalaith: [i]blocks Anakins attack[/i] I'm not going to attack you!! Palpatine: [i]Begins leaving[/i] Lalaith: Oh no you don't!! [i]kicks Anaking[/i] I'm sorry.....[i]Runs at Palpatine[/i]
  6. Lalaith: First you take over Anakin, then you kill Mara....you're gonna die!! [i]Lights his lightsaber and runs at Palpatine[/i] Anakin: [i]steps in the way and blocks the strike they begin to fight[/i] Lalaith: Get out of the way Anakin!! I don't want to hurt you!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=coral]People who instantly say "WW3 is coming" annoy the hell out of me. It's like you [i]want[/i] WWIII to come. India and Pakistan are both very short sited countries. Their Governments are too busy considering who gets Kashmir, rather than what the actual people in Kashmir want. Many in Kashmir apparently want the territory to become an independant country...with neither Pakistan nor India controlling it. I think this is the best option. If either side can't work out who should have the territory...then nobody should...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually I see your point, its very true too...
  8. Lalaith: [i]Feels that something is wrong with Mara[/i] Mara....[i]concentrates on the lightning hitting him. Shoots it straight back at Palpatine suprising him, but not hurting him[/i] Palpatine: Yes strike me down...Let the anger seeth through you!! Lalaith: I won't!!! Anakin: [i]While Lalaith is distracted Anakin begins attacking him again[/i] Lalaith: [i]Not having enough time to pull out his lightsaber[/i] Forgive me friend [i]Lalaith throws Anakin back with the force, trying not to harm him[/i] I don't know what you did to Mara but you won't get away with it Palpatine!
  9. Lalaith: [i]Begins to tire but keeps blocking[/i] Why are you doing this.... Palpatine: Why else...power... Lalaith: Of course [i]Rolls his eyes[/i] Ladies and Gentlemen we have an old foggie on a power trip!! Palpatine: Watch your toungue! Lalaith: [i]Smirks while still blocking[/i] Aw is Palpatine lonely, let me guess you haven't been in a bed with a woman since speeders only went 160!! Palpatine: Thats it! [i]shoots lightning through his hands, letting it flow through Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: [i]Winces in pain. His head screams, but he stays up. Not letting Palpatine see his pain[/i] Is..that...all...[i]blocks another blow. Begins to slow down a bit from exhaustion[/i]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]I train myself, mostly taking things from styles from people I have met/sparred with/seen. I used to take karate but I found it to be a very poor style of martial arts, too much force, too little flow. I've been taking Wing Chun lessons recently, I would reccomend it to anyone about to take up martial arts, it's a good style.[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I would agree I took a normal Karate one year, and all they concnentrated was a bunch of power, then I took some form of Karate forgot what it was, and it had much more flow (yes thats the form that I put a knife through my hand with) it looks very graceful! Thats whats kewl about Martial Arts when fighting it almost seems that you are dancing. Well some forms atleast..
  11. Lalaith: [i]Draws his lightsaber as defence. Parrys the blow as Anakin charges at him. Whips around[/i] I don't want to fight you! Anakin: [i]swings his lightsaber[/i] Then join us! Lalaith: NO!! I will never betray Mara!! Palpatine: Oh but you have!! Lalaith: What? [i]Gets sliced in the arm again. Curses and keeps blocking[/i] Palpatine: But proving you love her you are putting her in danger! For all you know she is already dead... Lalaith: She is NOT dead!! [i]Blocks another strike from Anakin[/i] I will not strike down a friend either!
  12. Yup I agree with Cloricus its good...Interesting to say the least. I like it :whoops:
  13. I took Karate (Several differt forms of it) a tiny bit of Tae Kwon Do and another odd one I can't remember its name at the moment. I had to quit all three when my Karate Sensai let me begin with weapons and I put a knife through my hand. He got in trouble for that...heh I was about 2 weeks off of my black belt too...I love martial arts too...
  14. Sad but true...Well nice job writing it! :whoops: Man kind be the crulest thing imaginable...Again nice job writing...
  15. Lalaith: [i]Dodges again[/i] Anakin listen to me! He is evil! He is trying to currupt [i]Dodges again[/i] you! Anakin: It is you that needs to listen, this is the right path join us or die! Lalaith: I won't join you! I won't betray Mara, like you betrayed Padme!! Anakin: I didn't betray PADMEE!!!! [i]Swings at Lalaith, but he dodges it. THen Anakin kicks him in the chest sending Lalaith flying[/i] Lalaith: [i]Coughing he slowly gets up[/i] Whats wrong with you.... Anakin: [i]charges at him lightsaber ready to strike[/i] Lalaith: NO anakin.....
  16. Look the way I see it is WW3 is coming fast. The Middle east is just a time bomb ready to explode. And with the US interfering its not making matters any better ( Not sayingwe are wrong for helping). I think its gonna happen pretty soon within the next 20 years my guess would be, god lets hope not, maybe we can avoid it like when did When the Cold War came around. But we must rememer with better weapons comes better defense, personally I feel decently safe in America. I mean if we would wake up we could be extremely fortified what iwth the two oceans and allys north and south of us. *shrugs* If WW3 happens Einstein will be proven right. Who knows what it will be faught with but WW4 will be faught with sticks and stones...
  17. Subconscious~~ Lalaith: We can feel if something is wrong, and we can feel eachothers joy or pain. We can talk...as you see.... Mara: Oh... Lalaith: Wait..what the hell....theres a bright light ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lalaith: [i]Snaps awake in-time to see Anakin draw his lightsaber[/i] ANAKIN!! WHat are you doing? Anakin: All Jedi shall die! [i]swings his lightsaber down at Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: [i]Dodges the attack[/i] WHat are you doing! I thought we were [i]dodges another attack[/i] Friends!! Palpatine: He is the perfect soldier no remorse!! [i]Laughs[/i] Lalaith: [i]Dodges another attack[/i] Anakin stop now!! You can!! Anakin: You must be destroyed! [i]Swings his lightsaber[/i] Lalaith: [i]trys to dodge but get slashed across the arm. Winces[/i] Come on anakin!
  18. Lalaith: This isn't good...Lauren and Ellsa you can hold your own here! and if you can't run like hell!! Samantha went after you too and she isn't anywhere to be seen!! [i]Runs off towards the East[/i] Samantha!! [i]Turns a corner and sees the Nazgul charging Samantha with two swords[/i] I don't call that fair!! [i]Runs out into the clearing blocking on of the swords and knocking it out of the wraiths hand[/i] Need alittle help??
  19. Lalaith: [i]Continues running off on the trail he had found[/i] I should be gettng close! [i] Looks around and sees all the spider webs[/i] This isn't good....[i]Finally notices the cart[/i] Hey you freaks! Over here! [i]Waves his arms in the air trying to get the guards' attention[/i] Gaurds: What the...get him! Lalaith: [i]Runs out into the woods then appears again next to the cart with the keys[/i] Hey Ellsa!
  20. Lalaith: [i]Falls down gasping for breath[/i] Palpatine: Join now or die!! Lalaith: You...won't kill me.....Anakin would rebel! You need me still!! Palpatine: Smart you are...I can still make you suffer!! [i]Sends electricty through his hands again[/i] Lalaith: [i]Screams in agony[/i] You won't break me!! [i]Shoves Palpatine back with the force[/i]...never! [i]gasps for breath. Stands up for two seconds then falls down limp, he blacks out[/i]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]I am soooo happy! After one failed attempt I finally got my drivers license yesterday! [/B][/QUOTE] Hey congrats man! I can't wait till I get mine! I will get my learners permit soon! Gotta love my state of Kansas, 14 year olds driving. GOD I LOVE IT! [quote][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta[/i] [b]I live out in the country far from any police. Me and my friend went cruising and my car is FAST. On an 1/8-1/4 mile stretch we hit 120 miles per hour. It's a black 97' Dodge Avenger with a sunroof. It's got a 2.5 liter Mitsibushi engine, an awesome exhaust system, and a good stereo system.[/b][/quote] Be careful now the country may be fun, but if its gravel road one slip and you're in a ditch. I should know..*sweatdrops* Don't ask....Awesome care tho...wish I had a car like that.....I just got myself a Bronco tho so I'm happy...:whoops:
  22. Palpatine: [i]As the lightning from his fingers drain down[/i] As I said before! Join me or DIE!!! Lalaith: [i]gasping for breath. Winces [/i] As...I...said before...I won't betray MARA!!! Palpatin: Ah...but you'll betray Anakin, one of your own.... Lalaith: He..isn't like me! I'm not evil!! Palpatine: [i]Grins[/i] Oh are you not? [i]Shoots more electricty out of his hands.[/i] Lalaith: [i]screams[/i] I WON'T!
  23. Clone: [i]Attempts to put a black robe on Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: [i]Throws the clone with the force[/i] I go as I am!! Palpatine: [i]Palpatine slowly walks in draped in black[/i] Let him be, we will still talk. Clones:[i]nod and run off[/i] Palpatine: Its a pleasure to see you again lalaith, I was afraid you died.. Lalaith: [i]stares at Palpatine with anger in his eyes. Reaches for his lightsaber to find it missing[/i] Palpatine: Ah...both of you are to much alike. Just alittle insurance that you wont try to kill me. Lalaith: I am nothing like Anakin! I will not betray Mara! [ [i]Good let the anger out....let it seeth through your veigns, let the universe know your pain[/i] ] Palpatine: [i]Smirks[/i] Lalaith: It was you! You were in our heads! You were the one that attacked Mara! You were the one that has been torturing poor Anakin! YOU! Palpatine: Well I wouldn't put it that way, but yes...
  24. Lalaith: Anakin..no...not you too.... [i]Anakin walks in just then still dressed in the blac k robe[/i] Clone: alright your turn! [i]Pushes lalaith towards the door[/i] Lalaith: [i]Before walking out[/i] How could you Anakin! You betrayed everyone! You betrayed me! You even betrayed Padme!
  25. Lalaith: [i]watches the 3 Jedi's think[/i] The man, didn't sound like he wanted alliances. He wanted toys! Dooku and Darth Sidious wouldn't be used! Yoda: Weak Minded the dark side is... Lalaith: [i]nods[/i]....
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