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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. [i]The three of htem fight furiously again. The lights in the ship are very dim now, because several of the wires have been cut from this battle.[/i] Lalaith: You won't win! [i]parries one of his blows[/i] The Man: I alread have! [i]Sticks out his hand to throw lalaith[/i] Lalaith: Thats not going to work! [i]concentrates and makes the mans hand shoot down[/i] See! [i]smirks and continues on[/i] Zach:[i]Also fighting with new vigor is also making it hard for this man to do anything...
  2. Clone: [i]Sets Lalaith's limp body on the ground next to Anakin[/i] Anakin: Lalaith...you ok.... Lalaith:...... Anakin: [i]Slightly kicks Lalaith trying to wake him[/i] Lalaith: [i]Finally comes too looking around[/i] What happened... Anakin: I dun't know but judging from the looks of it you kicked some major clone butt! Lalaith: [i]nods and rubs his head[/i] Where is Mara?
  3. Lalaith: [i]gets up slowly[/i] Blast it! [i]Trys moving the object blockign them off[/i]...LAUREN run!! [i]Concentrates on the object and budges it slightly but thats all he succeedes on...falls down holding his head[/i]
  4. Palpatine: [i]Walks down[/i] AH young Lalaith I see you came to visit... Lalaith: [i]Spits at his shoes[/i] Proves how weak you are! Palpatine: How dare you dis-respect me! [i]shoots lighting out of his hands shocking every bone in Lalaith's body[/i] Lalaith: [i]Screams then stops[/i] You won't win...[i]Falls to his knees in pain[/i] Palpatine: Oh but I already ahve young Jedi...[i]Hits him with the butt of his own lightsaber knocking him out[/i] Put him on the ship...
  5. Lalaith: [i]re-draws his lightsaber as he runs[/i] I told her! [i]does a flip and begins battleing Ryowa[/i] Zach and Ginco: [i]Draw their lightsabers and run towards the now going battle against Lalaith and Ryowa[/i] Lalaith: [i]Filled with new vigor he fights faster and harder than before[/i] Not as easy as you thought am I!!! [i]The other two Jedi's join in the fight[/i]
  6. Lalaith: [i]Opens the cell as and lets ginco out[/i] I will not let you die here...I am staying! Lauren: GO NOW!! Lalaith: [i]Keeps his Lightsaber out[/i] No...
  7. Lalaith: [i]Continues fighting them, he has already killed countless clones[/i] ARGH! [i]Gets shot in the arm[/i] Clones: [i]Surround him and take his weapon then shackle his hands and arms together with re-inforced steel[/i] Palpatine himself will deal with you!! [i]On the intercom[/i] Sir palpatine...we have captured the lone Jedi you were talking about.. Palpatine: gooodd....I will be there soon to pick him up... Clone: Yes sir... Lalaith: Let me go! Clone: No chance in that! Lalaith: [i]Sighs and his hopes fall lower as he sees Palpatines ship landing[/i]
  8. Lalaith: [i]Holds in a defensive position[/i] Lauren your arrogance is gonna get you killed! YOu know as well as any of us that you can't take him alone! Zach: [i]Sighs[/i] He is telling the truth..
  9. Lalaith: [i]Hears the explosions[/i] Anakin! The gungans! Master Kenobi!! PADME!! NOOOO!!!! [ [i]Thats right...you let down your friends...everyone...[/i] ] Lalaith: NO!!! Mara: [i]Finally awakens[/i] Lalaith: Mara go to the Jedi Council Naboo is now under attack! GO NOW!!! Mara: What about you?! Lalaith: Don't worry abuot me! This planet is too preciouse to be destroyed! GO NOW!!!! [i]Draws his lightsaber and runs out of the hole to see the clones destroying the world[/i]...you.....PALPATINEE!!!! [i]Seething with anger he feels that his own master kenobi has fallen. He runs towards the clones striking down the few that get in his way and are not paying atention[/i] [ [i]Yes let the anger flow[/i] ] Lalaith: LEAVE ME ALONE!! [i]Strikes down more clones[/i] LEAVE THIS PLANET ALONE!! Yoda: Death and anger I sense....Lalaith is in the middle...Kenobi hurt he is....Fighitng with fear and anger Lalaith is...good this is not...
  10. Lalaith: If you are in my head how did you do this to her! Wait your the one! You are trying to corrupt and Anakin! Leave mara out of this! What did she do?! [i]Spins around crazily[/i] [ [i]Thats for me to know and you to find out all too soon[/i] ] Lalaith :TELL Me NOW!!
  11. Lalaith: [i]Throws his fist at Ryowa throwing him back slightly[/i] Ryowa: That was not smart young Jedi! [i]SHoots his hand out sending him flying[/i] Lalaith: [i]Lands[/i]...Ohh...man....[i]Sees that Zach can't take him by himself runs and blocks one of the lightsabers that Zach couldn't block. COntinues to fight him[/i]
  12. Lalaith: What do you mean! Where in the world are you!! [i]looks around trying to protect her[/i] You won't hurt her! Geno: Hurt her? Look at yourself,.... Lalaith: what is that supposed to mean!! [i]waves his lightsaber around trying to get some light to see the man[/i] Show yourself!
  13. Lalaith: [i]Head whips back in shock as the pain from mara shoots into him[/i] M...a...r...a..!!! NO! [i]Runs faster and eventually finds the speeder[/i] Well that doesn't help much...[i]Looks around and sees nothing but flat land..walks abit more and falls through a hidden hole...[/i] Geno: So we have a visitor... Lalaith: Mara! [i]Runs to her and sees she blacked out[/i]...What did you do to HER!!!
  14. OOC: Gotenks read our posts..... Lalaith: [i]Rubs is head[/i] Hey Lauren you ok... Lauren: Yeah... Lalaith: Well I dun't know if we can escape but we can make him regret he has us...everytime we see him throw him with the force!
  15. Lalaith: [i]Pushes the man back temproarily stunning him with the force[/i] Lauren:[i]Jumps in swinging her lightsaber, he has barely enough time to block, her blow sends his lightsaber flying[/i] Lalaith: [i] Uses the force and makes the lightsaber comes to him. He holds both the lightsabers[/i] Give up....Ginco lets drive this sucker back home!
  16. Lalaith: [i]Spots the ship finally and lands on it[/i] [color=blue] You know you woulnd't be able to escape! When I distract you guys run![/color] [i]Draws his lightsaber and cuts into the ship and drops down into the ship looking around wearily[/i] Com out come out whereever you are! Man: You truly are pathetic! [i]Lights his lightsaber[/i] Lalaith: Aw do you feel alone with your own ugly self [i]Grins and blocks the mans first attack[/i] [color=blue] GO GET LAUREN AND YOURSELF OUT NOW![/color]
  17. lalaith: [i]Lights his lightsaber[/i] funny because I was just thinking that you were supposed to give up your power years ago. Palpatine: Oh well alittle confident now are we.... Lalaith: Shut up you sith! [i]Gets in a fighting stance[/i] Why don't you show us what you can do...or are you to weak...[i]grins[/i].....Mara....[i]Looks around[/i] Hey where in the world is Mara....Damn...[i]Turns off his lightsaber[/i] I'll get you later Palpatine!! [i]Runs off the direction the speeder went[/i]
  18. Lalaith: [i]Sits there a second[/i]....I can't let my friends go..... Yoda: Stay you will.... Lalaith: Forgive me masters!! [i]Runs jumps into a speeder and speeds off[/i] [color=blue]Thinks: Lauren Ginco...if you can hear me tell me![/color]
  19. Lalaith: [i]Sees Palpatine as they drive by the city[/i] Arn't we going to stop?! Driver: No sir... Lalaith: But Palpatines over there!!![i]Jumps out of the speeder and rolls for a few feet...gets up slowly and walks towards Palpatine[/i] PALPATINE!!!!!!
  20. Lalaith: But! windu: No buts young padawa get out! Lalaith: [i]sighs[/i] Yes master...[i]slowly steps out[/i] But what about Ginco! Yoda: Trust Master Kenobi I do, learn your emotions you should.... Lalaith: [i]Watches as Lauren speeds off[/i]....May the force be with you...[i]sits down helpless[/i]
  21. Lalaith: [i]Helps mara into the speeder then gets in[/i] Palpatine.... Mara: What is he doing here? Lalaith: Un-doubtadly trying to en-slave Naboo, and its not happening on my watch!! [i]Holds his lightsaber ready[/i]
  22. Lalaith: No!! [i]Trys to hold the ship (with the force) back as it begins to fly off[/i] You arn't going to take him...[i]Struggles[/i] The Man: [i]Laughs and kicks the boosters on sending the ship flying[i] Lalaith: GINCO!!! [i]Runs towards one of the speeders[/i] Mace: Padawa get back here now!
  23. Lalaith: [i]Gets up slowly[/i] Ginco are you ok!!! [i]Walks over to him and checks his pulse...sighs a breaf sigh of relief[/i] He's ok but he is knocked out... Lauren: [i]Nods[/i] Lalaith: [i]Looks at Ginco and looks at the struggling Jedi's...slowly becomes angry[/i] Noone...does that...to...my...FRIENDS!! [i]Shoots his hand out and sends the man flying[/i]
  24. Lalaith: [i]Slowly gets up[/i] I did it once I can do it again! [i]Concentrates on his hands and a green lightsaber forms in his hands[/i] Thats it! [i]Runs up to the battle waiting for the right time to attack[/i] You ok Lauren?? Lauren: [i]Nods[/i] Yeah just a bit sore.... Lalaith: How bout you Ginco?? Ginco: [i]Nods[/i] Lalaith: [i]Smirks[/i] Then lets show these people what we're made of! [i]Gets in a fighting stance[/i]
  25. Lalaith: Blast it! Why can't I have a lightsaber! [i]The man obviously looks stronger than Yoda[/i] lalaith: Why arn't you goign to help master! Yoda can't defeat this man alone! THe Man: [i]While battleing shoots his hand towards Lalaith and he goes flying into a wall[/i] Shut up....I will deal with you pathetic beings next! Lalaith: [i]lies against the wall half conciouse[/i] uhh....you won't beat Yoda and Master Windu!
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