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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Lalaith: [i]Shakes his head snapping out of his daze[/i] I will not kill Obi-Wan he was like a father to me and still is! [color=red]You will do what you must do![/color] Lalaith: NO!! [i]shakes his head and looks at Anakin[/i] Anakin? Anakin: [i]His face is covered with pain, anger and hate[/i]
  2. Lalaith: [i]instinctivly reached for his lightsabre before realizing it wasn't there[/i] Blast it....who the heck is he?! Windu: [i]Draws his lightsaber ready to attack[/i] Lalaith: You fool tell them who you are!
  3. [i]Master Winu and Lalaith arrive at the docking bay too[/i] Lalaith: [i]Smiles[/i] So we arn't the only ones to show up...[i]Grins to Lauren[/i] Windu: Do you feel that too Yoda? Yoda: Feel it I do.... Lalaith: [i]Looks at both of them confused[/i] Feel what?
  4. Lalaith: [i]Stands there and stares at them...trembles for alittle bit then falls down to his knees and begins to cry[/i] What in the world is wrong with me.... [color=red]Good....let all the emotions out....anger hate suffering let them out...[/color] Lalaith: I'm....I'm sorry Anakin....and to you to Obi-wan....
  5. Lalaith: [i]Marches into where they are seated[/i] Look you said yourself I can't become a Jedi, and you know I can't help w/o being a jedi!! Obi-wan: You can do other things!! You don't have to be a Jedi!! Lalaith: [i]Glares at him[/i] Fine if your mind is so set on making me become something other than a Jedi then HERE!! [i]Slams his lightsaber on the table and walks off hiding his face[/i] ooc; Since your posts they have all been afterwards...
  6. OOC: YOu really like doing that don't you >.< Lol hold up gotta type otu a new one... ------------- Lalaith: I told you Kenobi I'm not going to stop!! Obi-Wan: Look padawa! This girl has clouded your mind, and Anakin isn't helping! You cuold still be a jedi! Lalaith: [i]Turns around eyes full of hate again[/i] I SAID DON'T CALL ME THAT!! I have no chance of being a Jedi you heard Yoda....[i]Sighs[/i]
  7. Lalaith: [i]Walks off staring at the ground thinking. Comes upon a bueatiful lake and lays on the shore[/i] Why won't the let me...why must he treat me like this.... mysteriouse voice: Because he is weak....you're much stronger than him... Lalaith: [i]Sits up[/i] Who said that!? Voice: You will learn soon, just remember you are stronger than he is....
  8. Lalaith: [i]Clutches if fists with anger trying not to explode at Kenobi[/i] You said I am not going to become a Jedi....don't call me padawa.....ever.....again....and I mean....EvER!!!....[i]He begins to tremble with anger and he looks out the window[/i] driver: We're 'ear! Lalaith: [i]Walks out cutting Obi-Wan off [/i]
  9. Sui Generis


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I like the old P.O.D. stuff, the songs they released before this latest album, like the song "School of Hard Knocks" or whatever it was called. And then the party techno song, too...it was pretty darn cool....but they're new stuff, Gawl, it is so overplayed and I hate that... -_-[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I agree with you their old stuff was MUCH better....I love "School of Hard Knocks"
  10. Lalaith: [i]Runs in the direction he thinks she disappeared[/i] Hm...where could she be...[i]Crouches on the ground and begins tracking them...sees the bag then the cart marks.[/i] Hey everyone over here they went East! [i]notches his bow as he waits for everyone to join up[/i]
  11. Lalaith: [i] Turning his head so he doesn't look at obi-wan[/i] Man I can't wait to arrive at Naboo, I heard it is very romantic there don't you think Mara.......[i]Makes sure he defiantly looks at Obi-Wan after talking with mara for a bit[/i] Driver: We will be arriving soon... Lalaith: [i]Nods[/i] So Obi-Wan why did you come with us? obi-wan: [i]Sits there shocked[/i] Thats Master Kenobi to you..young padawa....
  12. Lol yeah sorry if it offended you or someting at that minute I was too lazy to type it all out...^^....Dang officially we only have like 3 people unless the other people who posted joined without saying any of their stats...o.O
  13. Sui Generis


    You may like the CD its pretty good. I dun really care for P.O.D tho...its too I dun't know.....fake...I guess....some of the songs on there are pretty cool tho...:whoops:
  14. lalaith: Master Windu could I get a new lightsaber soon? [i]They stroll around the Jedi temple[/i] Windu: [i]Smiles[/i] Patience young padawa...patience.... Lalaith: [i] Looks outside the window[/i] Hey master...what type of ship is that....its not of the Republic.... Windu: [i]Looks at the ship with the same curiosity as lalaith[/i] I'm not sure youn padawa lets go have a look....
  15. Lalaith: [i]Clenches his fist then lets go[/i] Very well I suppose you are right....[i]Sighs[/i] Its just...I could be a jedi they just...[i]Sighs again[/i] Anakin: [i]Walks in[/i] I am sorry to hear the news young Lalaith, you had much potential.... Lalaith: [i]Without turnin he nods[/i] Thank you Anakin, if I shall not become a Jedi, I shall not follow their customs...you'll have to get used to me not calling you master skywalker...
  16. Lalaith: Master Windu....the Master Windu....[i]Bows[/i] Thank you master Windu..[i]Trys making his face seem emotionless, with anything but success[/i] Mace: [i]Smiles and looks at young Lalaith's lightsaber and sees it sparking slightly[/i] You seem to have....overly used your lightsaber padawa.... Lalaith: [i]Looks down at his Lightsaber...[/i] Sorry master....I enjoy practicing...it seems I no longer will be...tho
  17. Lalaith: [i]Turns around with a angered expression[/i] No you haven't..[i]Smiles[/i] Not at all....I don't need them anymore...[i]His expression again becomes fixed with anger[/i] From day one they ddin't want to train me....Because of my father, thats what they say.... Master Kenobi took me in as a son and trained me anyway, but now he has turned against me...The only people I have now.....are you...and master Skywalker....He understands me....[i]Turns and looks back out the window, clutching his lightsaber[/i]
  18. Lalaith: [i]Gets back in a fighting stance with his lightsaber[/i] Not as weak as I thought..... Lauren: [i]Smirks and charges[/i] Lalaith: [i]side steps her blow and turns around ready to strike her in the back[/i] Obi-Wan: Enough... Lauren and Lalaith: [i]Sigh and sheath their lightsabers[/i] Yoda: [i]Comes slowly in[/i] Strong you two are. Learn to control your emotions you will...
  19. Lalaith: [i]After killing his last clone, he walks over to Mara and tends to her cut[/i] Yoda: Alot of anger I sense in you young Ril.... Lalaith: [i]Clenches his fist and trys to ignore Yoda as he works on Mara's arm[/i] Yoda: Decision I have made. Become a Jedi you will not.... Lalaith: [i] Doesn't say anything and hides his face as a silent tear streaks down his face....finishes her arm, gets up and bows to Yoda[/i] ....Y...Yes master yoda....[i]Starts walking out of the meeting room[/i]
  20. Lalaith: [i]Got up slowly[/i] You did not just do that......[i]Lifts his hand up and lunges it out sending lauren flying[/i] Yoda: Strong these two are.... Obi-wan: Yes, they need to learn to control their emotions tho... Yoda: True that is....... lalaith: [i]Still holds his hand up suspending Lauren against the wall[/i] Give up now...
  21. Lalaith: [i]Falls down still in shock, then seeing her on the ground he comes to his sense. He grabs his lightsaber and deflects attacks going towards her[/i] Mara are you ok!? [i]Be-heads one of the clones....[/i] Come on Mara talk to me... Mara: [i]Smirks[/i] I'm fine...just alittle....damaged rigth now....[i]Smirks again[/i] Lalaith: [i]nods and smiles[/i] Thanks....[i]Gets filled with anger that they shot her and begins killing the clones un-mercifully[/i]
  22. Lalaith: [i]Swings his lightsaber at her[/i] Lauren: [i]Blocks it with ease and begins pushing his lightsaber baack[/i] Foolish move! Lalaith: [i]Grins[/i] FOrgive me....[i]Kicks her in the stomach then when she hits the ground he puts his lightsaber about an inch from her neck[/i] I win...
  23. Lalaith: ....women....[i]walks out the other direction, killing clones when the come his way[/i] Anakin: Padawa wait up! Lalaith: [i]turns around, and speaks with a softer toungue[/i] What? Anakin: Go say your sorry to her...you love her....[i]Smiles[/i] Lalaith:....you'r right....master skywalker....[i]starts fighting his way to Mara[/i]
  24. Lalaith: [i]Walks into the Gym with Lauren[/i] So you think your up to it? lauren: Yes of course! Lalaith: Should I go easy? [i]Laughs[/i] chances are you will probably win.... Lauren: [i]smirks and atttacks[/i]
  25. Lalaith: [i]Smirks defiantly[/i] Are we going to sit here or are we going to take action....Forgive me but this is geting rather boring....[i]Walks out of the room grabbing his lightsabe[/i] I have some things to deal with...
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