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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Lalaith: [i]Holds his lightsaber[/i] Yeah I am ready....how about you....[i]Smirks[/i]
  2. Lalaith: Besides if love was weakness I would not have surpassed you! [i]Smirks[/i]
  3. Lalaith: [i]Stood up slowly[/i] There are more than a couple reasons. But lets just look at this on the side of all Jedi. The Jedi are dwindling in numbers, even with your new load of trainees the numbers are lower than ever, and look what is happening the Senate and Republic may now be gone forever....
  4. Lalaith: [i]Moans as the blurry images and far silent voices become clear. Hears what Mara said....clutches his wrist[/i] Master Yoda....I can become a Jedi! Just because I love! [i]Everyone is stunned realizing that he was awake[/i] Lalaith: I have the skills, I have the will, and I have the passion, you can't desert me because of one flaw! [i]Sits up wincing[/i]
  5. OOC: Yeah tis what I ment....
  6. Yoda: Set young Lalaith over here.... Anakin: [i]Sets down the un-counciouse padawa[/i] Do you think he could be a Jedi... Obi-Wan: No....he is too full of hate and love right now....He will never become a Jedi.... Yoda: Speak truth Master Kenobi does.... Mara: But did you see him back there! He save many peoples lives! Yoda: Clouded his mind is.... OOC: What other players....Lauren and Boba can't post till its night tonight (RP time that is) and the other guys haven't posted...in forever
  7. Yoda: Good as new your arm will be! Lalaith: [i]Moves his shoulder and arm[/i] Thank you master yoda....[i]Turns to teh doctor and bows[/i] And thank you! I guess I'm loosing my touch...Master Yoda when will Ginco and I be accepted as aprrentices?? OOC: Sorry I changed it abit I not an apprentice like Aries :whoops:
  8. Lalaith: [i]Looks at his leg and then looks up at Mara[/i] Thank....you....[i]Falls un-counciouse[/i]
  9. Lalaith: I said leave....now.....[i]Throws her into Obi-Wan with the force then struggles to gain conciousness[/i] Protect her! HOoded man: You have faught harder than I thought young Jedi! [i]Grabs the lightsaber from off the ground[/i] You will be funner to kill..... Lalaith: [i]Stares at the man helplessly[/i] Go....ahead....and....try...
  10. Lalaith: [i]Turns his neck to see her[/i] Mara! [i]Sees a dead Jedi's lightsaber[/i] Forgive me master jedi....[i]Concentrates on it and it flys to him, he then turns it on killing the clones who were taking him prisoner. [/i] Mara! [i]Runs towards her and tackles the hooded figure, begins wrestling with the figure[/i] Mara get out of here! Hide something quick! [i]Gets kneed in the stomach[/i]
  11. Lalaith: [i]Looks around[/i] Mmmmaaarrrrraaaaa!! Where are you! [i]Suddenly another 12 clones come out[/i] Where in the world did you come from! [i]trys to fight them off, but is too distracted by thinkin about Mara that he eventually gets captured[/i] Master Anakin!! Help!! [i]struggles looks at this lightsaber on the floor[/i] Clone: [i]Takes him down stairs and starts draggin him through the battle[/i] Lalaith: [i]struggles[/i] Master anakin helP!!
  12. "Its premiere here for Attack of the clones, but outside is the real show. Return of the Nerds." Thats great!! "Alright you're dressed as a huge....nerd" Oh man I love it! "Un-believable in all these nerds I found an actually girl!!" "Oh...look at you....Arn't you a bueaty.....Which parent made you do this?" "Look at this! Look at this! Its a nerd from another demension!" "Burger King the place where all Dragon Masters eat!"
  13. Lalaith: [i]Looks down at Master Anakin [/i] I can't very well find her by myself, and master Kenobi....he doesn't understand me! [i]Runs down to Master Skywalker,[/i] Are you ok Master Skywalker? Anakin: Yes I am thank you young Padawa.... Lalaith: Can you help me find Mara...I mean Senator Heartlock... Obi-Wan: [i]runs up and sees Lalaith talking to Anakin[/i] Young Padawa get over here right now! Lalaith: [i]Turns and stares at Obi-Wan[/i]......No......Master Anakin I would appreciate your help.... Mace Windu: Young padawa listen to your Jedi advisor! Lalaith: NO! Stay away!! [i]Runs back up the stairs looking for Mara[/i]
  14. Lalaith: MARA!! [i]Runs and dodges clones running towards where she disappeared[/i] MARA!!! [i]Spins around looking for her[/i] Clone: Freeze! Lalaith: Shut up! [i]Throws the clone with the force[/i] MARA!! [i]Runs up the stairs looking for her[/i]
  15. Lalaith: [i]continues to sparr with Ginco. When he hears the word alone he turns to see what happened[/i] Ginco: [i]Not realizing Lalaith looked away he swung down towards lalaith's arm then realizing he was looking away tried to move his lightsaber in time.[/i] Lalaith: [i]Screams as the Lightsaber cuts a chunk out of his shoulder. Falls to his knees holding his arm[/i] Ginco: Lalaith! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean too!! I'm...I'm really sorry! Lalaith: [i]Continues holding his arm[/i] Ginco not your fault...I looked away, and was distracted.... ooc: Btw aries I also have a blue lightsaber ;)...I dunno know if I read it right or not but it seemed like you said I had Green...oh well now I have green...heh :)
  16. Lalaith: [i]Stands infront of Mara[/i] PALPATINE!!!!!!!!!! [i]Everyone silences and turns and looks at Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: You said after the clone wars you would return your power! You know very well that this respectable senate will not go along with the sith! The sith seek nothing but hate, death, and pain! Palpatine: Young Jedi I suggest you hold your toungue... Lalaith: Make me....you...you....old corrupted hag! Palpatine: Thats it....I had hope for you as well!! [i]Points to a group of 12 clones[/i] You! Go get him... Lalaith: UH....oh.....um...Mara....this isn't gonna be fun.....[i]hands her a blaster[/i] In-case I don't come back you can protect yourself....And besides considering there are Sith's Master Kenobi might be here....[i]Jumps and lands on the ground facing the 12 clones[/i]
  17. Lalaith: [i]Leans over and whispers into Mara's ear[/i] "This is not wise...causing such an up-roar would make it easier for someone to kill you..." Mara: [i]Leans over to Lalaith and whispers in his ear[/i] "I must do what I need to do to save this Republic!" Lalaith: [i]Nods[/i] "Very well" [i]Holds his lightsaber tightly looking around the room. Sees Master Anakin walking into the Meeting room on the floor[/i] "What in the world.."
  18. Heh figures its only us on right now for the RPG.....we have no lives ;) ------------------- Lalaith: Oh...Master...Anakin [i]Bows[/i] I didn't know you would be here today... Anakin: Are you disappointed that I showed young padawa? Lalaith: No...no master...not at all....just suprised...but happy non-the less....Oh and I must apologize for Master Kenobi's attitude towards you lately...I dun't know whats wrong... Anakin: Its ok Kenobi is just jelouse...who's the girl with you.. Lalaith: Oh...oh...this is Senator Mara Heartlock forgive me for not introducing her to you Master Skywalker.... Anakin: [i]Laughs[/i] Settled down Lalaith, don't worry if your test goes as well as mine we shall be a strong pair of Jedi's! Lalaith: [i]Bows[/i] Thank you master skywalker...but we must be going the meeting will start soon..[i]Bows again[/i] M'lady! [i]Lets Mara walk in front of him, scanning the area for any suspiciouse people holding his lightsaber firm under his cloack[/i]
  19. Lalaith: [i]Pulls up to the senate meeting house, opens the door for her with his lightsaber in hand[/i] Now remember stay close and be aware of your surroundings... Mara: I know I'm a senator not a child.. Lalaith: [i]Looks at her confused[/i] Mara: [i]Smiles[/i] Well what are you waiting for lets get in there before they start without us... Lalaith: [i]Nods[/i] Yes m'layd [i]bows[/i] Let us be going [i]They begin to walk down the long hall[/i]
  20. Lalaith: [i]Stares wide eyed at the ground. Turns the speeder on and they begin to fly to the senate meeting. Clears his throat and trys to sound professional.[/i] Keep your eyes open I can't see everything...just most...so be alert and keep your wits up at all costs! Mara: [i]Smiles[/i] Yes Master Ril... Lalaith: [i]Stares at her[/i] How did you know my name....you called me master? But I'm just a padawa...
  21. OOC: Nah schratn just having some fun ;) Sorry bout posting behind ya won't happen again :) ------------------------- Lalaith: [i]Smiles and looks at her[/i] "See much better" [i]Looks at her again blushes and turns his face quickly[/i] As I was saying...I will be by your side all the time..so don't be too nervouse... Mara: [i]Giggles[/i] Good... Lalaith: [i]opens the door for her[/i] Is it allowed for a Jedi to do this in your planet?
  22. OOC: Yeah I know schratn I getting to that...you kinda just ignored what we did and woke up before we went to sleep oh well ------- Lalaith: [i]Walks out the door and smiles...He stands gaurd through the night[/i] Mara: [i]Walks out the door and gives a start to see Lalaith standing there[/i] Lalaith: Morning m'lady the meeting is in 45 minutes a speeder is waiting for you! [i]bows[/i]
  23. Lalaith: [i]Stood up[/i] "Well m'lady it is getting late you will need your strenght for the morning...I had a great time talking to you..you should go to bed" Mara:[i]GIggles[/i] You sound like a mother Lalaith: [i]Grins[/i]Sorry m'lady..
  24. Heh whatever...I think I've got my point across...but your alittle too stubborn to listen....so you know what...forget it...this is really pathetic...
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