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Everything posted by Sui Generis
OH so I have the problems....I'm not the one who is beating people up and getting in fights cuz he is "angry"...learn to control your emotions...untill you have been beatin and sexual harrased by your father you have no clue what anger is!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KabukiOwari [/i] [B]lol....aint it funny to start a fight not the jedi way....huh?....well vader seems to do alot of that.....and u guys dont get it i tried not to fight... but...its harder than u think...u cant keep ur anger built up or we will have another columbine... and like we need another of those....so shut ur mouthes and sit on it.....hahaha [/B][/QUOTE] That is not true...I have held my anger in for a very long time...that doesn't mean I shall go out and kick someone's butt...I have had many chances and never have...its about self control...learn some...And please don't use referances to something you have no clue what you are talking about...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KabukiOwari [/i] [B]"Fighting is for the weak minded."said by TN u cant avoid fighting all ur life.....sooner or later all the anger that is built up inside will just explode and you will go off on people for no reason or you will get so mad at one person then BAM!?....so if u say that than u are the weak minded one because u dont kno how life and people are! [/B][/QUOTE] What he said was true....Fighting is for the weak minded....If the only thing you can do when you are angry is to hurt someone else then your mind is clouded and weak...Anger does not constitute for the pain of another. People who resort to violence towards others don't know anything but pain, beating someone up does not help you at all. It fills you with more anger, more depression, more pain...do something else...try writing...Fighting is not the answere.... And did you notice he was the first to give way....anger destroys you...he knew that....he would rather die then be filled with anger....damn I'm good:whoops:
yeah like everyone said Awesom poems Ash! They are great....yu should post that little thing that Britty read to me...that article or whatever...that was great!
Lalaith: "I'm not totally sure....I was pretty much just left on the steps of the senate...Master Obi-Wan found me and has brought me up like a father....They believe I was from some planet not in the senate...but who knows.." [i]takes another bite out of his apple[/i] And where exactly are you from and how did you become a senator?
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: Great,....Nazgul...why must we have something chasing us!! Lauren: [i]Chuckles slightly[/i] Well lets hit it...which way? Lalaith: [i]Looks around and sees the shadowed figures approaching, puts out the fire...Grabs Laurens hand[/i] Everyone hold onto each other we won't be able to see for abit...follow me! [i]Runs south-east[/i] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]raises his hand[/i] Question!! Lauren: What... Lalaith: Who in the world is Hathor? And why is he following us.....and why the heck did he sneak up on us at night....he's freakign crazy! Lucky I didn't shoot him! -
Writing My poetry... (kinda dark and demented)
Sui Generis replied to Biida's topic in Creative Works
MUHAHAHA I knew it!! See Britty now you are getting published too!! -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Wakes up and draws his sword putting it next to the elf's throat before realizing its an elf[/i] Abob: Lalaith...its an elf....settle down.... Lalaith: Oh....sorry...[i]sheathes the sword[/i] Heh...my fault my name's Lalaith whats yours? [i]Holds out his hand to shake the mysteriouse elf's hand[/i] -
Lalaith: [i]Nods[/i] "I will see if Master Kenobi will be with me tommorrow, that will be the most likely time of assasination.." Mara: [i]Nods and smiles[/i] "Very well" Lalaith: You hungy? Mara: Actually yes I am... Lalaith: [i]Nods and two apples float over to them, hands her one[/i] "There ya go" Mara: "So you like to show off too eh?" [i]Smiles[/i] Lalaith:[i]bites into his apple[/i] '"Nah I just like practicing..so what is your proposal anyways??"
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Sits there for a second[/i] I think I shall move to Rivendale...find a good home for Nev, maybe even adopt her...I have other plans too...[i]Goes back to eating, keepign his face towards the bowl[/i] -
Lalaith: Master...what is wrong....you are angered over something...I have never seen this emotion in you.... Obi-Wan: Its nothing.... Lalaith: [i]Nods[/i] Very well master....uh master....I have requested to the council for us to protect a certain senator...Mara Heartlock..[i]Bows and gets ready for his master to yell at him[/i] Obi-wan: Very well....this will be your test, I will do nothing un-less a sith lord comes.... Lalaith:[i]nods and smiles[/i] Very well master I shall go gaurd her room then...[i]Runs off enthusiatic[/i] Obi-Wan: Padawas...[i]shakes his head and grins[/i] Lalaith: M'lady Heartlock [i]bows as he comes into her room[/i]
Lalaith:[i]Quickly runs to the meeting sheathing his lightsaber[/i] Oh...great.....[i]All the Jedi's are walking out as he slides in the meeting hall[/i] Mace Windu: So glad you joined us.... Lalaith: Uh Master Windu...I'm uh sorry...I was held up... Mace Windu: We know....next time don't lie...we will get to the bottom of this attempt...Now take the senator and servent with you and go to the Jedi council we will talk about you protecting her...
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Sheathes his sword[/i] Thats good news [i]Hops out of the tree and smiles, landing gracefully[/i] We'll leave tommorrow at dawn then? OOC: Oh *sweatdrops* Yeah sorry I'm just finishing the first book... -
Lalaith: [i]Busts into the room pulling out his lightsaber seeing the Jedi[/i] Ma...master Anakin? Is that you?? [i]Hears the scream and runs into the other room[/i] Hooded Man: Ah a young jedi here to save the senator how charming....[i]Holds the knife to Learia's throat[/i] Now choose....Senator or Servant...Of course choose the senator she is worth more....the servant is nothing... Lalaith: [i]Watches him impatiently[/i] Drop the knife now! Hooded Man: Very well [i]Smirks. Drops the knife and pushes Lalaith against the wall with the force[/i] Lalaith: [i]Slowly gets up[/i] You did not just do that! Hooded Man: Oh yes I did...I have better things to do! Come 'ere padawa! [i]The Jedi comes from the other room[/i] Finish this pathetic jedi then kill the senator and servant! Lalaith: [i]Holds his lightsaber ready to attack[/i] You two out now! [i]Pushes the door open with the force[/i] Run and tell master Yoda or Master Windu!!!
That was freaking great! God I loved that!! Heh....What was Han Solo forzen in? (crowd answere correctly) No No NO The correct answere was Who gives a ****! LMAO!! GReAT!! TOO GOOD!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Ah, so I take it anime_gal15 just forgot to add some things......... Right.......... In any case, girls can't go SSJ.......-.-;;;;;;;;;; [/B][/QUOTE] Alittle sexist now are we?? *laughs* No tis why this is a RPG and not the show ;) Hm...so this RPG may start...also you don't have to have a weapon so don't worry bout it jup
Lalaith: [i]Sits and listens to Yoda speak restelessy[/i] I know what he's gonna say...he's gonna say that we are at war again.... Young Jedi Next to him: What?? Lalaith: [i]looks over at the kid[/i] Oh nothing I'm just saying what a wonderful teacher Master Yoda is...[i]Smiles[/i] Young Jedi: Oh ok...yeah he is great! Lalaith:[i]Nods his head and turns back facing Yoda[/i] Hey...somethings wrong...someone else is in her room...not just her maid...[i]Rubs his lightsaber impatiently not wanting to cause a scene by running out of the meeting[/i] .....I can't let her die...[i]Runs out of the meeting[/i] Mace Windu: And just where are you going Young Lalaith... Lalaith: Uh..to the bathroom master windu....I fear the food didn't fare well with my stomach.... Mace Windu: [i]Laughs[/i] Very well but hurry back... Lalaith: [i]nods and runs off towards the senators room, holding his lightsaber ready to pull it out[/i]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Sits in a tree away from everyone else thinking[/i] What the heck is wrong with me, I can't control myself anymore...[i]Sighs[/i] Father would be very disappointed in me...[i]shakes his head[/i] Well I guess I know I won't adopt her now, some parent I would be.... -
Lalaith: Uh well you see m'lady. Master Obi-Wan has well ran off to somewhere...but I'm sure that I can get the Jedi Council to let me gaurd you for the time being! But right now we have a Jedi meeting [i]Picks up the rest of her bags. Takes them to a room[/i] You will be sleeping here, it is very well fortifed if anything happens at all during the meeting just hit the button on this box[i]Points to a small box conciled by the pillow[/i] But now I must be off. [i]Bows and runs off to the meeting and arrives just as master Yoda begins to speak[/i]
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Runs and clashes swords with the orcs. Carefully gettting them away from Nev so she can run. He fights with anger and rage dodging and striking, dodging and striking dodging and striking. Knowing he won't be able to win he goes beserk.[/i] this [i]Hack[/i] is [i]hack[/i] for [i]hack[/i] everyone [i]Hack[/i] I [i]hack[/i] let [i]hack[/i] DOWN!! [i]Hack[/i] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: What? [i]Looks around trying to see what she saw[/i] Why those little!! [i]Sees Nev being taken away by a group of orcs[/i] I'll kill them all Lauren: Lalaith shhhh!! Lalaith: [i]Remembers his father and despereatly trys to calm down[/i] lets get them they cn't get away with her! -
My algebra teacher is a Math Guru and is sitting there trying to teach us Algebra two when half the kids don't get beggining algebra, and then she gives us those 10 question 1 hour long tests that are a pain in the ***...an miss 3 and your screwed...
Name: Lalaith Ril Good/Evil: Good Jedi Age: 14 Height: 5'3 (short little man I am) Description: Wears a the white Jedi uniform with blonde hair and blue eyes. He starts out with a blue light saber. Master: Mace Windu Bio: Young but rash he has a lot of tallent but sometimes doesn't think through what he does. The Jedi council was hesitant about teaching him, but because of the war they accepted him. He has been striving to prove to them that he can be the best Jedi.
if you won 10000 dollars...what would you buy first?
Sui Generis replied to Raquel's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]me? well... i'd buy silly string...O.o...seriously...it's one of my dreams...i looove silly string...^.^ [/B][/QUOTE] A computer for myself and a pool table!! And then a plane ticket to cananda! I'm coming ova Britty!!