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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. Lalaith: Wow we are stupid! *un-sheaths his sword and concentrates on all movement in the cave* *they come back up to the bridge* lalaith: great its broke more now...how are we gonna get across....*looks around* *Hears a few fant screams from elves* *eyes become full of hate* *runs and jumps over the gap* *starts running down the tunnel*
  2. Supposedly was supposed to start tonight but I guess he start it tommorrow seeing how he isn't on right now, or is he? I dun know...I dun think he is!
  3. Awesome! I can't wait till this thing gets rolling! Yeah anything said is in In Roll not reall life no offense *sweatdrops* --------------------- CONGRATS!! And it was on a star wars sign up!! ^^
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B]many queries basically in the interest of common knowledge and what members would think themselves, anyway what do you think would happen if- 1: Sephiroth or Transtic Nerv left the boards? they've both been here for as long as anybody can remember, wondering around the boards to keep things intact, why I remember the days when Safer was admin and made TN general discussions moderator now those were the days 2: The Yaoi forum was created, would it be popular? non-existant because people just want to please those that wanted it and so said they wanted it too? I personally would love having the yaoi forum and would visit it quite often, for those who know me know that I've been pretty scarce around the boards 3: If thimoc came back? old time members know exactly who he is 4: if big poppa hump, undoubtedly the most hated member in the history of otaku came back thats all for now [/B][/QUOTE] 1) If they left many thing would probably happen. Some may be that we would lose a number of members. Many people I know look up to them, and some only stay because of those two. Anoter thing would be, there would be alot more spamming, with two frequent visitors gone, James would be by himself and would not be able to control the boards as well. (Nothing against James) 2)I think it would be decently popular. Most people here are mature enough to enjoy any art, and I may not be "gay" (no offense) but I would visit there every once in a while. Its a nice little twist to all the well known anime's. :) So yeah I think it wouldn't be like an Otaku Lounge or RPG but it would be pretty popular. 3)Thimoc eh? Well twould be interesting, if he went straigh I think it would be great. But most likely he would prolly get banned within 10 mins of being here, and of course he would be spamming the whole time. :)...it would be nice to have a taste of V2 again :) 4) Shoot him...
  5. Hey Goten mind if I could be your aprentice? Looking to be someone's apprentice (Good guys)
  6. *jaw drops* Jeez I never saw those....nicceewe....O.O...I agree with Sere...
  7. Lalaith: [i] Looks back into the cave[/i] What....what about the others......We gotta go back!
  8. Lalaith: I knew we couldn't trust him! Trelzar! [i]Runs and deflects a blow with his sword, aimed at Trelzar. Hands him a dagger[/i] You're an elf, now hopefully you can fight! [i]Begins slashing the orcs desperatly trying to save the elves.
  9. *claps* Very nice! Thats awesome! See Britty I told you everyone on otaku is better than me at poetry! And this proves it!! ^^ Great poem Sere!
  10. Lalaith: [i]rests his back against the cool hard rock and sits there staring at Ellsa for a moment[/i] Hey no big deal here....but if I'm not mistaken Telzar you, yourself are a half-elf, son of a human woman and the banished Alkimar...am I right?? Telzar: [i]Stares coldy at Lalaith[/i] Lalaith: Next time hold your toungue before you know who you are messing with...[i]Grins[/i] So...[i]Turns back to the king[/i] Will you let us go or not?? King:....
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Well for me today is my last day. Its kinda funny to Everyone I have talked to does not get out untill next week. what about all you guys hre at the otakuboards (That are still in school). I have to go and Take my English and Biology exam today and Then Im checking out. [/B][/QUOTE] I hate you! Lol! I don't get out untill next week!:bawl: Its not fair! Its soo long! This week is going to slow!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]Something I found that the Star Wars guys can appreciate...how to create you own Jedi name!!! [u][i]Jedi First Name[/i][/u] The first 3 letters of your real last name. + The first 2 letters of you real first name. [u][i]Jedi Last Name[/i][/u] The first two letters of you mothers maiden name + The first three letters of your hometown. Voila! Your a Jedi now! For the record I'm Bagja Mosum...geez, that's a weird name...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Wierd....mine is Kelbr Dyove I can't pronounce that if my life depended on it!
  13. I know what you mean Dark, my 'rents are the same way...its freaking annoying!
  14. Lalaith: [i]Decides to tell half the truth and half not[/i] You see kind sir we have heard rumors of many things in this dark time. Things from raiding parties to even Sauron living. Not that we believe or don't believe. We were sent to explore any possibility to any of these rumors being true. We were ambushed by some orcs and were forced into this cave, by chance and might I say good luck we wound up here. We hope we have not caused any trouble and with your permission would hope to leave within today! [i]Bows low and graceful[/i] Lauren:[i]stares blankely at Lalaith[/i] [i]Everyone seeing Lalaith bow follows his example some like the hobbit not so graceful[/i]
  15. Lalaith: [i]rubs his head and groans. Struggling to get up[/i] This just isn't my day....[i]Looks around trying to focus on one thing, hoping his vision will come back, finally as it does he sees Samantha, Abob, and Ellsa talkting[/i] They don't know we're not evil yet so to them we are evil creatures..[i]Rubs his head[/i] Besides it could be alot worse we could be in a smaller room, with spikes on the sides and magic on the bars. Be glad you have something to hoist yourself onto. Would be nice to have windows, least we know what time of day it was.....um...Kind gaurds...do you know the time of day it is? Gaurd: Its alittle bit past lunch of the third day in the second week of Harvest. Lalaith: Harvest? They certainly can't be evil...[i]Rubs his head[/i] This won't be as bad as I expected, maybe they aer even friends with the elves.
  16. Lalaith: [i]Laughs thats true. Begins to slow down a bit, shakes his head. Stumbles slightly[/i] Ellsa: [i]Turns around to see Lalaith slow down and stumble[/i] Lalaith are you ok? Lalaith: [i]Waves his hand.[/i] I'm fine...something...doesn't smell right....anybody else smell it...its making me weak....
  17. Lalaith: [i]In-spite of himself shoots a couple arrows into the water[/i] Think twice before messing with an elf! Lauren: [i]Giggles slightly[/i] Lalaith: What? Lauren: You're pride, I find it funny, that you can be so quiet one day, and be so vocal the next. Lalaith: [i]Smiles sheepishly[/i] Hm...I think we are almost out of here.....[i]Draws his sword[/i] Chances are...something extremely bad will be waiting for us.
  18. Well I told you before but your poems are greta!! I like the Warrior's Justice and Crimson Voices, but you knew that!! *sweatdrops* Anywayz keep writing!
  19. Lalaith: [i]Hears voices fade in and out as he struggles for conciousness. Suddenly the blury images become clear. Coughing he sat up, looking at Lauren. Smiles weakly[/i] What in the world was that thing [i]Coughs[/i] Lauren: We don't know but its safe to say we won't go near the edge again. Lalaith: No kidding [i]Finally re-gains his breath[/i] Who....who went down there and saved me? [i]Everyone looks over to where Abob was coughing[/i] Lalaith: Abob? [i]Walks over to Abob[/i] Thank you, I owe you my life.... ---------------- Lol...romantic indeed...of course I normally ruin those moments ;)
  20. Lalaith: [i]Trys to pull up his sword, but is too slow. The creature grabs his arm and takes him back under water. Lalaith does his best to fight it but he is too weak[/i] AHHH!!!! Help!! Its...[i]glug glug....[/i]
  21. Right how this got to a debate on drugs and addiction don't ask me..... Anywayz I would prolly plant any Japanese tree, or a Rowan Tree....can't decide...
  22. Hm...sounds fun I'll hit it.... Name of Character: Gohan (Um..sorry I lost cable so I dun know what happens there so if I do something wrong sorry bout it!) E-mail: [email]Tony_tiger58@hotmail.com[/email] Current Power Level: 12500
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