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Sui Generis

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Everything posted by Sui Generis

  1. My first music concert was System of a Down, kicked major ***! It was awesome just watch out for the few drunks and such! Um..if your talkign about instrements where you play, don't sweat it its not that hard!
  2. Name: Lalaith Ril Age: 14 Side: Good Jedi Bio: Wears a white cloak, with a white shirt. Personality: He is a very inexperienced Jedi that has strong potential but makes rash decisions, and doesn't always think through. He trys to befriend any Jedi he comes across. He is the apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi Weapon of Choice: Light Saber Vehicle: Naboo Star Fighter
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B] Some how, that comes as no suprise to me... [/B][/QUOTE] For some very odd reason it doesn't suprise me either. I could just see him now.... GET OUT OF THE ROAD!! *crunch* :devil: Thats what you get you annoying little brat!! *someone comes by* Twasn't me!:angel:
  4. Lalaith: No splitting up see what happened last time! [i]Stands there for a second[/i] I don't know why but I say we go to the left.....
  5. Yeah treat her with respect, and be a gentleman. Pay for her food if she lets you, let her choose where to sit, etc. Yeah if you say something stupid its "cute" so I've been told so just be yourself! If she likes you she likes you for YOU not someone you may try to be...
  6. Lalaith: [i]Runs and jumps and lands on the other side with everyone[/i] Hm...[i]Begins cutting the rock apart so that noone can follow them. After he is satisfied he follows[/i] So what now...does anyone know where we are...??[i]Picks Ellsa back on his shoulder[/i]
  7. Yes many annoying people at my school...MANY!! They are all over... Casey: Hi Harry Potter! Bryan: Casey what do you want? Casey: Nothing Harry Potter! Bryan: Casey i don't look like Harry Potter! Casey: Yes you do! You have the scar! You're Harry Potter!! Bryan: *sweatdrops* You couldn't be more annoying if you tried... Casey: Whatever you say Harry Potter.... Bryan: *walks off*
  8. Woah i missed something....Um...whether it was accident or not I not sure, I got in a fight with a kid and punched him in teh rib cage, it pierced one of his lugns but they saved him so he didn't die..
  9. Lalaith: [i]Looks around nervously[/i]Be carefull everyone! NOw pass me Ellsa!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by roxieortatiana [/i] [B]ok. so, even if we do do only what's in our best interest, WHY DOE EVERYONE CRITICIZE US?????????? Other coutries do what's in their best interst ALL THE TIME and their not criticized(MOST OF THE TIME. Yes, there are some times where other courties are criticized, but to me it seems like AMERICA'S the one that's criticized the most)! WHY? oh, and please correct me if i'm wrong on this statement. [/B][/QUOTE] We chose this path. America decided to be the top dog in this world, and the top person in any club,gang, group, army, class, etc. is always put under the microscope. If we wanna be the top then we have to act like the top. Untill then every single mistake we make shall be used against us.
  11. Lalaith: We gotta get out of here! There are too many!! [i] The sound of trolls echo through the cave[/i] Crap....and we gotta get out of here FAST! [i]shifts Ellsa on his shoulder so he can run easier[/i]
  12. Ah yes an Avatar of Woe, I built my deck to be able to destroy that annoying piece of crap! I have a blue and black deck, complete with 4 rain of tears, 4 counter spells, 4 treachory (Love this card), 4 avatar of woes, 3 Morphlings, and some more counter creatures and (forgot what it was called) Destroy target tapped creature....Gotta love that!! Heh yes I have played MTG for about 2 years now..,..I don't have the greatest deck but no where near here really seels MTG...
  13. Monopoly!! I hate it when people take stuff I want and then try and sell it too me for un-heard of ammoutns of money!
  14. Lalaith: [i]Turns his head back to where they came from[/i] The noise it was from the other path! [i]notches an arrow and begins to run towards the batttle[/i]
  15. LOL We had basically the same idea too oh well.... __________________-----------------------_______________
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Sorry, no offense but I dont feel sorry for you. I am glad they are like that. We just had 8 to 10 people come over here on visas to go to school and the used it to learn to fly and take out two of the biggest buildings in america killing loads of innocent people. Age doesnt matter either, there are young 15 16 year old palestinian suicide bombers. I dont think they sould cut people from coming all together but I am glad they are very strict now. Thanks to the wacked Clinton administration just about anyone could walk over here when they felt like it. I doupt seriously you wont kill anyone so keep trying I am sure they are just trying to keep anything bad from happening, thats something yuo will just have to understand. [/B][/QUOTE] This is gonna sounds cruel probably but oh well. GET OVeR IT! We Americans need to get over this! God one of my friends died there but you don't see me feeling sorry for myself. We already got our revenge yet we still attack! We Americans think we are sooo safe off in our own little corner of the world, well guess what we arn't and you know that now! America used to stand for resiliance and a new life, what happened to that dream I don't know. NOw the government are cowards and afraid to do anything! 6 people out of millions....BILlIONS....of people and you stop the rest from coming?! You are a freaking immigrant your self! Everyone in America is except for the Native Americans who I might add the Government treats like crap! So lets see if this makes sense...no immigrants even tho we are, and treat the real Americans like crap. Makes alot of sense to me! Look yes it was a tragedy but it does not justify us from stopping people to come over here! I say he should be alowed! He has nothing in his record that would hint of anything, hell we don't even have the slightest anger/suspistion/fear against New Zealand! Why should he not be accepted?! NOT eveRYONE IS A TERRIOST!!! And besides there are places with terriosim is a daily thing and yet people still go there, we have one terriost attack and noonoe can come over here..... AMEriCA GEt IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS AND LETS STOP FEELING SORRY FOR OURSELVES!
  17. Lalaiths: [i]Listens in dismay as the voices echo through the cave[/i] Oh just great!! [i]A silent thudding begins to ring out through the cave[/i] Oh god no! They know we are here!! We gotta find some place to hide and be able to fight!
  18. Hey thats pretty darn cool! I like it...its book marked!
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B]Well no offence but this post is pointless. This is because It has been proven scientifically that the earth will end when the sun dies out! Plain and simple! If all the units of money merge. Woppie good for the money! [/B][/QUOTE] Thats if A) We humans don't blast this freaking planet to oblivion, B) Don't polute the planet till nothing but Nitrogen is left, or C) Waste all its resources till its a barren wasteland like the Moon. Or space aliens could attack and blow us to smitherians...if ou believe in aliens that is... [QUOTE]Okay...... I have never been more confuised in my life. Char mander char ummm please say that in einglish for me[/QUOTE] What he is saying is they are just saying the possibilites of the world ending before the sun blows up, because of a few religiouse prophecies (Predictions of whats going to occur when something big happens) were fulfilled (in other words the prophecies became true)
  20. Lalaith: [i]Walks slowly behind everyone else looking at every crevice, waiting for orcs to come flying out of no where.[/i] I dun like this at all [i]Shivers[/i] This place gives me the creeps, it just doesn't seem right...
  21. I dun really think its all that near, I mean come on read the bible...the end is always near! The only thing that would make me even think about that is in the bible (used to be a Christian) the Isrealites will finally be at peace with its enemy and Palenstine has always been an enemy so yeah who knows. I mean if it was really gonna end would I care that much?
  22. Lalaith: [i]Sniffs the air[/i] Be..very carefull everyone. [i]The come to a fork[/i] So which way are we going?
  23. Yeah I like Nerdsy's idea of an otaku island!! *grins evily* or I would wish that I owned pizza hut so I could have all the pizza I want, or i would wish for true love *shrugs* prolly the 3rd one!
  24. Lalaith:We'll go south almost southwest for the time being, we wanna be close to the cave opening, but not too close that a patrol of orcs,trolls, goblins whatever could find us...
  25. In my school you are set into a class on how you dress, I am set in between it all, I wear a combination of stuff the only think I don't wear is expensive junk like Ambercrombie and Finch it makes no sense to me why you should spend so much money on clothes when you could get something more usefull for less of a price. Does't make sense to me. But yes our school is very judgemental about our clothes. I wish we could get uniforms..
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