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Everything posted by Sui Generis
Stardust my thinking is, he just doesn't feel right about it. He didn't say he hates you so he could have feelings about you, but I mean he could be going throw an extremely rough time right now, and the last thing he would need is a nother thing to worry about ya know? Or he could just think the whole dating scheme is completly stupid and wants to wait till he is ready, older. Either way respect his decision maybe ask him closer to the end of school and don't pester him about it every day. You will gain more respect that way, and if he has feelings for you at all they should grow. Yeah I am also 14 and ya know dating in MS is completly over rated. Yeah some guys "get some" but why the hell do you wanna "get some" from a 2 cent slut that would do it with an old man if it ment having sex. Call me old fashion but I want my first kiss to be special not to mention having sex. *shrugs* But yeah kids our age may be able to fall in love not likely but may, but I think its just a crush. I mean its all these new emotions for a girl/guy and you don't know what to call them except Love. It may or may not be love, some wish it was and some pray it isn't. I hope it is!
Heh tell me about it...if he could he would prolly steal us all blind...
With rain on my face She walks away and leaves me [b]I cry for vengence[/b]
I think Harlequin is right, its just a big publicity stunt to make him look caring and a trustworthy guy (Polititcs) and heck some taxes get deducted at the same time....Well I'll be damned...sounds like a win win situation to me!
Our school has some computers, not too many tho. Its not that hard to get by a school security system on computers, I did it on accident shut down all the computers for 2 days on accident. Heh....I was just messing around in Computer Demensions, and the next thing I know all the computers go bloop, and that was kinda my fault *gulps* Noone ever found out tho. SO yeah if yoru school is like me, everyones an ididot a two year old could get passed the system!
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith:[i]Releases an arrow[/i] You got to be kidding me! Can't we have a little bit of piece here! [i]notches another arrow and fires it. Then unsheathes his sword and begins fighting with it.[/i] Watch out there are some goblins in this bunch, and when there is one goblin there is a hundred goblins! [i]Notices Lauren still is in shock from Sir Legolas's death and isn't fighitng very well. Moves next to her fighting everyone off for her...looks over to where Abob is[/i] Hey Abob are you gonna be ok? -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B][size=1] Thats right, [just in case someone didn't know] Eminem is coming back with a new CD, I think its called Eminem's Story, I forgot when it comes out though, I heard a few songs from his new CD, it seemed pretty good...I'm probably going to get the CD [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Dear god no. His music is pure hate, and prejudice. His "music" doesn't deserve to be on a CD...even in this society.
WH2 this topic was ment to state smoeone's opinion on a topic, not to bash one another...please reframe from doign this.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Notches a bow[/i] Just in case....so Samantha which way are we going anyway.... -
I think yes he knew that they were giong to attack. I'm sure tons of people knew this. But when is a different story. I mean think about it, after what was happening in the Middle East I expected a terriost attack, but I didn't know when or where. It was 9-11 at WTC, knowing someting is going to happen doesn't do anything for you untill you know when or where or both. Also, it was a huge war before the US entered and I think FDR knew beyound a doubt that we would be propelled into war, one way or another, there was no escaping it. He tried to avoid it, and he did a nice job of it. He did just about everything he could. But noone could ignore Pearl Harbor. I honostly think we suprised Japan and Germany on how quick we joined and re-tailiated. Who knows.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith:[i]nods. walks to every person still asleep and wakes them up[/i] Rise an' shine! We gottta get movin here! Sam: But what about breakfast? Lalaith: We'll have breakfast later, if were lucky! [i]Walks back to Lauren[/i] Everyone is ready Princess Lauren! -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Turns to Abob with a defeated look on his face[/i] It...was noones faul....noone was around him...except that one gaurd...[i]Shakes his head[/i] blaming someone will not help...[i]hugs Lauren then gets up[/i] Avenging will! -
Yeah Roxie you are right there were also work camps besides conncentration camps,and also death camps.....Concentration adn death camps were two different things believe it or not!
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: OH god Lauren I'm sorry! [i]Hugs her. Begins thinking frantically. Lord...Legolas...dead....this is not good.....[/i] i'm sorry Lauren I really am! What can I do? [i]Looks at her with a mixture of sympathy, worry, and hate[/i] Dinner sorry I be back soon.... -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Wakes up slowly as the sun tops the horizon. Notices that Lauren is still awake[/i] Hey Lauren, I'm sorry about last night...really am....you didn't sleep did you? [i]Notices she doesn't look to good. Becomes more aware[/i] Whats wrong? -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: Lauren no! I'm sorry! [i]Notices that she already walked off[/i] Oh....[i]Sighs. Attemping to control his anger....[/i] I need to relax....[i]Pulls out his elven flute and begins to play a song his father taught him. Smiles as he begins to relax a bit[/i] -
Wanna know something completely pathetic that I know.....Harry Truman's middle name is "S" there is no period at the end...funny huh
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: Why do you think something is wrong all the time! Of course somethign is wrong! Why else would I be like this! I'm a freaking desgrace thats whats wrong![i]His face is flushed with anger[/i] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith:[i]His face still wet with tears he sees Lauren. Embarressed by his emotions. He doesn't know what to do. [/i]What? [i]Turns his head acting like he is looking at stuff to conceal his face[/i] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]I think what you are truly saying didn't come out right -- but I agree with everything you said. This point wasn't worded very well -- nobody has the choice of their sex preference. It's not a [i]choice[/i] to be attracted to the opposite sex/same sex -- it just happens. The only choice is whether or not you actually decide to have a relationship with someone that you are attracted to. So yes, gay people come from straight parents (usually)...and straight people can come from gay parents. In the end, it's based on how you're born...not how you were raised or what you were taught.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly James! Thanks! Sorry it didn't come out right *Sweatdrops* but you put it in perfect words. :D And yes sadly but true what TN said is true. Many if not most men find that two lesbians having sex is very exotic and I guess it turns them on, yet no they do not accept it farther than the bed. We have a gay couple (two girls) and yeah the guys get turned on when they kiss....yet un-less they are kissing that are made fun of by the same guys that think its sexy. Its the paradox of guys. don't try to understand em...I'm one and I still don't ;)
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Sui Generis replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lalaith: [i]Stared at Ellsa with a questioning look. His grip on his sword loosens abit and it drops to the ground.[/i] We were out tracking dear, he was teaching me the ways of hunting. My father, was a great man. He could track anyone, and could go somewhere and never leave a mark. He put all his time into teaching me. The one thing he never taught me while he was alive was my own life is only worth the people around me. My father was killed that day. A band of orcs still oblviouse to the defeat of their leader Sauron attacked my father thinking him to be an enemy. We both fought back and held our own...untill he was struck by a poisonouse arrow, just like Abob. Seeing this, seeing that my father could get hurt, I cowered behind a tree...[i]His hands clinch into a fist, while tears began to streak down his face[/i] He trusted me then, urged me to help him....all he needed was the antidote....and while he was talking to me....he was decapitated by an orc. His last words to me were "Be brave son! I trust you"..After he died and after the orcs scattered I knelt down and took his sword....That sword! [i]stares down at his sword[/i]...I lost the only true thing in my life that day. That is my story....[i]Turns his head away as the tears come more freely[/i]He trusted me, and I abonded him....just like Abob trusted Sam....[i]Turns around and picks up his sword. His eyes filled with hate. Trembling he struggles saying anything[/i] I...let....him.....die....I could....have helped...but I was a CoWARD! [i]At the word coward he throws his sword at a tree, the sword goes straight in only the handle showing[/i]I was...a coward...[i]Falls to his knees and looks at the ground...Shakes his head[/i] Emotions.....I'm a fool.....they only get in the way! [i]Stands up, whipes his face, and walks back towards the camp leaving his sword behind[/i] ____________________________ OOC: Hand...cramps...pain....too long! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bluewizard [/i] [B]I have a lot of extreme liberalist friends, and extreme conservative friends. This being my situation, I often find myself bombarded from two sides by political views and here is one that interests me. I am currently leaning against gays in the military/adoption. I want anyone that will to convince me otherwise, or help continue to support this veiw. Heres some reasons against gays in the military/adoption: -If a gay couple adopts, the child is raised in a family without a mother, and mothers play an important role in a childs mind, and also the kid (if male), is then going to grow up to be gay and this deprives them of right of choice. -In the military, gays are liable to violence from other army members, and cause great uncomfortability among straight military men. Segregation of the armed forces would only cause (like in all segregation of schools), an inherent feeling of inferiority among the gay men. [/B][/QUOTE] [b]Gay Adoption[/b]: Personally there is no problem to it. They say that kids in their lives also need a father figure, yet thousands of kids grow up with only their mother and are. Fine....I grew up only with my mother till this year. People saying that two men can't raise a kid are just lying. Now saying that a kid would not have a choice on his sex preference is just wrong. Every kid has a choice of their sex preference. Or else we would all be attracted to the opposite sex. Most likely the two gay men came from a mother and a father, what do you think he had to do, he had to decide, even tho his parents were gay. Just cuz they are gay doesn't mean their kid will be. [b]Gays in the Military[/b]: Not letting a person join the army, because of sexual preference is wrong. Thats denying them honor. Many people including gays think that joining the military is great sign of strenth and honor, but when you take any chance of getting in away from them, you just strip all dignity from them. Also not letting them in points them out like a red flag to all the biggots in this world. Which would cause more problems. Also think of this, if gays arn't allowed in the military if a man/woman doesn't want to join all they have to do is simply say they are gay. I mean whats gonna happen when we have a huge war say WW3 and we need people to fight, but all thats left in our country are gay men and woman, are we just gonna surrender to the enemy even though we have thousands to millions of capable ready bodies? I just don't think its right. [b]Conclusion[/b] So basically what I am saying in both sense is depriving a gay of any of these [i][b]RIGHTS[/i][/b] is just senseless and wrong. It seems our own constitution is under threat again and so is our national anthem...."Land of the [b]Free[/b].' Gays are no different from you or me, thats like saying people who have feet fetishes can't work at a shoe store, or people who like to eat strawberries can't work at a farm. Does that make sense?
YEah well seeing as everyone answered them mainly correctly, I hope we helped! And if any more questions pop up *loooks around the room* All us no lifes would be glad to answere ya!
Definatly version two, has all the memories. All the clans, all the spammers, all the wars. Thimoc. Heh...Don't even have to mention what he did...saying his name is enough. Oh the good ol days! Its when I first really got into the boards. Sure I was there in version one, but I wasn't really active. Version two is when I kicked it ino high gear and got a whol 500 posts....jeez back then that was alot...now we have people in the 4000's *shakes his head* The memories
Name: Lalaith Age:14 Race: Elf Class: Warrior; Archer Weapon: Bow and silver plated dagger Armor:Leather gloves, just a plain tunic, plain leggins, leather bracer Specialized Skill:Hide Diety: Obab Hai Bio: Lalaith was brought up from a long like of archers, and is known by all the elfs as one of the best archers in the world. He also takes pride in his ability to hide. He is more reserved than mort, but will talk once he gets to know you. Description:Wears a green tunic, with green leggins, light brown boots, and he has brown leather cloves. His bracers are also brown. He is 5'2, long silver hair, blue eyes. He is also very nimble.